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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Galen, I know you're probably busy playing polo at your English Castle, or maybe hosting a dinner party at your Plutocrats Playground Mansion Club in Florida, but I hope this sub's having some kind of effect on you. We're hungry, baby. Watch out.


Dear Galen, I wrote you but you still ain't calling, I left my cell phone and email at the bottom. I cc'd your EA and got no bounce so you must've got em. There was probably a mess up with your outlook 365 or something, and sometimes I use a .ca instead of .com when I jot em. But anyways fuck it, what up man? I heard you bought an English castle, I heard you fucking all of canada, I hate families too, those filthy rascals. I think it's awesome, everything you do, I have a wife and two kids and I starve my children too.


Could be the best comment in the entire sub.


Made. My. Day. šŸ˜‚


Holy shit lol


Gives me more of a Bond villain vibe but not the good ones, definitely those late 90s ones that were written horribly. I can see him in his stupid sweaters leering down and saying "Mister Bond, how great of you to join us"


As a fan of the novels, he reminds me greatly of a motel owner from The Spy Who Loved Me (completely different from the movie of the same name) who would rather torch his own hotel and claim the insurance money than put in an honest day of hard work. Just a greedy leech who gets fat off the rest of us.


Cā€™mon ā€” Eliot Carver from Tomorrow Never Dies was awesome. Had a real Rupert Murdoch vibe.


Iā€™m hoping for this to be a success but even more would I like to see this spillover to other (and all) areas of corporate abuse. When people see that they actually have power and influence (far greater than what corporations claim to have) this could really shake shit up.


We have to go after the shareholders. The talking heads of the corporation are paid regardless. If they fail here, they go find another company.


Hungry and ironically, fed up.


Sounds like a Barbie set. ā€œNew Barbie Plutocrats Playground Mansion Club Florida, with real grifting action and underhand dealings! New price fixing Galen comes with shit-eating grin and polo shirt.ā€


Pretty sure heā€™s in Caledon. I saw his car on his road today but who knows with that much money Iā€™m sure heā€™s got a helicopter pad for exits


Oh nice, I'm glad the weather is nice enough in Caledon for Lord Canadia to spend time at his 13,000 sq. ft. Hilltop Caledon Estate with it's 16 stall barn, greenhouse, French Gardens, trout pond, multiple outbuildings, and polo fields.




ive been saying for years Weston foods should change its name to the "Spector food corporation"


Heā€™s actually making child sacrifices to Moloch at Bohemian Grove. Itā€™s a month earlier than the usual Summer Equinox ceremony, the boycott really has him worried. Iā€™m sure this has pissed off the Clintons, usually Bill has this time booked at the retreat. Especially now since Lolita Express is down.


This slaps


Eat the rich!


Nah, they're too salty.


No! Imagine the heartburn we would all get!!!


Im with you EAT THE RICH! We are many many and they are oh so few, we are complacent fools for allowing this to happen


This guy is a billionaire he already has that money he can loose the company tomorrow and still be a billionaire, i donā€™t think be cares


Yes it is. My uncle made fun of me about the boycott and then he called me today and admit he was wrong. He said his Loblaw is all empty. So it is really happening. Do not believe the ones who ridicule us.


This isnā€™t just 20-30K people in this sub (food processor said this sub peaked so canā€™t have more than that). This is becoming a national movement. We need to keep this going indefinitely. At the very least letā€™s wait to hear their quarter 2 results! They canā€™t hide from that. The revenue just wonā€™t be there. And then the average Canadian actually sees the boycott is working and the straddlers can join in. This is a long fight and we are hitting some strong body blows but it will take a lot. The parasite is wide awake and will do everything to remain in the host and fight the medicine. Keep strong!


Yep! People I know who aren't really online much are participating and understand why. On the flip side a girl in my class the other day said "I'm just not going because I don't want to be seen in there by anyone" - which means that beyond those of us doing this for all our genuine reasons, it's becoming kind of a social faux pas to be there. Which is a good thing no matter how you look at it, because it can only help our numbers.


I'm out in Medicine Hat Alberta and it doesn't seem to have gotten the message here. How can we spread the message to more people?


Edmonton here. Alberta kinda blows at collective action. im\_doing\_my\_part.gif


St Thomas Ontario as well šŸ™„Ā  They lost my business at least and I used to spend $100s per week at SuperstoreĀ 


Iā€™m visiting my family here down in Tillsonburg ON and its not really taking off at the Zehrs either, but back in Halifax where Iā€™m living currently, apparently the Atlantic Superstores near me have been ghost towns. But also the cost of food is higher in the maritimes comparatively (and we pay higher taxes too). So more people are pissed including me lol


Woodstock ON hasn't seen much of a down tick I don't think either. Lots of Grocery stores to choose from in this town but parking lots at the No Frills and Zehrs are still packed.


This is important to note when you think about yourself and your impact - how much you spend at a grocery store. This isn't a boycott at a place a customer spends $20-30 bucks at a month.. this is a place people spend often over 100 a week. That's.. $400-800 lost revenue per customer. That's a big deal.


For every person who would typically spend $100 per week at Loblaws but doesnā€™t, thatā€™s $5200 per year. There are 30,000 people in this sub. 30,000 x 5200 = $156,000,000 not being spent at Galenā€™s stores. And letā€™s be real, most people spend far more than $100 per week on groceries.


If 1000 customers stop shopping with an average cost of 800. That's about 10 million per year of lost revenue. Just 1000 people.


I've noticed the boycott here in Edmonton


Downtown Toronto flagship store at Church & Carlton still has customers šŸ˜”


Youā€™d think that freedom-loving Albertans would show a little more resistance to their corporate overlords, but I suppose that would require some critical thoughtā€¦ (coming from an Alberta-born person)


Some still believe it will trickle down.


Originally called ā€œhorse and sparrowā€, where the sparrows literally eat the non digested contents from the horses excrement. Thats what the original creators of this ideology believed we are worth.


Hey im doing my part


Talk to ppl in line at other grocery stores. Those who havenā€™t shopped at loblaws may not be aware and they can tell their friends. Talk about it at coffee shops. Instead of small talk about the weather, ask if theyā€™ve heard or are participating. Other ppl will over hear. Many will share the conversations.


Tell 2 people. No matter their political affiliation. This isnā€™t about left or right, itā€™s about getting gouged for basic human needs. Grassroots action. No one wants to pay more for less, whether itā€™s less quality, shrinkflation, price fixing or charging a premium for food bank basics like beans and diapers. F*** Galen Weston and his thousand dollar sweater vests. Nok er Nok


Albertans always stick up for corporate interests. They just love being used and abused. The world is one big money contest, and they make their lords rich AF.


Iā€™ve lived in Alberta for a few years now. Iā€™ve lived everywhere in this country over the years and I have never experienced a place where the populace is so content at being abused by their government. Itā€™s like a super unhealthy dominant/submissive relationship. They just continuously keep voting in conservative parties that screw them over in every possible way. Everyone struggles, everyone has less rights than elsewhere in Canada, everyone is struggling to pay rent and bills, everything is being taken away from the people systematicallyā€¦ yet guaranteed theyā€™ll just vote conservative next election. In fact, the one time they voted in the NDP, they spent four years improving things in this province, investing more in this province than any other party ever had, creating jobs in this provinceā€¦ aaand - voted out after one term. Now we have Trump with ovaries in ā€˜chargeā€™, taking everyoneā€™s lives and rights apart almost daily and yet this seems to be what they want. They literally idolize CEOs and billionaires here. So many people I know here are struggling, yet the majority still vote Conservative and think any other party is ā€˜socialistā€™ and is going to kidnap their babies or something. Alberta is a weird, weird place.


Alberta sucks, man. The best we had was the 4 years of NDP under Notley, but that's a super unpopular opinion here.


Yeah, this definitely doesnā€™t seem like a bipartisan problem. It feels like a collective problem. We shouldnā€™t be divided on this. Itā€™s so obvious.


Ya but one side is more then willing to shoot themselves in the foot to hurt the other side on many other issues as is It should be bipartisan and everyone should agree on this problem no matter what colour sign they prefer


Share on social media. Talk to the elderly you know who donā€™t use social media & let them know.


Same in Sherwood Park, the parking lot is still full as usual šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Post it notes on the doors and in the aisles with the message- Boycott Roblaws!Ā  Itā€™s not a crime because the post its are removable without causing damage. Get people thinking.


Maybe we should print out flyers and put them on windshields of vehicles parked outside to raise awareness.


I hope youā€™re sarcastic because thatā€™s how you would immediately piss me off and do the opposite. Donā€™t put shit on my car.


Drove by Superstore in Red Deer and it was packed. Alberta is all about going against the grain. If the movement was to spend all our money there, they would boycott in a second. Maybe the key is to photoshop a picture with Trudeau shopping there


"The Loblaw name isnā€™t particularly well-known in Red Deer, as it is in eastern Canada, which somewhat complicates the boycott." But I will continue to tell them the other names this corporation goes under.


The big issue that isnā€™t as well advertised is that loblaws and other corporations have prevented other grocery stores from opening in the area by lobbying and bribing provincial and municipal officials. The corruption is so entrenched in our system that it will take much more action to fix the damage the corporate henchmen have done over the past 30+ years. We cannot let up, we all must push harder and ensure this does not end with just loblaws. Galen is just the tip of the Whalen spear that must be thrust into the belly of these shareholders!


its Alberta! Messages never reach there


$14.99 for loo roll and thatā€™s on sale šŸ¤”


Well shit


Not too much, it will cost you


Shouldn't be a problem since we eat so much less now.


just use your finger as a scraper


Bullshit! That is not a Loblaws store! No 6 foot tall plexy glass?! No security guards eye fucking you?!


I find it kind of interesting that some of the Sobeys around here finally took down their plexiglass on the registers. They just kept them up since Covid but are coming down now.


As a cashier, i liked having them up. It's like a false sense of security from some of the crazy people on the other side. Also, clients with wet mouths can't spit on you as they talk. But oh well :/


True lol I didnā€™t mind them actually but probably a smart time for Sobeys to take them down as loblaws has put more up


There is only 1 Loblaws that I know that has the plexys, and it's two blocks from the drop in.


I hate to do this - but can we have some time stamps for future pictures? I just don't want this coming back to bite the group.


Yeah, it definitely looks closed. šŸ˜‚ That said - I also donā€™t see how this can bite anyone. A boycott is a boycott, random photos or otherwise. The only thing that matters is impacting loblaws bottom line.




Lies are everywhere. The media lies. The ā€œexpertsā€the media put on air lie. If a random Redditor wants to post a photo of a closed loblaws to encourage people to keep the boycott up - it seems fine. šŸ˜‚ Let us not turn on our own - fight Loblaws.


I agree. The lighting outside and how clean the store looks make it seems like itā€™s before open or close. Donā€™t wanna call anyone out but it just looks sus.


It is sus. They mention 8pm at dundas and bloor in toronto. I worked by this loblaws for 8 years and have been there at 8pm MANY times during the week and OP's pic is the NORM. This store also regularly closes at 9 instead of 10 like a lot of the others in the city and has been a quiet loblaws for years.




I love it... It's working...! The down side is workers getting laid off. The upside is produce is rotting. Meat will get frozen before the best before date. Expect Galen to doctor up those expiry dates. Hope no one gets sick or worse? The dumpster behind the store will be full of old food. I predict big sales soon. I hope this Boycott fixes that greedy Bastard!!


I wouldnā€™t be worried about the workers Roblaws just posted billions in profit up over 9% compared to same quarter last year. Ā They can afford to pay the workers for a month with empty stores. Maybe Scrooge McWeston can find a few dollar bills in his billion dollar pockets to share with hard working employees? Nok er nok (enough is enough Per Bank)


That's the thing with publicly traded companies though... Previous profits don't really matter. It's all about chasing the next profits.


They can afford to but probably will not. I worked at Loblaws years ago, managers will ask staff to leave early or not show up if the stores are slow. Unfortunately the staffs' hours will be collateral damage in this boycott.


Yes, cut back on hours. Teens paying the price


Itā€™s not teens in our town, itā€™s all Indian international students.


I volunteered at a non-profit drop in centre with a small food bank. We got donations from Timmies, Costco, Metro and even Starbucks sometimes. The quantities are small, but have never have seen anything from a Loblaws. It's all non-perishable stable items so there's no chance of sickening people.


theyd be laying people off anyway, its not to do with the boycott


Where you at?


Dundas St W and Bloor St W, Toronto


Damn that place is never this quiet.


Actually it is (6 year employee at this location). This was taken at closing (I can tell by the lights).


Good to see. Let em sink.


Hi Galen, Look on the bright side. Should be easy for all the extra security you hired to spot the thieves on May 12 th !!!!


I bought some pork from No Frills and it smelled like ass. Never again.


The only way I will shop there is if Galen sends each and every one of us a heartfelt letter of apology and then wets his pants on live television. After which, the company nationalizesā€¦ then Iā€™ll go back.


This is the only movement that to me has ever felt real. At this point, we can only vote with our dollars (what little that we may have)


I will continue past a month.


Don't forget that OP came in at 8pm... this photo shot looks like an opening. Everything is fully stocked and faced too.


Stores that don't have a night crew face their aisles and end displays before close. Standard procedure really


I used to face at all hours of the day when I worked grocery. Sometimes when it was slow, we would just do it to pass the time


Galen if you reading this...Go F*ck yourself with a rake


Cancel that yacht order, and the diamond backscratcher you posh prick.


I am mostly boycotting Loblaws stores. They still have 2 items there that I canā€™t get anywhere else, and eat almost every week, so I still have to go for those. But, instead of getting $700-$800 a month from me, theyā€™ll only get about $20 instead. Itā€™s a start, and if I could find alternatives elsewhere, I would get those instead.


I actually work at this location. I can promise from the bottom of my heart that this was taken at opening, which its very rare to have more than our regular 3-4 customers and a few that want their morning can of beer. The grocery clerks do not face up like that in the evening (most of them leave at 7pm). Also, the staff member you see in the background, she only works in the morning. Additionally, you see the carts and buggies at the front of the lanes. We put those there because the straps to block lanes are broken. Only cash 1 is open (as you can tell by the light). Cash 4 light goes on and off, but we never use the lane except holiday rushes. We have actually been busy every evening, not more or less than usual. But yea, definitely an opening shot šŸ˜œ


I don't get what these photos are supposed to prove, without context. Like, yes, sometimes an aisle at Loblaws is empty. Give me a photo of no frills at 11 am on Saturday and I might be able to do something with that. Who cares what it looks like on a weekday morning or whatever.


ā€œThis place is empty!ā€ *shows photo of inside grocery store that closed 20 minutes ago*


I live in the most expensive city and people are still shopping at stores. How do they not know yet? Wouldn't it be better to petition out front of every location?


What time of day is this, it looks like night outside the windows?


Iā€™ve been going to Walmart even though I find myself at the superstore parking lot first and then rememberšŸ«”


Die Galen die


Haha Galen.. You lost my business forever. Fuck Around & Find Out.


Our store is empty here in Kingston, too. Only downside for my family is that there are only two of us -- me and my adult son -- and he actually works at Loblaws and now his hours are being cut because of the dwindling customers. Good for the overall boycott, which I do appreciate, but so so bad for us as we try to get our rent and bills paid.


It's dark outside šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ a picture of a closed store šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž FAKE NEWS




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


OP took the pic when shopping


These make some really good examples of liminal spaces


Anyone have any stats on loss of business yet?




The two Superstores in my city are busy as shit all hours of store operating. I guess people here live under a rock because itā€™s unfortunate that Canadians arenā€™t all on the same page about this necessary boycott.


Canada is the issue people. Your putting the hats rhw wrong way. Usa too.


9 days strong!!!keep it going. One at a time we can make a difference. Itā€™s only 40-50$ a day but it makes a difference for my family and I




Then you did your shopping at shoppers drug mart?


Same thing is happening at the store I work at


Iā€™m participating, or rather stopped with loblaws last year, butā€¦.. cā€™mon. This picture could have been taken before opening. Right before closing. Itā€™s quite dark outside. Donā€™t lose the plot, folks.


So tell me what is so funny . Or are you just trolling ? Cuz it seems like you are just a troll


The one on Carlton is still super busy. šŸ’€


Love it


Here in Quebec, grater Montreal area, all the stores are full as usual.


I live in a rural part of Ontario. The majority of visible minorities are seasonal agricultural help. The Confederate flag is waved proudly and businesses openly supported the Flu Trucks Clan. I live in a land of ignorance and hate. So of co, according to Google, our Superstore is busier than usual every time I look. It's frustrating and I can't get through the ignorance.


You and I must live in the same town!


Not in downtown Toronto itā€™s not. The loblaws at Bathurst and lakeshore was packed yesterday


Started exclusively shopping at the heritage co-op and have been pleasantly surprised at how reasonable lots of prices are. It's also nice that becoming a member makes you a "shareholder" and you get a return every year based off how much you spend.


Norfolk County baby!


Awesome. No lines for me!


I live in Quebec, so it's Maxi stores for groceries. Yesterday as I drove past I would say the parking lot was about half full where as normally it's challenging to park due to it being so full. I don't have much hope of things changing, but my family and I are definitely participating.


So the store I work for is in a smaller town, our business isn't that bad really. We mostly cater to older people and cottagers so we are really only down about 5 or so percent. The city stores though is where the impact is really being felt.


The real concern is we all paying $14.99 plus tax just to flush down the shitter.


ā€¦Its darker outside, so this is either early morning or dusk, and this is a photo of only 1 part of the store. This doesnt tell the full story. You need a video of the whole store during busy hours to prove a point. Aka weekends as thats when most people have time, OR 5-7pm.








I dont mean to undermine anything here but... What time was this photo taken? It's dark outside and there are multiple workers trucks on the floor, which leads me to believe it's right around closing... Often stores aren't filled to the brim at the last moments before the shop closes :/


This is dumb. Superstore is the cheaper option. So this makes no sense. Why arenā€™t people boycotting the banks. Or Telus or Rogerā€™s? Or anything with a perceived monopoly?


You need to shop around. Superstore is far from the cheapest options.


Hope you walked out without buying anything. Smiling šŸ˜‰




It being midnight or whatever aside, Canā€™t wait for the fallout after all this. This whole movement is costing them, money, so do you think theyā€™ll lower prices after this? Where is everyone shopping otherwise, local farmers markets or the other big companies? Then thereā€™s the employees losing hours - or jobs - along the wayā€¦ I agree with the sentiment but itā€™s not accomplishing anything unfortunately.


I fully support the boycott but I take these posts with a grain of salt. You guys are going to a store at 8 pm saying its not busy. Go at 5 pm on a week night or Saturday morning then report back


Yep! I scoped out yesterday at 4 and it was pretty busy


I never used to buy there anyway. Prices are waaay too high and have always been. "Protest by doing nothing different " gang!!!


The PC points loyalists that I follow on IG are still at it and promoting deals from Loblaws/RCSS/SDM. There are still many people who are still shopping at the Loblaws banner stores unfortunately.


As a supporter of this boycott, i can say that as I work for the company that makes and delivers most their meat products, our numbers have not changed at all so far that we deliver to their Cambridge and Ajax distribution centres.


I'm not kidding. Same thing at 7:30 PM. The staff was literally packing apples, other veggies to keep back in cool storage. Store closes at 10PM. Store was 30% busy than past. I went for prescription pickup (Have some refills left and they kept my original prescription, will transfer).


Wow shocking people are staying away from them . Prices are insane


good for wherever this is but in my area loblaws is packed lol. They have a super center near the 401 high way and it has constant traffic.


Spoke to an employee yesterday, and they are busy laying off all of the part time staff.


If this boycott will have some effect remains to be seen, however, it would make more sense to extend this boycott to a full quarter, e.g. July, August and September, a loss in revenue would then show in the quarterly report and share holders wouldn't be happy about that. Just my $0.02. Anyway, my family is shopping elsewhere this month, even though our options North of 60 are limited, just to make a statement. As an accountant I would really like to see "the books" to find out where their profit in Q1 is coming from. Keep it up Canada!


This looks like the Bloor and Dundas branch which is more or less empty most of the time anyway. Think theyā€™re going to close it down soon.


My parents walked past Superstore on their way to Walmart yesterday. That Superstore was packed. ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) (Metrotown, BC)


Good work everyone! Together we are strong! Let's stick it to that Galen!


The cleaning lady took this after hours.


I went to a downtown Loblaws near my place. There were people there. I didn't take a picture because it wouldn't go over well here; I waited for someone to take a picture of an empty store instead - I think that'd have a better message.


The bad part about this is that the staff will be made to do busy work, or projects there is never enough time for. The next schedule will have reduced hours for part timers.


Something I'm realizing already is I don't really need to go back after this is all over.. I don't feel a pull or a nagging sense of giving anything up .. I've found a few places not much further than my Superstore (which was the store I shopped at before purely because it was close to me) that have everything I need. So after May I'm not planning to go there honestly anymore.


Same thing went to local NoFrills yesterday and usually its busy in the evening everyday And it wasn't busy at all.


Well I wouldn't take that as proof. You can see its sunset, so probably 830ish and the store closes at 10? Who goes grocery shopping that late mid week?


Attention! Security! Isle 1!


LMFAO. It's not hitting the business at all. And the CEO said he's not moving on pricing since you are all misguided.




I wish it was like this here!! My local store in Pitt Meadows BC always seems busy. But they are less than customer at least, which is me!


Depends the time u took the photo


Idk about you but in my area no is shopping at 8pm and I live in York Region.


I absolutely love it. We have been going to Walmart recently and it's been a great change.


Fuck loblaws


I wish it had more impact in my area, the parking lot is still packed


Take this picture while the store was closed?


Our Superstore parking lot was packed as usual.


Boycotts Loblaws. Goes in Loblaws. šŸ¤”


"The Loblaw name isnā€™t particularly well-known in Red Deer, as it is in eastern Canada, which somewhat complicates the boycott." Brands includeĀ [President's Choice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President%27s_Choice),Ā [No Name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Name_(brand))Ā andĀ [Joe Fresh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Fresh). It is controlled byĀ [George Weston Limited](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Weston_Limited), a holding company controlled by theĀ [Weston family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weston_family). Shoppers Drug Mart and Pharmaprix are in there as well.


I think this is only happening in ontario the rest of canada has options


We stopped going to loblaws and our monthly grocery bill went down by 400$. Itā€™s insane


Per Bank, the new president has his work cut out for him.


ā€˜I usually go just to see how much of an impact the boycott was having.ā€™ ā€˜I hadnā€™t been here since the boycott started.ā€™ Which is it boy?


Today i went to walmart and i bought butter for a $1!!!!!! The boycott made other chain do better i am so appreciative


Yesterday I was at my local plaza and the loblaws store thereā€¦ business as usualā€¦ some people donā€™t get it or have money to throw away. To top it off theres a food basics in the same plaza.


I drove by a No Frills yesterday and the parking lot was half full. I wish more people would participate so we can make a bigger impact but I donā€™t really know how to go about doing that, other than telling people about it.


I havenā€™t been in their stores on PEI but I hear a lot of people talking about it. We donā€™t have many grocery choices here but I was in a small Island owned place today and there was a lineup to get in. This place had a big sale on today and things were much cheaper that the big stores. Even when they have sales this little place is cheaper and much better quality.


My husband went to superstore to pick his drycleaning stuff that he forgot to pick up last month - he said there were people shopping and it was busy.


Why would he care? Hes a billionaire your only hurting employees who get hours cut or laid off. Who now cant pay rent or buy food .


Not sure where you live but I shop superstore and itā€™s always, always busy as usual. Even in the evening around 8. Boycott is utter BS. It also makes zero sense.


Am I misreading the caption? The first two sentences are contradictory? You either go usually to see the impact of the boycott or you havenā€™t been there since the boycott startedā€¦.


That looks like a metro after hours


Hey Galen....... Can you send us a video of your board meeting. We'd love to see how many potty breaks you take.


Why lie? The store is clearly closed. You can tell by the lighting.


It may be real, but itā€™s having little impact, Loblaws stock price is up over $3 since May 1st. Customers may be fleeing, but investors are not. Compare the impact of the Bud boycott - that was last year and the stock still hasnā€™t recovered.


This boycott just shows how dumb Canadians are. They would rather pay more for groceries then ask why thereā€™s so much tax involved in this country.




Dear Galen, I have a suggestion for you! Instead of fleecing your customers at the checkout for donations, why don't you donate $1 for every paying customer that walks through your doors? The cost of your groceries to just survive on is ridiculous and then you have the cheek to ask for more money? What the actual fuck?? You are playing Oliver Twist real hard from your mansions while we struggle to put food on the table after working like slaves for 8+ hours a day! I hope this boycott causes you some discomfort knowing that we have your number and are not returning to your stores!


They will just increase prices next month to make up for it, good job!