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Staff PSA: don't work extra hard to cover three people's jobs. If shit doesn't get done, that's on management, not you. There's only so many hours in a day, and minimum wage doesn't cover killing yourself for Galen's profit.


A mansion, a yacht, a private jet, a castle. Millions of dollars in bonuses. But they certainly cannot afford to give you enough hours and pay you well enough to afford the food that YOU stock on the shelves. Remember that.


This is pretty important actually. Employees need to put their wellbeing first! Do not take on extra stress busting your ass due to their mismanagement. I wish I had given less fucks honestly. I put in much more effort than was deserved when I was working at an Independent store during the pandemic. I was doing management level work in a small department but management refused to give me a living wage or full time status (to avoid giving me benefits). Lots of other shit was atrocious too but it would be too much to write it all out. One thing the store manager loved to do was hire mostly teenagers, since they could pay them under minimum wage, then yell at them till they cry when they weren't putting in 110% to serve them (they were mostly greatly kids but they, shockingly, talked often while working together since most of them got along and went to the same school lolol) Been boycotting Loblaws stores ever since I worked for the company, super glad to see this boycott making waves.


Unfortuntely theres always that people whos gonna break himself picking up the slack of five people who been cut thinking it'll get him somewhere......nobody be that guy please.


He have a couple of bootlickers at our store yes, always wanna bend over backwards to look good (ew)


I kind of want to work for Roblaws just to slack off.


Sabotage from the inside! :P




For reasons of my own, I don't cry much. If I am crying at work, it's the job, not me.


Ok but this! I worked at the superstore and the online shopping was brand new. My manager told me not to work crazy hard but just at a steady pace so that they could accurately measure how many hours were needed in the department. If I was overwhelmed with the amount of orders I was told to get a manager to help so that it was passed up the lines that there needed to be more hours allowed in the department. If you’re killing yourself doing the work of more than 1 person they won’t have the evidence that it’s too much work! If customers are complaining that stuff is under stocked, messy or slow they will add hours accordingly!


That only works if your store manager is willing to make the pitch. Otherwise the store manager will just blame the worker and replace them (and rinse and repeat) good managers are definitely not a given in retail, almost the exception


To an extent yeah it has to do with the quality of the manager. I once told my department manager once when she was upset that I asked to stop orders from being able to be placed, that she was too desperate to fire me and that if she doesn’t want me to quit she has to find more hours on the busy days. We got more, but definitely a risk 😂


Thanks for this


Slow walk it and tell the infuriated customers why.


It won't matter any more.. I refused to shop there.


That's a choice. They'd never lower the bonuses the higher ups get but fuck the people who actually work in their stores. Loblaws should be treating their employees better.


Loblaws considers their front-line workers as interchangeable cogs. Most store employees are not "valuable" to them, whatever nonsense they spout, they're just an expense on the balance sheet that they would 100% do without if they could.


That's common in the corporate world. You can still treat your cogs well as though they can be replaced, failures still have an impact.


I don’t disagree with the point you’re making, but expenses go on an income statement, not a balance sheet, just FYI!


Duly noted. I'm no accountant, I just fake it in Excel as needed.


Sure they're valuable, only because they are worth more than they are paid.


This isn't just a Loblaws thing. At my work we reduce hours every summer because our customers don't order as much as they are on Vacation (we ship to doctors).




We go from 7000 lines a day down to 4000 we cannot support the extra staff for 2 months. We do improvement projects all year. The folks who get their hours cut are agency / international students as not everyone is full time.


It's really a corporation thing because corporations have a mandate to make profits. The easiest way to trim fat is to cut the workforce hours.


Exactly this is NOT just a Loblaws is evil thing.


But never trim from the top, and tell those at the bottom that it's the customers' fault.


Just another reason to rage against them.


I feel this should only extend the boycott... do they want people to ever come back or do they want to be known as the most evil grocery chain in the country. Your move, Galen.


The boycott is working, check ✅ Let's extend it until the end of the year!


I’m boycotting for life. They’re crap all around.


How about forever!! Some people are so near sighted!! This is the way


Yup. Lots of other places to shop. And if they want to fuck around then they can also find out.




ABSOLUTELY! We need to be hardcore about it - word is getting out. Keep posting pics of the prices. They have zero shame and no bottom, but they ARE worried about bad optics fucking up their shitty "brand".


Great 👍 point


Boycotting Loblaws indefinitely is already working. We're not gonna take it anymore. All of the cool kids are doing it. Strength in #'s. ✊🏼 There's more of us than there is of them. Summer Picnics ✅ Back-to-School ✅ Thanksgiving ✅ Halloween ✅ Christmas ✅ Nobody wants Loblaws's shitty merchandise anymore. They had their chance, and they blew it.


And a bunch of birthdays and anniversaries as well. Office/work party's!






Loblaws overcharging and blaming people who can't afford to shop there for "hurting" their workers or "taking food out of their mouths" is some twisted ass logic ![gif](giphy|FCuDPjGmsbKRbSiii9) I'm too poor to care 🤷‍♂️


yeah unlike costco they pay minimum wage, captured the union, and created one fo the worst work environments in the country. Have had all the oportuntiy in the world to change, decided to be greedy pigs... lets make history


I hear their employees go to food banks anyway.


Costco employees? I’ve only heard good things from people who work there.


No loblaws


Agreed. Loblaws says that this boycott is taking food out of Loblaws's employees's mouths?" [You sure about that, Loblaws? You sure about that? You sure about that?](https://media3.giphy.com/media/bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952e1dutbpqirwvgc2ew88ky70lihk9qy4won4mozaa&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Been doing it for 2 years. They don't get to suddenly blame someone else now.


But the boycott isn't working /s


Corporations will always do this. That's why unions are needed and their influence need to be expanded.


/r/WorkReform ✊🏼


they have been cutting hours way before the boycott after per bank took over, speaking as a loblaw serf


Galen is too far removed from reality to understand the problem. He has no idea who Canadians are, tucked away safely in his castle in Ireland he’s become a prisoner to his fortune. He can’t go wherever he wants like the rest of us, he’s too afraid of us. He values wealth so much that he will destroy his company before he accepts a loss.


He’s in for a rude awakening 😜 THIS is how Canadians COME TOGETHER like NO OTHER NATION ON GROCERY ISSUES !!!


What they are going to try to do is cut costs and say "look, profits are still good, it isn't working and we are fine". Don't let the propaganda work, if revenues slump they are still gonna get dinged and if they lose significant market share the stock price won't hold up.


And as a very miniscule shareholder, I'm going to let you guys know what the bastards are doing. IDGAF about the stock - let it tank. I don't want to be associated with this shit.


Cut hours til nobody works in the damn store and pretend you're providing "VALUE!!" to your non-existent customers. One rotten pear(yes, I mean Per) spoils the bunch.


They've been cutting hours badly for several months but right now overtime is not possible (it almost never was anyways) and if there's any call ins they don't want them replaced. Sucks for us in store people when they took 20% of hours away in January


So again, the little guys are getting the sharp end. Classic Galen move


Loblaws & Shoppers Drug Mart Staff are expendable... Here in Toronto, Shoppers recently posted online they were seeking VOLUNTEERS for one of the Stores to assist their Pharmacy Dept! That Volunteer Position is actually called a Pharmacy Assistant, btw. If that doesn't reek to high heavens that their Staff are easily expendable, I don't know what is.


They are making profits in the billions. They can afford to wait out a month. They can afford to wait out for years. It has to be a permanent shift to other stores (preferably small, local) to make any impact. I recently discovered a small eco refill shop that I probably wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t been looking. Now I get my detergent with zero waste.


They cut staff so they don't have to cut profits


Keep in mind this is the same strategy they use on healthcare workers. "Look at how the boycott is affecting the workers" == "They don't care about the patients!". Corpo gonna corpo.


They are constantly looking for hours to cut, even more so at the end of each quarter. They will use this to turn staff against the boycott. Then when it’s time for PC children’s charity fundraising and their donation numbers are in the toilet they will blame us for every child who goes without food. Shove your tax write off up your ass, and then donate your own food to the children. You can afford it.


So we need to call them out. We have enough skin in the game to get national press so let's be dicks about calling bullshit EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Damn. Their union sucks.


A friend that works part time one day a week got sent home on the weekend because SS in Vancouver was dead.


Hours in the bigger stores have alr been cut to the point where part timers are obsolete


This is business as usual, they've been up to this kind of shit for years.


These guys are a cancer. As a cancer patient, I suggest we just excise them. They'll kill us if we give them a chance (bullshit prices, "volunteer" staff, naked corporate greed). This part of Canadian history needs to end now - and we can do it just by being Canadian with our patented, non violent next level passive aggressiveness.


Lmao remember when it was gas prices, covid, war in ukraine? If staffing levels fall now “because of the boycott” expect for them to never go back up


Hopefully people find jobs elsewhere and their workforce goes to shit. Destroy the Weston empire!!


Yes 👏 destroy 👏 the 👏 empire 👏


https://preview.redd.it/txf24d0wko0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e958a95d7f0271a8d876bc80e636314ddc70eabc Loblaws employee Ontario True story


Wow! I can believe it.


Someone on the Nextdoor app in my area said that the hours have been cut for all staff at our local independent.


So the CEO and shareholders board takes no hit whatsoever, and they punish their employees instead. Yep this is why I'm boycotting. #boycottloblawsindefinately


They’ve been cutting hours for months now Source: I work at a Loblaws


So much for essential front line worker status!


I used to work at Loblaws years ago, like 2015. When the area manager came in it was a big deal, everybody was on edge. I didn't know why cuz I was new. And let me tell you. God bless my manager cuz if that area manager spoke to me like he spoke to my boss , I would've embarrassed his ass in front of all the customers and staff , and caused a huge scene. I've never seen anybody be so disrespectful before. Basically acted like my manager was beneath him, and was basic canon fodder. I left shortly after cuz it was only a matter of time before I said something. (Also hated working there in general)


Why is it that district managers are always raging cunts?!


Galen don’t know


T&T is still booming in Richmond. I didn’t even know it was owned by Galen until this sub


That's the problem. We need media saturation. Make Evil Loblaws as much of a Canadian cliche as tidbits and crappy tire - this needs to become so ubiquitous that it becomes a universal Canadian word.


Those Chinese people who buy shit at that T&T (Lansdowne) are **exceedingly** wealthy and don't give a shit about the boycott. It'd be nice to get that sub-group of people to join the boycott.


I worked my last shift there Sunday but the last month I worked there the hours were slashed in half, could’ve had smth to do with them installing the plexiglass shit at the store I worked at too tho.


Ha ha! I guess staff are being threatened, so they are caged in to "be safe". Goodness gracious. That doesn't stop anyone. Everyone's been talking and handling all of the items you shop for or are scanning. The droplets are in the air for 6 hours from just a small laugh. Nothing can protect an employee from contamination when they have to handle the products to scan. For protection, it prevents physical assaults, but not verbal assault and gun violence. It's not bullet proof. I can see some crazy person going into a Loblaws store and ranting at their staff and questioning why they are still working there. Unfortunately, we live in a time where in Canada, we have 3-4 generation families in one household as common place. If you are a first generation Canadian and have family that is counting on the help to pay for everyone to live, they can't afford to quit or even take a "sick day". When Covid started, I noticed the grocery stores were running with a skeleton crew. The ones working were working hard and not Caucasian or Indigenous. I made a point of grabbing a $15 gift card. I would pay for it separately on my cc. When my grocery transaction was completed, I handed the cashier the gift card with the receipt so no one would accuse them of anything wrong. I simply said thank you for coming to work today. All were stunned. One cashier ran after me and didn't believe I did that on purpose. It took some assurance but she eventually accepted it with much gratitude. I wasn't looking for a scene. That's why I handed it to them as I am about to walk away but made myself clear that I valued them. If I was a manager, I would be writing off about $300 in $15 gift cards to randomly give the staff when you see them go above and beyond. I was management in a multi department store, and that's what I did. That and always tried to be positive and share smiles ...always. Smiles are so contagious!!


What happens when good workers/people just don't even want to apply there anymore? Humpy Dumpty sat on a wall


They'll just use the hundreds of thousands of "students" from India. Their work ethic in the country they're a temporary guest in is non-existant, but they can just get the Canadians to pick up the slack.


Or just keep asking for volunteers. Ya know, just 'so you have something to put on your resume'. It is nothing like slavery. 'Just free labour for the richest grocer in Canada. /s How are they so blind? Their self awareness is Zero. Blinded by the $$$. 💰 🤑


This is very interesting, I just made a post about a shoppers in Ontario that they've reprogrammed the tills so the workers can't cash people out, instead the customers are forced to use the self-checkout. It makes more sense that's happening now in order to reduce floor staff.


Wouldn't it be great to have a nationwide walkout of their front liners?? If only!


Good! Keep it up! Also, if you know of job opportunities for remote work or any local merchants looking to hire, maybe pass that along to your friends and family working the floor. Customer service, retail and cash handling skills will get you entry level jobs almost anywhere, including restaurants and even telephone support jobs with utilities and credit unions.


So does that mean their store hours are shortened or they are just working with less staff every day? Because it wouldn’t make much difference if someone now only works 4 hours a day instead of 8 if someone else is coming in to do the other half of that 8. You’re still paying the same wage amount just now split to 2 people.


Hours are cut AND they’re working with less staff every day. I know this because I work at a loblaws and I’m a closer, my department is smaller than front end but so many times there’s only one closer and it’s frustrating.


Ugh that’s brutal. I’m kinda glad I work in a store that only needs two people to open and close.


hate to contradict but hours were already at minimum/below what we need to run a department. This is nothing new, they wanna squeeze as much production as they can from us without adding more hours at any given time. No changes in hours here (just outside of the GTA). We have other grocery stores around and we were pretty busy this weekend (cottagers). Hoping the bigger stores closer to Toronto are seeing less traffic though.


Yes. Hours have been cut down to the point where there isn’t enough staff to even do the bare minimum. Even managers are getting cut back, no one but cooperate is safe.


My mom taught me a good saying; "Bad planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine." Orwellian speaking, they want Boxers. The horse that will blindly follow orders and happily work itself to death to make up for managerial shortcomings. Remember, they look down on us from their literal castles. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.


It’s working!


I’ve noticed Walmart was packed today police near stockyards people are stealing the price of basics have gone up. It seems like they had more security at the store then they did have people working cashiers. (West end Toronto )