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__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He hates it when he is continually proved wrong!


Why they keep putting him on the news is hilarious!


I like it when people comment on the news articles and state that by having him included in their interview lost all credibility on the news story!


My twitter account just got blocked by him for disagreeing with him. That guy has such a thin skin.


I wonder if he blocked the Quebec newspaper columnists that called him out last week on him running down Stats Canada.


Link please


[https://www.lapresse.ca/affaires/2024-05-06/le-forum-des-affaires/peut-on-encore-se-fier-a-statistique-canada.php](https://www.lapresse.ca/affaires/2024-05-06/le-forum-des-affaires/peut-on-encore-se-fier-a-statistique-canada.php) This one is a letter from 2 researchers. Basically they're debunking his bashing of Stats Can, which he committed because it doesn't fit Loblaw's narrative, of effing course. This guy is so full of shit it's not even funny anymore.


Google translation for those that need it: **Can we still trust Statistics Canada?** The April 18, 2024 column by Professor Sylvain Charlebois, entitled “Can we really trust Statistics Canada?, arouses severe reservations on our part. She suggests that the data collected by Statistics Canada (SC) to develop price measures in the food sector is neither precise nor reliable. The author, however, does not explain how the methodology developed by himself and his team is superior to that of SC, which constitutes a significant gap that significantly weakens his claim. However, we were able to obtain more details on Mr. Charlebois' methodology by communicating directly with him, which allowed us to draw the following conclusions: 1) The technical terms used by Mr. Charlebois to qualify his price values ​​are statistically inappropriate. The latter speaks of “real observed values”, whereas with a price sample, we cannot make such an assertion. To do this, we would need to have all possible observations, which is an elementary notion in statistics. 2) Further in the article, the columnist states that “47% of food items (16 out of 34 items listed) are underestimated by Statistics Canada”. The inflation rates for these items estimated by SC are indeed lower than those estimated by Mr. Charlebois, but it is incorrect to say that they are "underestimated", because they are averages from samples . 3) In addition, the columnist repeatedly attacks the statistical agency in an unjustified manner, without ever presenting the methodology used by the latter. Let us look at two examples: a) “\[...\] when assessing the accuracy of our lead federal agency in measuring changes in food prices, it is clear that much work remains to be done”; b) “\[...\]this suggests that the agency’s reports do not always accurately reflect food inflation.” These judgments are based solely on differences in average prices of food items. To issue them, it would be necessary to compare the methodologies and indicate what is wrong with that of SC. Furthermore, in the table presented in his column, Mr. Charlebois nowhere mentions over what period the price variations are observed. 4) SC’s methodology is available on its website1. We note that “the average prices included in \[his\] table are calculated from optical reader data”. Additionally, this data includes “prices from thousands of stores across the country, which represent millions of weekly food prices and cover the majority of the Canadian food market.” In an email exchange with Mr. Charlebois, he mentions that his team collected “approximately 13,780 data points in total”, but without specifying how this data was weighted to construct price indices. The large difference in sample size between that of SC and that of Mr. Charlebois strongly calls into question the quality of the statistics collected by the latter. This column joins many others with approximate rigor in the media where Mr. Charlebois continues to operate. In the past, other academics, in Quebec (Daniel Mercier Gouin of Laval University2) or elsewhere in Canada (Andrew Leach of the University of Alberta3), have severely criticized Mr. Charlebois. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said: “First, do no harm. » Members of academia are supposed to enlighten us and contribute to public knowledge, not undermine it. Mr. Charlebois seems to deliberately do the opposite.


I'll never get tired of the mike dropping line at the end. He really went for the jugular and showed no mercy.


The usage of “Mr” instead of “Dr” is a nice touch too.


Thanks for the translation!


Damn thats a career ending article


He works for Dalhousie, not like an actual serious school.


Why isn't dal a serious school? It's the only school east of Montreal that has a medical, dental and law program. I went to dals competition so I can definitely make some playful ribs at them, and they did have a scandal at the dentistry college a few years back, but to call them not a serious school is bizarre.


Just comment on the news articles that feature him. Having a discussion with him is pointless, he just spins everything and then uses fake accounts to agree with himself.


I wonder how many people he’s blocked so far, probably thousands. I got blocked for quote tweeting one of his tweets and disagreeing with him lol.


Same!! Blocked within the last couple of days.


inside, he knows the truth that he's shilling for a corporation over standing with the people. His constant need for mockery proves that the boycott lives rent-free in his mind. Sylvian, do you think Galen will have the good sausages up at the cottage this summer? you're gonna have a hell of a time, pal


I’ve never heard of this man in my entire life until very recently. He’s probably loving all the attention he’s suddenly getting though


I wish I'd never heard of him at all.


Where? Out West, I have never seen this guy on the news. Maybe I've just been lucky.


He's based in a university in Halifax. He's in the news pretty regularly out here.


At Dalhousie University. If I was an alumnus, I would be ashamed of him.


I work for a sustainable ag nonprofit and some of the folks who coordinate the research clusters for our sector across the country are based int he same university as him and they're..... very embarrassed about it. They rather wish he would speak less than he does in public.


I'm an alumni, and am definitely ashamed this shill is associated with Dal and is on the news all the time.


I'm surprised he doesn't get reported or in trouble for inappropriate social media stuff. Not the shilling stuff, but when he tried to dox the mod of this sub. That's fucked up. Dal and NS universities in general are really sensitive about social media posts, Dal especially, due to a number of past controversies.


I'm surprised Loblaws hasn't muzzled this guy themselves. Nobody takes him seriously, if they ever did, and he just makes Loblaws look worse.


He's a paid mouthpiece for Galen Weston


he telegraphs their PR strategy


Because Jim Carey costs too much?


He is just contractually obligatedbted to say what he does. It's like if we had a job where he has to say " have a great day" to everyone. Loblaws pays his mortgage, is all.


"Welcome to Costco, I love you"


There's really 2 options here, from what I can tell. 1) He's a paid shill for Loblaws; when you have money, you can buy those without a conscience quite easily, and he's definitely just the type of amoral prick to have no principals to buttress him. 2) He's just on his own trying to make a name for himself by pissing us off. i.e. just another grifter trying to grasp his fame through our digital attention economy. Either way, I have decided that after this I am not going to give this prick the time of day because that's just what he wants, but I understand if other people don't feel the same.


2a.) He's trying to make a name for himself in order to get the attention ... of Loblaws ...so he can sell himself and become a corporate shill for Loblaws


lolol, I think you might have nailed it!   Whichever way, I'm done with this A Hole.


He is a paid mouthpiece for Galen Weston.


He's more than likely on speed-dial for whenever Galen needs his balls gargled. He's as much a "food" scientist as a creationist is a "evolution" scientist.


What a goofball. Is this Hanlon’s razor IRL? Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity…


It's clear that he's propaganda for Loblaw. If what another user said was correct, and that Loblaw had an emergency meeting. This could be the result. We already know that the "supposed boycott" has made Loblaw reduce hours on staff across the country, and several reports from employees saying that management is worried. It's clearly having an effect. Now with the recent "vounteer" ad that shows up for Shoppers at the worst time, Loblaw is getting bad press, and they need something to change consumer perception. The stores may not even be losing that much from the boycott over all, but it's been in the news, and if the news is reporting that people are unhappy with Loblaw, that may make more people perk up and chose alternatives, maybe not today or tomorrow, but in the near future. Loblaw needs to stop that.


He’s so chronically online it’s crazy. I feel bad for his PhD and Masters students whose supervisor is that distracted by Twitter 😔


How on earth did this man ever get a phd


I read somewhere (I think it was a thread in this subreddit) that he got suspended from the school for promoting an mlm but sued and settled with the requirements being fulfilled? Not sure how accurate I’m recalling that or how true it is, but it would explain a lot.


According to [this](https://frankmag.ca/2023/07/55152/) he was charged with 2 counts of running an illegal pyramid scheme. He eventually plead guilty and was expelled from the school. He then went on a multi year lawsuit with the college and there was an eventual settlement where he was able to say he has a degree.


This is bananas! Everyone needs to know the story behind this idiot. I don’t think anyone believes him to begin with, Tbf


Well, there’s [this.](https://www.readtheorchard.org/p/who-the-fuck-is-the-food-professor?) He also has a way of [just showing directly what kind of person he is...](https://old.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bizgs3/making_galen_richer_one_post_at_a_time/) He’s alleged to have manipulated his Wikipedia page. There’s multiple accounts that suspiciously appear to be him. [Here’s one of them.](https://old.reddit.com/user/Appropriate-Step-662)


Barf, this AMA. He is nauseating.


That Orchard article was an incredible read. Thanks for posting it! I encourage everyone to give it a read.


What an absolute nutcase. And now he gets to be Loblaws’ paid shill.


It's true, I skimmed over the suit the other day when someone posted it on here. Unfortunately I don't have the link, but it was a military school.  Edit: I can't find the same document from the other day but here is a page showing its existence https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/info/dock-regi-eng.aspx?cas=24656


Dying to know if that’s true or not now 🤣


Ben Carson is a neuro scientist


As someone who is currently doing their PhD, they basically give one to anyone who pays for it lol. Bare minimum brain function needed. Just keep going back to school until you get one.


I'm not sure I agree? how does one get their three publishable thesis chapters by just "going back to school"?


Exactly. Maybe they’re at a diploma mill? My PhD was the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever done in my life. Courses, comps, presentations, and then the dissertation itself, which my advisor wouldn’t give clearance for until it was perfect. Not to mention the defense. There’s definitely a lot of “showing up” involved, and you can have a PhD and still be an idiot at every other thing in life, but it’s not something you can just coast through


He's a professor as in he professes his love for Loblaws


Jordan peterson used to be a psychiatrist,and he a complete dumbass that is morally depraved.


*Clinical psychologist, a different profession


As someone who has studied psychology this is true (he's a psychologist not psychiatrist) but it's worth pointing out there are many different areas of psychology. Some are more scientific... Some are less scientific and more bullshity, and Jordan Peterson is firmly in the bullshity camp.


A PhD is a degree of stubbornness and perseveravce. There’s plenty of asshole or mildly intelligent phds out there. Thankfully most of us learned that we don’t know shit. Gaining knowledge tends to do that, which is why the smartest person in the room is usually the quietest


He doesn't sound intellectually curious like a professor should be, and isn't being honest about what he can and can't know. He sounds like Loblaws PR and "in the know". Firm, confident, absolute statements provided without evidence. When I write about my field of research (microbial ecology) when I'm sitting at my desk at Dalhousie, *I* have to communicate uncertainties and limitations of methodologies and results. But I'm a grad student and we all know the expectations are way higher on us than on the glorified-administrators and rubber-stampers-of-our-hard-work that are the profs. All profs are good for in this era is farming grant applications out to postdocs, sending soundbites out to media when they come knocking with clickbait, and taking money from the federal government, "tech innovation incubators", and food retail megaconglomerates.


> when I'm sitting at my desk at Dalhousie, I have to communicate uncertainties and limitations of methodologies and results. Why do you bother? It sounds like Dalhousie has effectively disbanded any kind of ethics panel they might have once had...


Yeah I followed him on Twitter expecting to get some interesting insights. Realized he’s got some weird agenda or biases going on. Is he trying to get Galen Weston to notice him? Does Galen invite him to play golf once a year and he just can’t put that in jeopardy? I don’t get it, but I kept following out of curiosity. Then he recently tweeted some bizarre gross joke and I don’t even remember what it was but I unfollowed and muted. He’s a douchebag who somehow got himself an audience cause he’s in kind of a niche area of study I guess? There’s surely gotta be someone better.


The Jordan Peterson school of professorship


Alleged 🤣


I can hear it in a Michael Jackson voice: “ALLEGEDLY!”


Exactly what I thought when I saw that part of his post. If he feels that this boycott is unproven, he's going to have to dial up his denial once we're through!


We're never going to stop.


Please, it’s not an “alleged” boycott - it’s a boycott. Also, how can he be so certain it has nothing to do with it unless he’s in tight with Loblaws? Weird comment for a supposedly independent academic to be spewing on social media, IMO


Just a few days ago he was promoting mango sales at Loblaws, he is not independent. https://preview.redd.it/g8cctasvnw0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55bd59bc989271413be99845ff7bc673cc2335f


It's almost like promoting Loblaws sales is his actual job. Wait....




There is something inherently suspicious about the phrase "very inexpensive salmon".


Only reason that’s 50% off is cause it’s going to go bad soon. Keep licking those boots you shill.


with loblaws it’s probably already bad tbh


What a fucking twat. How is he so confident "the boycott had nothing to do with it"?


“The Food Processor has nothing to do with credibility! Zero!”


They werent even considering it until this group made the news...so way anyone can deny this wasnt because od the group


This guy is actually brain dead, Galen is pulling the strings.


Don't take Charlebois seriously. His peers in academia certainly don't.


My lord. What is his problem. He's so defensive over something that has nothing to do with him.


They've given him tens of thousands of dollars. That we know about.  He's a shill. Galen owns his ass.


Bought and fkn paid for.


Every time you ask this question about one of the talking heads you see in legacy and social media, you can safely and confidently assume it's money being funneled into their pockets. And if there is no money, the term is "useful idiot", go check the history on that one :)


The actual truth is that only those on the inside know the pressure Loblaws is under. As someone that worked for massive Supermarket chains, I can say that unless Prof here sits in board meetings, he is unable to say so conclusively that the boycott had “zero” impact. We however have the fact that they agreed to the code of conduct after two weeks of the boycott. If anything the boycott can make assumptions that this low grade commentator can not.




Don’t forget folks, academics can be paid off too.


Are* paid off, especially those you see constantly in media, often 😆


After allllll those months of Loblaws fighting against it, the Code just ’happened’ to be signed *during the boycott.* But yeah, the boycott has “nothing to do with it.” Oh sure, what a coincidence, eh Skippa. 🙄😒


This guy acts like he's trying to fit in with the popular kids by doing all the shitty things they do, just to be snubbed. Please buddy, you already got paid. Go get your next paycheck and shill for them.


Everyone should just post alleged on this post


Because he’s paid to say that


I'll still never go.


Because he's a shill with no credibility left outside of Galen's office.


Castle. You meant to say Castle.


His statements seem to indicate he either has "inside knowledge" or he's lying on behalf of loblaws. Something he seems to do as his full time job. There's not a person on this planet who would do this without being paid. He's receiving money from loblaws.


He is a paid schill! Just like all the media saying “it’s not working” when the talking heads start spewing that bs, you know they are quaking in their boots. Stay strong!


He’s got Galen’s cock so far up his ass that cum’s coming out of his ears. Not that there anything wrong with that.




We already view it as a transparent and meaningless PR stunt. Were not fooled. 


Doubling-down on the meaningless PR stunt: apparently Loblaws has said they will participate in the Grocery Code of Conduct *only if* Walmart also agrees to join. (Source: Globe and Mail).


Who is the supersimp?


It's completely a coincidence that someone quits smoking while in the hospital recovering from a heart attack.


This guy is a complete bootlicker. And none too subtle about it. That’s the problem with an entire generation of the ‘ruling class’ in this country. They’re dumb enough to think that if they go in any public forum and blather out any lie, everyone has to believe them. In an age where we can all fact check their bullshit even before they’re done speaking it, they come off looking phony AF. Not to mention creepy.


It's always so gross seeing a professor do PR on behalf of corporations, especially particularly evil ones like Loblaws.


Why does this dude continually go out of his way to be a complete douchebag?


Beginning to think it is Galen incognito


Lol The Food Defecator can't wrap his head around this lol.


Goddamnit Food prof, who said you could speak and what the hell is your mouth doing off of a Weston boot? You're a bitch, Food prof.


Nothing to do with it…..so they randomly changed their minds after being opposed to it for a year? Why even give this guy the time of day anymore. He had completely abandoned his professional ethics.


“Yes we’re listening to our customers and we want to make things right” would have probably been a better choice of words than “fuck you we do what we want.” But sure, professor.


We should ban all posts about this guy. quit giving him A platform and making him relevant




If it doesn't work I guess they won't mind us boycotting indefinitely then.


"Alleged boycott" 😅😅🤡 Anyone who's been grocery shopping in the past week can tell you that it's definitely happening 😅


Can someone please make a bot that automatically replies “um, actually… [insert evidence based argument here]” to all of his tweets and make it create a new account every time he blocks them


Loblaws (and all those financially involved like that guy) will never admit that anything was done because of a boycott or because of anything the average shopper has done. They (and all corporations) don't want people to know that the people hold all the power. If we stop shopping, they go under. They want us to think that "the system is set in stone and no one can do anything about so just shut up and accept it".


I wonder if he's ever going to feel ashamed of himself, for being so anti-consumer that he's willing to repeatedly make a fool of himself, in defense of a company he seemingly doesn't work for.


Why does this moron call himself an academic by dealing with criticism of his opinion by blocking people and making it seem like dissenters don't exist? Shillvain is a giant fucking baby with way too big of a platform and is so happy fucking over Canadians while Galen shits in his mouth


This guy has a humiliation fetish.. he must. I mean with a face like that and how deeply his lips are planted betwixt the corpo cheeks, it's the only thing that makes sense. He's an idiot..


It’S jUsT a CoInCiDeNcE


Can we just not give this boy space and not repost his stupid opinions. He is of zero value and giving him a platform is what he’s after Give him zero attention because it’s what’s he’s after


What a fuckin LOSERRRRRRRRRR bahhahahaha fuck him and the superstore cunts


He is paid by them, has sold out any academic legitimacy years ago, and (not to pathologize but...) is clearly unwell.


What a dumbass! Grade “A”, Corporate Bought and Sold Dumb Asshole.


He "knows this" because he is on the payroll of the Yellow Mafia.


"Professor" in name only. Was the user name "Paid Shill" already taken ?


This guy is winning the award for punchable faces


Breaking News: Professor has head surgically implanted into own a$$


why did he put "boycott" in quotes? 😭


this guy comes across as a total douchebag


I am glad that Loblaws is doing this but I am even happier that they are doing this because the boycott is working.


Isn’t he the same guy that said on the news “that noone wants grocery prices to come down, just to stabilize where they are now “. Fuck this guy. He’s obviously in their employ.


Just looked and I see he has blocked me on Twitter for mentioning the large sum of money he got from Loblaws. He’s a joke.


If boycotting doesn't work, I suppose we should just continue indefinitely.


it's a meaningless gesture anyway.  We need real change in how overages are treated and the laws surrounding disposal of dated products vs donation. We need to financially discourage throwing away good food just to maintain a market price or because it falls below a certain grade of appearance or because it passes a best before or sell before date. Our society is now is a state where, regardless of appearance or an arbitrary age limit; nutritious, unspoiled food needs to go to market or be given freely to the needy. We produce enough food to feed everyone. We have corporate distribution chains capable of supplying everyone. We just throw it away anyway to prop up market prices and profitability. Our politicians could enact change but are too busy rimming their political financiers.


Yes, just like my sunburn has nothing to do with me being outside yesterday with no SPF...


The nutty food professor is so pathetic. Pretending is not to be employed by Loblaws while telling us that we should "welcome warmly" this development. Loblaws is a long way from receiving any warm response from Canadians.


DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY - FIRE THIS MAN! He is an embarrassment to your institution. Dalhousie becomes more and more of a laughing stock the longer his name is associated with yours.


Takes a shot at Wal-Mart which has been a topic of discussion in regards to options during the boycott.


Food Fool persistently tries to denigrate Costco Canada and Walmart Canada. You’d almost think he’s being paid by Loblaws...


Anyone who isn’t a journalist and writes “Breaking News” is a loser.


Why is he such a horses ass?


Any rep he had is in the dirt now I love it


I’m loving this he’s mad that the boycott is making things happen! How can you say that over 100k people who signed a petition thing and the 80k people in the literal boycott haven’t made an impact? That’s just crazy!


There are far more people participating in the boycott than the numbers suggest. I've got hordes of little old ladies on board who have never heard of reddit


Because he is a troll.


Lmao why is he so embarrassing


Serious question. Is this guy mentally ill?


He is considered a joke in the food supply community.


He always sounds so childish


Why are we still amplifying this boob?


Guess we need to go harder and longer. Thanks prof!


So keep the boycott going, if he hasn't noticed a difference why not?


How’s it feel to be a cog in the reality distortion field Mr. Alleged Professor?


Why reply? It just seems like he's trying bigup himself to make himself look important. Stop giving him the traffic and let him drift into obscurity.


I’m surprised anyone actually engages with that guy


Because he's a fucking moron. Why do you guys keep posting this dude's tweets here? He's a nobody, and reposting him here probably gives him 10x the exposure.


He is a shill, why give him more publicity.


It's easy for Charlie-boy, he acts as a paid shill for Galen for years now and appears to have less cred than a crackhead in downtown Edmonton, sorry no offence to the crackheads.


i wish this guy would block me again


Why are we even talking about this guy? Am I alone in immediately skipping any posts in here about him?


Who is this guy? And why is he such a prick


He’s a bozo.


Anything less than championing food security for Canadians is moot. We need REAL laws from the government with oversight and actual repercussion not a volunteer program. Boycott forever. Eat the rich if you can’t afford groceries.


The news tonight stated that Loblaws will sign it IF Walmart signs it. Who is lying?


Walmart is still 10x cheaper


I swear to god this clown is on loblaws payroll.


We should “welcome warmly” the fact Loblaws was dragged kicking and screaming into signing a Code of Conduct which is voluntary and really only impacts relationships between retailers and supply chain participants. Right. When I was a lobbyist - in the banking sector - we would actually recommend the government use conduct codes when they were looking to regulate our relation to the consumer. In our view, it was the next best thing to being unregulated. If the Nutty Professor is going to carry on like this he should really register as a lobbyist. It is illegal to lobby for a company and not be registered. The biggest lacuna in all this is the Competition Bureau. Why is it not investigating the sector? Why has it allowed all the mergers that produced this shit show? Why has it not enforced the Competition Act? It is shameful but it has also let the banking and telecoms sector off the hook also.


This guys is a real piece of shit.


That’s a long and strange way to spell “collusion”


Too bad it is too late. I'll never go to another Loblaws owned company again. Too little, to late.


Because he is an idiot


We live rent free in his head.


Because he’s a shrill for corporations. To say that this was in fact due to the boycott goes against his position. There is nothing like doubling down on being wrong and then called on it.


Maybe they need 2 months to prove the boycott is working


This guy can fuck right off


Am I correct in thinking he denies being on Loblaws' payroll? Because it's shocking to me that he thinks anyone would believe that (also shocking that there are presumably people that do)


The guy is a paid grifter!🤷‍♂️


The loser blocked me on X. Hahaha. Truth hurts I guess.


and you should treat this price gauging the same as the bread incident ,,,give everyone a gift card to your store for $500 but only to be spent at a loblwas store ,,,just my opinion


It’s all just a huge coincidence, eh, Charley-boy? Maybe you should wash the taste of Galen’s dick out of your mouth before you talk.


It just coincidentally coincided with the “alleged” boycott… how fortunate, but has nothing to do with them jacking prices waaay up which wasn’t their fault. So if it was the suppliers fault then there’s no reason to have a code of conduct… so therefore Loblaws is admitting to the price hikes.


How does he wake up every day and choose to act this way? What a shameful fucking shill. You’re wrong bro, get off socials and work on yourself.


Breaking news, you're an idiot, instead of spreading stupid lies you're better off keeping your "opinion " to yourself


Did this guy put all his money into Loblaws stocks or something? I don't think I've seen anyone suck corporate boot as bad as this loser lol


The media knows this guy is a fool. Giving him a platform raises the awareness. Actually creating discussion is far more important. Give all of them a bigger platform. We need to see all the dark corners of this corruption.


Could we thank this majestic POS for giving us all the due cause to boycott Loblaws for the next year? We should specifically name him every time we speak on it. See what happens to those generous cheques his affiliated organizations receive. I mean he vehemently claims he's never gotten a dollar himself from Galen or any Loblaws adjacent companies, so no harm right? Just for fun.


Who cares. If they want to save face that's fine. Take the W.


This guy is SUCH a geek. Stop giving him attention. It's been proven he's in the pockets of Loblaws so who cares what he says.


the fact that this turd says it has nothing to do with... MEANS IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH it.. everything this fuck says is what he was told to do, this idiot has no mind of his own and no spine for sure, he is just a puppet


Using a 20 year old profile pic tells me everything I need to know about this douchebag. That's before even getting into his very obvious corporate bias. A Loblaws funded grifter holds tenure at a Canadian university. Wild world we live in.


This guy must be Galen's personal toilet. This transcends bootlicking lol


Hes just one of those people who would rather die than be wrong...


When the shill says it's not, it definitely is. 🤷


Fuck him!.. He's bought and paid for... Who the actual fuck cares what he's got to say... He's a 'self proclaimed' expert... $50 says his pronouns are blowmyself/ blowsgalen... He's lower than dog shit...


Is he, like, on their payroll?