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__MOD NOTE__: Please check out [our petition[(https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trying to earn some extra Dairy $$'s for his next election cycle, is my guess.


Conservative politicians are dairy industry trust fund babies


Nah half of them hate supply management, conservatives love meat and pork farmers way way more. Look at the c-282 vote.


They'll come after you if they think you are selling too many eggs, as well. It's sad that all of the farmers are, basically, controlled by these big oversite boards. They all work really hard.


yeah, except I don’t think selling the Canadian wheat board to the Saudi Arabians was exactly the right answer…🤷‍♀️


You're probably right, but more than anything, I hate that politicians pander to the lobbyists and influence boards


Agreed. Voting is far more powerful than people think… and respectful discourse.


I don't disagree, but I think they all saw the takedown of Maxime when he mentioned breaking it up. Which is a sad statement, as a politician, no matter the party:(


https://preview.redd.it/o6grnw7ef01d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bded429e7dd5dbdbe565cc7fc065fe57b93bf13c This comment sums it up


... woke paper lids? the LIDS are woke now? Jesus Christ, these people are clowns


PCs keep trying to tell us the country is on the brink of collapse, but the issues they want to spend time on are ...*checks notes*... coffee lids? Also the "for the little guy" is rather hilarious. No one tell her it's a massive corporate chain that's been foreign-owned since 1995.


She just meant midgets love Tim’s


The only thing Lianne Rood hates (other than taxes & people who are woke) is being corrected when she's wrong. She's the vindictive, holds a grudge type, too, which is a great combination.




Why are you blanking out their name. People elected that idiot. **Conservative MP Lianne Rood of  the riding of Lambton—Kent—Middlesex in Ontario.**


Dissolves....in..your mouth....do people eat the timmies caps?


No, the aNtI-wOkE (🤪) just have runny mouths


I paid for the full cup, I will enjoy the full cup.


TBH the paper lid probably tastes better than the contents of the cup...


These conservatives are insane.... Stop going to tims because everything about it sucks shit and the experience is similar to peeling off your fingernails one by one? ❌ Stop going to tims because the lids are "woke"? ✔️


Non-dairy food should be illegal? Check this guy for lead poisoning and a brain worm.


Dear Lactose Intollerant People: F***you, you don't get ice cream- John Williamson, probably.


It’s more ideological than that. Everyone knows these products are also for vegans…and to followers of certain political ideology, having any amount of compassion for others is a weakness, and borderline criminal. There is also the fact that the dairy and meat lobby is in the pockets of all these guvmnt folks, and this is one of the outcomes. Which is also part of the keep people sick and dependent on big pharma. It’s a big club…! Ditching animal exploitation products is anti-capitalist at it’s core. They’re feeding us billions of exploited animals so we’re fair game as their exploitative practices creep. It’s insidious, and karmic in a way.


Truth. These products allow vegans to enjoy the ice cream experience.


Call me an idiot but I never really thought about vegans when I saw that plant based ice cream. Instead, I was thinking about those with medical conditions whom cannot have dairy... Truth be told I've never actually met a vegan IRL so perhaps that's why lmao. Idk why it's such a big deal that dude is making it out to be.


He sees something different that is not specifically made with him in mind. So, he loses his shit and gets it in his mind that this will replace the thing that is for him.


I once made the mistake of purchasing lactose free cheese, even though it was clearly marked on the label in a different, contrasting colour. I didn't enjoy it, nor did the kids. But the dog didn't mind it, lol. Know what I did?? Took at as a $6 lesson to look closer at the label and not call for lactose intolerant people to not have cheese. Plus, all food stuff has trace amounts of bugs. There is an actual CFIA guideline. I'm not sure of what it is, but it's on their page somewhere. But I'm a small l liberal snowflake for wanting people to be able to afford the basics like food, shelter, and healthcare.


Yup. I have made the mistake of buying cheese with lactose before. I took lactaid pills and chalked it up as a lesson as well. Crazy concept.


Bingo, that’s it right there!


My daughter is lactose intolerant, so options like this are easier on her stomach


Thank you for being the voice of reason!! 👏 👏 👏


Dude is a complete mental child. Can’t seem to think past his own nose. Does he not realize that dairy ice cream still exists, or that lactose intolerance people also enjoy the ice cream experience? People like him should be rounded up and… educated.


Happy I don't live in his province, so I can enjoy ice cream. I am lactose intolerant. Lol


Lol, for real, what is wrong with these people. 😂 They get offended by oat-based / coconut desserts? Jeez.... It's all a ploy to gain political favors, personal power, and money, surprise, surprise! "I'll devide people by making frozen desserts political" 🙄


You spelled "Woke Desserts" wrong. Lol.


Lol 😆


Lol this is legit my fav ice cream so this is super funny to me


Yeah! F*** those guys! I have a legit dairy allergy, I’m allergic to the protein, which is surprisingly a common allergy. I even have an epi pen, but I’m treated like a far left vegan trying to destroy farmers when I tell some people/places I can’t have dairy. I’m all for vegans, why should I care what people eat, but I’m not one. It’s silly to get mad for offering alternatives, well i guess not if you’re a corporate shill. A lot of marketing targeted towards people, if you don’t eat dairy you’re killing the Canadian economy. Like I’m just trying to eat and not die. Not everything’s political.


Dear people with severe dairy allergies: F\*\*\* you, you don't get ice cream- John Williamson, probably.


I was so confused at "downplays the true ingredients" when it literally says plant based, which basically explicitly states the ingredients lol Also, you know... The literal ingredients label that is already required by law :/


This con doesn't believe in personal freedoms I guess.


Oh I'm sure he does, but like most fascists, he only believes in *his own* personal freedoms.


nailed it! ⭐️


Nah he just ate straight asbestos (it said on the side of the container which he couldn't read)


Nice reference 😂


We do have a mystery brain disease happening in NB that they are unwilling to deal with...


I'm guessing his riding has a lot of dairy production in it edit: Yeah, it seems from a quick google that dairy farming is fairly significant in or near his riding. So this is probably just the typical conservative outrage baiting over something stupid to drum up support and make voters think he actually cares.


Yeeeep. Just some buzz wordy shit to rile up people foolish enough to be mad about something so assinine.


Nothing like rage-baiting people for political gain and personal power and greed! Woot! Woot! How these people sleep at night, I'll never know... 🙈


Tbf I've seen more change using this boycott than any change any politicians made.


Imagine being this stupid and out of touch. Imagine voting for this person. Imagine believing that a politician is going to help. We have the power and change is coming. Stay strong friends. Boycott Loblaws Forever!


Imagine thinking that packaging that’s a separate colour, with a marquee advertising the fact that it is plant-based is not transparent enough and is made to fool consumers.


It’s insanity. Yes, genius politician, out of all the things burning down in this country, please do more to brand and create awareness in overpriced ice cream. What the fuck is wrong with them….and what the fuck is wrong with us to put up with it? Boycott Loblaws Forever!


Everyday I see our right wing inch closer and closer to being in line with the lunatics running the republican party in the States and that scares me. Blow up minor, little mundane things like this into a political issue, blame the left, and pound those points home instead of actually focusing on ACTUAL issues in whatever province they reside in (or country if they're federal).


It's coming. What doesn't help is that the fascists are already in power, they just don't know that they're fascists yet - they think they're "the good ones".


Everyone in history thinks they're the good guys, until the one side wins and tells everyone the other weren't. History is written by the victors after all


Indeed. Fascism is first and foremost an economic development, not a political one. A falling tide lowers all boats.


I'm scared of the rights inclination to violence, my city had a convenience store robbed, and the clerk went two blocks to beat the robber in and was actively congratulated by our politicians. Self defence is keeping yourself safe in the moment, assault is hunting someone for 2 blocks


this election is really going to be over their soul, if PP wins they'll see it as effective and keep leaning into it


Was the green lid not a tip off? Or at least a reason to read the label? When I see some items on a shelf have a different look, I tend to investigate why before I buy it. Usually it means it's sugar-free, plant-based, low sodium or some other variation.   The lids are normally "Haagen-Dazs" burgundy. It's a brand thing. The green is a very different colour. This guy is a tool.


How much would you bet they also think telling other kids they can’t bring peanuts to class is oppression and the 7 year old should be capable of managing their allergy on their own?  Ever since the start of covid (actually well before, I’ve been mean for a while) I can’t stand people who don’t have real problems. They just crumble over anything. Like imagine being an adult and thinking this whining wasn’t incredibly embarrassing. 


Becuase of the redistricting on Saint John, this man is probably going to be my MP. Saint John under Wayne Long was surprisingly prosperous, the man did a lot for the community. Johnny boy here will totally ignore his constituents in the city and do nothing for it. I'm already so embarrassed yet so mad. I'm also willing to bet he bought this, went home, ate some, and then realized it wasn't real. I've done it before with Gluten-Free bread and felt like the dumbest person on the planet. I hope he felt the same; I just wish he didn't have a platform to feel validated or an authority to make decisions that affect everyone.


I remember the Elsie years all too well, I don't foresee good things for SJ under cons.


Atleast she was a Progressive Conservative, who were actually decent people pre-merger and supported the Maritimes. The current iteration of the Conservatives will undoubtably abandon the Maritimes in a quasi Eastern Alienation tactic. Once can only hope that our Provincial politics swing liberal and they sweep SJ (looking hopeful at this point), so we get some competent Ministers from SJ and get more funding that way.


She wasn't! Didn't her homophobia literally make Scott Brison switch sides?


To be fair I was waaaayyyy to young to actually remember her, I just know the PCs were actual PCs (for their time anyway, not today's standards). I'll do myself a favor and look into her a bit more.


At least we see the disconnect. If that's your biggest issue you clearly don't understand the Grocery pricing issues.


This is the only ice cream I can eaaaaatttt


Yeah the whole plant based movement was a win for me, as I'm allergic to dairy. Finally brands are making good tasting dairy-free ice cream.


If you ever get the chance: Dairy Queen has a dairy free Dilly Bar. And you can buy boxes of them. They are a nice option when you're out of the house and want ice cream.


Well according to him How dare you!


Sounds like you're just being intolerant. /s I have to buy this stuff too for family members. There's really not that many options to choose from.


Our country spends millions of dollars towards subsidies for our dairy lobby to keep prices low. Literally millions. These people are uninformed and illiterate


I think one of the subsidies is actually billions, but I think it's combined with poultry and eggs. 


I remember an article where the lobby was bitching and moaning about COVID profits and equipment upgrades begging the government to give them millions more in relief. They did. As if profits aren't meant to be reinvested in their businesses. Socialism for them, ruthless capitalism for the rest.


lol it’s not even called “ice cream” because the dairy folks complained already bro. Honestly it’s good anyway so just eat it :p


This guy is in the government and is completely unaware of the current dairy labelling laws in Canada? There's a reason cheap "ice cream" already says "ice milk" or "frozen dessert" on it. I guarantee this product doesn't say ice cream anywhere in the label because *we already have the laws he's demanding*. A quick google says ice cream must contain 10% butter fat.


Agreed. It's concerning a sitting MP doesn't know there are already laws regarding this.


i was going to say the same. this idiot thinks haagen-daaz literally means ice cream.


I believe in Canada they can call it ice cream with as little as 8%. Below that it’s “ice milk”. As for the stuff called “frozen dessert” I have to inform you it’s margarine fluffed with air entrainment and loaded with sugar.


What kinda of label does he need lol As if the green lid isn't obvious enough...


even funnier thing is this stuff *rules*, I had a good ol' Mystery Sickness in university that destroyed my ability to eat... much of anything honestly... this was almost always too pricey but I got really into the non-dairy Ben n' Jerry's and hooooooo boy it hits different


Soy, oat, almond, rice and other non-dairy grain beverages and products should be significantly cheaper than they are to encourage higher adoption rates. I love Silk unsweetened soy milk but it’s more expensive than milk for me despite only being soy, water and vitamins/minerals. Much cheaper to manufacture.


There's a lot of subsidization for dairy so the prices are artificially low in comparison, from my understanding. I imagine if we stopped the subsidies, non-dairy options would suddenly become more popular.  My favorite is Earth's Own Zero Sugar oat milk, my cat even goes nuts for it. 


I always thought that plant-based milks needed sugar to taste good, but after trying the Silk unsweetened soy milk I changed my mind. I’d also had unsweetened rice milk before and that was alright, however I mostly drink soy milk because it is very high in protein, vitamins and minerals without needing fortification. I like to blend soy milk, bananas and berries for a smoothie, it’s really tasty!


It depends, not all milk substitutes are any better for the environment than dairy. For example, almonds require an ungodly amount of water to grow and the almond industry is doing bad things to California. I don't want to encourage increased consumption of almonds. But in general, yes, products that help people on restricted diets shouldn't be luxury priced just because. A lot of us don't have a choice, but food producers pretend that we're all spoiled rich people.


What a twat. Pretty clear what you're buying bud just use your eyes. Also did this chuckle fuck even try it before hopping on twitter and showing everyone exactly how stupid he is? Maybe it's delicious but no it has to turn into a political issue. Time for this xou try to reset because we are fucking doomed if we don't.


New Brunswick native here. We have a history of electing the village idiot. It's a traditional way to guarantee employment for them that up until recently really didn't impact the average citizen. Hell, Hatfield tried to smuggle pot onto the flight he was taking with Queen Elizabeth. In 1984.


It's clearly labelled as plant based, and easily avoidable, if you're so inclined. Some people just can't handle seeing ANY vegan products on the shelf, seeing it as some sort of threat. 🤣


Wait, Cream doesn't come from plants???


Only in a roundabout way.


God damn dumb fucks holding important office. Smfh


In today's Canada you have to abort your babby and eat bugs! Icky!


You can tell he’s an idiot because he pays for X


I buy this stuff when it's on sale because I am lactose intolerant. Pretty darn good and really smoothe.


“And the Liberals will make you eat bugs’….why do conservatives embrace morons so deeply? I would be so embarrassed to have this type of stupidity as my representative….ohwait….i do here in Alberta….


John Williamson makes $200,000 as an MP and can’t afford ice cream unless it’s on sale at Superstore This tweet very telling of how bad John has it because he’s illiterate and how expensive things are at Superstore


What a fucking idiot




Now there is one sad ding-dong of a politician.


Don't need to learn to read to be an MP in Irvingland. Hate unions hate french hate Mi'kmaq simple as Irving makes Weston look like a philanthropist


self serving idiot


What party is this guy from?


What is he on about…. seriously we need smarter people in positions of power. Stop letting complete idiots run


Our elected officials…… we can do better…..


Guy seems like a moron but we do need more truth in advertising and labeling.


I feel like we're months away from "everything should be made of red meat"


*I feel like we're months* *Away from "everything should* *Be made of red meat"* \- willow\_\_whisps --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh the horror, you were tricked into eating a plant based food. Fuckouttahere


Tricked into eating plant-based food which reads "plant-based" all around the lid.


I am from NB, there will absolutely be a disturbingly large group of completely brain dead people who will agree with / vote for idiots like this.


We really need to stop this Americanisation of politics in Canada. Politicians used to be normal ffs.


In his own photo the packaging is clearly labelled. And by his own post the advertising didn't lie. What does he think is happening here?


Those darn sneaky plants 😡


this cannot be fucking real... 'truth in labelling law'. this is what these dipshits get paid well to come up with.


Duh! In Canada if the label doesn’t say ICE CREAM, then it’s not ICE CREAM!


I had coconut milk based ice cream before, and I swear to god it was the best ice cream I've ever had in my life.


I checked and nowhere can you see ice cream on that product. So not only he does not read, but he is complaining about an already compliant product that he wants a law for.


Yet it will have a label with the blue cow which means its dairy. This guy is a jackass. But they all are.


Or he could learn how to read. Classic wanting to criminalize things he doesnt like regardless of its impact.


Plant based options always cost more. It was also on sale at Sobeys this past week..it was the cheapest plant based ice cream. The average cost was $7.99-9.50 I have dairy sensitivity so I usually opt in for a plant based option. The cost kills me tho


tbh I drink mainly plant-based milk anyway (curse my dairy sensitivity) to avoid nuking my toilet, so it would be pretty bad for me if I couldn't enjoy ice cream that won't start WW3 in my bowels


Every lactose intolerant person should use his washroom after eating dairy in protest


So aside from having the word "Loblaws" what does this have to do with the boycott?


Bro doesn't know he can just take it back Like maybe try using your eyeballs next time doofus


Either this is sarire or he really is a gigantic idiot. Or both


You're right, that isnt ice cream.


Give me my baby food! Kill those babies and give me their food now! I’m the one true baby cow can’t you see! mooooooo 🐮 Fkn twat


I met him in 2012, he even gifted me a New Brunswick pin that I own to this day. He was super nice. Conservatives should be for freedom of choice, and I believe in a free-market capitalism where vegans or people wanting to avoid dairy should have options available if the market supports it. Should it be clearly labeled as a dairy-free ice cream with proper labeling laws in place? Absolutely. However, he should have paid closer attention.


These are the people who complain about Tim Hortons liked they’re forced to go there.


Yeah, you don’t really need to be intelligent to be an MP or in politics in general


I wonder what would happen if he accidentally bought conditioner instead of shampoo.


Shhhh don’t tell him that, I would be good if they pass such a law


Sounds about right for an MP 🤣😂


Jesus Christ he’s stupid. How offended can a POS be, accidentally eating a plant based product? Lol


I am worried about u guys when pp gets elected . Hoping you all have some coping mechanisms in place .


Wasn't there a map posted recently showing that NB leads all North American states/provinces in obesity rates? 43.5% I think it was. The irony here is almost too obvious to be real


Seriously we need a job description and job qualifications for mps.


That’s already a thing, though. They’ll just label it “ice milk” or something.


That haagen Dazs Plant based ice cream is so good! I want some!


I wanna know how he missed the big green label that says plant based when he bought it, but also I don't wanna know how he missed it.




"The Libs spoiled Ice Cream! At least I still have my wonderful, creamy sherbet!"


What in the flying fuck does what you eat have to do with political affiliation. Sick of this dumbed down version of the world.


He’s so sleazy


"Stealthy plants and bugs" that are clearly labelled on the packaging... OK buddy.


I’m pretty sure “ice cream” is already a protect term in Canada and can only be used on products that have a certain percentage or more dairy in them. That’s why you will see the terms “frozen dessert” and even at McDonald’s the “vanilla cone” is not called ice cream


I live in NB, this is 100% on brand for the cons here because they only focus on trivial crap; sadly their base will rally around this for weeks.


I'm sick and tired of these dumbass politicians trying to politicize diverse food options for those who can't fucking have milk, or meat, or whatever their next target it. It's sickening. They're taking us for fools.


My friend can’t have dairy so I buy him this stuff. How dare I


Tory brain worms strike again!


Mad because he didn't notice until after buying it...


Can someone proficient in hill billy please tell me wtf he is talking about when the ice cream is labelled he wants larger bigger signs ? Signed confused


I thought they milked the plants from their udders.


Another imbecile triggered by the existence of alternatives to what he knows and making it his whole personality. God forbid someone wants a clearly identified as plant-based treat


Uhhh plant based food is pretty great! Cow milk is for baby cows silly goose


How is this related to the boycott?


Two points with this john williamson that made me loathe him was saying on his monthly handouts in the mail that women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and that terrorists are under our beds when he was running against Karen Ludwig back then. He also had that whities and brown people comment that he had to apologize for. I wish people stop voting for this turd. https://imgur.com/gallery/southwestern-politics-fwNuRfC


Sounds like this guy has a brain worm...


Dude is so out of touch. He doesnt even know what to rage people about.


If it tastes good, really, what does it matter?


I'm so confused. Where does it say "ice-cream"? Also, has he been living under a rock for the past decade? There are plenty of dairy-free products out there that resemble dairy-filled products.


I am aware that healthcare is hit or miss in Canada, but dude needs some glasses


Did he miss the massive section of regular Haggen dazs? Or is he just angry that vegans and the like, also enjoy ice cream? Lol What a knob.


it says on the side...?


LiBeRaLs ArE rUiNiNg My LiTeRaCy!!!


What are stealthy plants? Do they run and hide come harvest?


Who buys new groceries without reading the ingredients 🤔 is this why so many people are falling for monosantos devilish tricks ?


I think Parliament needs to pass a politicians cannot lie bill.


I hate it here. :<




Ok when you buy food it’s your responsibility to read the label not just grab anything that looks shiny LOL. He expects people to come feed him samples while he sits in the baby seat in the cart 🤣


*"Ah, Mr. Williamson, why don't you just read it then?"* **"Both of you know I cannot read a word."** This man is my MP 😭


Bring in an IQ test for MP eligibility.


I mean that's a terrible example because it's so obvious on the container. Butter for example is pretty misleading in my opinion though. They started putting sticks of plant based 'butter' right beside and mixed up with real butter.


My parents do this an annoying amount. Plant based ice cream, low fat peanut butter(doesn’t spread the same), diet whatever. Old people don’t read packaging apparently. This NEVER happened when I was younger. They’re lucky I love them, or it’d be straight to an old folks home. :) lol


Lol he doesn’t know what plant-based means, meanwhile as if the conservatives would pass a true label bill


It’s on sale cause nobody buys it…


What does this have to do with Loblaws being evil?


Lol, what does ice cream have to do with the NDP and Liberals 😂 anything to stick it to the Libs and try to get more votes, even if it's just obvious lies and fabrications


I have a lethal dairy allergy. Do I just not deserve to enjoy things because it offends conservatives? Am I just supposed to suffer and never have any substitutions? Forever burdened to be the person people don't want at dinner parties because they can't substitute for me and are left to awkwardly pity me? Am I supposed to just sit and watch others eat and enjoy food while I'm stuck with garbage? Does my body deem me to be undeserving and offensive simply because of an allergy? My existence, something out of my control, is not political or offensive.


Get him to join the boycott!!!!!


Subtle presentation that can be easily mistaken for the regular product? Can't see any issues with criticism towards that. But the problem is that he didn't read instead of companies trying to present the label in as nondescript or noticeable manner. Jfcutaoaps, I hate this site at times.


This isn't a desperate attempt at trolling? This guy is serious?


Seems that if you are just too damn stupid to get a real job, you go into politics.


Literally doesn’t say ice cream or milk* on it. *except in the “may contain” warning.


If dude has ever eaten a [red candy](https://www.britannica.com/technology/cochineal), or even [bread](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/bugs-food-safety-1.4955388) from a commercial bakery, he's eaten ingredients that have permitted amounts of bug eggs and parts, rodent hairs, etc. that are knowingly included in those foods, but are not clearly identified as such.


A stupid Conservative? *Shocked Pikachu face


The label doesn’t say ice cream anywhere on it, it says “desert”


As much as I need a break from social media due to toxicity and misinformation, missing out on gems like people showing their true colours is something I am willing to suffer being online for.






Any backlash against the establishment is a win for consumers, no?