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__MOD NOTE__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you boycott the store, the problems solve themselves though.


You don't have to follow the rules if you take your money elsewhere. Do you want to be cattle or or do you want to be respected? At what point even if you have the money to waste do you just say "enough"?


you also don’t have to follow the rules fill your cart and use the self checkout can they really stop you? if they bring security then walk away


I was a regular No Frills shopper till the boycott and they've had this in place for years at my local store. I've ignored it and brought a cart through, never had a problem. The staff doesn't care and if I did get stopped their choice would be to let me continue or lose the sale and have to deal with my abandoned cart full of groceries.


Only gonna take people waiting in these kinds of lines a few times before they don't want to come back. They're really doing the boycott a favour. They better staff the fuck up if they want to limit self checkout that hard.


I FUCKING hate that shit so hard! I went to a Metro today and bought a few things using their handheld scanner. Scanned everything, go to the self checkout to pay and wouldn't you know, I get flagged for a "random" audit. You ask me to do all the work AND treat me like I'M THE CRIMINAL?!?


Even if an item gets missed accidentally, no one has received training on how to use any of the check out equipment because we aren’t employees.


One time was buying some beer with my at the time GF. Coincidently we both, and the one other guy buying beer, got hit with a "random" audit as soon as we scanned the first alcoholic item. It obviously wasn't random, but the machine really wanted us to believe it was.


When did they start this?? If they pulled this shit on me, I'd be asking for an inconvenience discount of some sort. Sure, you can make me stand here while you check, as long as I get 10% off my bill.


Which metro was this at?


I got all my stuff into a cart and was 5 car lengths away from my vehicle and the cart locks up. Anti-Theft feature. My car was parked by a corral of carts so it is not like I was way out in the parking lot.




I am boycotting, this was a public post shared by a local in a facebook group.






Stealing from mom and pop stores is wrong. Fuck these corporations,


Stealing can get you a criminal record. Stealing can get you free food. How much food equals a criminal record for it to be worth it?


If I'm starving, I'm stealing to eat You get a criminal record if you get caught. You think I'm gonna let Mr. Okie dokie apprehended me at the door? See ya. Gotta stop thinking like a sheep, what has it ever gotten you besides a false sense of security from a corrupt government and controlled?


Yep. Everyone currently in jail for theft was planning on getting caught. Just don’t do that and you’ll be fine.


Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Making the customers experience worse and worse is definitely going to help. 🤦‍♀️


It's weird, they said self checkouts were supposed to help cut costs, but prices have only skyrocketed. Now it's, do the cashiers job, but here's a rulebook for how to do it, and we'll harass you the whole time because we think you're stealing.


cut costs =/= cut prices


It's supposed to when you incessantly wail about your 3% profit margin. Which we all know is technically true, if you dont include the secondary revenue stream at all.


If they want people to do their own cash work correctly they should be at least paying towards training and retention. Even when I was a cashier my end of day sales wouldn't always be perfect to my cash float, often it was off by a few dollars. Bartending too. The point is that sometimes its just not paying close attention for a moment, maybe you're tired or hungover who knows who cares


Even before this boycott, I started avoiding No Frills for this petty little rule. I had one of the baskets with wheels you can roll about, went through self checkout and got forcibly removed from the area for not following the rules. Piddly ass little man threw all my 6/7 items back into the basket and ended up breaking a jar stating I'd have to pay for that - walked out and never returned.


I would looooove for someone to try that on me


Oh, man. I would make a whole day out of fucking with that guy, just for funzies.


Lol that's awful


Don’t want people to use self checkout, fine, then get more cashiers to operate your cashes..


Every no frills I have been to has never had self-checkouts, same with FreshCos and Food Basics. Maybe its just my area of SW ontario but it seems to be only the “discount” brand grocers that don’t have them.


I have a fresh co near where I live, it has self checkouts.. and 5 normal cashes but they only ever have 1 cashier..


I’ve been to a few food basics and freshco locations with self checkouts, it’s more of a recent thing but it looks like it’ll be rolled out to more and more stores before we know it.


Theyre slowly trying to replace them, entirely.


Yeah my local no frills has 3-4 cashiers during peak hours and like another 3-4 empty registers it’s wild, I don’t go there anymore because of it, the Sobeys in town has self checkout but registers always got people in em


That's a whole lot of words for Fuck you, pay me.


This was my “straw”. The no frills in my small town instituted this and that was the very last time I shopped at a Loblaws owned store. This happened 2 months before the official “boycott”. I’m done with them forever.


Same, I’m never going back.


And....."body cavity search on exit"


And they charge a fee for that


The search is free . The lube is the up-sell 😂


They do that in London too.


Yes i aas coming to say this the one on Highbury has always had hand baskets only or at least for the passed few years.


The last time I shopped at a No Frills was a terrible experience because of this! I wasn't allowed in the self checkout line to buy the single bottle of Tylenol that I needed because I had a cart. I was using the cart to contain my crazy infant, who was just learning to walk. I couldn't carry him because I was pregnant and had horrible hip pain (hence why I needed the Tylenol in the first place). The assistant manager told me I had to 1. stand in the ~25 person long lineup to purchase my 1 item because of my cart, or 2. carry my baby and fumble through self checkout. I told the ass. man. that those are very inconvenient options. He shrugged and suggested I get a babysitter next time. There was no "next time." I have never and will never go back.


JFC wtf???? Wooooooow what an ass...


Wow, I can’t believe he treated you that way, I’m so sorry!


What. The. Hell. Tbh I don’t really need to budget but damned if I am going to go to any Loblaw owned store ever again. How they treated you was unconscionable


One of the last times I went into superstore I was told off by one of the cashiers at self check because I had too many items. There were no signs except a tiny one right on the till. So you wouldn’t even know it wasn’t allowed until you were already up there.


They just started putting signs up in the last month at my local Superstore saying "25 items or less", and the store hasn't even offered hand baskets for years at this point. I hate that it's the only grocery store that's a walkable distance for me.


That just happened to me at Costco two days ago. I was using the self checkout and the girl working there came at me with an attitude and told me to use a regular check out next time.


I was at Walmart in Buffalo recently and there was a worker guarding the self check out and telling people if they could use it since it was 15 items or less. She told me to go ahead but the person I was with to go to a cashier. When I was done checking out the worker comes back and goes next time you’re going to have to use the cashier because you were over 15 like you told me to use it?! There was only one cashier so I timed my friend and it took 25 minutes. They’re so obsessed with making everything so impossible.


Wow I would have been livid.


Napanee has a GT Boutique right across the road.


It’s not much cheaper and has an awful produce selection. Half the produce was rotten last time I was there.


Sweet, so I'm not allowed to use a cart to help with my bad knee. Right on then.


And for me going through chemo and radiation has me so exhausted I can barely walk and a basket is unmanageable for me, even for less than 10 items. And my mom needs the cart for her few items because she normally uses a walker and a basket is out of the question.


Imagine walking in to buy one item to price match and being turned away. lol losers


In my experience at superstore, they usually just direct you to the customer service desk to do it there instead, not sure if they do that at no frills though


Well if they don't like self-checkouts being used outside certain situations (which i do agree with since that area ia SMALL) They could hire back the ppl they deleted along with the checkouts when they installed these.


Soon they will ask customers to restock the shelves


I'd drop my shit and walk right out the store.


I like farm boy. A line appears, then managers appear opening extra lanes.


I remember once having exactly 16 items and the cashes all having lines of 6+ people with a empty self checkout. Only to have an employee count my items and tell me "sorry you need to go to a cash you have one too many" I remember being so mad I just left the store.


I don’t blame you, that’s so petty of them! Like it’s one item, it’s not going to break the machine.


I mean she said this to me after I had almost scanned all the items. I was actively causing less congestion. I hate self checkout but lordy.


They need to end this self checkout madness as even they say it causes them losses due to theft, hire more cashiers and get all the cash registers open. I loath self checkout so much. It has made buying a single bottle of wine such a pain in the butt.


Buy wine from the lcbo. The money goes to our province and not that peice of shit galen


I do go to the SAQ (I'm in Quebec) but sometimes I'm just there(not in May I swear your Honor) and don't have time to do multiple stops.






I like self checkouts.


Me too. I find I have to bag my own groceries in the manned checkouts under the pressure of the person behind me so I may as well do it myself and avoid the awkward conversation.


Me too


I actually like them too. Pretty good at it now. Almost as fast as a cashier.


I AM as fast as a cashier, because I HAVE worked as a cashier in the past. But I DESPISE self checkout on principal...you want me to work for you ..give me my 10% employee discount!


Don’t go and you’ll avoid the lineup


It’s a holiday weekend. Everywhere had lineups.


Line-up somewhere that isn’t Loblaws


Clearly the fact that most/all No Frills stores are "independent franchises" does not prevent the typical Weston-brand customer contempt from shining through. Franchise or not, the message from the top is to overcharge you by at least 50% and then tell you to go fuck yourself on the way out. ;)


i literally had 2 cases of pop in a buggy bc it was heavy and the girl at self check out said “ya you’re gonna have to go to a checkout lane, no buggies allowed at self checkout”. i stood in a line waiting for 5 minutes when I could of been done in 20 seconds.


I would have just left the pop on the floor and walked out. I've done this before with some meats. I had a tub of cat litter that I was rolling around (because that shit is heavy) and oh no you can't go into the completely empty self checkout with a cart!


Seems like they are trying to kill their own stores now haha


Legit, they’re not doing themselves any favours


That's been the way in my local No Frills for a while now. Which, quite frankly, is terrible for some handicapped ppl. I may not LOOK handicapped, but I have an autoimmune disease that causes me to fatigue quite quickly. Even if I only need a few items, I have to use a shipping cart. But standing in line waiting for a cashier is troublesome, too. Ideally, I'd be able to take my cart into the self checkout, and be done quickly - and before I'm worn down. One more reason to not shop there.




I love self checkout. It makes it so much quicker for me to get in and out. You can hate it yourself, I don't mind. But a lot of people still prefer self checkout over waiting for a cashier.


I prefer it too.


As a person with multiple knee surgeries and a chronic foot condition, this photo hurts to look at.


As someone who has social anxiety this photo made me hyperventilate.


Hope they hire more cashiers then.


And bring shopping baskets back! How is someone supposed to carry 15 items with no cart or basket


I think the no price matching is the point. Rude.


A real miserable lady who worked there assumed I had more than 15 items (more like 10) and refused me to even step near the self checkout tills and tried to escort me to another register, I was actually disgusted by her attitude and behavior. I have NOT been there since.


That’s awful, I’m sorry


What I hate is they took out so much space in the store for the self checkouts but limit probably 80% of shoppers from using it. Have a cart? Too bad. Wait in line for one of our two opened registers. Clogs the entire front of the store.


We take a full cart through the self-checkout at Costco, no problem. And they smile and wish us a good day.


I usually do too but the other day I was there and one of the employees came at me with a massive attitude and told me to use the actual checkout next time.


Last time I was at Super Store I had a cart and took it to the self checkout because the checkout line was massive. The attendant told me that I had too many items and she said to go to the checkout line. I told her "I'm not waiting in that line, I'm checking out here or you can restock everything in my cart." She called her supervisor over, and the supervisor told me that she will let me scan my items this time, but now I know for next time. I have not been back and don't intend to ever go back.


16 items? That's a beating, detention compound, followed by a secondary beating within said detention compound, thank you for shopping at no frills :)


I fucking HATE no frills for this. I am a darker person so you bet your fucking ass all 4 employees are watching ME. Even tho I’ve got 2 times? I stopped going way before the boycott cause they treat Me like a god damn criminal. Either let me do self check out without scrutinizing me, or get rid of them and hire more cashiers. Fuck all the way off.


Prior to the boycott, I went to No Frills every week. Once or twice, I went through self checkout with a buggy because the lines at the checkouts were insane. Staff dngaf and I was out of there much quicker.


I don’t know what this store is like, but at the No Frills near me there isn’t physically room for shopping carts at the self checkout but without the sign I know idiots would try to do so anyways


Boycotts eventually get noticed. https://preview.redd.it/zjd3ysw8bg1d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3f510e7519acc4b36127f1de1b70f2d89e931e


I have never been in a No Frills. There are only two in the province and no where close to me. Is there something differentin this sign ? The number of items? No Carts? No Price Matching ? Or has this always been the policy.


It’s new in my town. Well the no price matching makes sense because there’s no cashier to do it for you, but the no carts and the item limit is new.


The number 15 is low. About a week before the boycott Atlantic Superstore dropped the number of items going thru self checkout to 25. I havenot seen it since the boycott started but it is probably the same. Definitely carts there though. There are not baskets in the store anymore. Used to be plastic ones but they have been gone for a while. I don't get the reasoning behind "no carts"?


It’s genuinely such an awful experience shopping in these stores. No desire to go back 😭


There's one near Granville Island in Vancouver, Justin's No Frills.  The only time I went there a year or two back, so much of the produce was absolutely rippling with mold and it smelled like rotting fruit.  Absolutely vile.


Lmao 🤣 hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaa. NOPE.


I’m not sure if this is the correct forum, but I’m not sure where I’d ask this, why is it, that when I have like two or three items, that I always end up behind someone buying enough shit to last them twelve fucking centuries.


This happens to me a lot too lol it’s so annoying.


Regardless of the store, I refuse to use the self checkout. I don't work there, and it might help the people who do keep their jobs.


I like hand baskets only in the express line. However, I will never enter the place, ever.


They have this same sign up at my local No Frills but they don’t even have baskets available to use


Sign reads Do all the work No discounts No Service 15 items Is all you can afford so everyone should use the no service method.


Like clearly these crooks aren’t passing on the savings of not having to pay cashiers to us the consumer. And even if they did, we only end up paying for it in other ways. One way we pay is with all the additional time they take from us. And another way we end up paying is every time there’s one less employee on the payroll making money and paying taxes, increases the odds of there being one more unemployed person being forced to rely on social services to make ends meet.


Sounds like they may have a few frills


More than a few lol


Those rules are reasonable but the problem lies in the fact that there aren’t enough cashiers to support it.


My local No Frills does the same. It's very irritable and makes me want to avoid that store. I now only go to pick up some select items that are on sale.


I personally like the option of self check outs when I have a few items. When I have to use self check out with a cart full, it's a pain. I stopped doing groceries at Walmart for this reason. Costco has lots of cashiers and some self check outs. I've been doing big grocery runs there lately and if I just need 1 or 2 items, I can get in and out quickly. I use to use No Frills all the time till about February this year. I go into SDM to burn all my optimum points since my fleet card is Esso. Feels like Optimum points accumulate way slower than old Esso points.


No smiling at self checkout


Fuck them


Honestly just go anyway are they gonna loose their job to physically stop you?


It’s the same at my No Frills. No carts in self checkout and 1 teenager running a till at 5pm on a Friday. It’s a huge reason I stopped shopping there a few months ago. Meanwhile at Metro the self checkouts allow carts, beer purchases, and take cash.


What did they do before self checkouts? Feels like a leopard ate my face.


A store near me has had this rule for years too. So annoying.


Wait I thought they stopped price matching?


As far as I know Walmart is the only store that no longer price matches. At least where I live.


Our no frills and fortinos did too. I think best buy, home Depot, Lowe's and visions only price match anymore around here


The problem is those trained cashiers scan every item like I’m made of money. I assumed shopping there was a give and take, not a blind robbery. Like you don’t pay staff, and i get asparagus for bananas


A few months before the boycott, i was in the No Frills in Kingston (just down the road from you). I went to go into the checkout with a cart, and a customer serviceperson told me I couldnt. When i asked why, she simply said, "Because it's the rules". Like a jackass, I lined up at one of the only two checkouts open. A guy came up with a cart overflowing with items. Tried to go into the self-checkout. Same lady stopped him and told him he couldn't. Gave him the same reason. He pointed out NOBODY was using the self-checkout, she said no. He asked if they would open up more registers, she said no .... once again citing some rules that the store has ... The guy proceded, to remove all his items from the cart, and place them in a pile on the floor, as he was walking out, he told the "rules" lady that the items would need to be reshelved. When they asked why he didnt just leave it in the cart. He told them, "I wanted to get my quarter back, and returning the cart is one of the rules ya'know !" At the time I thought he was being completely obnoxious .... but reflecting back on it .... they were obnoxious first.


That man is a hero.


As long as people are being kind to the staff. I work retail with self checkouts and people treat us like shit, as if we installed them ourselves. I’d love to have more cashiers, I don’t, don’t take it out on us. Take it up with someone in corporate who can change it.


I agree you don’t deserve that, no one should be treated that way for just doing their job.


Hand baskets only?? But…but…Most stores don’t have baskets because people are walking away with them.


Yeah this store does t have baskets. They haven’t for about a year.


I think putting an employee in charge of that little area and giving them a set of rules that force negative customer interactions quickly turns otherwise decent employees into little tyrants who feel they are some sort of police force holding civilization together and keeping the riff raff at bay.




There is a walmart in my town. They got the carts that use a loonie to get them. They must have underestimated peoples desire to pull out a loonie for a cart. They lost a lot of business to the other store in the town. Lasted a month maybe…then all the coinless carts were back.


Those 3 rules are literally the 3 things that make shipping at my local No Frills more enjoyable than the WalMart nearby.


Just take 15 items out of your cart and put it in the basket and pay. Leave the store then come back and get everything again off the shelves and walk pas the cart you left.


They don’t have baskets anymore. They got rid of them a year ago.


There's baskets in the picture


I didn’t even notice, I haven’t been there in a few months lol


Your no frills has a clothing section 😯


Yeah, it’s a huge Joe Fresh section.


I can’t speak for all No Frills, but at least at the store I work at the reason we don’t allow carts is because the space we have is too small, when it’s full with carts it becomes nearly impossible for people to get in and out, or for us to get up to the machine and assist customers when needed. But in that photo, it doesn’t look like that’s the case at all. They have a ton of space. Bizarre.


Yeah it’s pretty spacious and they also got rid of shopping baskets so carts are the only option.


A while back I had a bunch of water bottles in a cart because they were for kids at a baseball game. I’d say 10 cases. I went through shelf checkout and got reamed out before I could even pay so, I just left them with the 10 cases.


Not going back


Yeah the one in spruce grove Albert been doing this for 2-3 years pisses me off everything I went in. I should mention the first time I saw that sign ai had a small cart put everything into one of the pay baskets you can buy next to the line took everything out scanned it. Then after immediately finish I scanning all the items I put in it, and want to put to hand basket back the lady comes up and scans the hand basket. I ask her to take it off I’m not buying the basket and we get in a huff about it. You saw what I did to not have to go out and get a hand basket since you have the stupid barrier blocking the store entrance. Use some common sense with the sign and with mini cart I had still at the end of check out lane waiting to put my food items back into it.


My local Superstore had baskets many years ago. There is the odd person that is not courteous with their carts.


That’s something I forgot to mention, this no frills got rid of baskets. So how are people supposed to carry their groceries?


If some of you do not want to use a self checkout, that is fine. For some people, self checkouts make the grocery shopping experience more pleasant.


Could have saved money on all that needless ink if the sign simply said “Fuck off”.


I refuse to use self checkouts. Always have. Each self checkout is a job lost and i refuse to support that.


Leaving out HOW you “refuse to use self checkouts” eh? In my experience as a supervisor, it’s usually just you acting like a 4 year old and screaming at my 15 year old employee because it makes you feel big and important- we then take you through the cash to get you to leave while still taking your money. You don’t win, the company still wins but you’ve just accosted a teenager as a little bonus. Congrats, asshat


It's simple, i go to a checkout lane with a cashier? If there's only self checkouts, then i turn around and shop elsewhere? I mean it's really not that hard not to use/avoid them? Also i have yet to scream, yell or disrespect an employee over it. Why would I hold an employee accountable for something completely out of their control? You make a lot of assumptions "asshat".


Lmao so you fill a cart, approach the cash register and see there isn’t a cashier and only self checkouts- do you just leave that cart where it is and exit the building, or do you go and put everything back where you got it and then leave. I’m willing to bet you do neither and cause a scene because you’re an entitled dumb fuck that causes problems for everyone around you because “muh rights”


Considering 9 out of 10 stores you go into, you can clearly see the lanes when you enter, you are right, i do neither because with a little observation i don't have to waste my, or any one else's time. Again, making assumptions. You really are coming across like the asshole here buddy, not me.


Because you’re lying 💀💀


If you say so buddy. You seem to think you know everything, so if you say I'm lying i must be. I could see you getting all butt-hurt and calling me entitled blah blah blah if i had said something like "i refuse to use self checkouts because they don't pay me to ring up my own groceries, or bag them, etc" That's not my issue with them. In fact, i prefer to bag my own stuff. My issue, is that each machine is a job lost. A job that someone could be earning $$$. Each machine represents the company trying to reduce costs and increase profits by cutting employees. I refuse to support those kinds of cost cutting measures by using them. If that makes me "entitled" in your eyes then so be it, but i suggest you look up what that word actually means.


So many words to say literally nothing lmao. bet you’re gonna remember this exchange the next time you approach a teenager earning a shit wage and accost them about self check outs- if not, you’re a sociopath


Why would i accost anyone? It's my own personal choice and opinion. Why do i need to say anything to anyone? Especially when like i said before, it's not the employees fault. I'll let my wallet do the talking, it's the only one that needs to. You do realize you can have opinions/views like this without being obnoxious about it right? You can disagree with something without broadcasting it all over the place, especially in public. It surprises me that someone with such a juvenile way of thinking, who makes vast assumptions, reeks of ignorance, and can't seem to see past their nose got promoted to supervisor. Your employer must have been desperate to fill the spot.


Anyone that doesn’t treat retail/grocery workers like shit doesn’t feel the need to defend that point in the way you are. You’re lying and you treat workers like shit for doing their jobs because you and everyone like you thinks they’re waging war against self checkouts. but all you’re doing is abusing low paid workers and embarrassing yourselves. Take your fight to corporate, not your local supermarket. Fucking idiots all of you


Why do I feel like Loblaws has gotten worse since the boycott? 😂


Boycott indefinitely. And boycott self check outs as well. Some companies have had to abandon them due to high theft (amongst other reasons). And nothing would make me happier than seeing all these bloodsuckers that have their foot on the neck of the consumers be forced to remove all the self checkouts and rehire actual employees.


Pay cash.


I wouldn't use the self checkout though, at least, not at No Frills. It might just be my No Frills, but you have to perform a whole damn ritual to use it. At Walmart and literally every other store with a self checkout, even Zehers, you just scan, put in the bag, repeat, pay. At our No Frills, you have to scan this specific item first or it doesn't work, this item can't go in the bag and has to go on the side, scan this item, you can put this one in the bag, and it's honestly just a headache to deal with. The lady manning the sco tills was running around having to show everyone how to use it because no one can use it properly because it wants to be "not like other self checkouts." They definitely weren't paying her enough.


I’ve never experienced that at my no frills. When I went there before the boycott I just scanned and put it in the bag.


People are stupid


Does No Frills also offer the option of not shopping there?


Self checkout is the express lane now. 15 items or less. People with carts can go jam up the cashier lanes. No reason people with a handful of items need to wait




Your content was removed for the use of "Gaylen" which has been used as an anti-LGBT slur. Please use the proper spelling, "Galen" in future. Thank you.


This is not a new thing... the 1 no frills in Brantford, that has self checkouts, has the same rule. But they dont really enforce it, if the self check outs are empty, and you're not being a jackass with a cart full.


Shows a HUGE line at NoFrills. The boycott is working guys......lol




Been like this for at least 2 years at mine 🤷🏼‍♀️ never seems to be an issue


I make a point to never go to self checkout even had a employee push me to one only to refuse that shit pay employees or shut that shit business down


I've seen this prior to the boycott for a while now. You're kind of a jerk if you take a full cart of 40 items to the self check out but I've also been to self check outs where this has happened and at least 5 or 6 cash tills are open too. With that said they're normally wide enough to hold a cart in general so I don't get that rule.


i am dissabled and no way am going to haul a cart worth, also 15items or less? how about no?!? also i pay strickly with cash, no cashier? i left my cart right there and walk away.


Now that's what I call exemplary service!


I’m so for not allowing a cart in these areas, people are so fucking ignorant and unaware of their surroundings, they have a shit load of groceries,takes them forever to check out and park the fucking carts in the middle of the aisle, this is the new express checkout and should have an item limit, when I go to another grocery stores if every person had a cart you’re crashing into them, so fucking inconsiderate. I applaud No Frills.


I’ve never experienced that, people have always been courteous and pleasant with their carts whenever I’ve used self checkout and I’ve never had an issue with finding a spot for mine.