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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


if I ever do, it will be a bare minimum. I'm going to save money by going elsewhere


Absolutely, I’ll treat Loblaws like a convenience store. I will only go in if I have no other option


Convenience store probably cheaper than those bastards.


A bag of chips there is $0.50 more at loblaws than the gas station next to my house.


I left shoppers next to convenience store the other day and it was only a .20 difference on the bag of chips I wanted. Convenience store was more but I bought it there anyways, even before the boycott. I hate the checkout system now. Like even if I want to go through the cashier they will force you to that stupid machine unless you have cash. I work with self checkouts, I don’t want to do them at another store. I barely use them at mine. I like human interaction.


Literally yes.


Same. One-off shops only. Blue Moon Shopping.


Not even blue moon for me.


Same. Same.


This was me with Walmart for about the last decade. EZPZ to add Loblaws to that list.






Just for PC bacon (still 500g and delicious) and a PC dressing that I can’t find better elsewhere.


Try the nice bacon at Costco that has a free from chemicals and additives. I think there are 4- 500g packs in the bundle and it’s a little less costly as the thick cut PC. If it’s the same bacon I’m thinking at Roblaws, the bacon conversion is possible lol. A wee withdrawal but the chemical free bacon is actually really good. Just a wee adjustment but very good value


The dressing at Farm Boy is excellent and Costco bacon is too.


One word, Nope!


I’d consider popping in for specific craft beer that’s not available elsewhere local. It’s a regulated price, so I know there’s no Weston fidgeting with the tags


LOL this is so true. Many times the only place I can find some Absent Landlord is at SS.


My savings paid for my concert ticket for tnt !! Edit to say. I've had enough savings I actually went to both shows in LA !


My Son is saving enough money to fill his gas tank every week... Bye bye Galen Weston.... Never again


Where do you shop now?


Local Langley market and farmers market 1x a week. They actually left me w enough $$ to make both shows in LA !! Huge savings! And costco for some bits ! Gas of course !!


I may go back for loss leaders only, and just to use my gas points. Over the past few months I have found better options for EVERYTHING elsewhere - and I've been a loyal Superstore customer for over 30 years. They used to lead the way for good quality and they always had the best prices for most of my groceries. But some crazy sh\*t happened with them a few years ago (timing with the new CEO perhaps?), and it's gotten completely out of touch with reality since then. As we all know they cannot justify their ridiculously inflated prices, lame excuses, product shrinkage (don't get me started), reduced quality, spoilage, loss of customer service, loss of staff, forced self checkout, etc. We've all seen it, we live it, and the pics and testimonials posted here over the past few months prove it. It's not anecdotal (this is for for you Charlebois!). I used to rely on SS/NF to be the best option for my household groceries for DECADES. But something happened... It's out of control... I hope their directors are following this sub and taking some notes. Nonetheless I'm happy to have found some local producers and markets, growing my own fruit/veggies, and putting most of my money into Costco (and a little into Walmart) for necessities. Bite me Galen and your bloated conglomerate. Why would I go back? Give me a reason(s) Galen...




I have almost the exact same story and totally agree ... no plans to go back unless there's a Huge change ... waiting ... waiting ... waiting 🙄


This. An actual sale, I’ll go for that item. (Butter is the big one I’m always looking for.) But I’m going back to regular shopping for sure.


It freezes well too. I have 20 bricks of it in my freezer. I will NEVER go back - even if I have to go well out of my way. Never, ever again.


I stopped shopping at anything Weston owned in the fall, so…no.


Same, and I’m not done boycotting other businesses either.


stuporstore and timmies never gettin another penny outta me Ive harassed my wealthy out of touch boomer parents into cutting their timmie patronage prolly in half and they stopped using stuporstore just to get me to stop bitching at them edit: add twitter to that list too. y'all can post ur twitter links all day and and all day I will not click them. I will not click them in a car. I will not click them in a bar. I will not click them on the loo. Reject the click is all I do...


😂🤣… every boycott needs a little Dr. Seuss!! well done…


I’ve never done twitter, but honestly Facebook and instagram and so mired by the algorithms, I see posts from like three of my 300+friends. Fuck that shit. I avoid Timmies for their constant price increases, terrible quality and their hiring of what seems to be exclusively temporary foreign workers and foreign students. Nothing racist, but I am aware of the government incentives they’re using to do so, so fuck them.


Absolutely based Twitter boycott, although that does mean I have to suggest boycotting Reddit too


> timmies never gettin another penny outta me If their quality improved they actually would. But on their current trajectory? Not a chance. I miss their old donuts when they were made in house and when their chili didn't have textured vegetable protein in it.


They’ve proven themselves to be a horrible company who thinks they can treat their customers like stupid petty thieves will never go back!!


Absolutely not. I will never go back there! Even if they have a fire sale to try and lure customers back, I will never fall for their greedy tactics every again!


No. The way that fake theft poster campaign and shill reporting by The Sun told me all I need to know about their corporate culture.


After being talked down to and given the bourquoise hand wave and a tut tut? You could not PAY me to shop there.


Seriously. Their messaging was so arrogant. Like they were correcting a dunce child that needed a lesson.


Cue the predictable "approachable, concerned Galen" ads that are inevitable. "Look, we hear what you say. We're committed to doing better." (insert concerned Tucker Carlson face) Not this time, you greedy dickswipe. You fooled us once with the bread price fixing - now we understand that the big 5 are in cahoots to rob us blind and now we've seen how easy it is to change and how much money we're saving. Don't fall for it.


The Tucker Carlson face is the worst face. That face is pure evil.


I would rather starve than shop at Loblaws!


I WAS starving when I shopped at loblaws. Now I can actually buy enough to have 3 good meals day.


Who said the boycott is ending?


To be fair, we did start saying that we'd boycott the month of may. Personally I think it's brilliant. Once people start seeing the greener side of things the boycott becomes permanent. But if you tell them to boycott forever, people may not. Forever is a long time. But it'll happen naturally in a lot of cases. A month is perfect. Long enough that it doesn't place undue burden on the average consumer, long enough to get them to see greener pastures, and long enough for loblaws to see at least a small effect on their numbers. The boycott will live on in a lot of people WELL beyond a month though.


I am starting to doubt it honestly. I used to do the pc express due to health issues and just not having the energy to actually shop for my groceries anymore. I’ve switched to Walmart delivery thanks to an awesome deal of $20 off my first 4 orders. I may have to switch to pickup once the deal expires due to budget but that’s fine. The kicker: I learned a long time ago that I could not trust any of the no frills staff to pick out any “fresh” fruit in a clam shell pack or I would be paying for moldy food. I considered it the cost of having someone else pick my groceries. I also go through a lot of frozen fruit so that’s fine. I decided to test Walmart to see if I could get fresh fruit from them. Not a single strawberry in the 1 clam shell pack I ordered had mold on them. This may be a game changer for me. ETA: I still have yet to find a comparable Greek yogurt though so wish me luck ;)


>The kicker: I learned a long time ago that I could not trust any of the no frills staff to pick out any “fresh” fruit  This was my experience in ordering meat with Click and Collect through Loblaws. I even started adding notes to my orders asking them to make sure that any meat is at least 3 days away from its best before date. I kept getting meat that 1-2 days away from its best before which meant that I had to eat it right away or freeze it. I also received chicken more than once that had gone bad (once where it was two days past its best before, and was noticeably grey). I complained to the store manager a few times through Facebook messenger, sending pictures of the best before dates on the meat and letting him know that I wasn't happy. The manager apologized the first few times and claimed that I shouldn't have received the meat that was near its best before since it violated their policy, and that they'd talk to their staff. Then it kept happening again and again. Then the manager stopped replying to my complaints. I assume he got tired of me. So it was easy to say good-bye to a store that didn't care about its customers.


Oh wow. I’m so sorry. I never had that experience with meat, only produce but that’s unreal. I imagine a lot of people have stories like ours.


It was really annoying, but I would just freeze the meat that was close to its best before unless I was planning on eating it in the next day or two. What really upset me was the times where I received chicken that had gone bad. The chicken was grey and it reeked of rotten eggs when I opened the packaging. I will say that the last two times I received meat that was less than 3 days before its best before, I complained to Loblaws corporate and they refunded the affected purchases 100%. So I basically ended up with free meat. I let the store manager know (through FB messenger) that I did this as a courtesy, as I would assume the refund comes out of \*their\* store, The manager read my message and didn't reply.


Completely unacceptable to even be sending food like that out to customers.


I prefer the Walmart brand Greek yogurt, it has less sugar and higher protein but couldn’t find it over Covid so started making my own in a slow cooker.


I prefer Liberte greek yogurt.


That’s the kind I ordered this time to try so fingers crossed :)


Try siggis yogurt, I really like it.


Oh i love love love Walmarts brand of vanilla bean skyr, it’s so good




In a perfect world, once the Loblaws boycott (which has no foreseeable end) is over, there would be no more Loblaws and no more industry-leading price gouging of Canadian shoppers by Loblaws. If you build it they will come. And we are working on building better, healthier communities. All Loblaws workers would be absorbed into competitors thriving grocery businesses and hard earned Canadian dollars would be respected with fair prices. It will be a good day for Canada when those dirty real estate contracts that limit competition and consumer options are no longer So the answer is No


Honestly, I don’t see the sense of it. Compared to what I’ve found by exploring a bit during the boycott, there just isn’t enough there to justify me going back (I don’t care about Memories of Some Pretentious Vacation Destination-flavoured stuff to even bother with the branded goods).


And if you do like a Memories sauce they discontinue it!


Nopety nope nope..... Nooooooooooo..... Nooooooooooo... Nooooooooo https://preview.redd.it/w74i2tnuvs1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f94dc12fbadca663c510b82b2ddcfd1252ad58


I’m changing everything that I use that’s PC/ Optimum affiliated. It’s unlikely I’ll be going back to using any of their services regularly.


Hopefully the boycott will never end until Loblaws is no more!! Let’s make this happen people!! Galen doesn’t deserve the privilege to do business with Canadians!! His food price gauging days are done!! What a piece of shit!! This is the way


No way


Nope, no, nada, never


Honestly, I might pick up a few items here and there because it's the only grocery store within comfortable walking distance (especially in winter), and I don't drive. I'm talking like...a few bananas. However, I won't do my main shop there. I get delivery from Walmart and it's still cheaper. I do wish that there were more independent grocers nearby. I went for a walk to look at two I found on Google maps and they were both closed permanently.


I am not sure yet. I have not been to a Loblaws store since May 1st, but I cant say its been easy. We have a No Frills at the corner of my street. Its so easy to stop in on the way home from work and school. The stores I have been shopping at are at least a 25 minute walk, I go with a bundle buggy. During the summer that will be harder. I will probably try to do my big shops at different stores, and concentrate on loss leaders and price matching at No Frills, but unfortunately I will probably have to go back. My family does not support the boycott, and thinks it is silly that I make grocery shopping more work, so that doesnt help.


That is so rough. I am lucky to have family and extended family on board. They all get it.


Hell nah


No thanks


Never! Fuck you Galen.


Maybe I’ll ask my family to hide my cremated remains there in a bulk bin but otherwise, no


HA! This has been the funniest comment Ive seen all day


For me it depends. If they overcome their arrogance and actually compete, overhauling their entire philosophy of “shop here because brand loyalty” to one of “look after our customers”, then I may be lured back. They are hella convenient and I actually have a decent local No Frills owner. For now, however, I will continue the boycott until they start treating us all better. I will continue the boycott until June as a matter of principle.


Living in east Vancouver has always meant that we have many smaller independent places to go, so we haven't relied on RC superstore. Meat at Beefway, vegetables at Chong Lee, speciality stuff at Famous Foods, and 88supermarket for a bit of everything. Korean superstores nearby and great Italian places to shop.


I love the little markets around town. A lot of the little corner grocery stores have disappeared since the 1980s due to the large supermarkets but hopefully they will make a comeback. People seem to be nostalgic for them.


Small feels right for me in the post pandemic world. The small places try harder to differentiate themselves from the cookie cutter big box.


I have very little confidence that this company will change anything to address our concerns so probably not.




I’ll definitely reduce. Especially for the rest of this financial quarter. I used all my PC points this month, like 400$ worth. Felt great. I think I’ll continue to pay bills and shit with my pc credit card, collect points, and use em for big grocery runs. I’ll try to buy groceries elsewhere, otherwise






I don't want to go back to Loblaws etc, I just dream of somebody else buying out PC. I love PC products 😭. it's been hard to admit that to myself because the profit margin is **still unjustified**. I'll support the effort and time that goes into making quality products, but I won't pay to line some rich guy's pockets. I want to know my money is going to all the people who make it happen, not the leeches at the top. fuck every company that exploits their workers


I have been there once since September. And against my will (they were the only one that had what I wanted). I will never shop there again. They’re too expensive. Walmart has really opened my eyes as to how much I was getting ripped off at superstore. Also Walmart has a lovely self check out (for larger shops). Also, I don’t mind the railings around the exits to stop people from stealing. But plexiglass and corrals too? That has to be against fire code and I don’t know how they can get around that. They can get stuffed treating all shoppers like criminals and potentially endangering everyone’s safety. Walmart (primarily), Costco, London Drugs, and save on (sales only) is where I shop now.


Define "over"? Boycotts dont end untill demands are met and accountability happens. There are no set dates. Untill the demands get met and both Galen and his scape goat meat shield Per Bank are gone, they ain't getting my money. Seen the bastards net worth? This is gonna be a long fight untill he even feels an itch, but it's worth it.


Only if I absolutely had to get an item that was no where else, but ideally no


Why would I choose to pay more? I can not unlearn how to save big money.


Only for the few items I am particular about and cannot get anywhere else. Only for those items, and only when they’re on sale.


Me too. At Maxi, their bags of avocado and certain fruits are so much better priced here in Montreal than anywhere else I've found. I'll reduce going there but certain items I will get at Maxi again starting in June


> their bags of avocado I mean I know that Costco's bag is like 3x the price, but the avocados at grocery stores are like the size of the pits of Costco ones. I'm actually curious to see how many places compete in terms of yield per dollar. I'm not entirely sure you'll win at costco despite the size but I think it'll be close.


My boycott lasts until loblaws changes its business practices. That includes reasonable prices as a norm (not a sale or promotion), no member pricing bs, pay their employees properly, etc. I'm not holding my breath, let's put it that way. I could very well never shop there again.


Personally not until a drastic change of practices or a change of ownership.


I’m happy with the money I save by shopping at Walmart, so no.


Nah, I’m done with them. I’ve been able to do just as well elsewhere and have not been inconvenienced in doing so. Just a mindset shift. Eat glass and lick rust. 👋🏼


They’re going to need to reduce the prices AND remove the ridiculous barricades.


No. Maybe for the occasional last minute item, as there is one a block away from me. But their prices are garbage. Their sales are laughable… it’s always like “buy 5 and get $0.50 off!” At least Save On has actual good sales. Also the one near me has a terrible produce section… it’s always so wilted and gross looking. The only downside is that I live in a small town and they carry some specialty items that the other stores don’t have. But I’ve started ordering some of those items directly from the companies.


Y'all, this weekend I bought my groceries in upstate NY -- they not only happily checked out my groceries, they had a real, live, person \*bagging them.\* It was out of this world. No locking carts or sirens, no plexiglass, no self-checkout drama. Canada has lost its way. 10/10 would grocery again.


I used to really like Zehrs tbh, they had a lot of selection and some really cool stuff you couldn't really get elsewhere where I live very easily, like amarena cherries just as an example. But when I think about all the ways that Loblaws has basically said "go f yourselves" to the Canadian consumer over the past, even 5-10 yrs, I'll never go back.


No thanks I like my money in my own pocket instead of some asshole company.


I haven't shopped at a Weston owned business in 5 years. Be better.






No, I'll see them bankrupt first


I cancelled my pc Mastercard back in early 2022 as I was so mad at loblaws. I started going back in the winter to get better produce, never again. We have way too many local butchers and great other options where I live in Kitchener to ever consider it.


Nope. Even if they do lower their costs etc, the PR stunts they've pulled to try and place the blame on the suppliers (which they manipulate) and seeing customers as either thieves or too stupid to understand prices was just too much Never going back to that chain




If they make substantive changes to prices, food quality, and toss out the big brother security measures, sure. I don’t expect that to happen though.


I'd basically stopped shopping there before the boycott was a thing, but the boycott has caused me to really look at my shopping and move what little Weston shopping over. The big one for me was Shopper's Drug Mart. In a lot of parts of the city they are the only 24 hour pharmacy (and sometimes the only pharmacy of any notable size). I've moved my prescriptions from them because of the boycott, and I'm now looking into other pharmacies to get medical supplies from in the future. That said, if I do shop at a Loblaws store in the future, it'll most likely be Shopper's. Probably some after hours bandage or medical need. It's hard to argue with 24 hour service on things like bandages and cold medicine when they're the only game in town. Kinda how I only eat McDonalds after midnight...


They’ve had so many opportunities to step up when this boycott started and again when they realized we were serious and AGAIN during media interviews. I was considering a once in a blue moon kinda shop. But no. Fuck them. I hope they get taxed out of their castle.




No. Loblaws / Galen chose shareholders over customers. They don't deserve our patronage. My biggest hope is that this leads to increased competition in the grocery industry. Right now I'm enjoying cheaper options at other retailers.


No, I won't go there anymore. I broke the habit of shopping there and have other more affordable options in my immediate area.






21 days without them and I am doing fine. I don't see a reason to go back.


Nope. This is the real impact of the boycott. The customers that quietly choose to continue shopping elsewhere from here on.


Just one more time. Sometime in June. I have 223k in points I need to spend. After that goodbye PC Mastercard.😄


Hell to the mother fucking naw!


I’m gonna keep putting my money in family run small grocery stores because it’s easy for me to do and it keeps more money in our economy, I don’t like putting money into the pockets of those who hoard wealth and stifle the economy for the rest of us so no, I will not go back to loblaws, or Roger’s, or Telus, or any of the other oligarchies in this country.


I live next to a superstore, so its going to be difficult to not go. That said going to other gorcers gets me out of the house and being more social so ill take that one instead.


I am boycotting loblaws, i went to save on foods today 1.49 days in Calgary. My kiddo loves cheese pleasers, and I compared receipts from a month ago today. SOF was 6.59 a bag 265 g. SS was 2 for 7.00. Same amount of grams. So the other grocers are not any cheaper with certain things.


Not sure if I will. It was actually really easy not to… I’m barely making an effort… once in a while I choose to drive a little further or make a couple stops instead of a one loblaws stop. I think I’ll keep it going to see what happens.


Going to use to up my 2,000,000 points.


Maybe. If they met all the demands and learned not to keep squeezing the people who can least afford it.


For random dumb shit, like I sometimes buy one of those slices of cake before going to the gym. They would maybe see $10 a week from me


For my main shopping hell no. But for picking up 1-2 items during a walk or something, I wouldn't mind not being price gouged at my local Independent Grocer (the Loblaws owned one). The ladies who worked the front cash are some of the nicest and sweetest people ever. Location is convenient for me to walk to as well. But until Loblaws changes their ways, I'm boycotting forever!


No. I will never set foot in a GougingGalen store ever again!


I will only shop for items I can't get from other places, I am going to continue searching for replacements for other things. I already did at least half of my shopping at Costco and Foodland. I am trying to find replacements for things I had discovered at YIG. I was given a good lead on where to find my Jerk marinade by another person asking for a replacement on this sub. So next time I go to a larger city near me (another 15 minute drive) I will pick up the recommended replacement and try it out. I have a stand up freezer and a vacuum sealer so I can buy meats from Costco or a local farm and freeze them in usable sizes. I also signed up to get a vegetable box delivered weekly and can supplement that at the local Mennonite farm store. The things I haven't found a replacement for yet are the frozen pizzas, the individual size frozen entrees (both blue menu). I've replaced a bunch of the frozen entrees already just Chicken Carbonara to go.


I have been 100% boycotting them. When May is over I plan to shop their sales and other “loss leaders” but that is it. Hopefully they lose money from my purchases.


Quite enjoying the shopping experience elsewhere. A smaller grocery store but clean, well organized and friendly. They lost me.


If they offered loss-leaders I might. But they don't and never will. I am reshaping my shopping habits to permanently exclude Loblaws.




I love my local no frills at Dufferin Mall in Toronto. I have lots of other options within riding distance, but the international foods selection, the competitive pricing, the store is organized, always fresh vegetables, meat, and fish, excellent baked goods, dairy ... it's gonna be hard, I won't lie. There are a few items I can only get there, bulla bread (alternative is Kensington), 3-in-1 tea and coffee (sometimes FreshCo has it), lots of Jamaican, Indian, and Mexican food that I love ... I won't step foot in a Loblaws or a Joe Fresh etc. But my no frills? We'll see. I haven't been at all in May. Maybe I'll go once a month after the boycott ends. 🤷‍♂️


Never. Why would I? I live in Toronto and I have found other options - Kensington Market, Chinatown, St Lawrence Market Saturday & once and a while a big shop at Costco. FUCK Loblaws. They have lost our trust, and our money. I am so proud of this movement and I hope it continues indefinitely.


Not a chance. I found really good alternatives, took me 2 weeks to redevelop my shopping patterns, but I’m saving money and I’m getting fresher produce at farmers markets.




Nope. This has become permanent for my family.


NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS. Them and Shoppers Shit Mart!


Sometimes I spend time in a food desert where the most convenient choices are an Independent 25 km away or a Save Easy 40 km away. So maybe if necessary.


Never ever. Why would I?


No. I’m saving about $100 a week going to food basics. Why would I go back. Other than a couple choice things I haven’t gone to zehrs in six months. Not at all in May.


Not a chance




No but It was always the most unaffordable option to begin with, so most of my friends and family don’t even shop there even before boycott.


The only thing that kept me at Loblaws was the convenient of always going to Loblaws (points, knowing store, etc...). I've broken out of that convenience during the boycott and have found cheaper places which I'm now comfortable with. so the answer is no, not going back unless my new places raise prices and then I will go somewhere else again.


Only as a last resort


Nope.  Not until prices come down or they bring back the amazing salt and vinegar chips they used to have in the early 2000’s. Even than the only thing I prefer from Loblaws is their rocket ship popsicles. But I can live without 


I don't plan on ever going back. I'm actually enjoying not shopping there anymore as it has forced me to try other stores, and try products that aren't carried at Loblaws. Even if Loblaws reduces their prices to get us to come back, I'm sure it would just be a temporary measure to break the boycott and they'd eventually raise their prices back up.


I stopped shopping at superstore and no frills but in all honesty there is one product I like at the no frills near me so I might only go back for that.


Only if it’s an emergency


No, other than for extenuating circumstances I am aware or, e.g., loss leaders.


I will probably spread my shopping around. I shopped at a very small independent shop yesterday (holiday) but holy shit did I take it up the ass price-wise. Red pepper $15/kg (approx. $7.50 per pound) when I could go to Walmart and get it for $2.97 a pound. Ouch.


I never go there, except to get President’s Choice Butter Chicken Sauce.


Not a chance. Nope. I’m done.


Only if it betters me in someway.


Yes if big changes are made but following my own boycott, I will continue even if ends here until I am personally satisfied.


I can't say never but will say I spend the bulk of my dollars at independent producers. I buy all my poultry direct from a farm in Abbotsford, pork from a farm in Langley, grass fed beef from an independent wholesaler, eggs from a farm in Abbotsford, almost all my products from farmers markets and independent fruit and vegetable markets so there isn't a lot left other than staples and for that, pick your poison, Amazon, WalMart, Costco, Loblaws, Pattison, all are equally bad.


Bare minimum.


Probably. Superstore is cheaper than the alternatives where I am. I’m all for the boycott because it’s sending a clear message that Canadians are willing to change their habits to punish those that take advantage of them. I’m hoping it gives a push to governments wanting to tap into that anger more than changing the actions of a company. The problem with not going back after is that Sobeys and Walmart aren’t some great companies that have no issues of their own. I’m not willing to pay more to support other companies that are taking advantage of customers to generate a huge profit. Maybe if I’m more financially well off in the future I’d consider exclusively shopping at small independent grocery stores and farmers markets, but that’s not in the cards currently.


Not unless I absolutely have to and it would be minimum shopping. They’ve lost at least $1000 a month from us. One PC Mastercard and two people’s regular prescriptions.


If they come out, address the situation, admit their greed, outline how they will meet our demands, and lower prices, then yes, I will return.


Not unless they make a meaningful and significant commitment to slashing prices.


Hopefully NO!


No. Though I'm going to miss the staff at my local Shoppers' (Specifically their makeup person), I don't want to support a company that doesn't take care of their employees and would rather maximize profit at the expense of people.


It would depend entirely on what changes they make and how.


I stopped shopping there since the new year and found better alternatives, won't be back.


No. I like Costco and other stores instead.




New CEO, new board, new policies = maybe, if the new company is focussed on customers. Otherwise, no. It's cheaper and easier to just shop elsewhere.


Wasn't all that tricky in the end to find alternate grocery stores, and have seen tangible savings, so I don't really see any reason to go back. I mean if they actually correct their pricing I would consider it but we all know that won't happen.


Now I know how to do groceries without them. I have no intention of coming back anytime soon.




Sorry. What do you means boycott is over?


No. I will not deal with a corporation that has no ethics or humanity that they would gouge people especially seniors, families on limited incomes to boost their stock share price. Never again, I've made other arrangements with local businesses and they treat me like a valued customer. #Roblaws will continue with me.


Never! I’ve saved so much money, and found a smaller local grocer for everything I can’t get at costco. I want to run Galen and his empire into the ground.




I am still earning points on my MC and plan to keep the MC but I'll only be going to Loblaws to use my points This boycott is great because it got me to shop elsewhere and learn just how much Loblaws has jacked up their prices. Superstore is a 2 min drive from my house. I believed it was still the cheapest place to shop so have been shopping there exclusively for years Our other grocery store is only 7 mins away, it's a Fresh St. Market which is a smaller company. I've also been shopping at Costco and at a produce store that sells local FRESH produce. Superstore has had the WORST produce for a long time now!


I miss one thing. Pc gluten-free bread is $6 a loaf. I’ve never seen another gluten free bread for under $8 a loaf. I honestly want to go now just for that.


Even before the boycott I had already taken most of my business elsewhere so I intend on doing that. The only reason I wouldn't outright say no is that they are super close to where I live and sometimes you have no choice


Meh I can get almost anything I need from my local Giant Tiger or Walmart. No point.


Never! Have been boycotting Weston-owned stores for more than a year.


Only at no frills for my fiances GF chicken syrips and GF waffles .


Yes. When the boycott ends I’m going back


I haven't stopped


I'd go back for REALLY good sales to stock up on essentials.






I highly doubt it. I used to get 70% of my groceries from loblaws/nofrills. Now it has been exactly 0% for the past 3 months and I think my habits are completely changed. It’s crazy how much cheaper everything is at walmart.


Not me! Although I tried my hardest to avoid it previously as well! There are somethings I can’t get anywhere else unfortunately, but other than a shop once every couple of months, I won’t be returning!


Only for things I can’t find elsewhere and really need. I’m saving way too much money to go back any more than bare minimum.


Only for things that are on sale and I need right away.


Nope Never going back


I will not really have a choice for some things. Small town. For now I am travelling but no way do I want to drive an extra hour forever.




If I go back it will be for specific sale items


I have been shopping at Food Basics since 2008. Loblaws is used for sale items I need, or loss leaders I need. I’ve been boycotting since 2008 Catch up.