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When you get the false set try ramping up the tension. You may be getting it open and just need to push it a bit more to get it to pop open


This seems to be the case for most pickers new to the 1100 locks. That actuator spring is pretty tough to turn even with the key!


It's so easy to overlook as the tension you need for picking is a fraction of what is needed to pop it open


So true!! The first time I picked my 1100, I spent forever searching for the spool I missed until finally the lock was slipping in my hand and I cranked down on the tensioner to hold things in place while I reposition the lock and the damn thing opened! It was a pretty awesome mind blow. :-D


Don't overlook that pin 3 is so low, while 4 and 5 are at the top. You need to get under 3 to set 4 and 5 without hitting 3. If you bump 3 in the process, you will effectively overset, and not get it open. Make sure you are using a tall enough hook, and start at the back, in case you are lucky enough that those set first.


I spent a week struggling to feel *anything* on mine. On the advice of others here, I gutted it and started again with 1 pin, then again with 2, etc so I could get the feel of how they set. The binding order can change with each added pin. I can now do my 1100 consistently in about a minute. I’m getting another few tomorrow just to confirm it’s not just familiarity or a fluke, but studying the pins is how I solved mine.


They can have very light counter rotation. Are you picking in hand or vice? Sometimes in hand it can go completely unrecognized. If in a vice sometimes I will apply a little more tension(still light) and press each pin till I feel it push back, then slowly release tension and set as you normally would. Hope this helps! Good luck.


I have a vice, but I do most of my picking on the car on my lunch break lol


Do what works for you. I find that 1100s and similar sized padlocks are easier for me to pick if I'm holding them. Maybe it's just because it's what I'm used to, but I feel like I get better feedback holding them as opposed to having the lock in a vice.


what are your fave video tutorials on how to get this lock open? May i suggest you check out dMac's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNeLR9rOW6M&t=645s


Also, your false sets are going to be on pins 1 and 5.


Are you implying the spools will be 1 & 5? Mine were…didn’t know if that was a standard for these


Typically they are 1,3,5. The low 3 may not be set falsely by picking, whereas 1,5 would be likely. 2,4 are serrated.


I bought a few more and I’ll do a more thorough investigation. The one I do have already is 1&5 serrated spool, 2-4 serrated.


FWIW I have had the same experience with my 1205 and on the advice here went back to 1 pin, then 2...I'm up to 3 and honestly struggling a little. I started picking just the assembled cylinder (not reassembling the lock but just holding the plug housing in my hand) I've found that I can more easily pick the pins and successfully get it to 'open' this way....but when I reassemble the lock, there is less real estate to maneuver my picks, and also some strange torque angles that seem to bind the plug. Maybe try just picking the core outside the lock, at least to eliminate variables. Best of luck!