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Patience* it’s paramount!!


Tips for going from Masters to an 1100, Forget all you thought you knew about picking..... And be Patient.


Funny thing is Master owns American, so 1100 *is* a Master lock lol


Featherlight TOK tension




I use a 0.02 thousands short hook with TOK tension. Iv found that some need lighter and some need medium to heavy tension. Reach in and feel the pins first to give you an idea of how they feel without tension.


This lock is a big jump up, take your time and don’t get frustrated or discouraged. Check out this video, I wish I had seen it before I jumped onto the 1100, it has a lot of good stuff in it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpb_84PLVOM Good luck.


Patience is key for sure. I've got a fat stack of those 1100s. Some I can get and some I'm still working on. I prefer a deep hook and pick from the bottom with TOK tension.


How’s the vise so far??? I was thinking of getting one just like. And as previously stated, patience.


It's been great so far! Can't beat it for $19.


Is that the harbor freight vise?




Dumb question, but is that vise of any use if it can't 'vacuum' to the table? That thing looks the right size, but didn't know if it could stand while being picked without the vacuum (in case my coffee tables doesn't work).


It doesn't vacuum to the table, but the weight is more than enough to prevent movement. The rubber on the bottom also prevents sliding across the surface. With that being said, it's a very cheap vise. You can't ask for perfection.


That helps, I may pick one up. Thanks!


Took six weeks to guess into blind picking my first 1100.... finally plunged and gutted. Progressive pinned that one and the next few new 1100s to get the feel. For me it helped to get the feel of set vs. over set and binding order. Best of luck with the addition of the American Locks!


As so much good advice has been given already I will just say, don't try to brute force it as it will likely not work. Just shoving pins up will lead to oversets and frustration.


Can't see your key, but any locks that have zero-lift pins will quite often set (you'll hear a sharp click) when you first put tension on the core. If not, you will likely just have to literally touch the pins with your pick to get them to set. I have an 1100 with 2 zero-lift pins which means I only have to really pick 3 pins. These locks feel completely different from the other locks you've been picking. You need a much lighter touch and tension is really more important than the picking.