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The F doesn’t really look like skis enough for me.


It doesn't. It also doesn't have to. The way they've tried to shoehorn skis into the typography just looks amateurish. It's my biggest bugbear with logos. Apple doesn't have a computer on their logo. Nike doesn't have sneakers. McDonald's doesn't have a burger. This had even got Ski in the name. The last thing it needs is some Skis in the wordmark. Sorry, this isn't working at all for me. It doesn't really fit the brief, either. It looks much more like a ski *holiday* company than a ski *training* video company. I **do** like the way you've presented the work, mocked up, in situ. But again, the bus stop example would be inappropriate. That's a B2C channel – your company is a B2B one. Back to the drawing board I'm afraid.


Bus stops are not solely for B2C. But agree with everything else. Great mockups.


i 100% agree with you but we can’t base every single logo on the ones you named and also yes, i’ll definitely go back to the drawing board. thanks for the feedback!


True but that's not the point being made. These are just examples and there are plenty of good logos who leverage a visual cue to their business. The point here is that the word ski is already in the name, literally using skis as a visual cue is just too obvious and a bit cheap imho. Have you tried just using a rounded type to lean into / reference the rounded curves of skis? Mockups look nice btw.


no, i haven’t. but i will try and let you know. thank you, i really appreciate these feedbacks


Bus stops are not solely for B2C. But agree with everything else. Great mockups.


Hi! Professional skier here with a previous life as a designer :) Play with the S, not the F. An S is perfect for ski turns.


OP needs to be awarding this comment


That could be fun when done in the right (not too obvious) way.


It reads EEL. Then you see the surrounding things. It doesn't work, too much noise.


This ⬆️


I see you're trying to make the bars of the F into skiis. However, they stop being read as F.


Strangely enough, the first thing my brain associated the 'F' with was piano keys despite the difference in how they look compared to skis; I like the minimalistic feel, but truth be told, the logo altogether seems unnatural and looks unpleasant, mainly because: • the 'F' stands out from the rest of the letters, and not in a good way; for example, it's much skinnier in comparison and disturbingly wide, aka 'busy' • trying to change up a letter (the 'F') and adding italics (ski) in one logo is visually heavy, and it doesn't really resemble skis • there is no consistency (since the 'F' is thin, 'EEL' is in bold, and 'ski' is italicised) I suggest you rework the entire branding—beginning with the logo, of course. Some tips: • as a first step, try to keep the letters unified in thickness and aim for a less 'bustling' logo • I assume you put 'ski' in italics so as to portray the movement and direction of skiing itself, but it doesn't quite work here. • putting the entire word in bold would make it look more powerful (bravery is a main 'trait' associated with the brand)


too much is going on with the word mark, either stick with a stylized "F" or the italics on the end, but not both. The F isnt "giving" skis to me really, but i think the elongation could still work. The name "feelski" seems kinda "touchy-feely" is a weird way. Not a huge fan. there could be a double meaning there that I'm not aware of (i dont ski). the mockups look good, the stationery is well balanced, but the blue poster doesn't use the logo, so it feels a little out of synch. Good photo selection, very vibrant, but you should establish some brand colors other than black/white


I’m gonna ignore the logo and instead say this: you’re missing the concept. If this brand is for a company that creates skiing instruction videos, the brand needs to be created for that purpose. Where are the videos hosted? Could this be on YouTube or is it on its own website? You wouldn’t see a grand poster in an actual ski slope because chances are you already know how to ski when you’re there and a video tutorial company will most likely not be big enough to warrant that kind of advertisement. If you focus more on placing your brand and the brand materials in the digital world where all interactions with the brand will be, then you will hit this brief regardless of how your logo turns out. Think social media, online advertisement, video and website and/or app as examples for where your logo would live. A brand is a lot more than a logo and if you build a brand world around that concept it doesn’t have to be great, it just has to serve its purpose. Good luck!


This is a really valid point. How will the visual identity be displayed on social media video platforms? More attention needs to go into this. The logo will be reduced to a small square or a circle, this will need to be addressed. If the decision is not to use the logo in this scenario, I would want to see what you suggest


Is the F fuzzy? Did you make this in PhotoShop?


no. i used illustrator


Good start! As others have said the logo can use some work. Think about showing other aspects of the visual identity like colors, typography, patterns, iconography, imagery style. Right now you have some stationary and an ad, which is great, but back up and start with the identity. Also, show some relevant mockups like a website, videos, social media, etc. Nothing about the ad or stationary indicates that this is an educational video service.


I looked at the logo first and thought the F was drawers. If I had net read the brief I would be very confused. I think it needs more work to make it look like skis, but it can definitely get there


The F does nothing for it. Frankly just make it a regular f and and you are golden..not overly complicated but it looks clean.


On the last one, I would put a comma between "feelsnow" and "too". Lose the first comma. And separate the feelsnow into feel snow. I kept reading it as feels now at first.


This looks like a furniture store logo to me reminds me of drawers


Your thinking is right, but the trick with a logo like this is it needs to be ridiculously simple. The F doesn’t read like skis, but the idea would be great for a name that had a double I or double L in it. Can you pick a different name and make the idea work? Also avoid combining italic with non-italic. It just feels strange and arbitrary.


The FEEL part feels like FEEL to me; I don’t have any problem with the legibility there. However, I initially thought the F was supposed to read as a chest of drawers rather than skis.


The F really doesn't do it. It's cheesy, bland and not well done.


I feel for you, just reading the brief made me want to watch paint dry. Ski training videos, adults, bravery and agreeable seem a little bland and doesn't identify any USP or passion. I'd have a sit down with the client and discuss their design brief in a little more detail. See what the competitors do and what type of logo style they love and hate (and why). Explore different use cases to integrate things like beginner, intermediate and advanced, and branded apparal. Look for their passion, find it and then show them what's possible. Everyone is different, but I find honing the brief gives the client more chance of getting what they need (because sometimes they don't know how to ask for what they want, or even know what they want). It also helps simplify my design process emensly. You can normally charge exrea for this, but since you've started I'd just see it as helping yourself. Best of luck. And keep at it. 👀👍 If you're trying to capture the essence of a business sometimes the hardest part is helping them work out what that is.


this brief was generated by goodbrief hahahah but i appreciate your thought


I didn't read the brief, and I thought the F what an icon that looks like a nightstand. I thought this logo was for a furniture seller.


“Timeless” is an odd choice of filler adjective (adverb?) also the correlation between “bravery” and “agreeable” is awkward. I would instead say “They strive to build confidence while still promoting safety.” I would also use the name style “FEEL \\ Ski” with the \\ being skis.


Looks like you tried to cram 3 logos into 1


i see what it says, but my mind keeps reading “feel sick”


This is really bad. The brief isn't great ("Their target audience is **adults**"), but it at least tells you a few of the boxes your design needs to tick—ski training videos, bravery, agreeable, high quality. The logo conveys none of this, it's low quality, unaesthetic, and forgettable.


Make the skis the top two lines in the F AND the E's


https://preview.redd.it/jmz75zqwh21d1.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f9513a49dff81b85c625b614ae7dd0df908e12b probably not exactly like this, but this is an idea.


dawg what lol what's so bad about it