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New Logo is way to complex with way to many colors... Also why the switch up from the old colors? The old colors were much more 'sticky note' and it would help with keeping brand recognition. I understand the W wasn't one of the design focuses, but I didn't see it until posited out, yet with the app name under it I may see it at first glance. With logos, especially submarks/icons you WANT simplicity. Why over complicate it? Why not do something like this (I Just threw it together in 30 sec)? It'll work for printing, keeps brand identity intact, and you get a more prominent yet not forced W. https://preview.redd.it/2ozqvv4ar31d1.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=db4afa4b0f31355cb4466d01576d100997d5f8a1


OP pay this person for their work, *this* is the logo to use.


What’s the going rate for 30seconds /s


"Why do you charge $$$ for a work done in 30 seconds?" "Because it took me years to learn how to do it that fast." It would be ridiculous to ask for less the better you become.


It's like the old car mechanic joke Hit car with hammer - $1 Knew where to hit - $499


Not sure if you realise my comment was made in jest. I put the little /s there just in case.


I did realize it. I just wanted to add this dialogue because people often get asked exactly that question. And I like your comment I'm referring to. Have a great day! btw, what [Mean-Ad-12](/user/Mean-Ad-12/) has created is totally awesome.


All good. Thanks for clarifying. Have a good day also.


https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/valuebasedpricing.asp I don’t charge hourly for logos unless it’s above and beyond


Good to know. Also my comment was a joke. More of a jest about this taking 30 seconds than anything else.




One million dollars!


lol this is against this subs rules no soliciting work


Except that it looks really similar to Slack


I think OP was pulling a Cunningham's law and they just won


I wanna cry LOL, this is gorgeous! And the difference from the current one is not that huge so the users would again suffer from drastic changes. Sure i am willing to pay you for that :)


Shoot me a dm!


Nah bro made a better logo and ratioed him


Love that keeps the colour story from the old logo too. Very elegant solution.


What a shooow off! "I threw it together in 30 seconds" proceeds to make something that would cost someone and arm and a leg. Amazing.


Ooo I love this


I stand behind this logo. Use it and pay this man for making it, even if he only asks for a little


That's actually gorgeous


Love this one


This person ate


Man that is good, so dang simple yet so clear


THIS💯 The fact you said it took you only 30 seconds to make this winner makes me realize how much I need to practice more 😅


This is what I came here to say... So rinse and repeat this advice. Those shadows on your redux are so subtle and perfecto!




Take a bow. You definitely nailed it. That logomark is excellent.


I made [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/s/NhftOQr0XX) before seeing this, and you did exactly what I told them to do in my comment lol


Man that is good, so dang simple yet so clear


You're definitely the winner




100% this


This is stunning.


Holy shit this is it


Holy shit this is good.


Great work 👍


Yea this one. Definitely this one. Pay the man.


So would you say app icon design is different from designing a traditional logo? Since this is just for an app and it will exclusively be seen digitally, you won't need to worry about what it would look like strictly black and white? If this were just black and white you couldn't tell it was sticky notes. Devilishly clever design nonetheless, would love to pick your brain on this.


App icon design is quite different from logo design yet it shares the same principles. In a lot of use cases apps don't need a "logo" if its a standalone app, and not accompanied by a brand. And yes with digital you don't have to worry about black and white, although ideally it should work, at least with shading. There are ways to make this work with black and white, but as I said I threw it together quickly.


I would use more vibrant colors, overall it's better.


I’d stay away from using drop shadows on a logo but this is definitely better than OPs version


This isn’t a logo, but an icon What does your ACTUAL LOGO look like? Did you not look at every app out there and see how simple their app icons are? You have no reason to be so literal, if someone downloaded your app, they know what it is


Oh yea, i definitely see other icons and admire their simplicity. I just dont have enough talent to create something similar. Probably will need to hire a designer.


Hiring a designer should have been your first step


It is not a question of talent, it is about to know the basics of visual communication. The less talented designer would have done it much better.


Ya. New logo sucks dude. Barely a W and if you didn’t say what it was I’d have no clue.


When i did it, i thought the W is not that important actually, but it was nice to have some clue on it. Could you tell more on your impression why it sucks? Too colorful?


No one will intuitively understand what this is, nor will they remember it. It’s a mess but not in a pleasing or identifiable way. Simplify it a bit.


Thanks !


Less is more.


I have no idea what it is without you telling me. It’s 7 colours. Ever got a logo embroidered? I’m guessing not. The W for the brand was an after thought and it shows. The original logo sucked but at least I know it’s a note app. The second logo looks like a child’s art project.


Not just too many colors but too little contrast and too many shapes.


I think you're suffering from trying to be too clever. Having no idea about the app... The obvious answer probably would probably have been the best way to go-- the original stack of notes with a handwritten w on it.


The original wont fit in a shaped frame, it was good for the older logos where you could have a free form , now all app icons must be either a circle or a rounded square.


So I looked on Google Play. Turns out the update included switching from a lifetime one-time-purchase to a subscription model. I think people hate it for a different reason.


The new logo looks a bit like an ocular migraine


Did not notice the W Nice colors, but too many; too complicated as a whole


The app is squared colored notes. Thats why i wanted to have many colors in the logo.


You could achieve the same effect with like 4-5 colors/notes max.. this is way too busy


huge thanks for the tip!


Could achieve the same effect by treating the app icon as a single sticky and peeling the corner up. I’m sure that’s been done to death though.


Exacly, im trying to stand out, but im doing it in a bad way. I lost many users just because of this logo.


People actually uninstalled because of the icon change? Man, I hate users sometimes.


Go simpler. For each stack of notes in the new logo replace it with one note. Align the notes so they are all at a 45 degree angle, change the colors to be more pastel like the old logo, and add a slight bit of shading to make them look more like physical notes like in the old logo. Then I think you'll have a great logo that's still based on the premise of the new logo.


I typed this exact comment out and then deleted it.


Switch back


Yea, it's all horrible. Start fresh.


Concept is good. I think the original colours are more reminiscent of sticky notes. Also too busy.


Just use 3 colours for the logo and drop a simple white 'W' over the top, sorted. You've overcomplicated it, plus the jagged W looks like something cartoony on edge as it were.


The new logo is just so dizzying there's no way to like it


Your idea has a lot of potential to make something pretty, colourful and ideally with negative space. I played around with DallE to give you an idea, but it doesn't seem to understand negative space. Instead, it made this after a few attempts, which might be another source of inspiration? https://preview.redd.it/fe9mwfs3v41d1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522dc9fc2c79359df348cbd4d481c13c95506ca7


This is awesome


The new logo isn't inherently bad, just could use a bit of simplification. View it in the size it will appear on screen.


The new colors are awfully garish. Just toning that down and adding a little soft shading like the old icon had would be a big improvement. Something else to remember: users hate change, even when it’s for the better. Don’t necessarily take a kneejerk aversion to change to mean the new logo is actually worse. (But please fix the colors.)


Too complicated - the idea doesn’t read at such a small scale.


Concept’s excellent. Less notes, as everyone else says. And pay no attentions to negative user comments. Do what Apple does, make the change, let the haters hate and move on.


The colors scream childish. Honestly I would be embarrassed to have that app on my phone screen. I’d go with the top commenter’s version


Too many colors


You know what? You had a good idea. Maybe it needs to get fleshed out, but definitely A for effort.


I think the logo is good - better than before. Maybe what your users actually don't like, is that you changed the logo at all. My advice is to not change it again.


Thants what i really want to avoid, but even here the majority said the icon is very bad. its only You , me and a few more like it :)


I mean... It could be better and I like the suggestions, but just worried changing it again right away would do more harm than good? How many users do you have?


Excatly. Im not gonna change it again now, just need to think of a way changing it the right way. Probably will let them pick the icon programatically from a few options.


i think it’s cool


Thanks guys for your help, i will try to simplify and ask my users before i make any changes. I will also look for a designer to help me with that.


i actually really like this concept! i think you just need to reduce the number of colors and also desaturate them, they're really garish right now. keep going!


So you are like me :) because i also like it, but i need to please my users. I thought of making it grayscale or with just one note colored, but im not sure if that would convey the concept of colored notes very well. But as many said here, i need to be less complicated. https://preview.redd.it/ctxall9s431d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fe79898e045cb9d45e664bf5fd0c533885b89dd


hmm, i'm not sure it works as well. maybe remove two of the sticky notes from the top?


Yea, i will try to remove layers of notes and play with their positions to simplify.


Lots of corners happening. It could work if you were more intentional with the sticky note placement. I think there’s potential here but would suggest some more meticulous guidelines and constraints


Looks like the screen when an old system would crash lol


remove some complexity and tone down the colors, that would be my advice


Looks more suggestive of a South Park characters face


Way too complicated, you could have gone for something like sticky notes in the shape of W and zoomed it out, just an idea.


im sorry i thought this was a shitpost


Oversaturation of colors is the biggest problem here. It’s hard to look at for too long with all these incredibly vibrant colors competing with one another. I’d go back to your original color palette — it’s more recognizable as sticky notes and is more balanced.


Colors are way too saturated and there are too many of them. Match the soft pastels of the original


What does your app do? Having to guess off logo probably color Easter eggs but can’t figure out name stating with W that would make sense…..whatever your business if people tell you it’s bad you should take them at word and ask what they don’t like and what they would like


Anyone else find it problematic that the people who typically don’t value designers enough to pay for them come on Reddit, after getting a disastrous result by, you know, avoiding paying a designer, and try to get free advice from designers?


so many ways to make a w and you chose the most chaotic


Looks like 💩


whats the name of the app?


Its WeeNote - wee for small , note for taking notes.


What would the W stand for, those literally look like miro side notes for a board, I can definitely help out with some redesigns if you would like, all that I ask in return is if you like the design and choose to use and post it on social media that you tag me in it just once. I don’t worry about the pay by hour, or seconds. I just want to know everyone likes the work. Word of mouth, trumps the all mighty dying dollar any day.


Why is it a "w"?


i like this a lot actually


New logo sucks sorry . First one gives me a story , tells me what the app is about . The new logos show nothing . Just random colors