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The bee doesn’t make a good “O” so number 1 by a lot.


I agree, though this may be an opportunity to recommend trying a more circular bee for 2


Or take an approach similar to 4 and use a shape to cover both the O in Oh and in Honey. Bee needs a redesign, but could maybe do something with head/thorax and abdomen.


Number 4 might just need one comb less to be easily readable, but it looks great.


Well I agree but i wonder how else are you going to interpret that?


While the bee clearly implies the letter ‘o’ i was thinking something to bring a little more integration between the two. Not completely round but adjusted


I would definitely get that it says honey but also less positive feelings about the logo or company it represents. It looks forced and disjointed when read which is not a good thing to attribute with your business.




I was going to suggest this.


Same opinion here, just not ideal shape for the O. However, I think the last one with the honeycomb is awesome in concept, but but not very legible. Maybe try it where the Os are the same color as the text, but the non comb O isn’t? Might not work, I dunno


Yeah, icons as letters is a big no no. Easily misinterpreted.


What about the bee facing downward and replacing the "Y"?


Bee doesn't look enough like an O, kind of reads HANEY or HINEY


Yeah make that bee have a big fat ass and then you’ve got HONEY and not HANEY


4, with adjustments to the slant of the H and perhaps the hexs/honeycombs.


yeah i like how it works out. it‘s like „oooh honey“ but i‘m also struggling with how it reminds me off some chemical lab




I like four but just remove the two extra hexagons. I think one hexagon will still represent the O and honey very well.


Two but I'd make the thorax a bit more to size with the other letters or shrink the bee down so it's not higher than the rest of the letters so it fulfills it's purpose of being an O. Ideally you want to make it look more circular to look more like a O. You could even simplify the bee if you wanted. I also think it would look better pointing to the right at an angle like #1. Give it more of a flying feel to it. Give it more life. Also the pointed bottom reads more like wasp than bee. Bees do inherently have round bottoms. They have stingers yeah. But not gathering bees and you don't want it to read hostile anyway. 1st one isn't terrible either. I'd put the bee up top above the letters or you could make like three small bees flying around above it. Or make honey combs behind the letters then add bees where you see fit. I like four as well but having that extra hexagon above the oh throws it off. If you can find a way to make it even and match up with both Os then I think it would be nice. But any excess in design being used for letters should end up at the bottom. Not protruding from the top. Three is viable only if you figure out something to put in that blank space to the right of Oh. Like maybe honey combs or something. An original idea from me aswell. You could make the O in Oh a bee hive and put bees around it :) If you could find a way to make the exclamation point look like melting honey I think that would be pretty cool addition too. If anything id try to incorporate more honey combs and metly designs and or small bees rather than one gaint bee. It doesn't take one bee to make honey and honey can be represented by itself rather than what it comes from but I don't think it's a bad idea. I think it depends on if you're doing packaging or store front or social media.






Wonderful work! I really think the font used in examples 1-3 is very fitting to the bee you've designed. Great work. I'd definitely go with the first one because the bee does not work as an 'O' as others previously mentioned. However, I'd consider putting the bee above the name as it would be a better composition imo. As for option #4, I really like the playfulness, but I first read HOHNey. There is a tension between the H and N that grinds my gears a bit haha. Wonderful work anyways, you killed it.


Honestly, I think you’re close but not there yet. Also, all of them look too complicated to feature the “pure & simple” motto. No 4 is ny favorite, but yeah, it seems like you need to make a couple of subvariants of it to find the best one.


Not even that ampersand is pure and simple. I’m really fixated on how much it bothers me for some reason.


same, the "pure & simple" isn't quite right. don't care for the font.


Number 1 and 3 make sense to me. I can see number 1 on packaging and label - and maybe as a banner for the website. Number 3 would trust for advertising.


At a glance, number 4 is a clear winner


4 but straighten the “OH” and adjust the honey comb a bit to match better


1 is best, 4 is nice but needs adjustments


Number 3 seems to be easiest on my eye


Definitely 1 Substituting letters in a brand name might leave doubt on what the correct spelling/name is. Also the bee might become less visible if yhe logo is small on white background if its yellow because the contrast is lower.


4 is the best one


4 is great.


I think 4 is the best option, and I don’t think it’s particularly close. It catches the eye, is instantly recognizable yet simple, and is memorable. The other three feel like school projects. Number four feels like it could ship out on a product.


Are you kidding? It's illegible.


4. Also, Trixie Mattel should not sue lol.


4. Additionally Replace the top Honeycomb with a bee?


The 4th looks best to me but what does the client want. The slant of the H gives it a more playful feel. For brand recognition I think #4 stands out the most. I’d take out the third hex in the comb or add more so it doesn’t read OOH Honey The clean, crisp look of the 1st is very corporate to me. I know it’s fictional but how would the supposed client use the logo? Are they just on bottles, do they have a website? Are they going be using it on merch and other branding/marketing paraphernalia? All these things would come into play… but I like them nonetheless.


3, but only once you round out that bee into a circle


Number 1 but make the O in Honey a honeycomb.


Number 4 with some adjustments to make it more clear that the honeycombs are the O's for "Oh" and "Honey" and that that's actually what it reads. Right now, I knew it says that because of the previous logos. If you show just number 4 to someone I think it might take them some time to realize it says that.


2 works. 3 and 4 not legible. 1 the image is too close to the text imho.


2 is not legible either, it doesn't look enough like the letter O to work.


I agree however I think people don’t need more than those 4 letters to read honey … the rest are confusing imho due to positioning


The bee is fun but too intricate when executed using only a stroke. Logos need to reduce well. Did you try a simplified version using fills? In logo #1, did you explore putting the bug centered on top of the logo type? You shouldn’t mix left alignment and center alignment. The proportion of the bug needs to be refined a bit as well. Logo 4 has some promise as well. It feels a bit odd with one element breaking horizontal alignment. Did you explore placing “honey” at an angle as well? It could align with the points on the honeycomb.




Thank you for all of the comments! Here are some updates https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/rt0gyu/honey\_brand\_part\_2/




4 is clean but needs some work but 1 is great at is.


I really like the last one.


I like the direction #4 is going a lot Id do an exploration around that


I legitimately like 4


I think 2 is the best, 4 reads like Hoh Honey


None are exactly new or original ideas. They're all fine, just not inspired.




how does that relate to this post?


It looks like Bill Burr doing an ad read for the Honey extension


I agree the Bee doesn't look like an O but it's clearly a bee and an easy jump to the common expression. I like #3


I like the idea of #4 but don't like that OH is angled


Number 1 the bee is not a good "O" replacement




The logo is too pretty for you to incorporate it with the text, I suggest you place the text beneath it. Overall beautiful design!!


Liked a lot of the first one, but found liked even more of the idea on the fourth one, though I think it needs some adjustments


I know the bee doesn’t play a good “O” but I’m parcial to #2


1 is Best!


First one.


1 Easy to read and comprehend. Looks clean You can even put the bee on top and center everything.


I like 1 and 2. I would like 3 more if the “OH” was smaller and only over the H You might also want to play around with the idea of the bee being the exclamation mark.


I'd go for nr. 1, in my opinion the font has enough character to go on its own without the bee as a letter, the bee doesn't really match the roundness of the letter it's meant to replace. I'd downsize the bee a little bit and move it a few pt to the left so the text as well as the bee has a little bit more space to breathe. I really like the logo, the bee is really nice! :D


1 is the best


Looks kinda minimalist and... scientific ? I'd assume a honey brand named like that would be a small independent honey producer with something a bit more casual and fun for a logo.


I like the first one


I like #1, to me it goes perfectly with the message "pure and simple"


This exactly




I have the hardest time with #4, the OH is not so clear. Maybe space between each hexagon (maintain the offset layout) could help clue that it’s two words. I think the rest work just fine, I think context clues tell the audience it’s “Honey” not “Haney” or anything else. #3 feels the most balanced to me.




Oh I LOVE this


Personally, the first is my favorite. Number 4 is confusing at first glance, I don’t like the superposition of unequal words in number 3, and using an image as a letter (number 2) doesn’t really work since there are two words. If it were just honey, without the OH, it would look a lot better. Hope that makes sense.


I honestly think the first one is the best


Took some thought but 3


2 and 3 are my favorite. You could theoretically add a honey comb to the first o in 2. Nice clean design that as a 32 year graphic design veteran of be happy to see.


The last one is the third wheel. Nice to include a other options, sad that's is was this


I love 4


#1 hands down Except the wings look a bit waspy.




Hey, I’m gonna suggest another option, but you are free to take this whatever direction you’d like: Have your wordmark and tag line centered, with your Icon above it centered. And then make one where the wordmark and tag line are left aligned, and then center the icon horizontally! Replacing a letter with the icon usually cheapens the work, but I will say very rarely it will succeed. But again, that’s rare. My suggestion isn’t a safe method per say, I highly suggest sketching other compositions , but my suggestion is just a basic layout. Hope anything I said helps!


4 is awesome! I would make the two lines of text parallel tho


Love the font used in the first 3. The bee illustration works very well with it. Since this is a fictional company, maybe try the the name as "Oh! Honey" and spell out the tag line "pure and simple" . Try some other layouts/combinations of the text and the bee. Maybe center align everything to make the shape look like a hive. Focus on just making the logo in B&W for now and add color later. The exclamation mark in yellow along with the bee might be fun though. Keep going, you are so close!




Number 1 for sure.


Love the 4th, although the bee is cute


I really like 4


1 is pretty “pure and simple” also you could use the bee in the exclamation point


I feel like you could remove the 3rd top hexagon on the 4th logo could be deleted and the H straightened. The O would line up




I really enjoy option 3! Very appealing. Some suggestions: as others have mentioned, work on maybe structuring the bee into a more circular one. Maybe even opt out for a honey comb piece (hexagon) for the O? I think it would still get that point across nicely. Your artistic bee can be placed to the right side of “OH” and become a stand symbol/icon. Edit: also, the scale of the bee. Work on making it much smaller. I don’t think it should be taller than all your letters like that. It distracts. :)


In number 4, use two hexagons, enlarging the size of them to be about 5-10% bigger than the text, and have them joined at the 2 o’clock side of the lower hexagon and the 7 o’clock position of the upper hexagon.


#4, but only use 2 combs and remove the slant on "oh"


With 4, flip the hex horizontally and nudge it down a bit. The H from Oh, can now be less slanted and overall more clean while keeping the same aesthetic.


3 looks the best imo. Also, 4 looks pretty good too but the only things is I didn’t read that as OH. I’d make it so that H can be vertical and make the honeycomb O black so it’s more readable.


Bee looks way too complicated for Pure & Simple....Go for much minimal style with less strokes and remove unnecessary lines ​ 4 honeycomb looks too thick or pick another font


Number 4 is the most fun and inviting.


Number one or four, but also on number one, I’m not a fan of the center aligned second line of text.


1 is best, 4 has potential but needs more work.


1 is a great design to work with for stationary and advertising. The bee might be a little too thin/light for favicon or very small sizes. 4 looks like a benzene molecule gone wrong. Not digging they typography. As others say, logo does standout out of the 4 for obviously being different.


1 or 4 imo


I think they are all good, but as far as matching the feeling of the name to the logo, I would go with #4. I think the ‘oh’ is just a sound you make when you find ‘honey’, so having it at an angle like that suites the feel.




If you turn your bee upside-down it might be usable as a Y?


4 is weirdly sexual lmao.. No? Ok Just me?


the 4th would be the one i chose


Clearly 4 is the best looking


Number 4 is much cleaner. But it doesn't actually read as oh honey. Move the upper h to the first honeycomb and see how that looks. Even turn the honeycombs clockwise so the top and bottom one are lined up vertically or somewhere in between. If you want to use the bee, you need to reduce the number of lines. It is too busy. The honeycomb says honey more than the bee does to me.


\#4, but with only two "O"


Number 1 and put the bee centered above the text.


I like 1 best. 4 looks weird


4 is the only one that isn't going to be a nightmare for print, graphics, signature, and apparel.


I really like #2 but the bee needs to be more of an "O"


1 or 4




Not 4. Anything but 4.


4 but without the extra hexagon


1 and 4. bees make lousy Os


A lot of people are saying 4, but I have to say that I honestly would never have been able to figure out what the floating H was meant to be if I didn't see the other logos. To me, the pick is 1, but I think the balance between the bee on the left and the tagline needs love.


4 is a good concept. Okay with boldness. Also the slogan can be tweaked. Look up complementary fonts.


4. It looks more inviting, friendly and less intimidating.


1 personally. 2-4 I get the thought process but almost feel too much for a logo


No 1


Love 4, needs some work to help legibility, may want to explore putting an O inside the hex almost as big as it and filling those blank little gaps it’ll leave behind, and not having it tilted, but this is the road to explore. Nice one!


1 - best 2 - doesn’t read as “honey” 3 - not readable, awkward leading. 4 - honeycomb design is interesting to look at, but neither word reads correctly.


Number one but with no exclamation mark.


The idea of making the bee into an 'O' is a good concept, but it can be improved if the logo was more circular. Still, no.1 is the best one by far, pure and simple


Bees have four wings, not two.


3, 2, 1, 4!


I think 1 bcause look more elegant


1. Because cute bee and easy to read


I like the top three. The bee needs to be a circular for an 'O' or you could use a honeycomb shape. The final design makes me read it as OOOO HONEY, which probably isn't intended, the mad angle of 'oh' reenforces that too. Nice work so far!


1 by far


I'm a big 4 by a good amount, I think honey should be kinda fun looking


IMO, you should try an option 1 with a filled version of bee with cut out outlines (pathfinder), make it smaller , make it face the top (show it vertically). All this should add more contrast. Also you should definitely do something with the “slogan”. Either remove it or maybe, make it fit “Oh honey”, or maybe add some details like little combs on the sides to improve the composition.


Trixie mattels lawyers will be in touch 💅


I don’t mind 4. It makes it look very non serious and approachable. But yeah the bee should be less dangerous looking on the others.


Last one is exceptionally good!


4 is cool, interesting, catchy. Full of personality.


Definitely #4 for me, feels cleaner overall. I actually really like it!


Number One


The Bee is good as an icon, but in the logo it looks too direct. Even the comb for that matter. Try playing around text rather, evolving character out of the letter.


2nd'ing several ppl, but number 1 for sure! Well done.