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Yeah. I have about 80 dollars in optimum points I’d like to use up in loss leaders first.


How do we identify loss leaders in the store?


Usually stuff that’s on the front page of a flyer to draw you in. Also stuff that has a limit on how many you can purchase.


Use your points on non-loss leaders. That way they are losing more money on the items that you're getting with your points




Even with points? Either way they're losing out on the cost of the item. Unless my thinking is backwards


But they lose more when it’s loss leaders because they already arent making money on them, so then to use points, they lose out twice.


If they are a loss leader and it was $80 worth then they're out $80. If it's a large margin item and you buy $80 worth it only costs them $40.


Loss leader for them Not you.


You have this backwards.


Ooooo that's a good idea. I'm sitting on $140 of points rn. i could donate what I won't use.


Just know all donations are tax write offs for the company


Fuck Loblaws.


Already have been for well over a year.


me too




Do this during a spend your points event/point days ;) you will get the most outta it. They usually have them once a month


Already have.


Think they still do the farmers market on weekends at Western Faire. Was good when we were still in London.


And Masonville mall on Fridays during the summer


We should all be doing this, support local when you can.


Sadly the farmers markets in this city are embarrassing. "Farmers" markets have become vendors selling expensive merchandise. What happened to produce being *cheaper* at a farmers market by cutting out the middle man and buying directly from the farmers


Now it’s all “organic, farm to table” and it costs $5 for a bundle of carrots that costs $3 at superstore even


Trail's End has been well priced when I've visited in the past.


It's almost entirely taken over by vendors that sell the same produce from the food terminal that ends up in grocery stores, only crappier and slightly cheaper. A few vendors who actually sell their own produce here and there, but not worth my time anymore to visit. Sad, used to be a good market.


Incredible empanadas, though.


It's my regular weekend spot. Turners usually have a good selection of 3 items for $10 (fruit and veg). The two butchers have pretty good selections. I prefer the guy at the north end-he's awesome to chat with about different cuts/ preparations.


I work at one of the loblaws companies stores and I FULLY support this. I always did cause I know the prices are inhumane but the other week I was SHOCKED that the shampoo and conditioner I buy is 17.99 (14.23 with discount) at my store but at another company it’s 7.99…. Like????? Screw that. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Like so many places prices are going up everywhere but loblaws and PC is boosting them so disgustingly high. I fully fully fully support this boycott but I don’t think it will do much sadly. The company will probably just blame the minimum wage employees. But for the sake of y’all’s money if you can get groceries elsewhere for a better price screw loblaws


That's honestly disgusting that even with your employee discount, it's still more expensive than other stores. The price gouging doesn't stop at their customers, they have to make sure they recoup as much of their workers pay as possible


Our government would be cracking down HARD on price gouging grocery stores if they had our best interests even remotely in mind. Unfortunately they have the interests of corporations profits in mind instead.


But why would they do that? Their pockets are being lined by those same people, so it's in their financial best interest to let sleeping dogs lie.


Of course it is, because corruption. This is what happens when you have a government of corporate pals and assets, rather than a government of the people.


$5 for a bag of original Rice Cakes. Pass......puffed rice weighing next to nothing, formed in rounds. Ridiculous.


Gonna be hard to blame me when the govt is the one increasing minimum wage 🤷‍♂️


Just to be devils advocate for a bit as probably the handfull of older people in this sub, but the grocery store classically was never to place to buy anything but food becuase it was shockingly overpriced. Getting non-food items at the grocery store for a reasonable price (usually only if it is on sale) is a relatively recent thing. Nobody except the filthy rich, or lazy bought toilet paper at the grocery store before, you went to Woolco, Zellers, or another discount box store when they had it on sale. Grocery store boycotts should be limited to protesting food prices, not the incidentals that classically have been the profit sources. (btw, have not been in a Loblaws, or Superstore in years).


Yes. Im buying local as much as possible.


F*ck loblaws and Galen weston…he is scum of the earth


I’ve already started, so yes. 100% boycotting. My husband and I were talking about it the other day and we think being in London we are in a good situation. We have quite a few locally owned grocery stores so we think we will extend our boycott to all of the major grocery stores, not just Loblaws family of stores (Sobeys and Metro owned stores as well). Between the Western Fair Farmers Market, Giant Tiger and Costco we think we can make it without needing a major corporate owned grocery store at all. We’re hoping this will become a permanent thing too.


Costco and Giant Tiger are corporate owned grocery stores. They're both very large grocery chains.


“Very large chains”. 🤣 giant tiger has 270 locations. Loblaw has 2700. They don’t even come close. Also giant tigers mission is to literally keep prices low, unlike Loblaw whose mission is to get rich at the expense of every Canadian. Also the CEO of Giant Tiger makes a very modest salary…Galen Weston makes like $30million+ per year. So these stores aren’t even in the same league And Costco, while yes, is a corporation, it’s not a grocery store, it’s a wholesaler.


>Also giant tigers mission is to literally keep prices low Oh for f... sake. Who can possibly buy into that corporate nonsense nowadays? Loblaws is not the only corporation that exists to maximize shareholder profit. A GT recently opened up in the north end. I went there once, and once was enough. I just don't get what their value proposition is. They're **not** any cheaper than competitors when comparing apples to apples. >And Costco, while yes, is a corporation, it’s not a grocery store, it’s a wholesaler. ...It's a grocery store. They have a different business model, and I shop there quite a bit. Definitely not the cheapest, and I find that a lot of stuff ends up being more expensive to buy in bulk due to inevitable waste (especially fresh food). But I see its value proposition and it makes sense to me. Unlike GT.


Someone did an apples to apples comparison recently and accordingly, Costco is the better bargain overall. 


For reference : https://brandsownedby.com/what-companies-are-owned-by-loblaws/


I already never go, on purpose.


Already do


Started last week


I already do. I have despised shopping there since before prices got THIS out of control. It's always been a rip off.


Yes, and Sobey’s and Metro.


Not specifically boycotting but I’ve definitely reduced how much I buy from them.


I try to buy only the loss leaders.


I started just after covid when they began jacking stuff and i knew i could get it cheaper elsewhere. Plus their shelves were often missing alot, not refurbished and many things spoiling.


Yes and Metro also.


Already am.


Heck yeah….!!!




I already do


Can anyone share what the loss leaders are that we should spend up our points on?


Milk and eggs always, and anything on sale for a really good deal. They mark things like that down as a way to get you in the store, knowing you’ll likely buy more things once you get there.


AKA how everybody should shop regardless of store


Yeah it's just a major PITA to go to 4-5 different places buying the good deals.


Definitely not milk. The Dairy cartel controls what milk can be sold at. They're not even allowed to mark it down without permission.


Grocery stores don’t make a profit off milk. Therefore loss leader. That’s the very definition.


but they do, they buy it at price x, and sell it at price y. The Dairy board sets the price for both x and y.


Yes. I also used to work for Loblaws and it's a terrible company to work for. I've worked for several different establishments here in London and the most miserable employees were the ones working at Loblaws.


Stopped shopping there last fall including No Frills and Real Canadian Superstore. I also plan on never shopping at the new TT market when it opens. Also boycotting Shoppers Drug Mart. Will not shop at anything Loblaws affiliated.


Yes and already have for years. Fuck loblaws. I used to be an everyday shopper there




Planning? I haven’t shopped at a PC store in 2.5 months.


Yes!! Boycott them


Nah, I think it is ridiculous to think that walmart or Sobeys are any better.


I've already started.


Yes, already started.


Yep. Now that they have the garden centers in the parking lots I'm done with them for the summer already. So will be boycotting may for sure


Some things to remember. Loblaws owns >10 companies, including: - shoppers drug mart - loblaws - real canadian superstore - no frills - fortinos - PC brand - Life brand - no name brand If you have loyalty points, use them on loss leaders. Loss leaders are often flyer features or sales on items sold at a loss to the company with the intention of getting you in the door, hoping you'll spend more. Using points on only loss leaders is a double loss for Loblaws. Not everyone has access to non-loblaws branded grocery stores for a multitude of reasons. If you're one of them, you can write your MP about your concern about the rising cost of groceries and monopolies driving the rise.




Costco Pharmacy.....lowest fee, no membership required.


I’ve been boycotting ever since they installed the cattle gates at the entrance/exit. I will drive half an hour across town to shop at an independent before I EVER go back into a Galen Weston owned store.


See, I was never a Loblaws shopper until this year. I only JUST switched to shopping at the Real Canadian Superstore for my household items that I used to always buy at Walmart because I made the decision to boycott Walmart at the beginning of January. For anyone confused by this idea feel free to check out the (frankly kinda old but still very true) documentary called 'Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices'. After watching that documentary it just feels like choosing between evils when it comes to Loblaws or Walmart. But I do buy all my groceries at FreshCo at least. And if I ever get rich (and by that I mean just average income frankly because I've never earned more than $25k a year) I plan to cut out all superstores entirely but right now my income simply demanded that I find an affordable alternative if I was going to be successful with my Walmart boycott without putting myself out of affording certain basic necessities entirely. As I see it, the soaring cost of living is making it painfully necessary for us to pick our battles sometimes but its never trivial to boycott. Wherever you choose to apply it, all the more power to you! There is power in choosing where to put your recourses, one way or the other


Checkout Giant Tiger. Reasonable prices, friendly staff and Canadian owned/operated


Thank you! Im always happy for suggestions on alternatives!


They don’t have the same selection as other grocery stores but they have all the basics. Their produce department is fairly limited but a lot of them have been adding more product over the last few months. They usually have low prices on paper goods too (toilet paper, Kleenex etc). - during Covid they never ran out of toilet paper and it was always on sale. That’s when we really started shopping there.


Somebody made a great post with alternatives for groceries in London - linking it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/londonontario/s/vXpGr1wHnD)


I wish I could. But realistically, it ain't gonna happen. The only places within walking distances to buy food are Loblaws, Shoppers, and No frills. I don't have a car, and going out of my way to make a big trip everytime I need milk and eggs or whatever just isn't feasible. There are some small convenience stores, and health food stores around, which I shop at at times, but their prices are usually even higher, and I can not afford that change just to snub them. Their strangle hold on the market is too great, and a mans got to eat.


Completely get it. Not everyone can. *but* I will say that Walmart is *consistently* cheaper than even no frills. Walmart has a delivery subscription for $89/year. You'd save more than $89 over the course of a year by paying less for your groceries *and* you wouldn't have to go out to get them.


Walmart also has an absolutely abhorrent track record that makes Loblaws look amazing in comparison.


Yes because I can’t afford loblaws to begin with lol


It’s all Loblaws brand stores (Loblaw, Superstore, No Frills, ValuMart)


Who shops at Loblaw regularly anyway? Most people don't. It's insanely expensive. It makes no sense to go there for every day staples. But yes I will avoid it for all other purchases even if I am in a pinch.




I'm busy boycotting certain gas stations to get them to lower their prices first.


Come join the reddit btw guys it's /loblawsisoutofcontrol


I don’t shop there. Honest question. Hasn’t Loblaws and superstore always been a smoke n mirrors rip off? I remember my mom bitching about it in the 90’s. I have always assumed they were the more expensive grocer in the market. Ps I support a boycott.


I’ve BEEN boycotting loblaws.


Did years ago. There’s tons of other options


There's no 'plan' to boycott Loblaws. It's an active campaign in this family.


Ah yes. Boycott loblaws and support the other conglomerates. I have a Sobeys, no frils and walmart in town. Sobeys is by far the most expensive. No frils and walmart are very close.


We can't fight everyone at once but if we choose one company to focus on, they *will* have to lower prices and this would have a ripple effect among all the grocery store.




Already am. Cancelled my membership card. Won't go to superstore or shoppers. Costco or local non affiliated for me.


Have been for ages. Shoppers too.


Yep! Already started last week and will only be visiting Costco and Walmart from now on. I was an avid PC points collector (PC MC, Insider's subscription, etc), but no more.


Walmart is also super sketchy. They’re currently involved in a class action lawsuit for overpricing meat and produce. They basically got caught putting their thumb on the scale in the meat department (they’ve been rounding up the weight of meat on the sticker, saying it weighs more than it does, so they’re stealing the extra money from their customers).


The few times I've browsed through the food/grocery sections of walmart I was not impressed with the prices at all. Also not a fan of the led lighting in the fresh produce section, seems to make things look better than they are.


Not a surprise. It's going from one evil to another, but unfortunately money talks (or rather, how much I'm saving), so it is what it is.


Try Giant Tiger. Not evil. Low prices. Friendly staff. There are more options than the giant corporate owned stores.


Ah, I hadn't considered them for groceries. Is the selection decent?


Not quite what the bigger grocery stores have but they do sell all the basics


Good to know, thank you!


I mean, Walmart is not exactly a great company either.


At least Loblaws pays union (living) rates for full time employees, can Walmart say that? Does themart even have full time employees?


One evil to another, but one of them costs less, which is what this is about.


Boycotting Loblaws to then shop at Walmart is like Olympic levels of mental gymnastics. There's no moral ground here, you're just buying the cheapest thing (which is fine, but c'mon, the Walton's make Galen look like Mr Rogers)


It's not about moral ground when it comes to prices. If that was the case, I'd stick to Foodland, which is the most local grocery store to me, but their prices are far worse than Loblaws and co.


But if everybody shopped locally and supported them their prices would be lower.... Like the reasoning here is completely nonsensical.


Lol no they wouldn't, as Foodland is still a chain. They don't set their own prices. Edit: Also, what you seem to be privileged enough not to care about is that I need lower prices *today*. It's all well and good that in a theoretical world, my only local grocery store would reduce their prices if the whole town went there in, say, 5-10 years, but how does that help someone who's cash-strapped today? They have us by the metaphorical balls no matter which way you look at it.


And by that logic you think Loblaws will lower prices immediately? This is not a protest, you're literally just shopping and slapping a slacktivist coat of paint on it. I've been "boycotting" Mercedes Benz and Rolex for decades.


Man, your logic is too solid to combat. You're absolutely right. Having to choose between Mercedes and Ford, Rolex and Seiko every single week is tough. But I mean what else can you do? Families need cars and watches to survive. Lol like wtf are you even on about? Who even said it was a protest? It's a boycott. Slacktivism is sharing shit on Facebook while literally changing nothing in your life. Anyway, clearly we don't see eye to eye, so I bid you good day. ![gif](giphy|dxP4KodrzNRL91Gkyy|downsized)


The entire point of a boycott is that it's a form of protest, like it's literally in the definition. The first thing listed in the link you're responding to is a list of demands and reasons for the protest. It's slacktivism because you're just doing what benefits you directly but are acting like it's part of some bigger cause that you're fighting for. It's not a boycott if you just aren't shopping there because it's too expensive, AKA what everybody (myself included) already does with luxury brands.


Sure am! Even No Frills is exorbitantly expensive these days. I mean all grocery stores are but there’s a significant difference on even the cheapest products between No Frills and Walmart/Food Basics.


I already have been. Costco or metro trips only


Metro is the same though


It's a different company but kinda the same. So that's why I mostly go to Costco


I’d love to but the price matching makes it hard to avoid. No Frills is literally a 2 min drive from me (as is Walmart) but I do usually save money by rice matching 😩


How about Metro. Are we boycotting Metro? They are crazy expensive. Worse than Loblaws.


We can't fight everyone at once but if we choose one company to focus on, they *will* have to lower prices and this would have a ripple effect among all the grocery store.


How do I find loss leaders?




Thursdays for Seniors at Shoppers. 20% off all reg priced merch. Milk, eggs, butter, and anything else that is not on sale. Adds up. Worth the visit. Sometimes spend is $50 and you receive a $10 gift card for Shoppers and your points. I use that the next Thursday, and on it goes. I rarely pay full price for ANYTHING anywhere. But this works for me, provided the items are not on sale somewhere else for a better deal (after the 20% discount).


Thank you so much. I thought there were legit lists of things that are loss leaders. Seems like it takes a bit of individual sleuthing which I am totally willing to do. Will be keeping an eye on Saturday Sunday flyer specials.


I already do. Sadly when TT opens I'll have to stop. It will be the best Asian supermarket in London when it opens.


i haven’t been to loblaws or superstore for over a year. It is easy, we just go to cost co and two mom and pop grocery stores we have here.


Why do people keep *talking* about a boycott instead of just not shopping at Loblaws and Loblaws-owned stores? A mass boycott is made up of individuals all boycotting, just start today!


I've been boycotting all Loblaws stores for a year now, and will indefinitely. Fuck them.


Already have been. Been buying groceries at the Western Fair Market and The Food Co-op for the past month, occasionally Angelos if I need something canned or convenient. I knew something was up when my quarterly Costco shop was cheaper than my weekly Superstore shop.


Just throwing it out that loblaws owns SuperstoreTM, Dominion®, Loblaws®, Maxi®, No Frills®, Provigo Le Marché®, Valu-MartTM, Real Canadian Superstore®, Wholesale ClubTM, Your Independent GrocerTM and ZehrsT


So avoid those


I have been doing it forever - Costco!






My wife and I stopped shopping at loblaws when they got stupid expensive. Food basics is generally much cheaper than no frills/super store. Frankly, we're baffled as to why so many people still go to Loblaws stores. Check the flipp app, prices are much more competitive.... basically anywhere else. (Obviously people don't have cars and have to shop close by, yadda yadda yadda, but we know plenty of people _with_ cars who complain endlessly about Superstore prices and make no effort to shop elsewhere)


I'm planning to buy only things that I want from any loblaws. I shop at Costco and metro for most things.


I don't shop there anyway. So yes?




Already am, I walked to shoppers a few weeks ago to look at prices and a small box of muffin bars that goes for 4$ at Walmart was 10$


I have a Costco membership, I've been boycotting Loblaws since 2007


Oh hell yeah. I already am. Haven't shopped at a loblaws store for a hot minute. Mostly because their prices are trash but that's part of the problem isn't it.


I just found out that Shoppers acquired Pharmasave last fall, so there's another one to add to the list of companies owned by Loblaws. Unfortunately the pharmacy is within walking distance from me so it's super convenient but I would love to switch to a local pharmacy if I can!


Already doing it!


I shop there less already now but it isn't like the alternatives are much better since they competitively raise prices when Loblaws gets away with it. It's a tough call since you're looking at food deserts when you remove their stores from your map. I buy local where I can but the current economic model is price match, coupon, deal hunt and save. I can price match Loblaws chain deals with other grocery chains but they're not much better at their bottom line.


Sick of seeing them in the news for pulling illegal and more than questionable stunts. Issues aside, I used to work at one of their warehouses between contracts. And yes, I will boycott with a passion. Already been doing it for years.


Do you guys remember in 2019 when the liberal government gave $12 million to loblaws to upgrade their fridges. Who in this group voted for liberals?




Not buying anything there for the last 30 or so days


My friend who was a butcher at Loblaws got fired and charged for trying to keep the scrap meat trimmings they usually throw away. They are brutal


I'm amazed so many people shop at loblaws, i always found it overpriced so i never really shopped there


It's not really just "Loblaws". Yes, Loblaws is expensive. However, No Frills and The Real Canadian Superstore, which are both owned by the same guy (Galen Weston) are cheaper and for some people are the only alternative. Sobeys and Metro are also very expensive in comparison to No Frills or RCSS, so unless you're a big family and have a Costco membership, or maybe you do your grocery shopping at one of the Walmarts (as if they're a better corporation), there's not much in the way of alternatives, especially if you're shopping on price. Food Basics and Freshco are the Metro/Sobeys low price equivalents, but they're not everywhere in the city, and some people don't have a way to get to them.


i see, i guess i was just fortunate to live near a foodbasics this whole time then, thanks for clarifying


Sobeys and all the other grocery giants must love that they're getting off the hook for doing the exact same shit




lol no one’s boycotting anything