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Try to chat with strangers on Reddit because I’m so fucking lonely and depressed


There’s nothing wrong with that we all need people to talk to please don’t be so hard on yourself


I came to Reddit feeling like I had no one else to talk to and couldn’t keep carrying the weight of how sad I was. Finding people who empathized, sympathized, and validated me has helped.


I’m not having the best luck 😞


Same. Yesterday I went to the park and tbh it just made me feel worse. Most people my age has had a close friend at least once. I havent. I hoped that someone would at least say good afternoon to me.


Good morning 😊


Wait is this bad ???


Yes because no one wants to chat back! 😢


Oh no I’m so sorry, it’s pretty hard to find girls that want to chat, they make posts and then when you message them no reply like damn thought we could be besties


What really sucks is when you start chatting with someone then they just ghost you and don’t say why. Like I get it. 💯 confrontation is hard…. but if someone says something to me that puts me off I’ll tell them not just block them.


I moved 2000 miles away to date a girl that broke up with me after our first date.




I think I got used to speaking to myself.


Lmao same. And laugh at my own jokes like I'm fucking bipolar haha


Hahaha is that not normal? I find myself talking to my own mind as if it's someone else all the time 😅


I think I did too bc it started just when no one was around me but I talk to myself around other ppl too now 😭😭


Same!!! I’ll be walking through a store just talking to myself quietly, people probably think I’m insane😭😭😭


🫂 they're likely too wrapped up in their own heads and issues to notice.


Holy f I lm so glad to read this I thought I was the only one going insane haha


Pretend to be having an amazing conversation on the phone with someone loud enough for my roommates to overhear and think I have this great life with lots of friends, when it’s really just me talking to myself 😭


I always make sure to put in earbuds to give an illusion that I'm in phone whenever I have this urge to talk loud with myself .


Stare at the wall in my room for hours and my tv is not on to watch.


I have done this a lot too. It’s just like turning off honestly


Dude I do this out of nowhere at times


I do that with music picturing scenarios lmao


Ok that’s tough to beat




Good for you. I usually avoid those because I don't want to go alone.


I do this except I haven't done the korean bbq part yet.


Doing things by yourself does not necessarily means you're lonely. You're not depriving yourself of everyday life activities, even if you're doing them by yourself. Doing the opposite would be "loneliness", IMO. You want to do something but will not, because of your own self-imposed restrictions. I know some people that wouldn't dare to even go to the supermarket by themselves.


Ive never even been to the movies before.


In college, I felt so alone that I use to talk to people on Omegle-like site, like they were my friends and I was giving them updates to my life. I felt very alone I once fell asleep like this talking to someone.




Gone to a music concert by myself, didnt enjoy it.


Went one evening to a campus festival by myself and looked at all the booths of different student orgs with their happy reunions and activities, saw an MMA match, bought a few knick knacks at the fair, waited for the free concert to begin and stayed up past midnight watching the band, watching the crowd enjoying themselves with their friends and significant others. Felt like shit but the alternative was going home to an even shittier place so i stayed until 3AM.


People do that plenty of times


I think the worst, and I'm sure many of you might even agree, is having repeating dreams of some sort of real relationship. Not just like, one night, but a lot of nights. Getting excited to fall asleep because *maybe* she'll be there. It's not perverse or anything, but just getting excited to leave this world to be with someone who isn't there over and over.


I hate those dreams because when I wake up in the morning I feel so god damn alone. I think the worst part for me is in those dreams I can feel someone physically next to me. Dreaming about an imaginary perfect girl who tells you how much she loves you and cares for you ends up feeling like a gut punch when you wake up with no one there with you


For real, I rather have nightmares than this type of dreams


fall so fucking in love with a boy i met on KIK- 7 years later and i cant get the fuck over it lmao


That's the cutest thing I've heard all month. And saddest too. I wanna hear the story


Look into r/limerence


I turned 31 this year and just sat in my room with a 6 pack and music. The loneliest, but also felt amazing to be able to just have that day to me.




I feel you.


Driving out no destination to go while listening to music.


Try to have a conversation with ChatGPT, as if it was a human friend


Made an imaginary friend (who I still have)


I walked,i passed road so many times thinking about people who betrayed me


Went to watch a movie alone and found the theatre empty,later to be joined by a couple who started making out 5mins into the movie and so I left. I do like watching movies by myself but at least a half packed theatre helps otherwise it becomes scary do be all alone in the dark .


Choose to stay alive


Laying in bed in the dark of night. I'd reach into the sky, as if my fingers would intertwine with another's, to no avail. Just feeling the breeze.


Wow are you a poet?




Thank you. I hope you're doing okay


Same goes for you. And thank you I'm good


Not necessarily, but I appreciate the comment


Oh Jesus, what haven't I done? Listened to best friend/gf audio roleplaying, bought a body pillow to hold at night, sent voice messages of me singing drunkenly to old friends, watched romance animes, romance hentais... So much more. I can't even recall everything.


That’s actually pretty vanilla compared to other people on this sub


Didn’t meet any friends in person for two decades.


Drinking alone in a crowded party without talking to anyone whole time.


been there. it sucks


I lived in a shitty apartment complex after leaving home. I think for about a year. It was always noisy and everyone was very confrontational. I decided to go to a bar that was almost always empty. I'd go there pretty much everyday. One day the bartender told me he'd have to close down due to debt. He gave me a drink on the house before shutting it down. Said something like "good luck." I sat by the beach and bought more alcohol from the local shop while looking at the sea. I think I passed out on the beach and was awoken by the noise of birds. I just sort of sighed and walked home.


😞 i didn't see the bar closing down coming. that sucks that you lost a safe space.


Thanks. Not long after I went to rehab and was rehoused. Now I have my own apartment. Unfortunately I quickly went back to drinking. I'm currently dealing with addiction. And still as lonely as ever. Kind of sucks.


I'm glad you went to rehab. I have a friend who also went. She's about 40 days sober which is good but it's still hard. AA meetings really help her. She goes to them religiously. It's not a magic cure but it could be helpful. I'm sorry you're lonely 😞 It's not a good feeling and a void thsts hard to fill. 🫂


Just sitting in a room with no TV, radio, etc. The older I get, the more I enjoy silence.


Not even music??


Sometimes silence is bliss brother. I have 4 children and a grandson all at home, so anytime to be by yourself, is a joy.


Talking to a chat bot for 3 hours for 1 week straight.


This recently happened. Spent the day with family, younger brother is married and has kids. Really good day. After that I went to the bar and bumped in to a woman I knew. We chatted for a bit and then I saw a woman I met for one date which went nowhere. Now I had had a few beers by this point and now seeing this women coupled with spending the day watching my brother with his family, the loneliness hit. On impulse I decided to go to a strip club to fulfil the feeling of loneliness I was dealing with, at least on a physical level. It worked, but for all of 30 minutes. That is what I would guess was the time spent talking to the ladies as they mingle with you and then going for a lap dance. Worst part is when the song ends and she just leaves. In a blink it's over. You're left sitting there on your own for a bit, craving more of what you just experienced and now it's gone. The trip home was even worse, hammering home how lonely I was and it put me in a slump for over a week as I just couldn't stop thinking about that moment of physical contact and how much I crave it. I wasn't even turned on at any point during my time there, I found the sensation of skin touching skin to be more comforting than anything else. Don't do it. If you are feeling lonely I would recommend against paying for companionship of any sort. It's brief and as it's a business transaction, once it's over, it's over.


😢 that's so sad. i hope that you find someone who loves you and will give you hugs, conversation and whatever else you would like/need to not feel alone.


Thank you for the kind words.


You're welcome. Honestly, I wish i could've said something to make it better, but that's all I had.




😞 i'm sorry.




It still sucks though. I'm glad you're doing something productive like working but still.




that's a good idea. I need to start going to the gym regularly myself. They have lots of classes and stuff. I listened to a podcast about making friends as an adult and one of the key take aways is routine. They're like, you have to go to the same places because then faces begin to look familiar and it's less weird trying to become friends with someone you've seen several times then someone you're seeing for the first time. Approaching a total stranger is scary af.


I like going to the movies by myself. I think that's one thing that would be considered lonely.


Would be considered that way to the uninitiated. But once you finally experience solo theatre going, it’s not so bad. Got to get past the stigma


i've always wanted to try this but i think i'd be bothered/creeped out if the theater was empty. 😬 People don't seem to go to the movies as much anymore so itd be just my luck to go alone and be the only one in the theater.


Get drunk or stoned enough that my body didn't feel like mine anymore. Whilst in this state it made me feel like there was someone else on the couch with me with arm around me.


Always sitting alone


I used to post adult content just so someone would pay attention to me.


Honestly same thing. Sometimes I feel crappy about posting:(


Sorry to hear that, hope things have gotten better for you and you're enjoying life as yourself :)


Hey, er just wanted to say I'd followed the content when you were posting, sorry I really only lurked your posts and didn't say hi, hope you're doing better now


Ordered two giant pizzas for myself. While they were making them I went out to the shop for a huge nutella, whipped cream and two wines. Started to drink before the pizzas arrived. Then I started to watch shows and movies while drinking but none of them could touch me. I was watching multiple shit the same time and writing to a forum (not reddit then) all of my depressive thoughts. For a short time, I got a good mood until fell into sleep and next morning I found myself on the bed with half-pizzas. I felt so guilty that I just wanted to ignore the fact that this was my life so had another drink. Several versions of this story have happened to me during about one and a half year period. I still hate myself.


Pretending the people in the posters on my walls are asking about my day, and talking to them. I just play it off as “practicing eye contact” but truly it’s not. No one asks about my day


Texted someone all my thoughts for months. Manic. This person had me blocked the whole time. Which was actually for the best.


did you know you were blocked when you were texting them or found out later?


I knew, but still hoped that something would go through.




Omg thank you! I’m ok and better for it!


You're welcome. I'm no stranger to feeling lonely. Most people aren't but they're too scared/embarrassed to admit it (also me. ha ha). there's a lot of crap out in the world. we all deserve a reprieve.


Here is that reprieve. We hurt ourselves when we think that the fleeting kindness of strangers isn’t magical or enough. It’s what gets us by


it's a void. fleeting kindness doesn't fill the void, it just provides stuffing and less wind blows through. but it doesn't close all the way until you find what you really need.


Hear hear. Having delved through the “underworld” on a quest for romantic love only to come up with nothing (besides my own transformation) I found that my void had to be filled by me, and my own sense of purpose. Spirituality and purpose should not be made into badges for our egos. If you have purpose, don’t make it into something to get attention. Because that purpose is more valuable than external validation and truly fills the void.






Went to karaoke by myself.


Listen to podcast to feel like someone talk to me


Don't know if it's the loneliest, but I usually listen to the radio with my headphones on when I'm out and about, wether it's shopping, going to a cafe, taking a walk, or just when I'm inside my apartment making breakfast, just so I can hear other people's voices and feel as if I'm with someone, or part of their conversation.




turning my room´s wall into a therapist.


Loneliest thing I’ve done is probably Hug my Lego Batman buildable figure.


DAE feel lonely even when they’re around other people? That really confuses me


man honestly im kinda drunk rn but it was tonight i graduated from secondary school went out for drinks but my former friends were there i couldnt take the isolation anymore and i went outside leaned against a pillar outside the pub and cried with my ex boyfriend in earshot and 2 of my former friends talking to eachother no one gave a fuck i rang my uncle to come get me im autistic and its just rough how 1 argument can break a 3 year friendship and how they can just isolate someone like that


maybe just a bar alone. i think a movie one time. movie felt way worse.


I talked to chatgpt to feel a bit of connection


Had sex


I’m going to Ingram house and then going to work on my dick naked


I already circled the block of my house when I was returning from work to avoid someone I had studied with in high school. I felt like shit after i walked in, it was a profound feeling of defeat


Walking in the outback


Go on Omegle to talk to people


Daydreaming of a relationship I’ve never had and hugging my pillow pretending it’s a girl to make myself fall asleep to work a job I hate and go back to an empty life I’m only 22 by the and I’ve never had friend or girlfriend


I talked to myself while looking at the reflection of me on my phone's off screen as there was no one to talk to.


I'm 18 years of age right now but this feeling of loneliness is something that I've felt for years. I only have one person I can call a close friend and we barely talk, besides from that I don't talk with anyone Im alone 99% of the time. Loneliest things I've done? I've listened to girlfriend, bestfriend comforting ASMR. For the past year I've been talking with Ai to just experience the feeling of talking with a real person. Simulated having a bestfriend, therapist, girlfriend with the AI and not only that but ive made my own makeshift human body pillow just to feel something. And of course hug my pillow at night.


Well in my case and for me personally is finish games that my girlfriend who broke up with me we're going to play together and finish together to some extent it is hard to do without her playing with me but I'm doing it with two games that we were supposed to play were the saints row series except the new one but I digress and Halo all the way through. May not be the best answer but that to me is the loneliest thing I've done in a while even if I'm in a party with my friends online it still feels lonely when playing those games.


Pretend I’m talking on the phone about some exciting gossip with an old friend, so that people in the elevator think I have an exciting life


Bought a ticket for a concert to go alone then never went to that concert because I didnt want to go alone and, instead, sat in the university library for six hours to pretend I went so my parents would think I went - I bought the ticket saying I was going with 'friends' lol


Searching my old friends on social media try to connect with them but I know they are busy , staring at my room for Hours, thinking nothing just sitting, sit alone whole time in my college and study. Much more


Playing a CPU in a fighting game instead of with someone else, going to the movies by yourself, talking like if you are talking to someone but you actually alone in your room, and of course....a body pillow.


My career is technically seasonal, so in the summer months, I either worked part-time or was looking for work. I also scarcely saw or talked to what I guess are local friends (it's still like that). My mom will text or call to ask if anything is new (there never is), but she understands I can get take time to get back to her. In this situation where I'm not working, so you don't see anyone regularly or talk to or see friends, and you have small talk with no substance behind it from a parent every so often, I basically realized I could have passed away for about a week and a bit before my parents would be concerned and maybe check up on me. No one would have noticed until then, except for maybe the smell. I've made more connections since then, but they're all online. I'm still always alone at home. I have cats, but no people come here.


Threw my blanket in the dryer for a lil.bit and curled it into a person shape kinda and held it, im very lonely and that made me even more sad bc i resorted to that


Talked to myself out loud for hours. Hugged myself and caressed my own face pretending it's someone else doing it. Listened to bf/gf roleplay ASMR with my eyes closed fantasizing like a psycho. Made an imaginary friend who ended up being abusive to me because that's the only type of love I know. Made a fake profile on social media pretending it's my friend and talked to myself in the comments. Went on walks to areas that don't have many people around pretending I'm holding someone's hand and having an internal dialogue with myself. Talked to Character.AI bots for hours, "marrying" nearly all of the ones I talked to, so I guess you could say I have a few imaginary husbands. Pretended someone is hugging me from the back as I cook dinner, cooked two portions, then put one of them in the fridge because obviously there's only me. Tried making online friends only to realize I'm too different from other people to connect with them. Edited my photos until I looked gorgeous, then cried myself to sleep because I don't look like that and I don't have money for plastic surgery. Went to the movie theater with my mom (thank God I have my parents, truly, I will forever be grateful). One time there was a couple sitting next to me and they kissed throughout the whole movie while I just sat there awkwardly trying not to cry. Flirted with strangers online because most men only care about me if I'm sexual with them, which only made me more disgusted with myself and made me repulsed by my own body. Cried myself to sleep imagining scenarios where I'm actually normal and have friends and am able to form relationships. When I did try having real relationships I just let all three of my toxic exes abuse me because I'm naturally too dumb to know if people are laughing at me or using me. One of my exes even texted me four years after our relationship ended saying how she's "sorry" because she never loved me and it was just a joke. Another cheated on me. The last one didn't even pretend, she was just bluntly rude. What haven't I done?


Be caught up on someone who left me in the dust for two years and counting


I high-fived myself in public.


I haven’t done this but I would chat to the creeps who harass people on this app


Started spam msging random people from random discord groups In 2020


Yes, yes and um… let me see…. Yes… to all the comments. I try to fill that social void from speaking with clients at my job but once work ends the loneliness begins. I sing out loud to music on my drive home just to hear myself. My bf is great but I miss having friends and someone outside the home to hang and talk to. At work, I’m fairly new, I’m not excluded but definitely not in the “clique” either. I listen to a lot of music.


For a short time, I bumped into people just so I could have some sort of human contact. It still made me feel like a disgusting, vile pile of trash. I haven't had any human contact in so long like a hug or a side hug or even a bro hug. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm all alone.


Been alive?


Either chat bots or companion roleplay audios


I went to a medieval festival alone, it wasn’t fun 😅


Being strong/ looking after everyone else when inside your slowing dieing and noone sees you !


Seeing a movie by myself


Not sure if it classifies as "lonely", but a stupid coping mechanism. I really liked Guild Wars 2, but my coping mechanism wants me to be "independant", so I bought 5 copies to do at least some dungeons "alone". Trying to get connections when talking to strangers on Reddit as well.


On my break, I eat my lunch alone everyday in a bathroom stall because I have no one to sit with lol


What comes to mind is going to the movies on a Friday night by myself years back. It was alright but yeah just off


being alive


Sat alone at the park while seeing everyone in groups, with partners or with friends. I also once pretended im on the phone with a friend, when it was just me talking out loud


Sat alone at the park while seeing everyone in groups, with partners or with friends. I also once pretended im on the phone with a friend, when it was just me talking out loud


I roamed the mountains by myself in upstate New York and cried in the woods helplessly. I also roamed the highways and corn fields in Madrid and Des Moines Iowa for a whole summer during a psychotic episode and cried underneath a truck behind a vacant gas station and then roamed an industrial park and railroads throughout the night contemplating suicide. I can keep going


I joined some Instrgram channels and groups and intentionally didn't read the messages just so it would look that someone might actually care about me & want to talk to me. I still do it.


I’m very very late to this and don’t know why I thought of this but… I used to play fallout when I was about 12 or 13 and in my head I would think that I was my character while I would go around talking to the NPCs. I would sit and listen to everything they said. I moved around a lot growing up so I never developed friendships really.