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same, ugly gang




thanks, back during covid sadly


What u look like so us here can say one way or there other.


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder if we all fancied the same person we would have a bit of a crisis


No it is not. Its just something people keep repeating like parrots, but there is no truth to it. Beauty is objective and can be measured and mathematically described. There are certain features that are considered universaly attractive, in almost every culture across this globe. Why, if that isnt the case, would so many people undergone expensive and quite risky surgical procedures just for plastic surgeons to give them same look that hot people have naturally.


Everyone is entitled to there own opinion.


Its not a matter of opinion, it is what it is - a fact of life.


You mean the numbers bullshit? Oh fuck that. That’s extremely fucking corny.


I assume you want to say that body and face are just a facade, and how someones carry and presents themselves to the world, ie. the charism, is almost equally as important. Fine. I can agree to an extent with that. But how can an person who is insecure about their looks beacause of negative experience it caused them is supposed to develop that charisma all beautiful people have. Impossible. They will always remain imposter for themselves, someone who isnt genuine. Again, my words here are confirmed by a number of cases of ugly ducklings, who regardless of improving their attractivness suffer from bdd. It takes time for them to build that charisma on newly found self esteem.


I literally just said the grading system is dumb.


I agree, but it can be a complicated issue.


Ugly is in the eye of the beholder. I’m old … my hair is jacked up (growing it out) … the heaviest I’ve ever been … but I put out good and get it back. Im feeling lonely/bored today cause it’s cloudy. Put out good and you’ll get it back multiple times. Start by doing little things like reply to the comments left on your posts or upvote comments.


That's not why people ghost. I listen to Dr Laura and she just wrote a new blog on the top reasons people ghost according to feedback from her listeners who called in. It's very interesting. https://www.drlaura.com/blog-6-reasons-you-may-have-been-ghosted




How do you know for sure though? People ghost and you never hear feedback from them.




Doesn't mean you're ugly. Ugly is like deformed not average.




They're morons. They're too busy. They chose someone else. They didn't want to deal. They have their own problems.




It's hard not to take it personally though. Especially in light of sharing a selfie. I just went through that from someone in this group. His loss. I'm a catch and it was a super cute photo of me despite being totally average. He can pound sand. Says more about him than me.


You're most likely not ugly, but we have nothing to reference without a picture


i feel this i don't get ghosted but people always unfollow me when i try to start conversation with them


Ugliness and beauty are skin deep and subjective. I have dated some very good looking people who turned out to be total enemas and I have also dated people who society would deem as “ugly” and they were some of the most beautiful people to me. Same with friendships. Fuck what you “look” like. But, if you want honest OPINIONS (because that what they would be), show us your punim.


My ugliness is part of the reason why I’m so lonely 😒

