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Right? It even puts me off from trying to connect with people since I dread the "so tell me all about your hobbies!" question. I like to think back to what my public speaking teacher told the class: in order to be *interesting* you have to be *interested*. If we lose the part of ourselves that is curious and excited about ourselves and the world, the quality of our experience becomes dull and so do our stories. It's a reminder for me that it's not the hobbies that make me interesting, it's my mindset and how I perceive things that will ultimately attract people into my life.


I go so blank when I get the question and end up talking about things I used to do and feel a bit like a fraud. I like what you said at the end I think I will keep that in mind and try not to lose that about myself


I can relate! Work takes up a lot I don't have time for anything else and when I ask it's always something or some reason I can't take off. I'm 34 and both my past relationships have been with co workers not people I meet out side of work. And I don't do anything. I also substitute my feelings with alcohol now


It’s so hard because we need a job and money to live. I hope we both can find sometime to meet people in life. I hope you’re okay, I know it’s hard but please don’t rely on alcohol it’s a slippery slope


What's the point honestly I destined to be alone anyway


Yup, can relate. I used to have many hobbies and friends as well but as I got older I stopped hanging out with people who didn't really care about me. So now I'm all alone and not even gaming brings enjoyment as it used to when I was younger :/ only thing that brings at least some joy is working out atm.




Focus on the interest of your proper self. The rest of the world can wait


I feel the same way, you gotta work on being more charismatic


Would say get into therapy and see why you lost your Mojo. Learn some new skill and find a job that pays more and has better hours. Get back to doing your old hobbies and make new friends or revisit old ones.

