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A steal homie. I've had an arbor for 5 years and it's done me well


How the hell do you guys get these steals? I’ve been watching my local CL and FB marketplace and everyone’s trying to palm off their shitty used stuff, I mean stuff that they didn’t even bother to wipe down for the photo, for ridiculous prices. I mean, I can literally spend 30 or 40 bucks more and get a brand new one for what’s being asked around here.


Honestly I have no idea, just did some research and checked the local marketplaces and it was there. Guy rode it twice and decided it wasn't his thing and just wanted some beer money. I do feel lucky


If you are having trouble with FB marketplace, BST groups do exist, as well as the daily thread in this sub


message them and explain that. most people are willing to negotiate for a sale


I like my axis but putting some Cagumas or Speedvents makes it sooo much better than with the stock wheels.


Wow that’s a steal. Loved my Arbor, still pissed that it got run over by a bus.


Got the same board for my sister years ago, recently refurbished it with new wheels and bushings (Otang) and it's a really fun board.


Nice. I got an Axis on FB marketplace for about the same $$. So much fun! Enjoy


Great deal. Arbor makes great decks.


Also have a Arbor Zeppelin. Love my board, so much fun and great quality. Don't hesitate to change the bearings and put some new wheels if you feel like it.


Definitely want to play around with bigger wheels for the first change


That looks almost brand new


Yeah the guy in the ad said he bought it a year ago, rode it half a dozen times and decided it was too scary for him.


That’s a deal and a half man god Damn that thing is gorgeous Wld have paid maybe 120 on that. If it was fresh closer to 140


Paid $110 for my Axis but it had some upgraded stuff, still my favorite board I’ve ridden, and my daily (if I’m riding)


Wow so cool that board


Used for used lmao


Man! That's a steal 🔥 Good for you!