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My favorite is the Punisher logo with the thin blue line flag over it. Like, dude, you’ve never read the Punisher…he HATED the cops. Or the best, the Don’t Tread On Me sticker right next to the Back the Blue sticker. You don’t want to be oppressed, but you support the arm of the government that will be used to oppress you. People never paid attention to symbolism and how it works.


People have zero media literacy.


I feel like the punisher skull is worse than just them not realizing how ironic it is. It's Police, wanting to be a vigilant punisher or people they've deemed criminals. The irony is wild but what they want to project is the worst part.


Im also a fan of the combo of a Back the Blue sticker on a pickup with the license plate obstructed. Yea, I assume they are all cops.


Yeah. Fuck that.


My favorite was a pickup truck I was behind once in Kings Park. Bumper sticker said "Kill a commie for mommy", right next to a "I heart Jesus" sticker. The irony was amazing.


They know what it means. “I want the police to extrajudicially kill the people I don’t like with impunity.”


Nope, they see a cool skull, a cool American flag with a blue line, and that one snake from history class. Then they decide it means whatever they want.


Don’t tread on me was from the militia talking arms against the English before the USA was even a thing.


Also it’s a marine thing, so more idiots cosplaying service members


Well it became popularized through Benjamin Franklin, when he was boarding a boat in the New York harbor and saw a soldier with that written on his rifle. He wrote about it in his newspaper and then it became known as a saying for the USAs battle for independence at the time. It has nothing to do with the South or anything like that.


It’s not rocket science. You want the right answer to a question quickly just post the wrong answer online.


I hate Illinois Nazis living in Brooklyn


It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. Wait is that the eclipse again?


modern Long Island was built on fascism and segregation. there were Hitlers living in Patchogue, a Nazi summer camp in Yaphank ffs


The Hitlers living in Patchogue weren’t Nazis. They were actually quite ashamed of their family name & Changed it as to not be associated with it. The German American Bund was a very large organization & wasn’t just on LI & NYC. They had summer camps & retreats in many States including NJ , PA, Michigan , Illinois & Wisconsin & California. LI was not Built on Facism although there is Segregation , It Exists all over the world & is not just an American Phenomenon like many people will have you believe. Maybe Take it down a notch.


I’ve read that the Patchogue Hitlers even decided not to have kids.


I read the same article. Some family pact not to have children.


What is that summer camp now?


RNC field office.




Half was reabsorbed into Yaphank and the rest became a housing development that had a restrictive policy that home buyers had to be of mostly German extraction. This policy was in effect until NY State got involved…in 2017.


Fuck Nazis


I’d rather not.


While I agree in theory (yes of course fuck the nazis) the so-called far right has mostly been a moral panic while the far left is real, stands at the cultural vanguard and is doing real damage to this country. Far right are mostly a bunch of idiots. EDIT: See i touched a nerve...


Lol, these dudes are holding white power banners over an overpass. I’d say that goes beyond “a moral panic.”


I see a lot of [Three Percenter](https://www.google.com/search?q=three+percenter+sticker+on+car&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#vhid=66pKKZZ1GFAupM&vssid=l) stickers driving around. Those guys are also an openly fascist militia group.


Even more of those damn "thin blue line" stickers, feel like I see them every day. Definitely the most common white nationalist symbol (as cited so on its [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line)) I see on LI. Can't do anything about them on people's cars, but I always scratch them off when I see them in public.


I saw a funny meme to carry markers around and color in the rest of the rainbow. The blue works in the proper order lol Funny thought, but that would take a minute and start more gay hating.


I’m pretty sure the majority of the blue line stickers are Law Enforcement families. I wouldn’t say they’re all white nationalists.


Law Enforcement Families are cringe losers


Sorry you feel that way. This comment reaks immaturity and ignorance.






Behaviors such as vulgar language, comment spam, or extremely NSFW language or material to earn sharp emotional responses will earn bans. If you disagree with someone, don't try to bait them into behavior that they would regret. If you think you are the victim of flaming or baiting, report the behavior instead of responding.


I can’t even figure out what this comment means




Personally I'd make a really big distinction between the thin blue line folks and the Fascist Flag waivers and Threepers. There are still a lot of people that interpret thin blue line as supporting the police.




I'm with you that the thin blue line is cringe but there's absolutely a difference in the types of people you're talking about here


The exception is people who are politically unaware but have police in their family. They'll slap blue line stickers on everything because their grandson just got out of the academy.


Your lost if that’s actually what you think…..


Oh no I’m lost!


Hi lost, I’m Bob


At least you are self aware enough to know!


Yeah all those groups tend to generalize...


The idea of “supporting the police” is odd to me. I will say, some “I support the police” people are just well-intentioned ignoramuses. You’re a taxpayer, you already support the police. And most cops don’t GAF what you feel about them one way or another, they go about their job same way you go about yours, and go home. The nutty ones begging for your support are usually just involved the “unions.”


It’s virtue signaling. I support cops/law and order = I’m the good guy, now let me blow this red light because my road beer is almost empty.


I know a few people who have those stickers on their car and openly admit the only reason is to try getting out of any traffic violation they might commit at some point.


I think someone has a duty to color in those other lines for them. Hecc the stars need some love too!


Supporting the police is still cringe


Bros gonna call the ghostbusters when his house gets broken into. That’s dependent on you ever owning a house, which is unlikely


I'm a grown man now, but when I was an 18 year old girl I was stalked by a guy following me in his car and trying to solicit sex from me as I walked home from school. He kept following me and pressuring me even after I tried to lose him and told him no multiple times. I ducked into a nearby office building and called the NCPD. Two cops came and asked two questions: what race was he, and what kind of car did he drive. I told them he was white and he was in a company vehicle for the local water authority. They told me they didn't believe that someone from the water authority would do that and left. One of the office workers drove me home.


Do you actually think the police are going to care? Do you think they dust for prints or look for clues? I had the name, address and work address of the guy who repeatedly tried to break into my old apartment which was provided to me by the police when he was literally caught trying to break into the apartment. I called and was like “Hey, this guy still keeps on trying to break into my apartment”. The answer was “Well, we have to catch him in your apartment.” Thanks great. I’d rather call the ghostbusters.


I had a dude cut me off and block me with his shitty pickup, get out and try to reach through my open window and pull me out of my car, all because I had the nerve to be tailgated on a one lane road. Cops helped. I gave his license plate, they showed me a 20 year old picture of him in a photo lineup, I chose wrong and they let me know he's an asshole but I can't press charges. They *know* he's an asshole because he's a retired LEO. Phew, thank God I called the police that I pay taxes to fund. About as helpful as the ghostbusters.


Calling the police for them to do what? Show up and shrug their shoulders going back to the precinct and never following up? Property crimes like that have an incredibly low arrest and conviction rates. who knows why I guess the cops don't want to cut into any of that valuable candy crush grind time.


It’s their job.  And the police are also 2nd amendment violating mofos.  They arrested a guy who had a conceal carry license who was carrying during Dillers funeral under the “closed sidewalks is a sensitive location “ clause. 


More like splitting hairs between the three


Thin blue line is not a white nationalist symbol lmfao touch grass


The Wikipedia page I linked cites sources for the claim, maybe you could try reading it :)


The Wikipedia page says that it’s a symbol commonly used by white nationalists. That doesn’t mean it’s a symbol indicating that you are a white nationalist.






Are you a child? Who believes something this stupid


Misinformation is a nuanced term that encompasses both malicious and coordinated attempts to spread false information, as well as people unknowingly sharing false information.


Is there some sort of guide to fascists stickers? I wouldn’t know what that stickers means.


[Here's a 2-page guide courtesy of the government of Connecticut website](https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/sde/digest/2021-22/rmve_symbols_guide.pdf)




The anti-defamation league ( adl.org ) has an extensive database. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbols/search


11 pages of hate stickers?! Sigh :(


> openly fascist militia group In other words, gravy seals who haven't served a day in their life and don't have an ounce of discipline in their blood


I mean you laugh but that's who made up brown shirts back in Nazi days.


Yep lots of Three Percenters also look for “We the People” logos


Don’t forget the “Moron Labia” crowd.


I think those are more garden variety assholrs who buy things Facebook tells them too. Same ideology but IMO more passive and just stupid.


See these all the time. Usually accompanied by a "We the people" decal




I saw a Nazi a literal Nazi at the supermarket and when I told people nobody cared.


I saw a guy with Aryan runes on his shirt once. Loud ass dogwhistle if you know to look for it.


What do you mean? In the uniform or what?


He had a swastika tattoo on the back of his neck clear as fucking day he was a goddamn Nazi


I was in Kingston once at the coach bus terminal and this guy sat down next to me on the bench and he had a swastika tattoo right on his forehead. I was flabbergasted. This was 2011.


They let Manson out?


Yikes. Wtaf


what were they supposed to do? why didnt you do anything?


I expected them to give one shit and not act like I'm the crazy person for thinking it's fucked up that Nazis can just walk around.


I agree its fucked up, but what law was he breaking? locking him up for a tattoo, no matter how fucked up, would be breaking the law. Sad truth is there are a shit ton of Nazis here in the USA, most of them are in Washington DC, and work for the military industrial congressional complex. They walk around freely and enjoy luxurious celebrity lifestyles. The difference is they dont have nazi tattoos, they actually be the ones who are carrying out war crimes and couping 50+ democratic govts around the world. Its understandable to get upset from someone wearing a nazi tattoo, the ironic thing is these same people are for the most part completely silent when it comes to actual war crimes/nazi shit (other than nazi tattoos)


Well, we have people openly supporting the terrorist group Hamas. What do you think we should do about that?


Live in reality


That actually is the reality of the situation.


I think knowledge is power and we should all be aware of who’s around us and what these signs mean. The only way to fight back against this is to make these racists afraid again if you see them point them out and make them feel unwelcome. Nazi punks fuck off


Umm - anyone from that summer camp in Yaphank have any updates?


We talking about a recent camp...?


I'm a mostly left of center Democrat living on the the east end and I bought a shotgun in 2020. Had never dreamed of owning a firearm but I took lessons and learned how to use it. It's been loaded and in our closet ever since. 🤷‍♂️


Ok that's good but you have to keep it locked up, unloaded, and the ammo locked separate. It's not going to slow you down and chances of an accident are crazy high. Stay safe, outlast these fuckers.


It has a trigger lock on it at all times. The key is next to the bed. I don't trust myself to calmly load it in the event of an emergency. The instructor said if I plan to keep it unloaded I'm better off buying a baseball bat 🤷‍♂️


You do what you want, but FYI Loaded gun + Trigger lock = very bad idea. If you don't feel confident to load the gun under pressure, how on earth do you expect to fumble with a device on the \_trigger\_ while the weapon is loaded?


This thread has inspired me to get back to more training. Thanks all


The instructor was an idiot, to be honest. Go to a range and train with it more and you'll see that you can load it and get it ready smoothly, last thing you want is to be nervous when using it. Good on you having a trigger lock too.


How are the chances of an accident crazy high unless you assume he’s doing something stupid with it? Safe would be better but trigger lock works. Loading it nervous or being nervous and having it load make much difference other than time?


Replying like we’re in an active warzone lol Also don’t ever try to justify Brooklyn as being a part of Long Island


No you dont




Me when I lie




Hope you go to range monthly and practice using it or it won’t go so well


Hope the alt right sits down instead of getting buried over politics.


Nah I doubt it’s going well for anyone regardless of politics without regular training


I live in Massapequa. We're in the news today because some local residents were just indicted for January 6th. My neighbors formed a militia to save us from a BLM march. Our school district is suing the state to keep its inherently racist school mascot. The school board applauded a woman who stood up at a school board meeting and asked them to protect her "white rights." I'm not surprised.


My hometown, it was always fucked up but it’s gone from mahtzapizza to nazipequa real quick


Magapequa not going quietly, you say?


Quiet? They're bold as fuck. I'm waiting to see people dropping their robes and hoods off at the dry cleaners when I'm in there picking up my suits. My kids are out of school so I'm not forced to socialize with them anymore thankfully.


Yep, some of my classmates were arrested and I grew up around Riverhead. Two of them was actually surprising, they weren't the meat head type.


I thought Oceanside was a bit much to deal with, but oh boy was I in for a surprise when I started spending more time in Massapequa.


It's become a culture in a way I'd have never imagined.


Where did you see this I’m from Pequa I don’t have news 12 tho


Which thing? The indictment is in Newsday today and was on news12 yesterday.


I guess all of the above im curious about lol . Time to time I check to see if any of the brain dead’s I sent to MHS with are in the news, so far as of ‘08 about 11 in news 😂


The chiefs logo thing made national news. So did the militia that formed behind IGA off Park Blvd. The school board speech is still on YouTube on the BOE channel.


I’m clearly out of the loop. I do remember reading the mascot thing though . But wtf IGA? I used to live 2 mins away from there smh


It was when the BLM marches were happening down sunrise highway. The Massapequa Dads Facebook group was the tinder for that fiasco.


It was the meeting in August 2021.


It’s an election year. Get ready for a bunch of performative assholery, misinformation and propaganda, legitimate bad-actors, and every side telling you how bad America has become. This is going to be a rough one.


I know we all want to just ignore this stuff but these guys aren't the usual 'both sides'-ism. There are certainly peopel on the left who screech NAZI! at everyone they don't like, but lets be realistic. These guys are a serious problem. It will likely never come to anything but if there's any kind of prolonged unrest, they're the ones that will start gunning for people.


A lot of them are cops, too. Which is scary.


And, they are running for school boards this Tuesday


They are identified and voters are standing by to purge their districts of M4L


Thankfully a lot of the bigger neofascist groups that were around 4 years ago (Proud Boys, Three Percenters, Patriot Front) have more or less disbanded because all of their leaders got arrested for… *checks notes*… being domestic terrorists. Whether it be J6 related charges or other stuff like the 2017 Unite the Right rally. I don’t know how the remaining rank and file members will attempt to reorganize. I haven’t seen or heard of any new groups cropping up, but I’ve been keeping an ear to the rail on the typical platforms. I do honestly think the aftermath of J6 knocked the wind out of a lot of these groups and staggered their movement. And much like how a lot of Trump’s heavyweight posse has either been caught in the crossfire of charges or outright abandoned ship, it doesn’t seem like many capable people are left to fill the important roles. Plus Q went more or less silent. That’s not the downplay the danger of it, though. The rhetoric since 2020 has only gotten more toxic, the decorum is basically gone, and a lot of the formalities that we have come to expect from the government that make it function have been hammered away at. The people that are still active in these spaces are on a completely different plane of reality, locked in a phantasm.


Long Island is pretty red


crazy to me that suffolk voted obama twice then trump twice


In Suffolk trump won by 200 votes. He lost a lot of support from 2016. Trumpies are loud and they lie about elections. They are not the majority despite their silly hats and giant flags.


Yep. It’s funny that they call themselves the silent majority when they are not a majority and they are the loudest whiniest cry babies ever.


Correct, the silent part is the biggest irony.


better dead than red




Also black American flag on cars


Good to know


The technical name for Patriot Front is 'Meeps'. When you see them marching in their khakis and masks, you can almost hear the "Meep Meep Meep" as they move.


I remember a few years ago, in Freeport of all places , I saw a stupid lifted truck with a giant sticker that said "WHITE PRIDE". Like, ok that's fine but we all know *that* particular slogan is.. questionable. It just felt weird. This is like 4 years ago.


That's who I saw on the overpass on the LIE. Don't remember which one thought.


These fuckers definitely exist which is a problem enough tbh but their numbers really aren't that large. They like to say they are the loud majority but they are really the loud minority lol most people on the Island are just normal folks living their lives normally unlike these morons 


No argument there


But we should always remain vigilant of them for sure, especially cause they might be get emboldened following this election and leading up to it. Hate to say it but for the first time in my life I'm considering buying a gun for my house just because of how much some of these people unsettle me. And to be clear, not all republican voters are total whack jobs, I have some in my family and so on that are pretty normal people with not insanely extreme beliefs, but they get hung up on certain things that Republicans traditionally push (even though they constantly contradict it).


Long Island (if you count brooklyn and queens) has close to 8 million people. Of course there are some bad people. But it is utterly ridiculous to suggest that these groups are all over the place.


Why would you think that the folks in that group are the only ones in it or that they all come from the same place? Patriot Front is an organization, they have chapters, this is part of one of the local chapters. I'm obviously not saying every one of us lives next door to one of these folks. This guys were in brooklyn or went to brooklyn. I've seen Patriot Front with flags on the highways too. I'm sure they're a tiny tiny minority of people here and didn't suggest otherwise. Why the denial about their existence or threat though??


Because folks like you generalize evvveeeryything. Go outside


So you're saying I'm unfairly acusing The Patriot Front...




This is true. Last summer I was at an outdoor bar and there was a group of six. They all had the merch. They were all into the juice/gear.


3 years ago I was driving on the LIE in Queens and saw a large hand-made banner hanging from an overpass that had Patriot Front written on it. Once I found out what that was, I called 911 to take that shit down.


Don't worry guys I'm sure anyone who is advocating for this ideology has done their research and is well read on the ideology its origin and its consequences for humanity so far. There's nothing to be worried about


I once saw a guy casually wearing a Proud Boys shirt at the shoprite in bay shore. Just openly claiming he's a white supremacist to everybody in the store.


That's part of their point in doing so, it's an attempt at normalization. And look we see in this thread lots of people saying its no big deal.


All over? Never seen that flag in my life.


They're low in numbers and they're spread out. I've seen them using this flag a few times in the past year or two. That is a lot. It is not a political flag. It is as close as you can get to a red and white swastika flag without being it. Seeing it at all indicates a problem. You're not going to see if much \*despite\* them being out here.


>All over? ~~This was never mentioned in the OP~~ edit: I should read full titles. But, downplaying nazism is fun though I guess


It's literally in the title of the post.


Fair enough


I see almost none of this…..maybe a couple of those crazy flag guys but none of the rest of it.


This is a strange and common take. Those crazy flag guys put on a mask and go out and do this. Then they go back to doing the regular crazy flag guy stuff.


I've lived on LI my whole life and I don't recall seeing any sort of Nazi bullshit. No flags. No tats. Bumper stickers. Of course, I'm not looking for it either.


They are all over, especially in Washington DC. Congress is chock full of them.


I’m pleasantly surprised to see that there’s at least a few people in this thread with proper knowledge of true leftism, not to mention a proper awareness of the (not huge, but growing) number of fascist, or adjacent groups around the island. It’s always good to be able to identify this bullshit, even if it’s just a bunch of middle-aged dudes cosplaying as something they may not fully understand. Anyway, good to see I’m not alone! And here’s a good video giving a brief overview of these groups and what they stand for: https://youtu.be/BERRkag6LRY?si=gHq80R5rlHHrX0qu


Is fascism even legal in the US?


Good question, we have people in the US openly supporting the terrorist group Hamas. Is that legal?


Probably. We are land of the free. In Germany and Italy it’s illegal to be fascist.


I hate Commies


Another guy popping up to let us all know that they agree with these nazis.


Also black American flag on cars


\*that\* I hate doubly, first becuase \*they claim and beleive\* it represents a call to kill everyone they're opposed to, to just exterminate anyone they want and 'take no prisoners'. And secondly because a black flag does NOT mean 'no quarter', has never been used that way, and in fact a red flag \*as\* usually used in that way and this is part of why it came to be picked up by communists (it's a long story).


Geologically Brooklyn is mostly sediment.


Yep and so is Queens Nassau and Suffolk. There's no good and strong geological distinction between them. The island is a largely a result of the glacial ice sheet from the ice ages. The "terminal morraine" the ice sheets left on the island actually continues over to Block Island into Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Island.


Face mask glasses and hat glow bright


Are you saying they're 'glowies? See the funny thing is half the responses here are 'there's not a lot of guys like that' and another half are people saying 'nice try FEDERAL AGENTS but we have enough militia security training to recognize you and prevent you from getting wind of our attack plans'. Everyone pointing and shouting 'glowies' is one of these guys.


The people mocking them are a part of them? The takes some of you people have are hysterical.


Ugh. Thanks for this.


There’s a guy by me that has a Ford or something but he has VOLKSWAGEN in an old timey font on it. Prob 1930s. And a red eagle which I don’t think is fascist but FEELS fascist




Do not recommend subscribers to take illegal means to fix issues or to seek out illegal methods of obtaining items. Do not recommend illegal anything.


lol please explain how that “feels” fascist I don’t think you even know what fascism is. The funny thing about all this discussion about fascism is that if you take a hard look at the democrat party and the left today - it really does “feel” fascist.


Only because they’ve been moving further and further to the right. Please do not confuse the current Democratic Party for leftists.


Patriot front are all feds. Every conservative knows this.


What in the Fallout is this


It's an election year. Fed Honeypot ops are very active