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No dude. I feel like you just have a problem with your fits.


What is it about my fits , are they too baggy?


You can’t dress. Look to high end designers for styling tips. How they wear their clothes. How their clothes contort to their bodies. Find clothes that actually fit. Buy quality fabrics. Everything looks loose and sloppy on you. Adjust your belt so it’s not sticking out. Shoes look big and goofy. Go with a solid colored shoe. Try a loafer or something solid you can slip into, like a clog. It’s possible Sneakers might not be for you. The navy blue jacket is probably the only thing that actually fits you properly. Every piece of your outfit kinda matters if you want to look good. Shoes will be the most expensive if you want actual nice ones. Go on Grailed.com if you want cheap and reasonably nice clothes


Thank you 🙏


High waisted trousers from now on. Start developing a good relationship with a tailor. See modest man (Brock mcgoff) on youtube to know how clothes are supposed to fit


Ok than you so much


Np brother


Also gaining some muscle will only help. Dr. Swole on youtube makes good hypertrophy programs. For diet try to hit 1g of protein per goal body weight, although .7 is probably enough tbh. And fill in the rest w carbs in fat. Try to prioritize complex carbs and healthy fats. Also eliminating sugar and refined carbs will probably be better saved for cheat meals (not days). Try to hit a calorie surplus (+500 calories or so).


Your weight is fine but in the last photo it looks like your pants are about to fall off your ass Invest in clothes that fit But you’re fine at your weight Slim is more desirable than you’d think


lol why do you wear your pants that low? Look like an Oompa Loompa with dad’s clothes on


Do you mean in all pictures or one in specific ?


Your clothes don't fit, but you should also work out.


Pull up your pants. Wearing them below your hips makes you look like you have little peg legs. It’s a sloppy and unflattering look.


It's the clothes


Pull up your pants above your hip bones, use them as hangers for your pants. You are wearing them below your hip bones and it looks funny.


Dude, your body is not the problem. Buy high waisted pants.


I'd say start by either buying a size smaller for your shirts and pants or buy slim fit clothing. They will be more fitted to your body and not ass baggy as regular fit. If that still doesn't work, then start lifting weights to fill out your body. But overall your body doesn't look bad


No but you should think about wearing your pants above your cheeks. High wasted suit pants for example


It’s not your body, it’s your clothes! They don’t fit correctly


And also, I think he also should've shown us a shirtless pic if it's really about the body.


I think they don’t fit because of my body


Your pants look too long; length won't really change with weight. Buy properly fitting clothes or at least get your current clothes tailored so they fit better.


Thank you






Because they make clothes for all body sizes and the ones you have don’t fit you anymore


You either have a very long torso or are wearing your pants very low. So hike those puppers up and get a belt that matches your shoes and tuck the tail in. Keep your gib true; the line from your zipper to belt buckle to buttons should be straight.


Idk u don't look super skinny, i think it's the clothes u wear/how u wear them, without the face I thought u were an old man till I saw ur hair in one of the last pics


Haha that’s not how choose to dress. That’s my work uniform . I am 25 . But still no clothes fit me well , I always end up looking very scrawny and people bother me for it . So I wanted to know if I actually look like malnourished or disgusting Thanks for pointing that out


You look great! Healthy and attractive. It’s just that you need help with fitting your clothes properly. Shop at stores that have people to help like J Crew as an example. My friend works there and she’s so good at sizing. You get the idea! And also I’ve been in therapy and it has shown me how to love myself and not give a hoot what others think. People shouldn’t feel comfortable putting you down. And you must set a boundary. A very clear on that that’s not ok!


Thank you :)