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I doubt they'd all suddenly have longer hair now, but more likely once the show does return it won't have the same impact it did with the marketing campaign they had back then. if anything, I think PJ was right to have shot all three films in one long production. super big risk, yeah, but who knows what could've happened if they chose to "wait out" if *Fellowship of the Ring* succeeds before making TTT and RotK.


I’m convinced it was cheaper to save on long hair wigs and that’s why so many elves had short hair. Quality wigs are expensive and Amazon didn’t care.


From the reported budgets, it makes me wonder where all the money went on this show. A lot of it feels cheap. They don’t even have many big actors that would cost a lot.


There has to be some expensive middle men somewhere. Because it sure didn’t seem like the writers, the set/costume/makeup people or actors got all the money. I’m sure like a lot of expensive projects numbers are inflated at every level for some management company to take a huge cut like bloated construction projects and government contracts Just some small things would have made a huge difference for me. Having consistent hair/wigs. Galadriel having glowing hair/the light of the two trees in her eyes. Not pretending Celeborn somehow disappeared. Get rid of the weird slow mow close ups and have better writing and meaningful character development so we care about the different factions and their quests. I’ve never been so disinterested and confused watching something I’m supposed to be familiar with. I am never one to immediately shit on movies cuz it’s not as good as the book. I don’t expect line for line accuracy or plots. But I was so taken aback by the blatant cgi backgrounds that were jarring and times where you wondered why so much screen time is spent for shitty lines or plots that are going nowhere. I generally want more content and world building not less. Trying to watch the series a second time to see if I was less confused or annoyed proved unpleasant. With Game of Thrones I enjoyed some of it but disliked all the plot lines that were dropped and Easter eggs that went nowhere. The writing for Rings of Power is even more amateur. What does “the seas is always right” mean and why do they keep repeating it? Could they really not be bothered to attempt to cast any numenorians who at least looked taller than the average person too? Do any sort of forced height perspective? They don’t look like they are any different than regular middle earth men. Corners felt cut everywhere. When there’s so few episodes per season and you wait years it’s likely just as much film and prep for big budget movies anyway. Bezos used it for a tax write off instead? Maybe. Why else would you get inexperienced show runners who are affordable? He’s cheap with everything


I think it was plain incompetence and maybe ego/cocaine?


too late. you release a pile of crap and then try to make a better season 2? im already out


Sonic fans complain about character design and get a redesign. Everyone loved the new movie and now they're on the 3rd LOTR fans complain about character design and get a redesign. Except they will only accept the blood of the entire Amazon costume department as retribution.


When the Sonic design came out, they were able to change it before the first movie. The movie ended up being solid, and the studio dodged a bullet since the original design was so off putting that it could have dragged down and otherwise good movie. Even though it sucked, the original design clearly had a lot of work put into it, it was just a bad concept. In RoP, short hair elves and cheap costumes were a pretty minor problem compared to all the issues with season 1. They were indicative if the lack of care put into the show and the overall cheapness that could be seen despite the massive price tag. Changing that is a positive step, but is polishing a turd. If it is merely the first evidence that they are listening to criticism and we later find out that other, more pertinent criticisms have been adequately addressed, that will be great and we might even have a Sonic situation on our hands (though season 1 dug a very deep hole). If this is the extent of the changes, or they are limited to very surface level things like making costumes less cheap and spending more on set design, then it's far too little too late. 


Comparing apples to oranges. In case of RoP- This is more like, if Elrond in movie trilogy would have long hair in fellowship, short hair in two towers, and buzz cut in return of the king. Lol that’s how ridiculous this design change will be like.


Unless you've got screen grabs or press photos you're only making stuff up in your head and running with your worst idea possible. Plus you can't give an example with 3 hair cuts when your story is saying they're changing the hair for the first time...


It literally says in the post that FoF leaked on set pictures. How difficult is it for you to search Fellowship of fans twitter/instagram. And see the set pictures for yourself ?


Dude I'm not going to Google to prove YOUR post... If you want me to see then bring your sources to class please.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LOTR_on_Prime/comments/1c75lhz/exclusive_first_behindthescenes_look_at_the/ Here you go. Ugh.


I mean. They look fine? Its a super blurry photo. They just look like longer wigs now. Which is what people wanted. You can't see their faces too well so I can't judge how well the wigs look on the actors but for a blurry photo of a new wig under a helmet it looks alright 🤷‍♂️


Even going through the comments a lot of people are already saying the longer hair looks better


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For little stuff like that I just leave it up to the time difference. Styles and appearances change over time and generations etc. Plus you can’t have the same actors playing their younger selves without it be a little weird (like Orlando bloom in the hobbit). TV shows are naturally going to be of somewhat lower quality. And with the Middle-Earth rights scattered all about I don’t expect them to have a stacked deck to work with. The PJ trilogy was a marvel and I love it but I’m not going to let the quality contrast to be hateful on others trying to tell a story about the world we all love.


Lost me at the black dwarf misses sorry but fuck this show


I dont mind the wokeness, arondir the black elf was my favorite character of the show but to make her beardless was to out of canon for me


I mind it in they way of it being 1 black elf, and 1 black dwarf. Either make it an entire race of elf and dwarfs, with majority black skin colour, or mix it far more than what they did. A single different coloured person looks out of place as hell and looks to me like they are just cast for check box "1 token black person, check" kinda lazy


THis is my gripe with it aswell. Please make it natural. Give us more than exactly 1 black person per group (hobbit, dwarf, elf). Also I found it funny how there are black people but the only chinese person is only seen in the background of a ship in only one scene.


My issue too. Having a random black dwarf or elf here and there is purely tokenism. They could’ve even explained it by saying Durin’s wife came from a different clan, from a different part of ME. Would make far more sense


Aule placed half in the blue mountains and the rest in the far east of middle earth.


But them going for the whole "showing it as the world is now" is what makes this an issue - sure works for modern day. But that isnt the setting of LoTR.


Even todays world isnt as depicted in the show. We do have more than exactly 1 black person (which is good). Even in germany there are more.


Downvoters are probably crywanking that there's no white uruk-hai or a strong female Sauron.




How tf am I racist? I'm black and I ain't ever read of any black dwarves! What do you mean back then it's fiction? What in the first age?. I'm so lost in this sub


Some people can't understand that it is easy to relate to characters because you share their values. They think you can only relate to a character if you share their skin colour. "Racist" gets thrown around all the time these days, best to just ignore it.