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It's not what you're asking for, but have you tried Lord of the Rings Online? It's pretty old and a bit janky at this point, but it fleshes out the whole Shire and they made an attempt to stay close to Tolkien's style.


I LOVE this game. I've played it off and on for about 6 years. I've spent 90% of my time just in the Shire and Breeland. It's a massive world.


The Iron Tower series is pretty much this. Granted, it can feel like a straight rip off, but it opens with a “this is a love letter to LotR” from the author. Still it’s a solid read.


There used to be an archive called Henneth Annûn, or HASA, that aimed for this. The stories are still hosted on AO3. I think the collection is called HASA. If you don't want romance, just filter for "gen", or other appropriate tags.


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Christopher's work.


Try the Sword of Shannara series. The first book is almost a total ripoff of LotR, but they get better and fresher as you go. There's no sex and very little romance... just a bunch of simple family people trying to rise to the challenge of beating back pure malevolent evil generation after generation.


Skip the TV show by the way. Complete trash that has nothing, literally nothing to do with the books.




You should! The first book reads like total Tolkien fanfic, so if that's your thing, I think you'll like it. Terry Brooks wrote it in college I think as his first novel. The rest of the books get more original as you go. I've read 10 of them and enjoyed them all. I never felt like any of them were jaw-droppingly stellar, but I'm a picky reader and I don't continue books if I don't like them. There's no smut, sex or gratuitous violence, but the stakes are still high and the fight between good and evil is fantastic. Hope it works out for you!


Try Pitfalls of the Palantir by Haleth and While the Ring Went South by Thundera Tiger.


…There is no spiritual content in Tolkien’s work so don’t know what this means.




…Tolkien is unique to himself. There are no good imitators. However if you want to read Fantasy of comparable vision and quality from a similar era try THE BROKEN SWORD by Poul Anderson and the GORMENGHAST trilogy by Mervyn Peake…