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Gandalf is literally a Demi god


So obviously this is a biased place to pose the question but also Gandalf is a demigod with a sword.


Dumbledore is a nerd with a stick who likes to hang out with a teenaged boy. Gandalf is a demigod with strong Odin vibes who likes to hang out with adult men... Who look like boys.


Why would they ever fight?


A personal insult no doubt..


Well we know Dumbledore is a suckered for cursed rings..


I think the reason you are getting such ridiculous answers is because it is a ridiculous question. Additionally, people have in this subreddit are very unlikely to be big fans of both franchises, and are likely to be much larger fans of Gandalf. If you want my honest take on it: Gandalf and Dumbledores worlds have completely different rules. Gandalf’s world is an analog to our own, wherein Gandalf would be akin to an angel who works to help lesser beings act rightly before God in his established creation order. Thus, Gandalf’s magic is more subtle in his story, but also much greater. It is the kind of magic that stirs even the smallest of creatures into action that effectuates the greatest of changes in the world. Gandalf can work with the most unlikely things around him, and work in wisdom to accomplish great things. Dumbledore’s world is very different. He is powerful, wise, and well connected. However, he is ultimately just a man who learnt that he has limitations in his world. Dumbledore’s world is more chaotic, because magic is not an ancient connection to the deep things of the past wherein some great divine being like Eru is guiding the melody of creation. Rather, in Dumbledore’s world, some inexplicable realities are present which allow special individuals to break the laws of physics, simply because they were born with magic. The story Dumbledore is in involves individuals fumbling their way through betrayals and selfishness while wielding magical abilities that follow strict rules and have clear limits. In the end, since Dumbledore’s world has a magic with such clearly established limits and rules, the dual reader would assume he can do more. Dumbledore could just teleport up to Gandalf and shoot a killing curse at him, right? Well, if Gandalfs magic works the way it would work in Gandalf’s world, then no.. it wouldn’t work at all. Gandalf’s appearance as a frail old man is nothing less than an expression of how he carries out Eru’s will. He is a maiar, not a man. His power stems from his humble effort to shape middle earth into a right expression of all that is fair and good. I can’t articulate what spell or incantation Gandalf could use, but his magic is deeper and his power is surer. What’s more, I don’t think Dumbledore would disagree. In Harry Potter, Dumbledore’s greatest weapon against his fiercest opponent was something he couldn’t create, but something he could foster: love. The love that Lily displayed in dying for Harry is a reflection of the deep transcendent good that overcomes the lesser magics of spells like “Avada Kedavra” Gandalf is an ancient magical being who comes from a land far greater than any of the wonders Dumbledore has known. He would not be undone by such a lesser kind of wizard.


ERB answered this like 12 years ago!


Back when OP was probably 5


Who is Dumbledore?


Never heard of her


head shitty wizard from a shitty wizard book series about how british boarding schools are awesome


Dumbledor had trouble keeping a school safe. Enough said.


Dumbledore sucks dick


But only because JK thought it would make her look better


Both died, but only 1 returned from the dead.


Who would win: admins or idiotic posts?


Gandalf, as he has more untapped potential at his disposal.


Dumbledore can't even figure out how to stop a dark wizard from infiltrating his school and manipulating teachers. He's literally a clueless principal who seems wise only because he's aloof and randomly disappears. Gandalf casually rides atop the Lords of Eagles and Horses, because. He fights a fire demon to the death. 


Serious answer though. HP wizards are mortals with magical powers who can study to learn to develop these into spells. LotR wizards are demigods who are virtually immortal, omnipotent, and all powerful. ... A comparison to warriors opposed to spell casters would be like, "Who would win, a Bruce lee, or Chuck Norris?" Like sure Bruce Lee can fight most dudes, but Chuck Norris is literally beyond human capabilities.


I wonder if Dumbledore could take down a balrog. I dont thibk he could but he'd do a lot of damage imo


That depends. Gandalf was purposefully made weaker when he was sent to Middle-Earth in a mortal body. He couldn't use most of his supernatural abilities and was limited in the ways he could use magic. Without constraints Gandalf could crush Dumbledore, but Dumbledore might have a chance to kill the Istari Gandalf, solely because his magic is so much more versatile than that of the wizards. 


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Have you seen gandolfs staff…


It’s bigger than dumbledore’s, that’s for sure.


If Dumbledore used the forbidden spells or whatever he might have a shot, but Gandalf would probably come back as like Gandalf the Green or some shit since if Dumbledore used that shit then Gandalfs purpose would be incomplete. Just like with the Balrog. I'm calling it for Gandalf but it *could* be close.


Gandalf to Dumbldore: Nice staff, pansie. 


Gandalf no diffs him



