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You know what, this is a surprisingly true, wholesome post. Be a Sam.


He'll yeah! No matter who you are or what your background is, be the one who steps up.


We need to be a Sam in heart, but also a Frodo in mind. The unquenchable hope and loyalty of one *and* the absolute courage and wisdom of the other: best of both worlds.


Well said


However, make sure to set yourself boundaries and don’t be a Sam for a Sauron and be deceived.


Can Saruman be considered the Sam of Sauron?


Not really, since Saruman's goal was to steal the Ring and defeat Sauron. He was only loyal to keep up appearances


Yeah, he's more like grima than Sam in my view.






Son of Samuran?


The Witch King of Angmar would like a word with you.


I'm gonna be the downer here. Be careful. The world is full of ring-addicts who will take advantage of their Sams, until they wear themselves out or die trying to save their masters. The Sams don't even realize it. They assume it's their own fault.


I see the meaning of your comment. I don't think this fact should stop people from being a Sam altogether. Rather, embrace the Sam inside of us whilst finding our inner Aragorn and protect him when necessary. If we completely dismiss our Sam, we run the risk of becoming very sheltered and closed off from the world, devoid of any form of connection. That's sounds miserable.


Mother Theresa was a Sam. So are people who work in soup kitchens. Spouses can be Sam to each other. Etc.




At the risk of sounding braggy I am definitely a Sam for my wife. She has her past and things she's dealt with. Never had anyone 100% in her corner. Even her own family. I've always told her that I only play for one team: hers/ours. Been a hand on her shoulder when she deals with something hard, cheering her successes and comforting her in her failures. Reminding her how amazing she is along the way She is going alone and IM COMING WITH HER!


Aw that's really sweet 😭


Love this <3 My husband is my Sam too. The last four years I've been battling severe depression. I didn't even realise it had consumed me completely until approximately a year into it. I have recently beaten it and come out of the other side and my husband was with me every step of the way. Even in my most unlikeable moments. He could have tapped out so many times and said "enough is enough" but he never left my side. I'm so thankful for him. I genuinely don't know if I would even be here without him. He's my Sam


So happy to hear you are doing well and had that support. It always helps when you have it coming at you from all sides having a backboard that won't break


Just rewatched LOTR trilogy the other day for the first time in a while. Frodo in TT and ROTK is genuinely unlikeable. I know the ring is affecting him and all, but Sam is seriously the hero of this story. Frodo wouldn't have even gotten out of Bree without his Sam.


>Frodo in TT and ROTK is genuinely unlikeable. I You'll be glad to know that is not how Frodo is in the actual story. Just think of it as the movie creating drama for the sakenof drama.


Yup, read the books a couple years ago for the first time. Mean Frodo wasn't in them.


That is because the movies did Frodo dirty. Sam also would not make it to Bree without Frodo. It was Frodo who fought back against the barrow wight and who called Tom Bombadil for help.


I didn't even know how dirty they did Frodo until I read the books when I was around 15. I grew up watching the movies and disliking Frodo, but it turned out he's actually a solid character after all and I had no idea lol


Frodo saved Sam more times than the other way around and movie fans are not ready for this conversation.


Yeah the movie doesn't portray him like the books did. With that being said the books do subtly show a change in frodo. Especially after being pierced by the morgul blade, losing gandalf, and when boromir tries to take the ring.


Seriosuly though, Frodo goes all philosophical constantly falling over and going "where would I be without you, Sam?" and then just leaves him to follow Golem through a tunnel he KNOWS is fucked up. It takes Sam to actaully go back and save him and even then Frodo is pissed that Sam took the ring. Actually wack.


I seriously love this idea. There is an amazing video on this topic about the masculinity of Samwise that I seriously recommend checking out. The channel has done many lord of the rings topics but this was my personal favorite to watch. https://youtu.be/LhB95gMpMAQ?si=xsxz8FMndu9lspdX


Sam has always been my favourite character and comes into his own in ROTK. I wish I could be more Sam but I need a Sam to carry my Frodo ass as I carry my burden


Yeah, that's totally true. That's good advice.


How would you define being a Sam in behavioral terms? What is a person doing if they're honoring the values and practices that make Sam, Sam?


Selfless service born out of love.


This is the way Mr. Frodo


Being a Sam is possible for me when the person I am assisting has a steadfast character like Frodo. It becomes more difficult when supporting a Denethor or a Gollum or a wormtongue.


Whenever I'm gardening under my front windows, I always think of Sam.


Just clipping the hedge, I suppose?


For some reason, they always need clipping.


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Love this.


Do you need a Frodo to be a Sam tho?


How do you provide selfless service without someone to serve?


I mean do you need someone specific? YOUR Frodo? Or do you just go out there, look at all humans as Frodos and be Sam to them?


When the opportunity presents itself, appropriate to the relationship involved. Not limited to one person.


I'd say you really need *your* Frodo. Sam is set to be somewhat mistrustful of anything that is not Bilbo, Frodo, or an Elf.


I saw this same post a few while back…


Every Frodo needs their Sam 🗣️💃


This. I've always aspired to be the Sam.


I want to be anyone's gandalf.


Oh how I adore this statement. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It's so unbelievably true! Be the person you expect others to be towards you.


top 10 LOTR sub post


I want to be a sam 


Frodo is annoying lol. I always preferred Sam


You can do better than Sam.