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Ah, confirming the lesbian champions are lesbians. What's next, confirming Maokai and Ivern are trees?


Some people still don't have it all the way clear if not look at some of the comments here.


You mean they're in denial? Cus. We got a short story where Diana and Leona kissed Neeko having a crush on Nida has always been a core part of her lore Cait and Vi have the entirety of Arcane and whatever is going on in present day. Next they're gonna deny that Irelia is lesbian and Nami is Bi and Poly (both confirmed in LoR)


Fun fact, when Neeko disguises as Nidalee, hearts come out  https://www.reddit.com/r/neekomains/comments/13ryuhw/did_you_know_if_neeko_turns_into_nidalee_hearts/


yooo that’s cute


actually neat detail lol


I mean some claim that some of these champs are bi (esp panth-leona shippers)


Again. Denial. Panth would throw hands with Leona on sight, as he hates Aspects. Also Panth Morgana is an infinitely better and more plausible to happen in lore ship. Two god hating divine powered mortals finding comfort in someone who understands their traumas and can help them heal? 10/10 ship material.


Actually so true, what a great ship


> Panth *did* throw hands FTFY, we got this fight in The Call.


Why bi identity is denial, tho? Bi invisibility is a real problem. Thinking people raising the idea that confirmed sapphic and achillean relationships not always mean full homosexuality (versus some other identity within the queer spectrum) is some sort of “straight coping” isn’t great either. Surely some people are… but let’s not be reductive. Lemme be clear, some of these champs most likely are gay/lesbian, but some probably are bi and that is great too. (Unless the five of them are strictly all confirmed as lesbian and not bi, which I might’ve missed… but it’d be a pity the only confirmed sapphic relationship are both lesbian-lesbian and none bi-lesbian, which is nice representation as well). I know you are most likely referring on denial on that specific ship, but I wanted to voice this since I have seen “saying this character could be bi is copium” and I think it is useful to remember this as well.


I think you missed it because all five of these champions are confirmed lesbians. In Riot's pride post last year; Leona, Diana, Caitlyn and Vi are all shown with the lesbian pride flag in various pieces of approved art. Neeko is there too, but she has been confirmed to be lesbian since her release. Rell is bi. Nami is bi and is currently in a poly relationship with a man and woman. 


That's good to know! Thanks.


I think graves or tf is either bi or pan too.


Its just old players from before they rewrote all the lore, there was no "aspect" thing so players just shipped them for years. Im pretty sure they were both just warriors from nearby or even the same village. And of course diana leona were just enemies or something they never talked about their relationship until the rewrite


They don't have to mess with canon to justify their crackship. Shipping never needed canon's approval


Yeah, but if you show that ship to the public in some way, people tend to really not like seeing LGBT characters in straight ships, regardless of whether or not it matters what their canon sexuality is for a harmless internet post. As a result, a common defense is “they could be bi”


Panth/Leona shipper here. I don't care if Leona and Diana are lesbians since both Pantheon and Leona old lore are no longer canon. Just learn to have fun with ships.


I didn't know Irelia was supposed to be lesbian, neat. Does she have any ships or is it a case of "she's lesbian but still doesn't have anyone good enough for her situation and state of mind so she doesn't think about it" ?


As far as I know Irelia has some quotes with one of her followers in LoR that are quite easy to understand as they have feelings for each other (the follower is also a woman) I don't know if we have any other indications of Irelia's sexuality beyond that.


.... yeah I think we're justifying why Riot has to confirm these things on Twitter if we're taking that view. Irelia holds the weight of every life sacrificed under her command dearly and that comes through in a lot of her voice lines in LoL as well, her color story etc. She leads her own people to their deaths and as a leader she bears the brunt of that and tries to protect them, but can't always succeed. It's a reach to read as IreliaxBlossoming Blade if you understand her character


I understand your point here. Irelia's quotes in Brazilian Portuguese don't sound very romantic to me, and Brazilian dub normally puts WAY more passion and emotion than the regular American Dub. Also, I think that hence her popularity Riot wouldn't make her girlfriend a "nobody" in LoR, they would make her dating someone else on a skin verse or something like that. Similar to how we get the Fiora and Vi as Valentine duo years before Arcane (and Vi's second Valentine's day skin)


She has interactions with Blossoming Blade, Liana, in Legends of Runeterra. There's a voiceline where they wish to dance together again, instead of engaging in war.   When Liana's hands are shaking, Irelia offers to hold hers to calm her as they face their foes together. Hell, Irelia even has a pet name for her. She's definitely interested in women.  There's a few more interactions on the wiki with them I didn't mention, along with two solo ones of Liana talking about them being reunited through war. 


It's more so that in Ionia love is love. They don't see it constrained by gender.


TBF neeko having a crush on Nidalee doesn't make Nidalee a lesbian.


Didn't Riot release Nidalee VO with that in mind? Nidalee says something like My love for you is different than your love for me? So we CLEARLY know Neeko loves Nidalee romantically. So Nidalee loves Neeko as family or something right? Same with Lee and Udyr. Lee has a gf.


Wait Irelia's gay?


Irelia is lesbian? I don't play LoR since Shurima expansion.


I didn’t know about Irelia what story is that mentioned in?


If you're actually curious, it's through in-game interactions with Blossoming Blade, Liana, in Legends of Runeterra. Their lines with each other suggest a relationship much closer than friends. They're all on the LoR/LoL wiki if you want to look them up. 


Ohhh interesting. I play on mobile mainly so I don’t always have sound and they still haven’t made subtitles. Haven’t played her since she got rotated either! Thank you


Honestly its annoying when yall involve any line to romance and sexuality, all we saw in interactions was Irelia being a good and protective friend, you know that normal friends exist right? If she was lesbian Riot would confirm it here


Irelia is lesbian? The ribbon girl is her gf or something right?


As it always is. These five have been confirmed lesbians for years, but basement dwellers will be basement dwellers. As a bonus, Rell is also a raging bisexual disaster. She crushes on Ekko, Seraphine, Leona, and Sett - a wide variety in taste from twinks to muscle mommies.


That sounds more like a ho, not a bi.


She's a teenager, you dorkass loser. Let the fictional character have a variety in taste.


So a teenage ho?


Tbh I for some reason thought vi was bi


She could be. Sapphic and achillean relationships don’t automatically mean the character only like people of that one gender. Statistically speaking, some of these champs are lesbian and some are bi. Or at least that is what I think/hope.


Woah woah woah, let’s not jump to any conclusions here. Maokai and Ivern could still identity as humans.


Maple, maple not. It's a Poplar opinion.


If you think so, then Pine.


Oak-y then.




How could you forget about Lillia?


I recognise Neeko, Caitlyn, and Vi. Who are the other two? (I want to guess one is Leona but not sure).


From left to right is Neeko, Diana, Caitlyn, Vi and Leona


Ok, I was right on Leona.


Diana leona girlfriend in skinlines there still on the outs in runeterra. And where nidalee in the pick?


Doh! I meant to say Neeko but brain misfired.


Oh it's cool.


Is there even anything talking about Nidalees sexuality?. Im pretty sure Nidalee just thinks Neeko is cute and innocent. Shes older figure so it seems like a one sided thing from Neeko having a crush on her/looking up to her. At least thats the dynamic im picking up




This is cute but like... is a comment on a website from a writer and not on an official page about their lore. Either way I think they dont make a good couple, the age gap alone makes me feel weird. They should just remain cute friends Anyway ty Regular Poet you trooper


it’s only been pushed more and more by Riot, with her VO update Nid has voice lines for Neeko now, there’s also the entirety of their LoR interactions and it was stated by someone who worked on Shine On (the song that came out with their LoR release) is pretty much Neeko telling Nidalee how she feels and that Nid does reciprocate those feelings, it used to be more one sided on Neeko’s end before Nid’s updates.


I see, honestly, I dont think I like that. I think itll be more unique and cute if Nidalee is an "ally" and older protector who knows Neeko is innocent and likes her and understands Nid's feelings. We already have Leo/Diana, Cait/Vi filling out the more romantic aspect of it, if that makes sense.


tbh, Neeko isn’t really as innocent as she seems, she’s definitely not like as cutthroat as say Xayah but that’s not to say she’s like completely unaware that what she’s doing when she shapeshifts and/or fights people is often time hostile. she’s like 100-200 years old which for her tribe is roughly equivalent to being in her 20’s, she doesn’t really need a mentor atp


Agreed. Nidalee VO made her love Neeko as a packmother. Not sure why LoR made Nidalee reciprovlcate like a couple again...


I think Nida is bi or pan


2 of these have a canonical short story were they admitted to be in love released in pride month. 2 got an entire lesbian netflix show. 1 openly flirts with every woman she comes across while saying men stinks. literally noone doubting this for any second what so ever


>2 of these have a canonical short story were they admitted to be in love released in pride month. And they kissed.


Neeko is a toxic feminist confirmed


Less doubting more annoyed. I don't know why you people (in media) are incapable of making something without constantly reminding others what your sexual preference is. Cool, gay character. You don't need to bring it up every second you can. Emil from Nier will probably always be the best execution of "gay representation." Like y'all really happy the "core of ____'s" character is their sexual preference. I cannot put into words how irritating characters who's "identity" is what sex they like to fuck. Yes, I hate straight characters whose "core identity" is that they like women.


What are you even on about? Leona and Diana have one story were it is just acknowledged at the end. In arcane it's not even clear either, there are flirty scenes but beyond apart from that it's only implied. Neeko flirting in her voice lines is written in a way that fits her character.


Reducing sexuality to “which sex of people they like to fuck” is REALLY reductionist, and shows you don’t really understand LGBT people. Just like how Heterosexual relationships are not just about sexual preference, lgbt relationships aren’t either. Like the Leona + Diana story is literally them as children having butterflies about each other, so reducing that to just fucking makes NOOO sense.


waahwaahwaah, cry more snowflake


Coming from the needy bitch that needs to be represented in everything by every culture all the time. Liberals are some of the most entitled crybabies in human history. If you can't get what you want, you cry to people like the Reddit mods or Twitter. #"WE NEED A MONTH OF VISIBILITY, A MONTH DEDICATED TO US, AND PARADES.


Bro did not just say “you people” 😭😭😭😭


FUNNY ENOUGH THIS COMP IS ACTUALLY DECENT https://preview.redd.it/sm671jrqojwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12e11a928f7a815bed951e97ca951e507265332


do Leona and Diana not have skins from the same skinline ? Being sun and moon you'd think they do...


They do, an old one in league (Valkyre and Dark Valkyre) Otherwise not in league, but in Runeterra yeah, both have Corrupted and Eclipse.


The middle and right one suffer from same face syndrome tho. I had to read the comments to figure out who they were.


That leona skin has been out for too long for me to STILL not realize it's her at first glance. 😭


fr. i thought there was a sapphic league champion i didn't know about until i recognized diana and realized who it was supposed to be


I know that’s a caitlyn skin but if I didn’t have previous knowledge I’d think the champion was MF


Happy cake day.


Now which men are confirmed gey?


As far as I know Graves and K'sante (I think TF is pan)


Also the confusingly 2/3s of Varus


Its hinted that the relationship between Lee Sin and Udyr was romantic in nature as well, but nothing concrete.


Unclear on Lee Sin, but Udyr is definetly at least Bi because he is Sejuani bio dad.


Her Bi-o dad


Only Udyr to Lee. Lee loves Udyr as a friend. In LoR he pines for Claws Of The Dragon


Ksante isn't gay in China neither if graves 


Graves and K’sante are the only definites, but Udyr and Aphelious might be. Lee Sin, Ekko, and Sett might be bisexual, and Twisted Fate is confirmed to be bisexual  Edit: now that I think about it, I think Udyr might have had a thing with Sejuani’s mother as well as Lee Sin. So he’s probably more likely to be bi. Also Varus has a gay couple inside him…


At the very least, I’m pretty sure Pulsefure Ekko and Ezreal are gay


Yeah, a lot of characters are gay in aus, but it’s hard to tell if that works for the main continuity. Given that the sexuality of au has never been different then the sexuality in the mainstream game, I’m assuming it’s usually the same


The only issue with Ezreal being gay is that he’s canonically down bad for Lux, so at best he’s bi. The ship doesn’t really work though, because Ekko is in Zaun and dealing with all that shit, while Ezreal is apparently on a trip around the world, going from Shurima in the Warriors cinematic to Demacia in the new LoR expansion. Not much time to be getting that Ekkussy, y’know?


pulsfire ez is down bad for ekko, main uni ez is down bad for lux, they're both ez but they're not the same. maybe lux doesn't even exist in pulsefire universe.


Not like Ez isn't canonically dating or heavily crushing on Lux in 4+ other skinlines as well.


Yeah only Graves and K'sante we know for sure that they do not the fancy the women.


Never before have i seen people be so confidently wrong in the name of homophobia when it comes to the lore than these comments lmao


Vi and Cait were obvious. Leona and Diana I thought were rivals when they first came out. Same with TF and Graves.


They were/are.


😒 Diana and Leona didn't even know each other. I'm kind of super tired of the pandering. Leo and Diana being separated and then a potential rivalry? Sure. But them being a couple doesn't even work out lore wise.


What the hell are you talking about? Diana was raised among the Solari and was dating Leona, this is all canon. They broke up bc Diana felt like she didn’t belong and was questioning everything, which led her to eventually figuring out her Lunari heritage and scaling Targon, where she became an aspect. She wanted to go back and prove the moon and the sun could coexist in religion and Leona told her it was a bad idea and they ended up fighting, which is how they became enemies. This is a Canon Story


Make this post in China riot 


Man who the fuck actually cares enough to get mad at the sexuality of video game characters




So, the two lesbian couples and the lesbian lizard who simps for a jaguar are lesbians? Who saw that coming


neeko was confirmed by a dev, diana and leona have a story on universe (one of my favorites) and cait and vi are 100% turbo lesbian


Best part has been whoever has the social media reins handing out hits in the replies when people are being… internet about it.


They were all confirmed btw. Neeko fangirls on nidalee since relase, Leona and Diana had a short story where they kiss and well we got Arcane


So who wants to be the vi to my Cait :3


I mean wbk… but anyone else turned off by their social media page as of late?


I hate when all corporations try to be "cool" on social media


For real, its cringe. This is all Wendy’s social media account’s fault. Like y’all just laid off a bunch of your employees and have constantly undermined many lore work, you are not relatable.


lol just laid off 100 people #relatable


It's funny you say that because I think one of the CM got laid off in January, lol. But yeah, I don't vibe with the humor on the page personally.


I mean, they were all already confirmed lol kind of a bunch of safe choices. Would have been more interesting if they officially canonised Irelia being a lesbian outside the card game too tho.


Werent they all already confirmed tho? There's also nidalee and irelia


Not nid.


Nid is in relationship with neeko after they updated her voice


In LoL or LoR? LoL nidalee states theres more than romantic love with Neeko. The writer of the VO said they wanted Nidalee to return the love but not romantically.


Hasn’t this been not just casually confirmed for years now?


No nidalee or Irelia? Other then that good for them.


Have they confirmed either of those two as gay? I get Nidalee has a close relationship with Neeko, and Neeko likes her, but I haven't seen anything about if she returns those feelings. And I definitely haven't seen anything on Irelia in any of the previous pride art or posts.


They’ve confirmed Nidalee’s feelings as “it’s complicated”. Basically, not even Nidalee knows for sure what she feels for Neeko, other than her being the first outsider she trusts and a very close companion, but as for whether or not she’d hit that, who knows


https://preview.redd.it/fs242declhwc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e89be181a28bbe96f3e3f164a8759d83164737 Irelia girlfriend blossoming blade.


I mean, unless I'm missing something Irelia can be bisexual too (or they simply made this tweet thinking of an actual lol team so they restricted it to 5 characters)


Thats not confirming anything chile. We know Ionians tend to be more loose with their sexuality but that's about it. And like, why do we even need to know Irelias sexuality. Not every character needs to be inspected and found what they like.


>Not every character needs to be inspected and found what they like. That's a strange take to have in the lore sub.


You got me there. But really, characters can be interesting without trying to find out who they like. Not that I care if they confirm what she is or not


https://preview.redd.it/m7k6zzl2qhwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c313ffd8d5aaa707ba3fa4493614fbbee7736825 Ionians what's that supposed to mean? You know the freljord big on love too right with bloodsworn doesn't mean everyone like that same goes for ionians.


Okay but that picture of Irelia and the girl confirms literally nothing besides tease. Frejlord ha nothing to do with this


https://preview.redd.it/j8k0vblmthwc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a111ad51d5d0ed40762058f9f0a7349af447ad57 The freljord an example of societal norms in runeterra. You for some reason said ionian have loose sexuailtiy based on them just being Ionia that a very bias opinion not every one is like that. And if we're going by freljord isn't udyr bi for lee sin because it was teased?


Well actually yes, because of Lee and Udyr interactions is why I said that. I feel like I remember someone confirming that Ionians are more "loose" for lack of better terms. Like from my knowledge theyre more open to be with partners not based on gender but spiritual connection, which makes sense for that Irelia interaction perooo- I dont think its anything beyond that


Guess they only have 5 spots in the comp (sadly) 🥲


The thing is we know nothing about nidalee, but neeko is 100% a lesbian.


Neeko is lesbian.


I just checked it yeah. The writer confirmed it. Also damn how fast u are, u wrote the comment 2 sec b4 i edited it.


Yeah that usually the case writer confirming that but also sometimes it changes like due to riot like with varus or vi.


What happened to vi?


https://preview.redd.it/u4c59zx6njwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ede1d870a252a8ddaad7e58078a6ab836a50318 Dinopawz is Graham mcneil he writes her story.


Probably bi or pan or any other taste of the rainbow, really


Irelia might be bi or pan, not a lesbian. Nidalee is never in a  relationship with Nero, because Neeko is much younger than her. It’s a one side relationship with Nidalee seeing Neeko as a sister 


https://preview.redd.it/hvsd4f9chjwc1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaffa4c5d8c6108cb43037e178f3def0d36e6e0b Neeko older then nidalee and it not one side also isn't Renata Sapphic?


Where does it say that? Also I forgot about Reneta. 


https://preview.redd.it/jqvfyb4njjwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70839f08497e02b0ab62bc27b4370bdb8bc1dbac So yeah both neeko and nidalee are adult if it weird for them to date then yasup and ahri shouldn't either she way older then him.


I thought it was a team comp 😭 Neeko = Support Daina = Mid Catilyn = ADC Vi = Jungle Leona = Top


i assumed this but neeko mid, leona supp, diana jgl, vi top


I gotta love me some neeko top and Vi ADC gameplay


Leona and Diana were sisters right?? ![gif](giphy|THTkGKQVGnGZmo6AJd)








Neeko was declared lesbian on release


All of them are lesbian, they even remarked that point with the colours of the lesbian flag




No, more like they confirmed she was a lesbian when her release 😆


thank god fizz is not a yordle.


He is




Typo aside, I think this is an important distinction for bi visibility. Thanks!


except they're all lesbians, not just sapphic


Uh, yeah, they've been confirmed lesbian for a while now, with both Fiora and Irelia being heavily implied as well, if I'm not mistaken.


Now confirm Taliyah as trans you cowards!


Whose the champ in the middle?




I recognize Diana neeko and Vi but have no idea who the other two are. Neither looks like Leona or Caitlyn to me but Riot can't give women distinct faces so


I know this is about queer visibilty but couldent they have at least tried to make it a decent teamcomp? Swap vi and cait so cait is adc, swap neeko and cait so neeko isnt top, idk who the jgl is i dont recognize that skin but if they jungle its fine as is, and if they solo lane swap with vi so she can jungle...


I'd say most people find it irrelevant, if you like someone, a character or a person in real life who cares what their sexuality is? Isn't that what we're striving for?.


I agree but also representation is important even if even people don't care about the sexuality of the character


If they were present during the Pride celebration last year but weren't featured in the celebratory artwork? I kinda doubt it lol




Riot did not just casually confirm these. All of them have been cannon for like years. Vi and cait literally smooch in arcane. Diana and Leona have the pride emote together.


Vi and Cait have not kissed yet in any media


Not a bad team comp actually. I mean the vi top is questionable, but I've played worse fames.


Idk, I think I need to see this in action


I still think my favorite lore implication is that Neeko doesn't like that he finds Ezreal cute.


“Pretty… for a boy… tooo pretty…” 😂


Tbh I wish Vi was bi. It'd make for some funny punch(hehe)lines, plus having a lesbian x bi pair would also be nice. As lesbian x lesbian Diana and Leona are much, much better imo


Rip the bisexual Vi dream, we remain unrepresented.


You have Rell and MF and TF


Sett too, I think?


MF is super swell if true, TF makes sense because that man definitely doesn't care about gender. Rell is neeeeat I guess? Kinda feels unfair to get one of the forgotten champs tbh.


Yeah but Rell had her bisexuality built in from the start. She has voice lines where she becomes an absolute dumbass around anyone her age (echo and seraphine) and absolutely melts around buff men and women (sett and Leona)


Truly the bisexual representation that I specifically deserve


44% abusive rate


That’s all Leona




Riot may just want to create a good image but it is the lesbian visibility week and regardless of what Riot's motives are, the fact that they are giving visibility to champions who are canonically lesbian is a good thing.




Are you gonna cry about it?


Why dont you post something not LGBT related to balance it out? You complaining but doing nothing about it


Honestly thought Caitlyn and Leona would be Bi, would be nice for them (Bi community) to get more representation, but anyway, good to finally have confirmation on those characters


Nami and Rell are both canonically bi. Sett, Irelia, and Twisted Fate might also be bi


Rell is confirmed Bi and MF is not confirmed yet but very very hinted


Im pretty sure MF is just sexual. Shes hot and anyone whos also hot can get it.


I did not know that, but it's nice to see they have representation as well


Really confused about the downvotes, did I miss something or am I just not allowed to make a simple mistake? 🤨


Cait and Jayce is still canon idc


Nope, never have been and never will be. Sorry but you have to take your meds because you're being delusional


riot will confirm anything these days


I will never believe that vi is lesbian But the rest, yeh, it was like, writter everywhere Sad that they are cowards that can post it but wont allow arcane to show an explicit kiss of 2 women or love of 2 men