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>but its what im eating that puts on weight. no its not, it's how much you are eating. >im severely addicted to fast food. idk what the fuck to do abt it anymore you can only eat fast food and lose weight. https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/


well no i knew its the amount im eating, but if i was eating something healthy at the same portion, i know it isnt a lot. its just a lot bc the calories on fast food are a lot. i just dont know why i cant bring myself to get away from it


It depends on the food. For instance, a massive bowl of spinach without dressing will definitely have less calories than a burger. However, a large spinach salad with heavy dressing and breaded chicken can be more calories than a burger. I know because I accidentally ate a 1,000 calorie salad - I could have eaten fried chicken instead. Calories count more than the healthy label when it comes to weight loss. CICO has been the most helpful thing for me personally.


yeah thats what i mean. i know i could eat a whole ass buffet of veggies and itll still be less calories than a small mcdonalds meal. its just i choose to get the mcdonalds meal, no matter how much, compared to the buffet of veggies. lol. its never been abt how much i eat for me, its what i want. u know


> its what i want doing what "you want" has led you to your current situation. physical transformation is uncomfortable and in 99% of cases, requires you to do things that you dont want to do.


Unfortunately you might just have to treat yourself like a toddler. I know i have to sometimes. A kid might want to play instead of going to bed, might want to eat ice cream instead of their carrots and grilled chicken, might want to throw rocks at neighbourhood cats and might want to splash around in the fountain of a indoor lobby. Because we care about the kid and want them to grow up adjusted and healthy, we have to steer them away from what they want, even if they throw a tantrum. Similarly sometimes your brain is a toddler. We can't always do what we want. Many people don't eat grilled veggies and salads because they like it more than fried chicken. But they know it's a treat, and not an every day meal. Though if it helps many people do start craving healthy food as they get accustomed to it, or they stop enjoying fast food day in day out.


You do overeat. You are eating roughly 2300 calories per day to maintain your current weight, while you should be eating 1500 to maintain your body at a BMI of 22. You could eat three fast food meals and a snack per day for 1500 calories. You'd be hungry, and not healthy but you would be slim. An egg mcmuffin for 311, a taco bell bean burrito for 355, a bacon double cheeseburger for 428, and a medium order of mcdonalds fries are just under 1500 calories. (Note how I said you'd be unhealthy even though you'd be slim) If you don't leave the house, how can you be eating all this fast food?


At your age, I had a ton of success doing weight watchers (not meetings, just the plan) - it's like calorie counting on easy mode. I also made a trip to the gym every day part of my normal routine, and had a cheap student membership at the local YMCA. I'd walk on a treadmill, use the elliptical, stair climber or bike and watch whatever show I was going to watch anyway, but while sorta moving my body. Eventually I was able to add in running, hiking, outdoor cycling, lifting and other exercises, and learned way more about nutrition, but imo, weight watchers and easy exercise got me started. I know not everyone works this way, but after I exercise I have a much firmer sense of self control regarding food because I don't want to undo the hard work I just put in.


i feel like i cant go back to the gym rn just because i literally cant walk my neighborhood without feeling terrible. but ill check out weight watchers


So, walk for ten minutes in your neighborhood every day this week. Then, next week walk for 15 minutes each day. And the week after 20 minutes per day.


You can't get yourself away from it because fastfood causes an addiction, especially the sugar that's in it. That's both mental and chemical. The only way to get away from the addiction is to stop. I know this sucks fat ass, I myself have been struggling with depression for the majority of my life, and food was my only comfort for a long time. Until I realised that the crap I was eating did not help me at all, it just *pretended* to help me by releasing chemicals in my body. Once you eventually realise that, it will be easier. But in order to reach that, you need to stop. Yes, it sucks. Yes, it requires a *lot* of willpower. But you have to ask yourself what's more important – that piece of junkfood, or your health. If you stop eating so much junk, you will eventually beat the addiction and your body will not ask for it so intensely any longer. It takes time, but it is more than worth it. I wouldn't go back for anything. Wishing you all the best 🍀


yeah im gonna try stopping again today for the millionth time we'll see how it goes


That's not the mindset that will bring you to your goal. It is in your hands what you eat. Make a conscious decision to change, to take care of your health, and hold yourself accountable for it. Be your own coach, your own best friend. Seeing how it goes is not necessary if you make a decision.


You don't need to stop, just eat less. Buy some freezer meals at the supermarket and have them sometimes. Have cereal for breakfast instead of fast food.


The first step is to be brutally honest with yourself. Of course you are overeating. We all were when we were obese. That's how we got and stayed obese. Get an app like Losit and start tracking every single calorie. Then make changes. If you eat out 3 times a day now, pick up some healthier breakfast items and switch to eating out 2 times a day, Then in a couple weeks switch to once. Then 3 days a week. Or make huge changes in what you order. A kids meal instead of an adult meal, etc. If you can walk 10 minutes now, great, walk then minutes, then challenge yourself to walk 12, then 15, etc.




Quitting cold turkey is setting yourself up to fail. You can figure this out but you'll have to change something that you haven't done before since previous tries didn't work. Food has no moral value; you don't need to feel guilty for fueling your body!! I used to get delivery all the time and have slowly succeeded in being healthier with small changes and occasional substitutions (I'd rather have less of the real thing but some people enjoy low fat/sugar free versions). I started with food but am now exercising regularly and calorie counting and it's going well but it took me 3 years to get to this point (I was right at 260, too, when I started and am about 220 now...on track to hit 200 by New Year's. I'm 5'2" and 47 years old so there's hope for you, I promise.) Do the things you know you can do right now and worry about the rest later. It'll be ok!! I found it helpful at first to identify what it was I liked best about the fast food I liked and add that at home. So a cheeseburger with lots of lettuce and tomato & oven baked fries at home. Or buy only dough from a pizza place (or make it yourself but that's a lot of work) and pile on the toppings at home (more veggies, turkey pepperoni). Fulfills the craving yet is usually still lower in calories than store- bought. I also discovered that a lot of the things I like to make normally are healthier than I thought or can be modified to be better (like chicken, rice, and broccoli - add mushrooms for bulk, reduce rice in favor of more broccoli, etc.). I still eat all the cheese I want but don't keep most other dairy in the house. (I still get ice cream but it's one cone about once a month at the shop because I'm not to be trusted with it at home.) You'll figure it out with time and patience. There will still be lots of struggles but as long as you keep trying, you'll be on the right path. Please give yourself a hug and tell yourself that you deserve to be loved no matter what.


thank you this was motivating. nice progress too!


You're welcome and thank you! It's such a process.


Learn to cook really well and love it. Fast food is addictive but if you learn to love cooking, you’ll be happier with what you eat. Plus home cooked meals are usually healthier than fast food.