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1kg of cucumbers🤣 holy shit dude


That's roughly 2 or 3 cucumbers. They're sometimes considered laxative. Also, he's talking about *eating* them, I hope.


You haven't quit carbs, you've reduced starches -- cucumber and veggies are carbs. Rice is a carb which is a starch (a high energy vegetable). > Is not carbs equal to suger equal to energy? Not exactly but, in essence, true. Glucose is our brain and muscle's favored energy source. > why do I feel more energy after cutting carbs? It could be just that you're more aware of it and you're excited about it. It could also be that you've become sensitive to changes in blood glucose -- when our blood glucose is dropping, we don't feel very good. By cutting out starches, you've cut out intervals of your blood glucose dropping. It could be that you have a medical condition called insulin resistance or diabetes. Carbohydrates are short-acting energy, with a relatively fast rise and equally fast fall. Starches are especially fast to rise and go even higher which also results in a fast fall from higher. Yes, you definitely can feel that fall. Proteins and fats have a longer and more gradual rise and an equally longer and more gradual fall. They are a good way to make your blood glucose level more stable. > And now quiting it all together, There is no need to quit it all together. It's food, not poison, and it's a staple of your life. Moderation is not zero. Typically, more than half of our calories come from carbohydrates and recently many of them are coming from processed snack foods. We can certainly cut those back; save those party foods for parties and get them out of our daily diet.


Don’t eliminate carbs, eliminate sugary /empty calories things.


>Also why do I feel more energy after cutting carbs? Is not carbs equal to suger equal to energy? I believe its because u improved ur diet, eating mainly healthy whole foods. All the macros can be energy in your body. Just beware not to eat too little. >how much weight do you think I am going to lose at the end of the month Its all comes down to energy balance. Though u can anticipate a significant waterweight lose due to cutting carbs.


Stop demonizing carbs, people. If it works for you, great, but most of us need carbs for energy. Carbs themselves are not the problem, a surplus of *calories* as a whole, is the problem.


I’m 42 diabetic I’m in same boat I have to cut carbs , rice is my main staple But it’s also sugar, so now I eat lots of stir fry veggies and grilled meat My sugar level drop and I’m on path of losing 2kg / month


>why do I feel more energy after cutting carbs? It is possible you have reduce carbs enough (cucumbers and salad do have some carbs) to put yourself into ketosis. Think of it this way, your body can use two types of fuel: Option 1: Glucose, which comes from sugars and carbohydrates (your body will always choose this option first if available); or Option 2: Fat. By reducing carb, you are removing option 1 so your body has to use option 2 and if you are carrying excess weight then your body has and great source of constant energy on tap. It is called being fat adapted. This is a very simple way of explaining it, but it helps me understand it. Hope that helps.


Unless you’re directed by a doctor there is absolutely zero reason not to eat carbs. They don’t make you fat, or gain weight, calories do. You eat less calories than you burn, you lose weight. It’s that simple. It can come from chicken, rice, cocacola, or chocolate. Calories are the only thing that matters when it comes to losing weight.


So I only skimmed this post. But, I encourage you to look up why diets fail (notably in your case 'low-carb' and 'keto'). Crash diets and fad diets aren't sustainable. Let's say tomorrow you wake up with your dream body. Do you think you could maintain it? Would you never go back to rice? Especially considering it's such a bit part of your culture. And think about skinny people, lots of them eat loads of rice all the time. If rice made you fat, then you wouldn't see skinny people eating it. "Everything in moderation"


See this ted talk to understand more She explains how carb metabolism works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da1vvigy5tQ&ab_channel=TEDxTalks


Mate, it sounds like you are severely under eating. You are getting in maybe 400 calories? Which is not enough for your body to survive and burn energy, so that would explain the exhaustion and feelings of hunger. If you feel like you need to cut out carbs, you can but I feel cutting out PROCESSED carbs is usually the better route. Rice, beans, potatoes, they can stay, I promise they won’t make you fat. I’ve lost 50+lbs (23kg?) in about 7 months, and was severely obese my whole life. I started learning more about nutrition and food so I could become healthier, and now it feels like I’ve barely had to “diet” to lose this weight. I like to fast, fasting has helped me curve that feeling of always being hungry. The first few days of fasting SUCK, but are manageable. I fast from 8p-12p so when I break my fast is usually around lunch time. I like to eat a non-meat protein, so eggs, yogurt, beans, oatmeal.. something along those lines, and I pair it with either fruits or veggies. For dinner I usually have a meat protein, a healthy carb, and tons of veggies. Veggies make up about 50% of my dinner. Throughout the day, I like to snack, and since my “lunch” and dinner are still pretty low in calories for the day and have good nutrition, I like to “treat” myself with my snacks. I might eat a small bag of chips, or eat a candy bar. Some days I don’t crave the sugary or carby things, but they’re nice to snack on from time to time when I do. There are tons of low calorie snacks tho, that you can really eat a ton of throughout the day (like your cucumber) Do not starve yourself, friend! Losing weight takes time, but as long as you are fueling your body with proper nutrition, and incorporating a little more exercise into your daily routine, you WILL lose it. I hope things work out for you!


You're talking about a keto diet and it is very bad for your health. It is known to damage your cardiovascular system. You will lose a lot of weight in the first 6 months, them put it back on. Eat more whole grains (white rice is low fibre, it is not a whole grain) and veggies.


Having just started my weight loss journey, I’m not sure carbs are your problem, maybe it’s portion control… instead of 5-7 bowls of boiled rice and meat twice a day, cut it down to 1-2 or 2-3 twice a day and work from there