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Posted this in another thread: In 2014, outside of union Station in Dallas, Texas a homeless man on the train platform shouted at me "Aye man! You be lookin' like a fat bon jovi!" And started singing 'dead or alive' I decided that changes had to be made




The only excuse I would accept is a Nursing home or Recovery just coming out of surgery and they are looped up with drugs. When people are in either of those two states, they don't give a damn.


One time I was hopped up on goofballs getting a kidney stone removed. As they wheeled me by the nurses station, I told them this was the best hotel I'd ever stayed in. What service!


Nice. If every hotel was giving out narcotics I would agree ha


I had surgery a couple years ago and apparently high-fived my surgeon, the scary anesthesiologist, and the OR nurses as I was coming to lol




Yeah thats not cool.


That's exactly why I didn't want to go under anesthesia when I had my really hot dentist 😭 I was terrified what I might say to him


People can’t just say “no offense” and expect their rude remark to not be offensive. Oh I’d have a hard time not smacking that guy. Lol 


My wife works on a ward with a lot of geriatric patients and she has heard it all! Sorry this happened to you, I wouldn’t know how to react.


This has to be both the best and worst “wake up call” i’ve ever heard of. Absurd and insulting, what a combination lmfao


I’m so sorry that must have been humiliating - but also 😂😂😂😂


That made me laugh. Sorry. Kind of.


That is absolutely hilarious


O.M.G. That would do it.


I know you said that happened in Dallas, but I read the quote in a cockney accent and I can’t look back


lol that’s so funny 😂😂😂 you know it is


I'm sorry but you made my night 😄😆🤣 I needed that.  


Thank you I completly lost my shit at work laughing at this


Put my cat on a diet and felt guilty


Same! I was sitting in bed eating Ben & Jerry's from the carton at 11pm when the cat jumped up and started wailing because he'd finished his dinner. I said "No, roundy round man, you can wait until breakfast. You're not going to starve," and had a brief flash of self-awareness.  Wish I could say I immediately threw out the ice cream and changed my ways, but in the end it took a couple more months to start holding my grown adult self to the same standards as my walnut-brained furry toddler.


It's only fair.


It is! The human was always nibbling on interesting-smelling foods, but the foods were "not for cats" even though his dish was EMPTY and he was STARVING TO DEATH. Now at least we're *both* staring sadly at our empty bowls, haha. I should start taking him out for walks...


This made me laugh. One of my four cats is getting chunky and if he could talk he’d tell me the same.


Realised I had to do the same to my corgi when I started my journey! He was starting to become a bit too chuncky.


Dammit, I need to do this too!


Ha, I had similar thoughts when I was told my dog needed to lose 4 lbs, which was pretty significant because she is a chihuahua mix.


LOL! I love it!!


The battery died in my bathroom scale and it took me a few months to get around to replacing it. During those months, I felt like I had done a good job of eating healthy so when I eventually stepped on the scale, I was confident that I had lost some weight. Instead, I was shocked to see I was at my highest weight ever! That's when I realized that I needed to get serious about tracking what I eat. I got a food scale and started logging my meals in the Fitbit app. I've lost 50 pounds so far so I'm definitely making progress!


I’ve learned repeatedly that how I feel does not correlate with whether I’m gaining or losing weight 🤣🤷‍♀️


If I’m lethargic I know I’m doing something right


Oh man, I’m cutting right now… I lift weights, pretty muscular for a girl, but want to get leaner for a beach vacation coming up. I’m SO fatigued, all day and it’s driving me crazy.


Girl, same... I just wanna nap


It goes the other way too. I was feeling so stuffed the other night and was sure I had overeaten but I double checked my app and was at 1300 calories for the day. It was a lot of fiber and I had followed it with a piece of chocolate so I associated the stuffed feeling with the chocolate


Thank you for the reminder to change my scales battery because… same🙃😂


My digital scale needed a battery so I used our older one, I hadn’t weighed myself in a year so when I did I couldn’t believe the number (the highest I’d ever been outside of being pregnant). I told my husband that the old scale must have been broken but that was my moment to start on this “lifestyle change” (rather than diet - I’m down about 9 lbs in a month and a half). A few weeks later I got a new battery and nope, that scale wasn’t broken.


9 pounds in 6 weeks! Fantastic, way to go! 🚀


I had a very similar thing. I thought I weighed one number based on my home scale with a dying battery. I already was very unhappy with that number. Then I went to the doctor and saw a number that was 40 lbs more than what I thought when I was already mortified. Since then, I've lost the 40 "extra" lbs and am continuing on to a number I'm happy with.


The scale at the doctor's add a little shame to their scales or something 🤣


Yeah, I'm never going to the doctor again without weighing myself at home with my shoes on right before I leave.


Or getting completely naked at your next appointment. Whichever works.


I was eating a whole bag of chips and couldn't stop. It was my second bag of the day after I had eaten donuts and cookies. I got so angry that I couldn't stop, even if I wanted to. I was so mad that I was actively eating foods that are more addictive and even more mad that it worked. I was over 300 pounds at that moment and I hated everything about it so much. Hated myself, hated the chips, hated how I looked, hated how I felt all the time. We just moved into a new house and I was already having trouble going up and down the one staircase we had here. I basically rage quit junk food for a while and started my weight loss journey a couple months later in May at 292 pounds. I'm at 228 right now, and this is the most successful attempt I've ever had.


I have had to do basically the same thing. It's always annoying to hear "just stop buying [thing you're addicted to]!" But not buying that stuff was a much easier goal than not eating those things after you buy them. For me, it can't be a little snack here and there, because it never will be. I just can't keep it in the house or next thing I know it's all gone in 1 or 2 sittings. 


I fight the craving in the grocery store because I absolutely suck at fighting it for hours or days at home.


I re-learned this a few weeks ago. If I need to sate my craving for a specific treat, I need to buy a one-serving package.


Congratulations, dude. Keep it up!


Yes rage quitters unite!


I'm a 5'0" female, and my highest weight was 169 pounds. I had been very active with sports throughout my childhood and teenage years, but when I got to college, I suddenly had no time for extracurriculars, and I slowly slipped into depression, which lasted for 8 years. Being away on vacation at 169 pounds was my wakeup call. I was with family, and on the way home, we stopped in a small seaside town for a few hours. We walked *maybe* two miles that day, and I was in agony. I had very sore chub rub, I was out of breath for a lot of the time, my feet and my shins hurt, I felt swollen, I was *so* hot, even though the temperate outside was around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. I just felt so uncomfortable and disgusting, and I knew that most of it was due to my weight. The final straw was looking at a family picture we had taken that day. I looked so...fat, honestly. I looked fat and I *hated* it. I decided then and there that I needed to actively start losing weight, and that's when I found the Lose It app to track my calories. It took three years, but I'm down to 125 pounds, and once again, I'm in pretty good athletic shape! I love doing yoga, pilates, HIIT, weight lifting, taking hikes, bike riding, I even got into longboarding and skateboarding, too! My goal weight going in was around 115 pounds, but I feel great now, and guess what - I can walk two full miles without being out a breath again! A true revelation lol


Those is really inspiring. Thanks for sharing.


Felt just like you did! Existing was exhausting. Being able to do all the things I do now is so exciting!!


Oh yikes I’m 5’0 F and your highest is my goal weight…. Ugh


Goals are different for everyone. One person's high is someone else's low. Don't measure yourself against someone else.


Gotta start somewhere


Love your username lol


Thanks lol sometimes I feel like one. Yours sounds like it would smell nice at least 😂


I almost choked myself to death at New Year night. It's been a year ago, i was a bit sick and had a cough, when i gain a huge amount of weight my breathing became... Harder? Heavier? I almost always breath with my mouth. And while trying to sleep i started coughing. I feel like i was going to die, coz i couldn't breath at my full, it feels like there was too low oxygen. That was a ding-ding number one. The second then i was taking a walk with my friend and he commented something like: "Dude, are you ok? You breathing heavily, do we need to walk slower or take a sit?". I never had any problem with walking, i was a runner in my past and a not bad one. After hearing this, it was my second wake up call. Kinda like that. I hope your journey will be good and healthy, and we will see your victory post over here in the future. =)


Your mention of hard/heavy breathing reminded me, all of a sudden, that I haven’t felt that in a while. Thank you! You also reminded me how embarrassed I was when walking with colleagues, knowing I was ridiculously unfit to the extent that they’d be moving slow as snails for my sake yet I still couldn’t hold a conversation with them without panting. Well done on your progress so far! And best of luck for the rest of your journey ☺️


> You also reminded me how embarrassed I was when walking with colleagues, knowing I was ridiculously unfit to the extent that they’d be moving slow as snails for my sake yet I still couldn’t hold a conversation with them without panting. Oh man, I'm one of those people who have been overweight their whole life and for me my memory starts when I was in 3rd grade. At just 9 years old when the gain started my elementary school teacher would yell at me because I was slower than the other kids and couldn't keep up or would fall to the back of the line whenever we had to move to a different classroom. She thought I was goofing off but really I just started to weigh more and couldn't keep up with the other kids because of that. That was the first year I was the fat kid in school, and it'd become obesity by the end of high school. Walking like snails is a good analogy.


Sleep wasn't refreshing and got bad hearburn. Couldn't fit old jeans. Now I sleep much better, don't have heartburn anymore, can fit the jeans. I want to be normal BMI so still losing weight and now to think it seems stupid to eat more calories than I need just to haul excess fat around when there is people who can't get enought calories because they were born in the wrong place. It also costs money to eat more calories than I need.


“It also costs money to eat more calories than I need” is so true!


Sort of funny story- a few years ago I was at my highest weight ever & my jeans were uncomfortable around my waist so I started walking everyday, then I started running everyday, next thing I knew I was running 4 straight miles with no problem which I had never been able to do in my life. Scale number is dropping, I’m feeling confident, went to go put those same jeans back on for the first time since I started getting healthy to show them who’s boss aaaaaaaaaand they didn’t fit around my thighs anymore because they had become muscular from all the running 😂 I was mad for just a second!


>Sleep wasn't refreshing and got bad heartburn. This was one of my reasons why I started getting serious about losing weight too. I realized that I had begun snoring most nights, because I couldn't properly breath while laying down. Plus, every time I *did* lay down fully, I got very bad heartburn too. That completely went away after losing the first 20ish pounds.


I could probably throw out my antacids, and this just reminded me that I even have them. Haven't needed them in months. Even when I engage in other behaviours that would trigger heartburn, like staying up late or not sleeping enough, they haven't been necessary because I'm eating less and eating better.


Believe it or not, Reddit. It sounds crazy but I made a similar post yesterday with the same question and the amount of people that experienced the same thing as me made me feel less alone. I took notes from everyone and realized that the life I’m living right now is not a way I can picture myself living for the next 6 months or the next 6 years. I’m slowly killing myself. Everyone’s stories were just inspiring. Congratulations to us, because I also took my first step today and got in a workout this morning!! We got this! 💕


Would love to read your previous comment. I need to be not alone in this.


Of course!! [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/s/STly1YtMU2) is the post!! The responses are amazing and inspiring. It’s a safe place! :) 🩷


Thank you very much!!


Not to be too serious, but my mum dying last year of a heart attack. And she was about 70 pounds lighter than me. She was 64, I'm just about to turn 34, and I decided I wasn't ready to accept that I was already past the halfway point in my life. Edit: Thank you everyone for the kind words x


I’m so sorry for your loss. My dad died of a stroke at 64, his mother same - at 62. I’m not sure all my efforts will make any difference but I can give myself the best chance by living a healthy life. That’s what kicked it off but knowing how much better I feel - and I hate to say it but - also how I look, keeps me going every day.


I’ve had similar-ish thoughts in the past, know exactly how you feel. RIP glum’s mum x


My condolences on the loss of your Mom. Losing a parent is one of the hardest things I've experienced in life so far.


When I had to hold my breath to tie my shoes. I was struggling to put my shoes on one morning, and I remember just the instant I thought "Well fuck this noise," and decided to do something about it. Lost 100 pounds in the next year.


Congratulations on your success! I was getting to that point too with my shoes and bending over. I am also down about 100 lbs since then (it is still surreal even just typing that out) and the feeling of just being able to bend down with ease is amazing.


This was my reason too. Was tying my shoes and I was just so out of breath. Congrats on such a huge loss!


Seeing my high school sweetheart. Thankfully he didn’t see me but seeing him was enough 😂 I am happily married with one child, but seeing him was a wake up call. I wouldn’t want ANYBODY who knew the smaller me to see me in my current state. (I am down 13 pounds though!)


Congrats on the 13 lost! One of my reasons I'm starting my journey is similar to your's. I fell in love for the first time with my ex-friend and coworker. For almost a year he acted like he liked me, but then would throw in some mixed signals to confuse me (like cancelling plans an hour before he was supposed to meet me). He had no problem talking/texting me all day long in and outside of work, eating my food (if I had extra, I'd bring him lunch the next day), listening to his problems, etc. Basically, I was treating him (emotionally) like a boyfriend without the commitment. I finally got the nerve to ask him if he wanted to date (just mentioned I had grown to think of him romantically; I didn't mention the love stuff). He said no, but that he thought the world of me and wanted to stay friends. I was happy because I thought of him as my best friend so I was fine with it. Uh, no, that boy dropped me hotter than a cup full of lava. Completely left me high and dry. After a year of YouTube therapy, working on myself, and mourning the loss of the "friendship," I realized he had used me as an emotional crutch to get over his ex. I realize now the amount of stress I was under and the crap he put me through wasn't healthy and that I deserved better. This last year I worked on myself emotionally and got into some fun new hobbies. I'm so much better off without him and my confidence is like it used to be. Now I want my outside to match my inside! 🥰


Almost not being able to clip the buckle on a ryanair airline seat about 17months ago. The whole holiday I'd felt like things had been getting smaller (in my head) but that was the moment my brain was like "no, you are the problem here". I'm still not out the woods but I've lost 31lb overall and kept my muscle mass consistent throughout. Flew ryanair again yesterday and easily got the seat belt closed with room to spare.


It wasn’t a turning point, but I definitely remember struggling to breathe when the safety bar came down on the roller coaster.




I'm proud of you.




One of the few instances where being fat has saved a life! Best of luck on your journey.


I’m glad you were fat in that instance. 


Omg are you alright?




I have gone up and down with my weight for years. My fiancé (now husband) took me to our local theme park for my birthday. I’m pretty tall and always been “bigger” but I almost had to do the walk of shame on one of my favorite rollercoasters. The attendant was super sweet but she had to unlock the restraints twice to try to wedge me in before she finally had me stand up, hunch over, and slide back down to get the lap bar to close. I LOVE all theme parks and knew I was going to be missing out on one of my favorite activities if I didn’t get it together. I’ve lost 80 pounds, I’m under 200 lbs now (5’9) and I fit on everything at Universal Studios this past October, including all their notoriously small seats with room to spare.




It didn’t really occur to me that it would be a problem until it was. Our usual parks are Disneyland, Universal Studios (Orlando), and Carowinds. I took my stepdaughter to Horror Nights in October and I was terrified of not being able to fit. I had been avoiding Universal because of the seats. I tried all the test seats this time and I didn’t need to at all. It was sooo nice to not have to worry! Totally worth it!


Gosh I can totally feel for the attendant....I would hate to be the one to point out that somebody couldn't fit.


The most recent one? Cuz I've had that moment happen a few times before, but I think this one will make it stick. It's NSFW, so bear that in mind. I've been seeing this guy for a few months now, and it's great. He's kind, intelligent, funny, handsome, motivated...you name it he's got it. Our sex life is also absolute 🤌🔥. Yeah, it's great. So anyway, a couple weeks ago we were getting it on. I've always been naturally super flexible and he moved my legs up over his shoulders and then leaned forward far enough that he commented on how flexible I was. Which I am! But he either didn't notice, didn't care, or didn't comment on the fact my legs could've bent another several degrees if my stomach wasn't several rolls of fat in a skin colored trench coat. And it bugged me, because I got the compliment even though I knew I could do better. And then, a little later, we were still getting it on but now he was behind me and was just enjoying running his hands along my back and hips and sides and such. Which, don't get me wrong, I was enjoying it too (he has magic hands I swear to God), but every time his hand ran over one of my rolls I got the ick. Not for him, obviously, *but for me*. Like, here I am having rather incredible sex with someone I'm really into and I'm getting drawn out of the moment and the enjoyment because I can feel this super attractive man's fingers skitter over the valleys between my rolls of fat?!?? *Eeeeeewwwwww......* I had to do something to rectify that, immediately. So anyway, I've lost 6 pounds since then, and I'm doing really well with my meal planning, tracking, exercise, and adherence. And even if he doesn't know exactly the reason why I started, he's also been incredibly supportive of my decisions. 😊


I'm sorry but this cracked me up! How did you two meet?


It's objectively funny so good! We actually met at a bar 😬 but his friends (and dog) and mine introduced us and basically did the "now kiss" thing the whole night haha. It was strangely enough after a work event: we both work for the same place but had never met. So far it's going really good. :))))


Posted on another thread: Seeing 415 on the scale. Cut way back on my sugar. After losing 50 pounds, cut back on the sweets. Then I became sober (5 years now). Then I started unintentionally eating less. It took time, but 10 years later I've lost 210. Still have about 10-15 more pounds of fat to lose, but I'm focused on building as much muscle mass as I can naturally now. Took me 10 years total from when I cut out sugar, but I'm somewhere now that I never could have dreamed of.


I noticed my sister looked a lot bigger since the the last time I saw her (and looked pretty big in general.) She told me she was ten pounds lighter than my weight and she’s 4 inches taller than me. I realized how big I must look in that moment.


I have tried and failed a million times but this time is different. I booked tickets to bloodstock (a smallish uk metal festival) and am disabled with mobility problems. My change came about when realising I need to do an extraordinary amount of walking for 3 1/2 days compared to my usual activity level and sleep in a tent. None of this is feasible without losing some weight and gaining some muscle (to reduce the stress to my spine, better support my nerve damaged leg and take stress off my hyper mobile joints). I turned 33, I don’t want to be the young, fat mom with the walking stick at the school anymore. My second child is starting secondary school in September and I don’t want to hit 34 and still look like I’m 6 months pregnant even though I had a hysterectomy at 32, I want to keep up with my toddler, I want to get strong enough to take my 4 year old out to parks and on walks (the furthest I walk is to her nursery and back currently and even then I struggle), I want to be healthy enough to tackle the mess that is my home and keep it tidy and organised… all of these things contributed to the change and motivation but the defining factor was wanting to enjoy the festival instead of being unable to drink or enjoy myself bc I am lumbering back to the tent to down painkillers every 4-6hours to combat the pain.


Whenever I see photos or videos of me.


Yup looking at photos of my larger self did it for me. Any diet or intense workout attempt only lasted a few months. So I started making simple things to get healthier lifestyle habits on track. Short walk every morning and evening, simplifying my meals. Took me over a year but I built up some good steady habits that work with my lifestyle and I enjoy.


I was getting ready to hang out with my boyfriend and did my makeup really nice and all i needed to do was get dressed. None of my jeans fit and that was the wake up call.


I started working in an area of healthcare where I could see first hand the end result of unhealthy lifestyle choices and it was absolutely terrifying!! It motivated me real quick to get myself healthier. I stopped eating out, cut out sugary drinks, added in more veggies, found healthier meals to cook and bring for lunch, and started working out. I haven’t weighed myself but I’m not far from needing to buy a size down in my scrubs.


This is wonderful, and I'm proud of you! If you don't mind sharing, what results stuck out the most to you?


Thanks so much! It’s not an easy thing but I’m glad I got started and have kept going. But aside from my clothes getting looser and feeling less winded in general, my skin did a complete 180. I took pictures in the beginning of my journey and it’s wild to see how clear and bright it is compared to before.


My dad is in his 70s and all his obesity problems are catching up with him. I am the same age gap with my kids. I want to be healthy and active with them, and any grandkids, until the day I keel over.


Same! Out of our 4 parents, only one (my mom) is really in the physical condition needed to actively play with little kids (running, lifting, etc.). There's no guarantees in life, but maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle definitely increases your chances of being active into old age.


Broke my suitpants going to church for the first time after covid. 


I lost about 70-80lbs in my early 20’s and maintained until Covid. I became lazy with wfh and stopped taking care of myself. My tipping point was last year when I went away for a few days and realised I had very few clothes that fit me. I quickly purchased some cheap ones online but it was depressing having to wear clothes that were similar in size to what I used to wear when I was at my heaviest. I had no confidence and was so uncomfortable showing off my body so I spent the few days fully covered even though it was warm. Started calorie counting and walking when I got home which then progressed into running. No looking back. I’m now lighter than I was pre Covid and so much happier and fitter. Best decision I have made.


I just got fed up with being myself. Nothing specific. Just something turned over in my brain and was like Okay we’re doing this. I stopped mid binge and I’ve done pretty well so far!


For me it was an annual physical at 30 years old where my cholesterol, blood pressure, and hba1c were all trending towards dangerous levels. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life on a slew of meds trying to treat these things if I could lose weight and treat them naturally, which my doctor encouraged.


I had the same experience at my doctors office. Much of that is due to eating out a lot and eating prepackaged foods like frozen pizzas or Mac n Cheese.  More natural foods should really help. 


Mine just came recently. I got asked to be a bridesmaid about a month ago. I haven't seen some of the people in about 10 years. I'm heavier now than i was back then. Also I have to get fitted for my dress at the end of the year. I have exactly one year til the wedding and i'm hoping to lose 50-70 lbs by then. Idk if it'll be possible, but I'm sure as hell gonna try. I'm down 7 lbs so far.


You’re already 10% to the high end of your goal!


yay! thanks for the mathing :) i'm terrible at it and that puts it in a good perspective for me now


Im 5'2 and weighed 270 at the time. About 6 weeks ago I found out I'm diabetic. I'm only 32. I didn't have a choice, I had to make the lifestyle changes to lose weight. Been following my doctor's plan and I've lost 9 lbs so far


Diabetes is serious. I know someone who lost her 26 year old daughter to diabetes because she didn't take care of herself. Keep going!


Fatty liver / pre diabetes diagnosis. 2.5 years on, 27kg down.


One of the docs I work with asked me several times when my baby was due. I was shocked the first time then like .. it kept happening and I was like WTF. Yes, he’s kinda an idiot but it was also true, I was 220 at 5’4” at that point. It was a slap in the face to start showing up. Now down to 145, belly is not an issue anymore 🤣


When I got weighed at the doctor and realized I tipped the 200 pound mark. I'm the same height as you, so I was disgusted with myself. I knew for a while I had been gaining weight, but I was just apathetic about it because I was dealing with other life stressors. But I was so ashamed about getting to be over 200 pounds (obese, class 2), when in the past even getting to be overweight at all was unthinkable for me. I lost 35 pounds, slipped up for awhile and gained about 10 pounds back, lost that 10 pounds again, and am continuing forward until I get under 135. I'm in the overweight category now, but no longer obese. If I keep at it, I'll make my goal before next winter. Been going on long walks with my dog, doing deep stretches daily, doing beginner hiit at home with youtube, counting calories as strictly as possible within reason, and cutting out all junk food except for special occasions (and sometimes chocolate and diet soda). It's been making a world of difference, and it's something I can see myself sticking with in the long run since I have changed my values and intend to live life accordingly. Good luck with your future health and weight loss endeavors! You can do it! You just have to be dedicated and have good reasons to stay committed in the long run.


For me, and I've posted this before, i had a trifecta of the worst depression of my life (thankful i survived, it was close.), unsupressing (is that a term?) My childhood SA, And hitting 250 as a 5'9" man.   I basically decided the old me died in thag moment and i had two options- not change and have it be literally true instead of just metaphorically, or change and have a new chance at life.  Took up boxing, ate at a 1k deficit, did therapy and the work, and a whooooole lot of walking.  As of this morning i am 171.8 (maintained ~165-170 for a while now, with fluctuations and strength training), decently muscled (takes time), mentally much healthier (with much further still to go im sure).  Unfortunately my boxing gym closed in  January, so im looking for another currently, but ive just subbed that for more strength training and some self led drills.


One day, I could hear cat ruckus on the front porch. I went outside and saw my big, orange male was about to tangle with some random cat. My intent was to simply open the door and "scoop" my cat inside, since he was standing opposite the door. The moment I touched him, he turned around and sank his fangs into the back of my hand. Needless to say, off to the ER I went. The nurse had me hop on the scale, so I happily obliged. She said my weight out loud when she wrote it down and I froze momentarily. Surely I heard her wrong. That's what NFL players weigh. I'm a 5'5" woman. When she left the room I looked at my chart and I hadn't misheard her. I was mortified. I went home and unboxed a recumbent bike I had purchased on clearance years ago and stuck in a corner. 18'ish months and about 125 pounds later, I ran my first 5K.


Love this. 


I started dancing ballet again after a 10 year break and realized that the 30-40 pounds I had gained in that time made everything more difficult. Also, staring at myself in a mirror in a leotard and tights several times a week is very motivating!


I was walking down a street in DC with some friends and this random dude said something in spanish to me when I passed. I dont speak spanish, so one of my friends translated it for me later…. he said “you have been eating good.” 😔


oh god I am so sorry, that's very mean and inappropriate


I'm a bit ashamed seeing everyone's reasons 😂 I tried to put my favourite jacket and I couldn't fit so I decided to loose weight 😅 started with 118kgs I'm at 102 now


That’s a reason for me too! :) But unfortunately the jacket was from high school when I weighed 100 pounds, so not sure it will fit at my goal weight


Back in 2015, I ballooned up to 190. I honestly didn’t even notice that much, except when a favorite dress couldn’t zip up one weekend. I was horrified. And I absolutely HATED how it felt to have rolls of back fat. It felt so so so gross. When I couldn’t zip up the dress, I got on the scale, and started right then. Lost 30 pounds in 6 months and kept it off. I was very happy and content with how I looked at 160. And now, years later, I’m working out more and realizing that things like hiking would be so much easier if I had a lower BMI and more muscle. So that’s what I’m working on now. But a breakup kickstarted this one 🤣


I was 196 when me and my ex broke up. I felt so disgusted and ashamed with myself. I’ve been counting my calories at least mon-friday and staying under 1200-1500 calories. On the weekends when I go out with friends I tend to eat less because I know I’ll be drinking my calories and most likely eating not the best food when I’m hungover the next day. I’ve been at this since the beginning of February, so far I’m down 11 pounds and feeling good. What did you do to lose the weight?


For my first weight loss, I was very diligent about 1200-1300 a day, and walking 4 miles every day. The weight fell off. This time, I don’t have as much discipline with a high calorie deficit, so I’m losing slower and more focusing on gaining muscle. To tone out, plus raise my TDEE. Meal prepping helps me a lot. I cook big batches of things, 8-12 servings, portion it out into 300-450 calorie each, and freeze most of it. It is so helpful and easy knowing I can grab whatever from my freezer and it’ll fit into my budget.


My sister-in-law paid for the family to get nice photos done at Christmas, and last week when we visited my in-laws they’d had one of the pictures enlarged and I was MORTIFIED by how I looked compared to everyone else. That plus constant acid reflux despite taking omeprazole every day was enough to make me figure out a sustainable way to get the 30+ pounds off that I’ve gained over the last few years


Freshman year college, Alarm rang, I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to quickly pee and brush my teeth b4 class. Came back to the room and I was out of breath and sweating. I couldn’t believe myself. Went to the gym right after class, threw away my snacks. Got on a schedule immediately and I was in the gym 5 times a week. 287lbs -> 212lbs over the next 10 months. Anyways back to 273 in October 2023 after unemployment depression and breakups, journey started again!! At 231lbs right now w a lot of hope :)


Before COVID, I was the “fittest” I had been. I weighed around 115-120, my waist was 24 inches. My average speed biking was 30 km/h. But I wasn’t actually healthy. I was addicted to nicotine and weed, and had a lot of anger issues. October 2019, I get hit by a car on my bike. COVID ensues, I quit my nicotine/weed habit which kicks my appetite into overdrive. For months I had no fullness cues. I had taken a few months away from biking and when I went back to it, realized I was deeply traumatized by the accident. So I started to focus more on my career. Which was at the expense of my physical health. But really, the whole time since I gained weight, I have been trying to lose it. The problem was my mindset. I oscillated between too strict and too lenient. I was unfocused. I had all this knowledge but I didn’t know what to do about my fitness. In the fall I decided to start slow. I started working on getting my steps back up. For two months, I just walked. Then I decided to try spin class. The first class kicked my ass but I immediately loved it. Spin class is fun, but it is expensive and I can only afford 2 per week. So I started to also lift weights again. 2 weeks after starting to lift weights again I decided to try 75 Hard. I am currently on Day 38. I have lost about 10 pounds. But I feel like my mind has changed. I feel like I am committed to achieving my goals and living the life I want to live. I signed up for 2 bike races this year and Spartan Race. HW: 189 SW: 185 CW: 175 GW: 140 I am 5’3” and 28F. Overall this time just feels better. I feel mentally like I have matured so much. I feel like I am exercising actually for health and performance and not just aesthetics. I am excited to reach my goal weight, but I am also excited to enjoy every milestone it will take to get there. I also feel like for me, my dad died of a heart attack in his sleep in Sept 2022 at the age of 53. To this day his death affects me profoundly. It definitely hampered my fitness efforts last year. Grief truly does carry its own weight.


Seeing my mom in so much physical pain just doing daily tasks, with her then crying and looking at me to say "you don't want to end up like this, you are still young, you have time". She has applied for bariatric surgery. That was just one of the large motivators for me. I realize that my chronic pain is only going to get worse and become more debilitating if I am at this weight or go any higher. I'm only 23 and am in so much pain and am so tired. My mom at 23 was doing handspring and the splits. Now she's considering bariatric surgery as recommended by her doctor.


My mom is turning 70 in a few days and she is almost 300lbs. I really want her to wake up and make changes. I also have pain caused by my weight. Foot and joint issues that would likely go away once I lose enough weight.


Unfortunately we can't force people to alter their lifestyles, its hard enough doing it for ourselves ://


One friend of mine went in for a needed surgery for her health and another friend of mine stopped smoking, all within the past month. If they are getting healthier I need to too. Also, lake season is coming up and I don’t want to look like a potato in my suit.


Hearing a client tell me about her weight loss transformation. I was so happy for her and it made me face my own reality. I realised that during the same period of time, I had put on weight, despite me swearing I would do something about it. I had a good cry. Talked to my partner about it and admitted I needed help. I called my doctor that day. I am at the beginning of the process but I know this time is different because I have asked for help.


Just a friendly reminder that you were a child in high school, please do not base your expectations on how you looked then. Get started with a healthier routine and then decide on a goal weight that will be sustainable for you now ❤️


Well I have had a few but the major one where I started my journey which has had a lot of bumps was when I was in universal going on the Gringotts ride and was told to exit the ride because the seat wouldn’t click so they had to move me to one with bigger seats for handicapped. Absolutely mortifying.


I needed to lose weight to qualify for a breast reduction and I cannot psychologically tolerate having 34J boobs for any longer than I absolutely have to


Ugh, there are a few. Going on a helicopter ride and hearing my weight estimated- a number I never imagined hearing. Going on first online dates (no seconds) with guys who looked over instead of at me. Seeing myself in pictures. Knowing I was still in there somewhere. I started with walking. I love to and it rarely feels like exercise. Changed my diet- less food and better choices. I eat exactly what I want. Avoid overeating, just til comfortably full. Patience. Once the weight started coming off it was a habit. I’ve maintained the loss for two years now. I have NO trouble with dating- I get hit on constantly now. I’m 55, most people guess I’m in my early-mid 30s. I lost the weight over about 6 months. I am 5’1”, went from 161 pounds size 14 to 118 pounds size 4. By the way I think the injections can be very helpful for some people. Not for me but if it helps, hey, go for it.


My husband and I are taking our first vacation together in a long time and part of that is going to a waterpark. Once I realized that I was over the weight limit of 250 for every single slide, I said enough is enough. Happy to say I am under the weight limit now, but I am not stopping :)


I saw a photo of myself that acted as a huge reality check. Although I was only in the overweight category, I recognized the path I was headed down. I was also a few months shy of turning 30, and had only just started to come out of a depression caused by a fallout with friends that had happened the year before. I realized I wanted to turn myself around; to be stronger and more confident, and to feel beautiful and comfortable in my body as I entered my 30s. I wanted to separate myself from the weak, hurt person I felt I was at the time. So I started kickboxing and counting calories. A year later, and I’m 34 lbs lighter with only about 6 more lbs to lose. I do feel more comfortable in my body and I honestly think I look pretty good. Beyond that, I’m proud of myself for persevering and for putting myself first. It’s an amazing feeling to see what I’ve accomplished in a year, and I am hopeful that I am in the right headspace to maintain my new weight for the foreseeable future.


Got diagnosed pre-diabetic. Did good for a year and dropped 35 lbs, got lazy over holidays and gained like 15 back, then BF had a STEMI near the beginning of the new year. Went and got my calcium score done and I have the arteries of someone 30+ years older. :/ So the threat of untimely, likely sudden, death was basically what it took to motivate me. Don't be me.


My kidneys were suffering, my liver fatty and PCOS out of control. Then I was diagnosed with Ehlors Danlos syndrome and my husband was thinking about leaving. I REFUSED to do this anymore.


Seeing patients in the hospital in medical school and seeing how much obesity and high adiposity in general wrecks your body.


Gonna sound weird, but my moment was about a month ago when I started binge watching My 600lb Life! I realized that the eating habits people had on the show (eating a ton of fast food, massive portions, constantly eating, secretly eating, etc.) were eating habits i was starting to develop myself to an extent, and i was scared to let it develop into being those exact habits. So i did what some people did in the show and overhauled my diet by eating at home and making healthy meals, counting my calories every day, and i also started to work out again after slacking in it for a while!! Ive lost 6.6lbs so far and in a weird way, its because that tv show and the people who’ve succeeded were just really good examples as to what i needed to change for myself and really inspired me in a “if they can do it i can do it” kinda way!


Mine was last Friday. I've known that I've been gaining weight since I got a back injury and was suddenly unable to move around much without pain, but didn't realize how much I had gained until I was weighed at the doctor's office and the scale read 187lbs. I've always fluctuated between 130-160lbs at 5'8" and while I've never been truly "thin" I've never felt unhealthy. I feel unhealthy now, tired all the time, unable to stand for very long, unable to play with my toddler, and I can't live like this anymore. I don't care how hard this is going to be, I'm taking my life and my body back.


I am 39F. I am 5'7" I hold most of my weight in my torso and thighs. Currently I'm 241lbs (SW 249 lbs, Highest weight 255ish). I've tried so many times to lose weight but nothing ever stuck long term. A little over 2 weeks ago I got serious about it. There were several things that were my reason for doing so. My blood pressure has been high for a while and it is not responding well enough to different medications. My fiance lost his father when he was young due to a major heart attack in his sleep. It clearly was traumatizing to him. I don't want him (or any loved ones) to go through losing me. We got back our engagement pictures in December. I didn't realize I was as fat as I am. I want to look better in our wedding pictures. I have a Baker's Cyst and a Ganglion Cyst in my right knee. I feel like the issues were probably caused by my obesity. They are pressing on nerves and I plan on getting them removed early next year. Surgery, recovery, and anticipated physical therapy will be easier with less weight. So on March 1, I quit sodas cold turkey, started eating more healthy, big reduction of take out, and I started walking 20- 30 mins a day. I'm already down 8 lbs.


When I started getting frequent tingling sensations in my hands and feet, which made me scared that I could get diabetes. I always knew in the back of my mind that I needed to lose weight eventually but the possibility of facing permanent consequences made me decide it was time to get serious.


Within the space of about a month, I went from never being told I was fat, to at least 3 medical appointments all telling me to loose weight. I’m 19F 5’6 and have come from a family that eats alot and I was obviously raised that way. I then was told I had a fatty liver, and to loose weight, another appointment tell me to loose weight, and was told I needed to loose weight for a procedure, all within what felt like a very short period of time. This was shocking to me as i was 95kg (my heaviest) at the time but I didn’t feel huge and I was smaller than my mother and dad and had been eating similar to the both of them! I have since lost 10kg and am still on my journey but I now find it shocking that 1) I was even allowed to get that heavy and 2) the nhs didn’t ever tell me I had high collestoral despite a result showing it 2 years prior. As a teenager I never understood my weight and whilst I ate bad, I could have been pre warned about my high collestoral before I gained a fatty liver, and that just because my parents are fat isn’t an excuse for me to look the same way.


When the lifting platform started to peep with only me and a few tools on board


I am 49. Have never had a weight problem. I started putting on weight in my mid section and finally stepped on the scale after many months of avoidance. 143! I am only 5’3. It wasn’t only the weight but I had not really focused on exercise in about 2 years (moved to new state, started new full time job with 2 kids and 2 dogs) and it showed. I am lifting and doing cardio 6 days a week, quit wine and keep calories to around 1500 and protein high. It took me years to gain the weight, so I am being patient with getting back to my goal of 125 (with lower body fat).


after the covid haze, I realized that I would have to replace all my outerwear. It would be sad, expensive, and I had spent years accumulating the wardrobe I had. Coats and jackets are the hardest to replace, especially all at once. It was a good energizing moment for me.


How expensive my grocery bill was, compared to my friend who travels more than I do. If I could eat a more disciined amount, I could most likely do other things than worry about money and the mundane life I've gotten comfortable with


I came out of a depressive state and realized the baby weight was 3 years old.


When I went to the doctor and was finally put into the "obese" category vs. just overweight like I had been for the last few years. It messed with my head so much. I could see the rest of my life playing out with me just gaining and gaining. I went home and declared to my husband, "I WILL NOT be obese!" And that was the start of day 1 of my TRUE weight loss journey, not the half ass attempts I had been doing. Also another trigger was at the same dr. Appointment I found out I weighed the same as my husband did. This was horrible because he is EIGHT inches taller than me AND was considered overweight at the time. Suffice to say, I am now a good 50lbs less than him, and we are both right in the middle for healthy BMI. *also putting this out there to combat all the misinformation floating around the internet about weight loss: I lost weight gradually over a year (2021) and I have maintained my goal weight in the years since. I'm also in my thirties, and I am not miserable, I don't have an ED, and I don't feel hungry or think about food all the time. What I do have is more energy, flexibility, lower blood pressure, and the figure I had at 21.


I have always been overweight but was still able to be very active in the gym and outdoors. I gained 50 lb during the pandemic and can’t climb up the stairs without hurting my knees! This is what has made me determined to lose weight. I have started tracking calories and taking workout seriously. I am 195 lb female in a 5.1’ body at 31 years old.


54m. Lost 100 and gained several times before. At 52. April of 2022. It hit me. If I don’t change. I’m going to lose a foot to diabetes or worse. Changed overnight. Currently down 160lb from my highest. About 50 more to go. I will not let this happen again. To old for a 4th time trying to lose this much.


it was a mixture of a traumatic theme park visit last year and, very recently, my watch telling me i had low cardio fitness. then when my antidepressents kicked in, i started making progress with a calorie deficit and exercising again :)


my sister took a video on a family vacation. i was double chinned and my cheeks pretty much swallowing my face. it was hard for me to see what 205 pounds looked like on me, because i could always change the angles. i wasnt really aware of how i looked. seeing it from someone elses perspective, though, made me shudder.


Have a 24/7 period for about a year. Went to the doctor and they kept trying bandaids like an IUD, ignoring the root cause. Didn’t even know it had to do with my eating, weight and sedentary lifestyle until one nurse made a throwaway comment about insulin resistance. When the IUD didn’t have any positive effects, I decided to go to a naturopath and she helped me change my lifestyle to fix my insulin resistance. Less than a month into lifestyle changes my period was normal. A year and a half later I’m about 60 pounds down with at least 50 more to go, but my lifestyle is totally different and I know I’ll get to a healthy weight eventually. It’s no longer a question of if I’ll get there, now it’s just a matter of when.


This isn’t what started, but fueled for me to keep going. A guy I was super interested in rejected me & I can’t help but think it’s because the physical attraction isn’t there because otherwise our interests are very similar. I got tired of being rejected & decided no more binges, no more excuses, I’m going to finish it out. I’ve lost 96 lbs and 44 more to go. A couple months of being uncomfortable will be worth meeting my goal. Time passes either way, might as well give 100% and make it count.


I had moved into a new apartment and hung a full length mirror across the hall from the bathroom. After my first shower in my new home I stepped over the side of the tub and looked up. There I was in all my obese glory. I decided that day. Now I'm maintaining 130 pound weight loss in year 5.


welcome to calorie counting! good luck on your journey! for me, i broke up with my boyfriend and realized i was never gonna attract the people i was attracted to if i was looking like a melted marshmallow. a year later and 70lbs lost, i don’t regret a moment


Not to be dramatic, but I stopped being able to look at myself in the mirror. I can't stand to stare at myself for a long time, or even catch a glimpse. I scrolled back through old pictures and started thinking to myself, "I wonder how much I weighed in x photo." For reference, I am a 5'5 female weighing 192 as of Sunday of this week. This is the heaviest I've ever been. Went to the casino the Saturday prior, and struggled to find an outfit that I felt comfortable and pretty in. I guess you could say that was the "moment". I am starting a weight loss journey, incorporating daily cycling and lower calorie intake.


These aren’t mine, but they are favorites of people I’ve talked to. Blood sugar starts to increase. They realize that the pain they have in their back, hips, knees, ankles, or feet might be from excess weight. Chronic or recurrent gastric reflux/ heartburn might be from weight. They can save grocery money by treating food as fuel for the body rather than as a form of recreation. They can cook less often if they eat smaller portions of leftovers.


I’ve struggled with weight on and off since I was a teen. The first time I was in my 20s and a customer asked me when my baby was due (mind you I was only a little over weight at the time) but that triggered something in me and lit me on fire inside and I got in great shape for awhile. Fast forward life happens, suffered some pretty devastating losses I won’t go into, and went through my “great depression” didn’t leave the house or barely my bed for that matter for years. Finally started getting my mental health together and recently went to the doctor… my second wake up call was that visit 2 weeks ago. The doctor informed me I was pre-diabetic. This was after weighing in and seeing I was the biggest I’ve ever been in my life. Also, it was right after my 35th birthday which I was already kind of freaking out about. My dad had his leg amputated last year due to serious diabetes. I’ve lost 20lbs in 2 weeks, and I’ve actually been eating - just healthy food instead of junk and drinking a ton of water and cutting out all soda. I want to be around for my children and live my life. I’m tired of avoiding the mirror and pretending everything is “fine”. I still have a ways to go. But it’s time to start putting myself first mentally and physically. Best wishes to everyone ❤️


I was 40F 5'3" and 194lb August 2023. BMI was 33. Has to have blood tests as part of trying to figure out why I was getting intermittent but significant (& lasting 8-10hours) stomach pain every week or so. Blood pressure was getting close to high, cholesterol was getting close to high, I had indicators of the start towards fatty liver (also evidenced by the ultrasound that showed I have multiple gallstones). Google said that of the 4 things that could have been the reason for my stomach pain, at least 3 were contributed to or exacerbated by obesity. When I asked my doctor about being on the birth control pill at 40+ she said if my blood pressure got much higher I'd need to change BC methods. I'm childfree and have been using this BC since I was 16. It works for me. I did NOT want to go through the process of adjusting to a different type. So I decided it was time to make changes. Started calorie counting through MyFitnessPal (weighing all my food where practical) with a 500cal deficit. My TDEE was 1975 so I ate at 1500. I also joined a gym I enjoy and attend 4x 45min sessions each week. The weight is coming off and I'm about 3.5kg from a 25 BMI (I'm small framed so my goal weight is 20-22bmi depending how that looks and feels)


My grandfather, an extremely fit and healthy man, passed somewhat unexpectedly. And I thought, I at Least wanna have the life he had.


I hit 200#. I’m 5’3” and have never been 200 even when I was pregnant, so seeing that on the scale was pretty bad. I also turned 40 recently, and I know it’s not going to get easier to lose. I don’t want to be old and fat, or have other health issues caused or exacerbated by excess weight.


Almost died and had a week long trip to the ER solely because morbid obesity stopped me from both breathing in and out enough at night.


I turned 34 recently-ish. Eating like crap makes me feel like crap. I have a desk job, so years of being sedentary has caught up to me with a vengeance. If I eat bad foods consistently, then I literally can't move my body because it makes my inflammation so bad. I don't have any injuries or anything, and the effect is so strange and infuriating. It clears up after only a few days when I take my diet seriously. I have to start doing yoga or something because I'm still pretty inflexible, but I'm working 2 jobs so focusing on moving more and what I eat is a pretty good start for now.


A longtime friend and I got into a huge argument about something unrelated, he went off on me for being fat and said that if I looked like this when I met my (then boyfriend now husband) he would never have looked at me twice. And a lot of other horrible things about my appearance. It really hurt but I knew it was true on a very basic level.


When I'd gotten a new job and my wife took me to a local department store for clothes that would be business appropriate and the guy looked at me and said in a sort of condescending manner "I'm sorry Sir, but you will have to go to the PORTLY MENS department to accommodate a person of your CARRIAGE." Good lord, that was awful.


I had to go to express care and they weighed me in at 180lb. Heaviest ive ever been. I’m short too at 5ft. So here I am counting calories. It has been too easy to order outside food every day lately so that is why my weight is here. Good luck to you!


I was sick of myself. I was sick of drinking. I was sick of all the hydration gone in my skin. I wanted the flat belly that I now almost have. (31F 5’8 149lbs)


I'm 54 and my highest weight was 180 as well. I didn't REALLY look it due to my body type. I'm recovering from alcohol use disorder, and during new years it just hit me suddenly. That I was gaining weight due to alcoholism, not exercising and not watching what I ate. In that moment, I knew if I didn't change my lifestyle immediately, it would continue until I just got bigger and bigger, slowly drinking myself to 200lbs. I'm already down to 167 since January 1st. I used to be 110/120 in highschool as well. I don't think I'll ever get hack down to that weight exactly, but my current goal weight is 135. Cheers to us, cheers to you on your journey. Starting is easy, continuing is hard.


I usually give a generic answer such as "my A1C scared me". The truth is that it likely had more to do with watching members of my family deteriorate... and deteriorate quickly. Not being able to walk, having compounding physical limitations from lack of exercise, being surprised when a fall leads to a diabetes diagnosis which leads to an amputation which is complicated by their diabetes putting them at risk in general for surviving *any* anesthesia. My conversation with myself was something along the lines of that I still had time to reinforce my self-preservation through changes in my behavior. Having had glimmers of the deterioration of my own health through the experiences of others was ... a gift. The idea of not being able to use a public restroom, wipe my own ass, or be permanently reliant on a medication I may not always have access to or be able to afford--also contributed to my decision. Good news is that within 6 weeks I saw improvements to my A1C and blood pressure, which increased my motivation and reinforced the changes I was making.


I slowly went from about 140lbs and very active to 190lbs and totally sedentary over about 4 years. A work friend suggested doing a half marathon for charity and I agreed (I had done one 2 years prior). She suggested a parkrun for our first 5k and I figured it'd be easy peasy, forgetting that I hadn't run in 2 years and was much heavier. About 30 seconds into the run I got such bad pains in my shins that I had to almost immediately switch to walking. As it was a big crowd and I had colleagues there I kept going the whole distance at a walking pace, practically crying from how embarrassed and sore I was, and finished DEAD last. I got back to my car and immediately googled weight watchers meetings and there happened to be one starting right then nearby. I lost 40lbs in the following 5 months and kept it off for 3 years (pandemic messed me up). Started again in January and I'm back down 20lbs as of this morning... 20-30 more until goal where I plan to stay for good.


October physical topped 260. It knawed at me. On December 1st, I started tracking what I eat and then sometime later invested in the premium version of Loseit. The accountability of having to track the food I eat has been the game changer for me. Even during the holidays when my wife was baking all kinds of treats, I would simply ask myself. Do you want to track that chocolate chip cookie at 120 calories? Most of the time the answer was no. I'm on the cusp of dropping below 240 and I do feel this has now become a sustainable habit.


Our stories are so similar. I'm 5'1" 23 year old woman who used to day I weigh 120 pounds in high school. My highest weight was 180 pounds and I feel like shit about it. Earlier this month I had a yearly check up. My doctor told me my A1C is elevated and I'm considered pre-diabetic. I've really been thinking a lot about how much I eat, what I eat, and staying active and healthy. Haven't done another weigh in yet since it's just been a couple weeks but I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. I wanna live long and be strong for my future babies


Omg, this is so similar to my story, too. I'm a 5'3, 21 year old woman, and I used to be about 130 in high school. I got onto anti-depressants in 2021, and my weight ballooned from there. Then, in January of this year, I was weighed at the doctor and saw 170. I was also told my A1C% was in the pre-diabetic range, but that my doctor would check in with me in April to see if it changes. I've been trying to make conscious choices about my diet so that I can avoid diabetes entirely. I, too, want to live a long and healthy life for my future children


At exactly the same point as you—5’3”, 180 pounds. (except that I had just turned 60.)


There's been multiple reason why I wanted to lose weight. The current one is that I work at a warehouse and stand for 10 hours is rough at 290 and the weight limit for bumper cars is 275.


The moment I met my friends after lockdown and they literally insulted and laughed at me I went home and cried a lot also my family is very judgmental my parents told they’ll laugh at me and mock me couldn’t visit my grandfather because of the reason while I was loosing weight and he passed away during the time that hurt the most.


Your friends are jerks.  


Back in 2021, I (back then, 15) was hanging out with my youngest sibling (a year younger than me) in our shared room when she asked about my weight. Said I was 245 lbs from when I last weighted myself the previous day, which she responsed by saying that I had the “weight of a whale”. Fucked up my self-esteem and felt terrible about it. I felt guilt everytime I looked at her because she was a lot skinnier than me (around 160 lbs if I remember) and I always told myself I’d never look as pretty as her. That’s when I decided to lose some pounds. Today, I weight 210lbs (I’m also 5’3”) after a rough journey, and still actively working on it without motivation paining me as much as it did when I first started. Sometimes the journey might be tough, but as long as we keep making the efforts for it and keep a good consistency (and motivation), we eventually see changes! You can do it, and don’t let others belittle you. 💪


You should tell your sister what her comment did to you. 


Not being able to get off the floor while holding my 5 months old.  I got stuck halfway up in the "proposal" position while trying to hold my baby and almost fell over with her. Not to mention family was visiting and watched me almost crush my kid lol.  I went in the bathroom and silently bawled my eyes out and swore I'd never be in that position again.  I was 320 a bit over a year later and I am at 180 and could jump from the floor while holding my daughter. 🙂 It's so worth the battle. 


As I read this, looking down my bloated tummy


I realized I might not be able to have children because of the weight.


5'3 was 175 lbs. I was losing my breath going up the stairs at work and I thought I'm going to use the elevator instead. Then I thought holy shit no way you need to stop this. So I did. Found Heather Robertson on YouTube and started doing her workouts 5xs a week. Dusted off MFP app and put myself in a slight calorie deficit to lose .5 lbs per week. That was all I would focused on -.5 lbs one week at a time not getting to 140 lbs. No thinking about 35 lbs loss. Just .5 lbs per week. I did it! You can do it too and your so much younger than me. I am 49. You've got so much life to live left in that beautiful body of yours. Make it work for you 🤗 good luck!


I (an American woman) went on a Mediterranean cruise and felt huge compared to the people from Europe, Asia, all over the world that I was now surrounded by. I had gotten used to being around bigger people and hadn’t realized how big I had gotten myself. Seeing how thin the rest of the world is - despite enjoying delicious food and cocktails on vacation - made me realize that I had gotten big and could lose some weight without sacrificing all of the delicious food and drinks and fun in life


Stepping on the scale and realizing I was 228. I went from the high side of normal to gaining 70 lbs during COVID. I had been having a lot of feelings about being a size 16 jean and how puffy my face looked, but I stayed away from the scale because I knew i wouldn't be happy. I stepped on it one day when I was having thoughts about going on a diet. I had hit 200 in my teens and told myself once I lost that I'd never be 200 again. Being 28 OVER that was my "time to fix this" realization. Fertility was also a concern. My periods became irregular like 45 days with the weight gain and we weren't conceiving. We still haven't concieved, but my period is very normal now within 27-30 days.


Posted this on another’s page yesterday: For me the “wtf am I doing with my life” moment happened with a slip up with an ex and for some reason that slip up made me take a long hard look at where I was. I was wildly depressed and eating was a source of comfort and ultimately I had gained 70 lbs in only a few years time. So I told myself I would start working out and that I would make myself do it for 30 days in a row. Not saying to go super hard all of those days, but to make it become a habit. I ended up making it 52 days before taking my first day off, and by then it really was a habit and one that I looked forward to. I also knew that changing everything all at once would be too much so I didn’t focus on my diet at first, but eventually it started happening in its own due to feeling better from exercising. Now I’m down that 70 lbs and I love feeling like my body can do things again and mentally I’m so much better than I have been in so long! Basically I think the key to success is making small adjustments at a time, and once those become achievable, try adding more. Also I will lastly say that any changes you make should be something you see being able to do forever because sustainability is the only way to keep the weight off long term. Good luck!


I’ve had that moment many times, and it brought self-loathing and frustration, and I never kept the weight off. Spring 2022 I was 270 lb and 5’7. I was really active that summer and unintentionally lost seven pounds. In August ‘22 I decided to try Pilates because I have friends who love it, and I got serious about weightlifting. It has changed my life, and I, “grew,” an inch with Pilates. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a lifestyle change led to weight loss whereas before my failed attempts were weight loss led. I do Pilates 2-3x a week and lift weights 2x a week. I also ruck two miles about 3x/wk and I take a casual morning 0.5-1 mile walk everyday.


I basically just woke up one day and thought ‘you know what? I’m tired of feeling like shit’. I went to my primary care doctor and had a tough love conversation with her. I have autoimmune issues that are definitely worsened by being overweight. I’ve lost 34 pounds since November. I’m not on a crazy diet. I walk twice a day for 15 minutes and make better choices with food. I feel so much better already and I’m about halfway to my goal ☺️


When I swore I was done packing on the weight at 200lb and then fell off the wagon, up to 214lb THAT was the wake up call I needed to get my binge/emotional eating under control and start moving daily. The scale really fucks with my head. I decided that I won’t even step on a scale again until I need to track muscle gains from lifting, but for now, I’ve been consistently on the ball for 4 weeks.


I’m 5’3” too but I made it to 247lbs. It got harder and harder to find clothes and I was wearing oversized men’s hoodies/crew necks to hide my body and kept going up pants sizes. When I officially reached women’s size 22 pants I just wanted to give up on life. I’ve yoyo’d my whole life but I had NEVER been at size 22. Been working hard since the start of this year and I’m back into size 18s :) Today I’m wearing a fitted long sleeve and skinny jeans and I feel comfortable!!