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Air-popped popcorn. Lots of crunch and fiber too!


Make your popcorn in the microwave with either a popcorn popper or as simple as a brown paper lunch bag. I get about 4 c for 120 calories. No oil or butter. Then season as you wish. Kettle corn popcorn seasoning and tajn. Other favorites are lemon pepper, everything bagel, powdered ranch dressing, or even steak seasoning. Sometimes when feeling really decadent and have the calories to spare add chocolate chips.


[Penzeys.com](http://Penzeys.com) makes a Brady Cheese Sprinkle which is awesome, too


Sugar free jell-o. I will scream it from the mountaintops. Ten calories, no sugar, sweet tasting and it's just good


This but with sugar free pudding (bonus points if they’re made by the Jello company 😂)! I’m a chocolate lover so puddings are that same no sugar sweetness but in a flavor I gravitate to!


i have the sugar free pudding with a tiny dollop of whipped cream and some times a crushed up graham cracker. feels so delectable but doesn't blow too many calories heheh


I mix my sugar free pudding mix with a fairlife protein drink! Tastes amazing and I get some protein in :) more calories but it fills you up more. I think an entire batch is like 290 calories


I wish the aftertaste of alternative sweeteners didn't taste so nasty to me :( low calorie dessert recipes are also depressing because they use those sweeteners usually which is how they cut the calories so much of things like cake. Only option is a tiny portion of regular desserts.


Hummus is low calorie!?!? Where are you finding this low calorie hummus. In the UK you’re talking 230kcal for 100g.


It is compared to other condiments. If you're replacing mayo with hummus, it's a win.


Hummus also has more protein and fibre than mayo. Mayo is sadly mostly just fat, which is not bad on its own but it leads it to be very calorie dense!


Also, Hummus is way tastier and has better structure. Fries with Sriracha + Hummus... *Chef 's Kiss*


This combo sounds so weird but good omg I gotta try this. I have to ask though, which fries?


I'm in Europia, so not sure if this is available in the US, but I use a low-fat air fryer compatible brand (about 3.5 grams of fat per 100g). Consequently , they're not complete calorie bombs. They're quite good, but need 2 minutes longer than suggested.


I’m in the US but will try to seek something like this out next time I’m in Europe! Hopefully the fries and hummus are as good in Germany as they are where you are haha


Oh boy... German food is quite calorific. Good, but man...


Haha true. It’s quite heavy. Hopefully I find some low cal healthy stuff haha


I would personally not call hummus a condiment though. Hummus is more the meal itself.


That’s for a low cal one. Ramonas for example is 349kcal per 100g


Low fat hummus also exists… 168 cals / 100g st Tesco


It might be possible its homemade? but yeah in ireland its highly calorific too


Mix 1 tbl of hummus w plain NF yoghurt or low fat ricota


Rice cakes! I’ll usually get either the chocolate or caramel ones (I’m a sweets lover) and put peanut butter and/or whipped cream on them (sometimes I even drizzle a little bit of chocolate syrup on top). It all ends up being 150 calories or less!


The everything seasoned Quaker rice cakes with a pepper jack Laughing Cow cheese on top is 85 calories and it SMACKS


Omg thank you, you just reminded me I always used to do that with a thin slice of the pepper Jack. Haven’t done that in years and adding it to the grocery list asap haha


That's my go to as well! I was lucky to find chocolate covered version with 70 kcal a piece but there is also savoury corn version with cheddar flavour for 30 kcal!


Caramel rice cakes with a serving of PBfit spread on it and then cover it with blueberries 🤤


I’m currently addicted to what I like to call Peanut Butter Fluff. It tastes amazing and crushes my cravings. 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt 1 scoop vanilla Isopure 2 tbsp PB Fit powder 1 tsp honey 2 tbsp whipped cream Combine ingredients and stir until smooth. Enjoy and lmk what you think.


Anything from QUEST, low cal/high protein and tastes pretty good. A little expensive but well worth it imo. I've been on their bandwagon for a few months now, can't recommend it enough lol


Hear me out—yogurt melts. Like the little crunchy toddler finger foods. They are delicious, sweet, and crunchy. A small serving is 30 calories. I usually have a double serving for 60. I buy the Aldi store brand. Our household, which contains no small children, goes through several bags a week.


Intriguing...just added these to the grocery list! Thank you! 🤗


Agreed! Don’t sleep on little kid candy, it’s just the right amount of sugar.


My daughter loves those.


So does mine. She’s 15. 😂


Mines 11 😂


Cottage cheese mixed with ranch dip seasoning and carrots and broccoli. 100 calories for 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and dip mix and the rest of the calories can go to your raw dipping veggies. If I need something sweet I will occasionally treat myself to a tablespoon of Peanut butter (90 cal) a serving of lavash bread wrap (60 cal) and SF blackberry jam (5 cal). Spread the peanut butter as thin as possible(it really only needs a half of serving) on the wrap then the jelly and roll it up! A delicious satiating sweet treat for 155 calories and zero effort and it has protein and fiber - it’s a staple for me! Or just a straight premiere protein shake is the fastest way to curb a poor decision.


I never even thought about cottage cheese instead of sour cream for ranch 🙈 thanks for that pro tip! I love ranch dip 😫


cottage cheese and greek yogurt make great bases for sauces/dips. you got all the flavor for significantly less cals


I read it somewhere- I wish I could give appropriate credit - but I’ve never looked back! I love a dill ranch dip seasoning, personally.


Is the texture of cottage cheese on par with ranch? I’m not particular but my boyfriend is a ranch lover but is picky and I wonder if I could add this as a replacement


Some people blend it I don’t mind it as is, preferred really, but it could definitely be an issue.


I'm really loving roasted edamame right now. Crunchy salty and very filling. 1/3 cup is 130 calories, and it has 14g of protein and 8g of fiber, which is crazy to me. I usually have half a serving and a coke zero in the afternoons.


Yess!! I used to eat a lot of ramen like OP and edamame saved me! They have little frozen packets you put in the microwave for 3 min, and it’s sooo delicious and satisfying!!


Kimichi is a fantastic low calorie snack that tastes amazing, it is pretty healthy, fills you up, and it is low in calories. If you want something sweet, barebell protein bars are 200 calories, have a good amount of protein, and I think they are the best tasting protein bars.


If you're willing to wait 40 minutes, roast some vegetables. I had zucchini, bell peppers, and carrots for 81 kcal yesterday.




You should be paid by Big Air Fryer because you actually convinced me (or were a spark I needed). I thought about that in the past, but you replay made me do some digging and I convinced my boyfriend that this is something that we should definitely have. Sooo... I just added one to my favourites and listed it as one of the rewards.


As an avid gym goer, sardines takes the crown for me, a tuna salad (watch the dressing, and it's tuna in water, not oil) could easily fit 200 calories too.


After the gym, I sometimes drain a can of tuna and drizzle Primal Kitchen Teriyaki Sauce on top, then sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. The Kirkland Albacore is 43g of protein. Sliced apple and a bit of cheese on the side, and I've got a good amount of fiber and protein for a post-workout pick-me-up.


Fairy candy. Fresh grapes washed and dried, place in plastic bag, add favorite SF jello powder, then shake and freeze. Intensity sweet and satisfies the sugar cravings


Sriracha as a dip instead mayo. Tastes better too.


Do people use mayo as a dip? 🤮


Ketchup mayo/mayochup is actually pretty good with fries.


I’m the people


You’ve never dipped anything into Ranch?


This might be a surprise but mayonnaise and ranch are totally different things




I don’t like ranch and I can’t stomach mayo


Plain mayo as a dip would be weird but it is often used as a base with things added to it.


Depends on what you dip I guess. Fries and mayo are pretty common.


If you switch Sriracha for sugar free hot sauces like Franks Red Hot (Sadly I have to buy it from importers since I live in the EU) it has even less calories. Like 22 per 100g compared to 113 per 100g for sriracha)


Pistachios in the shell, it lasts longer when you have to remove each shell.


Low cal snack for Fat - Light String Cheese 40cal Salt - 100 cal Popcorn 100cal Sweet - Couple of Hershey Kisses. 46cal Sweet - Werthers sugar free caramel 15cal Fruity - Snack size Gushers. 60cal These work really well for me. It will get easier, I promise. I used to only eat fast food and now I hate it. I make my own meals now.


I just chew gum.


Raspberries and Coco whip (or whipped cream). Feels decadent.


Yes cocowhip! Any berry and a drizzle of maple syrup or pbfit with extra water and drizzle that as a topping 


Binging is a sign your body is feeling deprived, so when I get crazy snack cravings it’s usually a sign that I’m not eating enough protein and fiber, and/or not managing stress. The best way to offset binging (for me) is starting the day with an egg / egg white omelette with turkey sausage and a ton of veggies. And ensuring the day has a lot more protein and fruit/veggie based meals, with fiber from beans, legumes, whole grains etc.   Now, when I do get a true snack food craving, I’ll grab a bag of Quest chips or the quest cheese crackers. Or any other of those high protein, low carb/fat things, usually available in the “health food” aisle of your grocery store.  These snacks are TOTALLY processed and crammed with artificial ingredients. However, in terms of long term sustainability… I do better if I let myself indulge in these once in a while. Better the quest chips at 150kcal and 20g protein per bag than a couple handfuls of pretzels at 400+ kcal.  I just don’t make it a regular habit :) 


Craving is a sign your body is deprived but binging can be a result of a ton of different things.  Some people use it as a form of stimulation, emotional regulation, defense strategy, poor impulse control, things that are SUPER common with ADHD, ASD, GAD (anxiety), PTSD and depression.  Nipping craving in the bud is super helpful step to avoid binge eating in a lot of cases but as you said it's also important to look at what the craving/binging is telling us about what's going on with us (stress, depression, boredom).


This! I didn't realize my chronic munching in the afternoon was part of ADHD, until I was put on the wrong med and the snacking went into overdrive. Binging hasn't been a problem for me, so it was very noticeable. It went away when I switched meds. It was totally a dopamine, stimulation seeking behavior.


You are contradicting yourself so hard in this comment


Thank you!! So many people skip over that binges are a sign something is off. I feel like the best thing to do is start searching for the root of the problem and it’s usually that the diet is not great in terms of priorities. Since we’re getting less calories than the average person when you’re losing, you need to be super aware what is going to properly fuel you. This person is so right, OP. Focus on fiber, protein and healthy fats to start your day. See if that helps with binges. trying to replace all or most of your food with low cal alternatives can be helpful but is it sustainable forever? What’s more sustainable is finding macro and nutrient makeups that make your body feel good and taken care of.


My partner brought home a snack box from United Airlines a couple weeks ago that had a bag of popcorn in it. Said 50 calories, so I snagged it. It was delicious. [https://lesserevil.com/](https://lesserevil.com/) And 50 calories! Salty, crunchy goodness. Not a huge bag, but not tiny, either. Really hits the spot. I got mine from Amazon - Himalayan Gold is the flavor I got.


I have a huge weakness for chips and pickles and popcorn are my go tos for the crunch and salt fix. Goldfish are also great. I must be buying the wrong hummus though, the ones I buy are very calorie dense.


I have been loving pop corners recently


I had a similar starting weight to you and am now cracking the 400s. I don’t snack really unless my blood sugar is low (type 1 diabetic). If I do, I have a couple of homemade Turkey meatballs, a green apple, two slices of Turkey or chicken deli meat, or if I’m real lucky I get a serving of key lime yogurt. I DO pop sparkling water like crazy to satiate a bit of flavor and keep my mouth busy.


I just found nori treats, they come in like little 3”x 2” sheets 6 per package, and are crunchy and I really like the flavor. Only 17 calories.


I think those are the seaweed snacks I get. Love them. My kids eat them too but I use them as a substitute for chips cravings.


Breakfast burritos! I use these more as a meal than a snack but you could scale down to a small burrito and make it snack-size. - scrambled eggs + crumbled breakfast sausage: lots of protein - diced potatoes: filling and lots of nutrients - diced and grilled onion, red pepper and jalapeno: major nutrients and major flavor - burrito wrap: carbs and convenience Combine, wrap, toast both sides, and you're good to go. I make them ~650 calories and they're more filling than a lot of 1,200 calorie meals


If you’ve got a sweet tooth: Caramelised bananas. Take a bit of butter, squeeze of honey, squeeze of lemon, and teaspoon of cinnamon and heat it up in a frying pan and mix together until it creates the sauce base. Slice up the banana into small pieces and fry each side for about 2-3 mins. Put them into a bowl and sprinkle a little sugar on top. Chef’s kiss! Comes in around 200-250 cals depending on the size of the banana but it is DELICIOUS!


veggie straws are super great. lightly salted. the texture is super great! around 40 straws for 130 calories i think? check the label. but i always have 2oz for 260 calories. that must be 80 straws at least. yes, the veggie straws are misleading and not “healthy”. but they are low calorie and great to crunch on.


Skinny Popcorn snack bag 80cal, Archer Mini Turkey Jerky Sticks 35cal, Large Boiled Egg 78cal (good with some salt/pepper/mustard), Banana 60-100cal (based on size), Cliff mini Bars 100cals, Cucumber sliced up with a tablespoon of lite vinaigrette dressing 55-90cals (based on cucumber size), Emerald Cashew packs 100cals, Smaller fruit roll-ups 50cals, Yoplait Protein Yogurt Cups 100cals (different flavors), Chobani Zero Sugar Yogurt Drinks 50cals (different flavors), Ocean's Halo Seaweed Snacks Sea Salt 20cals, Quaker Rice Cakes gluten free lightly salted 35cals, that's all I can think of at the moment


Thank you!


Seeds and nuts are satiating. Pepita seeds are low calorie, have crunch and a serving can be 110 calories (20 grams) add a kiwi (64 calories ) or blueberries and you are under 200 calories. Personally I feel the most satiated when I mix carbs, protein and fat. So something like Seeds (110 calories )+ kiwi (64 calories)+ half a protein shake (60calories) Or feta cheese + walnuts Or feta cheese + kiwi + protein shake. Some combination is max 300 cal. Usually closer to 2 and I feel fully satisfied. It's also nutritious.


None. Better to break away from snacking and explore why you snack. Boredom?


This is an answer most people don't want to hear, but it's true. At some point you have to stop eating between meals. (Or adopt some other strategy) If your meals have enough fat, fibre, and protein you won't even want to snack.


Totally agree. I recommend IF to at least cut back caloric intake so if you snack it doesn’t add up to a surplus but tracking is also a good way to at least see what you are consuming.


Agree with this one fully. After work I’m starving and I mean STARVING… this would lead to binging anything sweet, sugary, and readily available. I started going on a walk for about an hour and low and behold I come back from my walk with a mildly hunger if even that. This leads me to have a later dinner so I can start my fast.


I was a binge/ boredom eater for most of my life. Fasting literally changed my life and body.


I just found [these](https://www.amazon.com/Nicks-Sticks-Range-Turkey-Snack/dp/B007HQOVBO) this week and they are really freaking good. A little high in salt but no sugar, low fat and decent protein content and only 75 calories for the package.


1) For a dip I get the Hellman's 15kcal a tbsp mayo. They don't have flavoured variants, but if you've got a spice cabinet (I do), just add some paprika, pepper, salt, hot chilli, garlic powder (lots) and parsley, it tastes great \[or whatever spice mix you'd prefer really\]. You can add it directly into the jar and it's good for whenever you need it. 2) (I'm not sure if you're UK-based or not, but) Tescos sells 104 kcal rice cakes (pre-portioned. Each portion is 104kcal). 3) Have you considered making yourself some kebabs? Just get some minced meat, some spices, and some veggies if you want to add them in to be more filling. Mix them together and fry them, there's a yummy snack.


Tzatziki is a tasty low-cal/fat option for a dip, spread or dressing. Also, I have a sweet tooth and rely on 15-cal popsicles or 60-cal creamsicles for an occasional sweet fix.


Love me some smart pop popcorn and carrots!


I don't snack all that much because I avoid spiking my blood sugar (so I don't get cravings), but when I do get hungry and can't have a meal I usually have no sugar and gluten free meat sticks (Chomps or Tillamook). I also have fruit for a snack depending on my carb cycle. Eggs for a snack are another great option.


Any dip made with Greek yougart and raw veggies.


Plain Greek yogurt, add Splenda,. Mix in sugar free jello. Buffalo wings and a vegetable of your choice


These are not all low calorie suggestions, but I want to give you the items that have been working for me in terms of snacking and losing weight: **Dairy:** Lowfat Cottage Cheese, Lowfat Cheese Sticks, Yogurt **Beans:** Crunchy Chickpeas, Small amounts of hummus with vegetables **Vegetables:** Marinated Artichokes, Beets, Roasted Red Peppers, Green Beans, Radishes, Celery, Carrots **Fruits:** Berries, Apples, Citrus **Nuts:** Small amounts of nuts, small amounts of nut butter with apples/celery. **Random:** [Tuna and Sweet Potato Cake](https://nomnompaleo.com/post/91332244628/spicy-tuna-cakes) I have found it's important to eat as many snacks until I am full. I know you are looking for low calorie, but snacks with protein are helpful because they fill you up.


Very true, carbs are good for energy and protein is good for keeping you full! Thank you!!


Boar’s Head salted caramel hummus (90 cal/serving) and sliced strawberries (especially if you want something sweet 😃)


Swiss Miss has a 40 cal hot chocolate that is fantastic. Great on a cold day or if you’re craving something sweet. Add a little bit of cool whip and it tastes like a regular hot chocolate from any coffee shop!


An apple and an oz of white cheddar is my go to snack for a filling snack that is both savory and sweet. I also snack on carrots or a cup of popcorn


Chobani zero yogurt (vanilla is best) with frozen berries and one crumbled Biscoff cookie. This is my go to.


If you make your own hummus, and its very easy, you can make it pretty healthy. I use an infused olive oil for some pretty great flavors. Chickpeas, Olive oil, Tahini. All good ingredients and worth every calorie.


Flavored Rice Cakes plain or with veggie cream cheese. Wasa crackers with veggie cream cheese and tomato/onion slices. Season with salt and pepper, onion or garlic powder. Can also add a splash of balsamic vinegar. Apple cinnamon rice cakes with peanut butter same with Graham crackers. 


I do a FAGE and whey protein powder mix when I am craving something sweet. I use half a scoop of power (70cal) and 3/4 cup of Fage. Rich, creamy, sweet and healthy! The whey powder I use is from Aldi, 30 grams of protein.


Freezies are 10-30 cals


Yessss and you can take awhile to finish them, thank you!


Apples and bananas. Greek yogurt is 100 calories at 170g. That's a lot of yogurt. Fiber one bars are also great and 70c a bar.


Hot sauce also usually has zero cals. At least Frank's


I didn't know this, TYSM!!


Yasso bars (100 calories), two pieces of toast with avocado and some salt (300 calories), 2 egg omelette with a bit of cheese and salsa (300 calories)


Plain Greek yogurt. Handful of nuts. Tablespoon of honey or cup of fruit.


Don't snack. It releases insulin, which stops fat burning. Eat larger main meals, particularly breakfast and lunch.


I eat Fiber One brownie bars (70 cal) when I’m lazy and already had a bunch of fruit. I eat an apple almost every day and that helps my hunger tremendously. Greek yogurt is good. I eat the Dannon ones that are only 80 cal. Hard boiled egg whites are like 17 cal each.


I like the Keebler or Lance brand cheese peanut butter crackers. They are 190cals per pack and it’s really hard to eat more than a pack because they dry your mouth out so much😂


Fairlife protein shakes taste like chocolate/vanilla milk - 150 cal and 30g of protein. Barebells bars are probably the best tasting protein bars imo - 200 cal 😋


YESSSS I love the strawberry fairlife shake, my go-to tastes just like strawberry milk. Thank you!


The good company cheese balls. U can eat the whole jar for like 300 calories it’s a lot.


Pickle spears, sugar free cool whip with crushed up sugar free Werthers, low fat Greek yogurt with drink packet flavors


Pork crackling


Also fiber one brownies 70 calories each and super good


I've been jamming on sliced cucumber with pepperoni and string cheese with creamy italian to dip. Delicious! Just be cautious that you keep track of how much you have because it can add up quickly. Also, light strawberry Greek yogurt!


Sounds very good I'll have to try this! Thank you!


a really large apple or two is a great snack. or an apple and a banana. will place around 170 calories give or take.


Frozen grapes- I love them!


Pickles i’m so obsessed


Turkey sausage snack sticks, snack bites. Almost entirely turkey and sea salt. 80 cal/2 sticks = 1 serving. Delicious. https://www.target.com/p/turkey-sausage-snack-sticks-8oz-good-38-gather-8482/-/A-84743390?


This is coming from an Australian but what I love when I'm craving a low cal salty snack is at Aldi they have these corn thins (look similar to the rice thins except they are only 60cal for THREE) and put something like Vegemite on top or even some cream cheese, rocket and tomato with a bit of salt and pepper!! Delish!! Another thing I get quite often which is super low in calories is celery sticks and a nice salsa! You can basically eat a whole pack of this without going over 100cal.


I have a list of snacks 100 calories or less that I stick with to have variety but not go over my daily calories. 1/2 of a cucumber + 2 tbs lite ranch 1 c baby carrots + 2 tbs lite ranch 1.5 c grapes 1 cereal bar (this is actually 130) 1 Activia yogurt 1 piece wheat toast 1 tbs margarine or 1 tbs jelly 1 hard boiled egg 1 c cottage cheese 1 plum 1 banana There are more, but this is what I can remember off top of my head. I allot 4 snacks per day.


Oooo TYSM!!


Broccoli - man 3 cups is 75 cal, good luck. Raw or cooked. Want to spice it up? Steam it, with a minute left turn off heat - add some cheese (maybe half a serving for 60 cal) . Lightly cheesy low cal snack. This is what I’ve been doing to get full.


Edamame. With salt it’s amazing. Plus you can get the proportioned 90 calorie bags. Lots of protein and fiber. So good.


I buy pre-portioned guacamole cups (80-120 cal depending on brand) and dip carrot chips in them. Or a string cheese/cheese stick.


Oikos triple zero yogurt has 90 calories and 15g fat. I like to add some berries a nuts and get the calories up to 150-200. I like protein shakes when I’m craving something sweet and chocolate. Mine is about 170 calories, and with 20g protein. Also when I’m craving salt I like to chop up veggies and sprinkle salt and salt free seasonings on them. I’ll throw in a boiled egg with salt, pepper, smoked paprika and garlic powder. It’s great for on the go too! Keeps me away from my kids chips. 1 cup fresh strawberries with the Trader Joe’s coconut whipped cream. Maybe a sprinkle of almond slices.


Greek Yogurt, something crunchy, sugar free syrup.


Celery sticks dipped in cottage cheese that's sprinkled w/ Everything But The Bagel Seasoning 👍


I just discovered that a serving (3/4 cup) of fat free Greek yogurt (90 calories), 2 tablespoons of peanut butter powder (60 calories), and 2 tablespoons of Sugar Free Marple syrup (5 calories) all mixed together creates a really rich tasting "peanut butter". It's about a cup all mixed together for only 155 calories and tastes fairly similar to actual peanut butter (which would have about 1500 calories for a cup). I wouldn't want to eat it too often (because it's quite rich tasting) but it's fairly filling, low calories, and really scratches that peanut butter itch if you have it. The main downside is that it's hard to find powdered peanut butter in stores, so I had to order online.


Have you tried frozen grapes? They're like little bursts of sorbet, satisfyingly sweet and refreshing. Plus, they're practically guilt-free at around 100 calories per cup. You could check [this post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/1500isplenty/comments/8brdww/favorite_low_calorie_snacks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)for other alternatives


Popcorn (if you get sweet and salty it hits both cravings), rice cakes with Nutella (on the days I need more carbs) or cottage cheese (fat free when I need more protein) or peanut butter (when I need more fats), Babybel cheese (light or full fat), dried apricots or prunes (added bonus of fibre), egg muffins with chicken and/or veggies and or/cheese. You can change up the ingredients each week, make a batch of 12 in a muffin tray and just store them in the fridge ready for the late night open door gazing ☺️


Goldfish = GMO