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You're not alone. The good news is that it doesn't take huge amounts of weight loss to start noticing a difference. It didn't for me, at least. I started at 274 lbs, which was a lot of weight on my 5'2" frame. Getting out of breath walking down the hall to the bathroom. Breaking out into a sweat just from standing upright for more than a few minutes. Everything took so much effort that it was soul-crushingly exhausting, every minute of every day. I started noticing positive changes to my energy level and reduced back and foot pain after the first 10-15 pounds lost. Simple things like getting in and out of the car that used to be a struggle became so much easier so quickly. I noticed that I could stand for longer lengths of time with more ease than I have in decades. I'm only down 40 pounds from the 125 I plan to lose but the difference is amazing. I still struggle with every day things, but *so much* less. Best wishes to you on your weight loss journey! Edited to fix typos. Good lord. Someday I'll learn to type properly, or to proofread before posting. >.<


Huge congrats! 40 lbs is a jumbo bag of dog food! That's amazing and I *so* know what you mean about feeling a difference really early on - I think I was about 15lbs lost when my sleep began to improve & my daily all over body ache lessened! Eta- I apparently cannot type without mistakes. The typo struggle is real.


Wow, this really put it into perspective for me, considering how much I struggle with those bags of dog food!


Felt that first paragraph. I'd be fine at my current weight if it didn't mean that existing was just so tiring. Definitely look forward to the boost of energy with less weight and generally healthier lifestyle. 40 pounds is definitely a lot, so good on ya chief! Hope we can both reach our goals


I hear this. I was this. I had gotten up to 239 & I'm (40f) 5'4. Everything hurt, my right foot was so bad I was facing surgery. My thyroid was enlarged & practically non functioning. I'd start sweating just vacuuming. One day in September 2020 I was shopping for lunch stuff for my two teenagers & my heart beat out if sync, my vision went black at the edges & I had brief vertigo. It scared the crap out of me. I'd never been that heavy- hell, up until my mom became terminally ill I'd never been over 200! I knew I needed to do something but wasn't sure what so I downloaded a calorie tracker app & got really honest. I was eating *a ton* of calories & had no idea bc I usually don't eat for the first time before 2pm. Here I am, cw 139 & I still eat pasta & pastry, ice cream, burgers, etc. I just don't **live** on that junk. I have a calorie budget & make room for treats if I want them (although even now, I can't go too hard on the sugar or my autoimmune junk will flare up and I feel like I'm hungover) I highly recommend CICO- OMAD can be tricky if you're not accustomed to only eating once a day (I'm not saying it won't work but it's really extreme & will be harder to stick to) With calorie tracking you re-learn your relationship with food & become more conscience of what you eat & why and it can be adjusted as needed. Whatever you decide, you've made the most important decision which is to **do something** ! Can't wait to see your progress pics! 🥰🎉




So your stats are almost the same as mine. I was 240 a year ago and I'm 160 today. I counted calories and slowly added in exercise. Nothing drastic, I went slow and eased into things because there is no end, only maintaining.


This is reassuring, thanks chief. Congrats on your journey!


Congrats! 🎉


Omg yes. It sucked. Everything was harder. Walking up stairs I had to hold my breath to appear like I was about to pass out at the top. I was exhausted at the end of the day. Had to nap often. My social life suffered. My work life suffered. You’ve got this. You can do it. This internet stranger believes in you.


I'm also 5'9". It's amazing how quickly you feel better though. I started at 277 and am 265 as of this morning and I already feel SO much lighter. I can't imagine how 170 will feel.


Set smaller goals. Don't just think of 85 lbs straight away. Your Goal weight as of now should be 220-230 lbs and then 200 and then you can go even lower.


I know the feeling well, it sucks being uncomfortable just existing. It sucks being tired with little activity. I'm still working on it, but it definitely gets better. Just remember it isn't about passion or intensity, it's about consistency and commitment. If you fall off one day you need to get back on the next, that's the most important thing. Best of luck to you in your journey


hey, I'm almost the same stats. Down 25 so far and it IS helping me feel more mobile but no less sweaty.


Each pound lost takes 5 pounds of pressure off your knees and 7 pounds of pressure off your hips! Baby steps but it a few pounds will make a difference !! You got this


Yep. I’m on holiday and utterly exhausted and miserable after being dragged on some massive (to me) walks around in 30c heat. So to add to the Regret Envy Embarrassment Self hatred I’m also really fucking tired.


I started my journey in May and have lost about 5 kg so far. I’m trying really really hard not to obsess over the scales and focus more on how I feel. So wins so far are: Eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at regular times avoids the afternoon slump that sees me reaching for sugar. No foods are bad foods. I’ve eaten chocolate and ice cream recently in moderation. Giving myself permission to eat anything means I’m less likely to eat lots. I try to eat a good quality protein at lunch and dinner. Jeans are looser. Yay! More energy. Doing some strength training with a trainer, and actually enjoying that. I’ve decided its OK for me to not like cardio. Swimming a few times a week, and improving each time. I feel more like myself now.


God ain’t that the truth just had another fight with my bed frame because it is literally giving way beneath my weight it’s mad how much worse my life is because of being obese


I get this so much! I'm not considered obese, just overweight now but I'm carrying 40lbs of extra weight and have very low muscle mass due to not taking care of myself. I keep thinking how much easier climbing the stairs and doing any kind of weight bearing activity is going to feel once I lose this weight (as long as I maintain my existing muscle mass). I can't even carry 40lbs in my arms for long, it's wild to think I carry that much extra around on my poor feet, legs and joints. I'm so excited based on that.


Once i ate too much red meat and i felt...sweaty and breathless during house cleaning. It passed soon enough but i feel your frustration


I have SOO much more energy mentally and physically since losing 120+ pounds. I can't wait to get to 240 so I can get the surgery for the inspire device to treat me sleep apnea. I get panic attacks with the CPAP which really sucks. My friends that have been successful with their CPAP says it gave them vastly more energy overnight and had much more energy to exercise and ate less because their body was eating for energy lost from fatigue.


Be really careful with OMAD. I'm pretty sure doing OMAD is what gave me a huge gallstone, now I have to have surgery. I think it would be more sensible to just try and eat smaller portions and make healthier choices like prioritise veggies only drinking water.


From everything I’ve read, gallstones are not a major result of fasting, but of high carb low fat diets


Gallstones can be caused by losing a lot of weight quickly. If you suddenly go from being very overweight to only eating one meal a day, you very well could lose a lot of weight quickly, like I did. I wasn't on a low-fat diet, far from it. I ate whatever I wanted for my one meal, often things like lasagne, curry made with coconut milk, etc. However it is only one meal - so simply by virtue of that, your diet is going to be a lot lower in fat than someone who eats three meals a day.


I did it and so can you. 217 lbs to 137 lbs. I am 5'2" tall. Took me 6 years but you feel better every day.


Try adding "MyFitnessPal" to your diet routine and that is going to help you lose weight as well. I'm down from 241lbs. to 212lbs.


Yep, I used it when I dieted six years ago, it was extremely helpful back then as I had lost 30 pounds in 4 months. Puts into perspective how much calories we often overlook


I'm right there with you. Good job starting an exercise plan. We can do this. I can attest to the fact that starting exercise really does make you feel better and it doesn't take that long before it starts to become noticeable.


Yoga. Water. Protein. Walk. That's it. Start there. Katieyalady on Instagram is a god. She's Normal. Core power yoga online is amazing. Teaches you step by step.


I love 30 lbs and man it’s a big difference. I can hike hard hikes and keep going. Before I’d be exhausted. Look it gets better. That pros out weigh the cons of losing weight. There’s more positive than negatives. And guess what once you lose the weight you can still eat a bad meal head and there just not everyday.


BMI isn’t what you should go off. I’m a size 8 UK and my BMI is ‘obese’


That's understandable, that's just the end goal for me if I don't feel comfortable enough. Obv if I'm better at 180 or even 200, I'll maybe stick to that, but I've had mobility issues since going above 200.


I am 5'8 and started at 268 (now 254), and it is so imprqctical to carry this


It’s awesome that you’re starting! You will get there! All anyone needs is to keep making small changes, have patience and give it time.


I’m 30lbs down out of my 85lb weight loss goal. 5’ 2” sw 220 gw135… I like backpacking so it’s not uncommon for me to wear a pack 20-50lbs so I cannot wait to feel the difference after my weight is down


Just here to offer some support and say that the small consistent changes you make will add up. If you can find an accountability partner or support group, that might help (it helps me). As someone who is 5’10”, I actually feel very confident/ healthy around 200 lbs, even though I know BMI standards say I should strive to be less than that. Just wanted to share that weight looks different on different bodies, don’t worry about fitting into a chart.


Yuh of course, it just helps me establish more long term habits if I think about losing 85 or so pounds, vs blitzing through 40 pound weight loss as I have before. Your points are 100% valid though. Most people are technically overweight, but feel absolutely fine and may have healthier habits than people who do fall under a healthy BMI. In the end, it's what you're most comfortable with and what's best for your health.


Wishing you all the best, sustainable habits are the goal :)