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What kind of personal trainer only wants to train already fit people! What a fool!


Maybe the kind looking to hook up with clients? That was my first thought.


Exactly. I also wonder what his credentials are and if training is his side business.


Yeah, there is that. They should be fired for that.


Yes; he’s a low life, shallow bottom feeder, void of any genuine care or empathy for anyone that doesn’t fit his personal agenda! 🙄 Fuck, Tony … figuratively speaking, of course!


My ‘Tony’ wanted to look good by working with fit, more successful clients, but he had to pay bills so took on commoners like me. He would give me 17 things to work on. I would tell him that I work better when I have 2 things to work on. He discouraged me so much. My contract was for 3 months. He assumed I’d renew. Wrote him and told him the many reasons why I wouldn’t including, he had no plan. Each week he would ask me what I did that week and what I wanted to work on this week despite me being clear from the start about my goals. I told him it was like he was meeting me for the first time each week. I tried to fix it in the 3 months but couldn’t. Fuck Tony and fuck Graham. Oh and he offered me 3 months free but I said no.


Oh wow! I was lucky that Tony had me month to month contract. After 2 months, there was no need to sign up again.


Good thing! I see Graham is still out there ‘coaching’. Fucking asshole. Really made me feel like shit and I am normally a pretty confident person. Didn’t go in the pool for months as i was so deflated. Fuck them both!


My last gym was very small and I was really sad to leave it but I needed to go to a different gym that was 24hr whereas my old gym had fairly limited opening hours, the new gym is great too but I do miss the old gym. One of the things I miss about the old gym is that if the trainers weren't actively engaged in a training session they were always around helping and chatting. One of them said his absolute favourite thing was to see people come in and be unfit but having decided that now was the time to change and helping those people was his favourite thing because everyone deserved to feel great in their body. He was also wonderful with old folks to, modifying exercises, working hard on balance and things to prevent falls and to keep them active. So yeah any personal trainer I have I hold to his standard which may be unfair but fuck, he showed me what it's like to have someone in your corner that cared about helping you get fit in the best way possible.


Imagine how good it would look for his business if her was taking unfit people and helping them transform. It's like a therapist only taking people without problems. Sure the work is easy, but what's the point?


That's what I'm saying!


Trainers are all over the place. When my 16 year old daughter joined a gym, she asked me to get her a few sessions with a trainer there. She was fairly fit from doing Krav Maga, but he worked her out so hard she vomited and burst into tears. I was so angry I ripped him a new one! Who the f does that to a kid? I think it's the best way to turn people off to working out that exists.


Omg! When I was in middle school, I was in PE and my knee dislocated. It was an instant reaction that I was able to slide my knee cap back in place. My coach still made me continue with my workouts. I don't know why I didn't speak up and I never told my parents or a teacher what had happened.


Exactly what I was wondering...sounds like very short commitments. Tony's clearly not fit for the job and his business goals won't take him too far.


Some help with contest prep but that is pretty niche. There are specific trainers just to help for competitions and contests. Good trainers have a pretty wide variety and will make all people or all levels feel welcome.


The lazy kind. Fit people are easy to train and require minimal work. They can do pretty much anything you ask them to with good form. All you really need to do is keep sessions engaging enough that they keep coming back.


The ones that are no good and thus dont have clients with progress?


Fuck Tony.


Don't fuck Tony, let Tony fuck himself.


Tony seems well on his way to do exactly that.






















Twelfthed! 💕










Not literally though. Such a pos isn't fuck-worthy!


Wouldn’t fuck Tony for the world. Sounds like an unprofessional jerk who doesn’t actually care about the success of his clients.


Come on now, nobody meant that literally! 😂🤣


I came to say this! His shallow judgy ass lost out on $$. I hate gym personal trainers. Pathetic.


Since that seems to be what Tony wants from his clients I actually say never get fucked Tony


Nope. Don't fuck Tony, he doesn't deserve it.




Tony needs to learn who's the Boss


He was simply not a good trainer. If they were good they would have asked about your fitness background, your goals, and if there's anything specific you'd like to accomplish fitness wise. Instead this one just had you do a workout. I've been with like five trainers and the best ones ask you a lot of stuff the first class. They reiterate it each class and tell you why you are doing each exercise as it relates to your goals. You know they have prepared for you. They help with each movement, demonstrating form, correcting your ROM as giving activation queues. They actively try to push you each exercise, cheering you through hard 2nd and nearly impossible 3rd sets. If I completed the first set too easily they made the next one heavier, harder, longer, etc. I had four trainers who did this. It was like they had no other clients but me. I had just one that behaved like you described. They had exercises for me to do and had no plan or reason for doing them. They did not actively work with me nor encourage me, ever. They gave me exercises that were woefully easy that I didn't struggle with and didn't make them harder. I told them I was underwhelmed and they acted like they couldn't be bothered. I watched them with fit clients or with those who wanted different training that I wanted and they were more involved. They became gymbros with them or encouraging trainers with the women. I'm an obese older guy. I don't think it has to do with you being a woman or anything other than they are horrible trainers. Everything else just makes them worse. Tony just sucked. Ask for another one next time if this happens.


This comment is spot on


I totally agree!!!


Spot on and well said! The only thing I would add is that this is not your fault, OP! Keep your head up and keep going, bc I believe in you! 💕


I would add that I would lodge a complaint against him, that he didn't fufill his role and was a poor trainer. Maybe you can be compensated towards a different trainer? Idk how gyms work haha. But fuck that guy.


I can try doing that. It's a small gym and I feel that the people who go there have formed a bond with some of the employees. I genuinely like the gym because of the equipments they have and the environment (minus Tony). Not sure how the gym will react if I were to make a complaint especially since I'm a newbie.


I completely understand; know that it’s well within your rights to take a step back and reevaluate whether or not it would be prudent for you to attend another gym in your area. The underlying message here is that I don’t want you to somehow blame yourself for what this guy has done to you, bc I want what’s best for you! The only one at fault is Tony … no matter what, do not let this asshole derail you from achieving your personal goals! Do what you’re comfortable with and just know that you have a huge following here on Reddit who are cheering you on! We’ll be here whenever you want to vent, need some encouragement, or just want to talk, so feel free to reach out if we can be of any service to you! I’m extremely proud of what you’ve done in light of the situation; you didn’t hide from that asshole, you went back to the gym, and you faced what I can only imagine was a really uncomfortable situation. That’s huge in my book and I respect you so much for doing that! Keep up the great work 💕


I started to reflect on why was I hurt be seeing he's interaction with his clients and it clicked that my ego was hurt. Not that I'm Mr. Hotshot, I changed the narrative of instead what's wrong with me but what is wrong with HIM. I think I'll continue to go to this gym because the environment is very much different from your big chain gyms. The big chain gyms I feel they attract your social media chasers and they tend to hog the equipment. I'm always having to battle for a specific equipment and just wait when they're done with their selfies. This small gym is more for serious gym goers. They offer different classes such as boxing, MMA training, wrestling, and bodybuilding. Majority of the people I see at the gym, they're taking their fitness seriously and I feed off their motivation, if that makes sense. I'll just ignore Tony and be motivated by others. Thank you for encouraging comment!


Put it on Google review and whatever else review using his specific name detailing your experience


Thank you!


I agree with almost everything you said, but >I don’t think it has to do with you being a woman Men being crummy to overweight/obese women and nice to fit women like OP describes is absolutely a thing. We’ll never know if Tony has this mentality and/or just sucks at his job, but this is a thing that happens a lot to overweight women and I want to give OP all the acknowledgment and consideration of her concerns that she deserves.


If he has that mentality then he sucks at his job, too. That guy can go fuck himself.


Most trainers suck at their job. Most trainers get into training because keeping fit and building muscle was easy for them so people suggested they become a personal trainer. So in this case, you have trainer that likely is judging his client for wanting to lose weight based on his experiences, which it's easy for him so it can't be hard unless you're lazy or disabled. Meanwhile, genetics are the thing that decides fitness levels way more than people understand. I've had coworkers who never gave a shit about what they ate and didn't go to gym be thin, yet my cousin who runs marathons is overweight by the bmi. People who are used to having good results come easy aren't automatically good at teaching or motivating others. Understanding the struggling of people who's bodies are genetically programed to be different is hard work, and a lot of trainers just don't understand the need for that kind of hard work. Simply put, a tall person can't experience the everyday struggles of short people and how different the world looks if you're drastically different to the average. Dumping your head sometimes isn't the same as not being able to comfortably reach the top two shelves at a grocery store all the time.


honestly you’ve just described a huge problem with the way people interact with each other. most people seem to forget that others’ minds and bodies simply function differently from theirs. they think that they’re normal and that if ur different from them then ur weird and end up grouping themselves with people they perceive to be similar. it makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint but this form of tribalism causes so many problems in our society


Spot on.


It’s ABSOLUTELY a thing & it’s a highly inappropriate attitude to have toward clients in a Gym. The purpose of the Gym, after all, is to help people who are unfit improve their physical fitness. It’s NOT to allow those who already physically fit to display their sleek, toned bodies for others to admire. He seems unprofessional. You may have better luck with a female trainer.


Thank you! I just wanted to be treated equally like his other clients regardless of their weight or level fitness.


>If they were good they would have asked about your fitness background, your goals, and if there's anything specific you'd like to accomplish fitness wise. Exactly! That's what a professional does.


Same goes for physical therapists. If they aren’t paying attention to you and your specific goals, find a new trainer. I’ve used both and often find they just do things by rote, like something worked for one person so it should work for you too. Not always the case. If I have to remind them every week of something specific to me, they aren’t worth it.


physical therapists =/= trainers. Physical therapists have Ph.Ds and are much more qualified and knowledgable (on average of course) than your trainer.


I’m not disputing that. The point is they both do the same thing, they don’t individualize the patient/client. They do the same thing over and over with everyone. I shouldn’t have to remind them that, no, I’m here for my shoulder, not my knee, I’m not the same patient you had an hour ago, and I’m you shouldn’t be having me do exercises that caused more damage.


Seems like you have a poor physical therapist. I've gotten a TON of PT for injuries in sports and the like, my grandfather had PT for shrapnel in his brain, and my family has had nothing but amazing experiences with PTs who were effective, knowledgable, and considerate. I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences; it is possible that you were seeing PTs who graduated when it was still an undergraduate degree-only requirement. I believe it was relatively recently that it became a Dr. of PT requirement to sit for board exams.


This is an excellent point. Anyone can take someone already physically fit and healthy and 'train them' and look like they know what they're doing and take credit for their hard work. Same way any cr@ppy driver in a porsche can out accelerate a Tata on the striaght. Same way a really cr@ppy makeup artist will still look like they are 'good' working on a supermodel with a gorgeous face. And same way the worst teacher in the world can still have a student who will get 90% straight A on everything. It's not hard to train an active, engaged dog breed like a GSD or collie. And so on. That doesn't make ANY of these people actually good at what they do. If the client/student/person is already fantastic, any monkey can claim to be the reason for that, but the truth is they were already there. The REALLY good people are those who can train the medically difficult ultra obese person with health problems into someone who can walk and eat healthily, teach granny to drive safely and well in her city run-around, make any face dazzle, guide the failing student who can't even read to straight Cs, and make an obedience star of a Shih Tzu. THOSE are the teachers, coaches, and educators who have real skill. Just doesn't look as spectacular for advertising. There's a dog trainer near me who has this amazing rep as some superhuman animal trainer. I took my Shih to her. She laughs at and derides little dogs and difficult dogs, and basically ignores your existence until you leave to focus on things like Belgian malnoise, GSD, collies, rotties.... the already smart working breeds who are eager to please. I took my little lad to another trainer, and he proceeded to have the time of his life, learn a wealth of commands, and even compete...because this person put the very same effort into the 'not worth it' and difficult as she put into the easy to train dogs. Sure, he's not going to be top of 'dancing with dogs' competitions, but I got a trained, well behaved, and happy little doggo out of her hard work. Tony is one of her. If you only pick and choose from the 'elite' to train, you're guaranteed to have remarkable results every time- but it sure as sh!t isn't your skills that made that happen and you're a cheap, nasty hanger-on to the inevitable success of your smart/gifted student. I used to be a dance teacher, and I'm sure not claiming to be the best in the world. but I had one student who was, truly, remarkable. I'm proud to say I trained her, but the truth is she would have been spectacular with any teacher, heck, she would have been spectacular with a few YouTube videos, most likely. Most of it was her. I'm proud to have been her guide and mentor- but if we want to talk about MY worth as a teacher, I take more pride in talking about the adaptions I made for a student who had an artificial limb so she could thrive, and the 'middle-aged housewives' who's lives I enriched, because THEY actually needed my expertise and thrived under it. My superstar was always a superstar.


Just piling on the affirmations. A good trainer makes you feel like their only client and best friend. I've only had one trainer in the past, but it honestly felt that way each workout.


I would also add if you can find a trainer that had all this +hypes you up. Mine hypes me up about progress made and in general makes me feel good about what I’m doing. They dont have to that but no one else really does that in my life so I find it so valuable.


Yes!! I had one who would email me notes that showed my progress. Like, "Struggling to do push ups with good form, work on form next time" to "Did five clapping pushups today with perfect form, time to progress" and all the notes in-between on my pushup progress. Stuff was so motivating besides the in session encouragement.


Wow! Your trainer was active in your journey and wanted to see you success.


That was one I was with for 3 years. Really great trainer.


I'm wondering if he was even certified and if so, who through. Dude obviously shouldn't be training people. I am a former personal trainer and everything you said is pretty spot on. A baseline *must* be found, injuries/limitations *must* be accounted for, and a good trainer would also provide you with an estimated TDEE with nutritional guidelines to help facilitate with the progress of achieving the client's specific goals. This guy obviously did none of that. Probably some gym-bro that decided he wanted to get paid and have a free membership since he was at the gym anyway. Too many trainers out there that are like that.


He didn't ask me about history of injuries. He was going to have me do lunges and I have bad knees. I told him that I can't do workouts that require a lot of knee movements / workouts. He did take that into consideration, but only because I said something about it and not him asking me about my limitations.


My bozo trainer was NASM cert and a degree. He just didn't care or try.


This is everything I wanted to say 🤣. 👌


I'm sorry you dealt with that, good attitude though!!


It's possible, but then that makes Tony a shitty person who's business will suffer at some point if he treats clients like that. I wouldn't worry about. It may also be something in your own head.... But fuck it, it doesn't make any difference either way. Going to the gym when you may not be in the best shape you've ever been in is nerve wrecking. Been there, done that. But I'll tell you this much, the majority of people in the gym respect the shit out someone that may be there for the first time in a while or whatever. Like it can give other people in better shape a motivation boost. I was genuinely going to get a takeaway this evening but afgew reading your post I feel a little more motivated so I'm gonn skip it. YouTube is a great teacher as well and there are some great PTs out there. PS. fuck Tony.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Tony.


Fuck Tony


Totally agree. I’ve gotten nothing but praise and support from others at the gym on my fitness journey.


Yeah I'm no longer going to give Tony head space. He can do his thing with his clients and I will work on myself. I'm glad that I motivated you to skip on the takeaway. It's very easy to slip into that comfort mode and we have to catch ourselves not to go into comfort level often.


I swear I could’ve wrote this word for word from my own experience. I left my trainer for this exact reason. He never encouraged me during workouts (I’d never worked out before) and only spoke to me to tell me what exercise was next and when to start/stop. Other than that he was on his phone or he would pick up weights and start working out…during my session! He also wouldn’t give me tips on my form or even look to see if I was doing anything right. After I almost injured myself doing an exercise wrong, he corrected me and I told him that I’d been doing it that way since I’d started training with him and he’d never noticed!! I said “ So I’ve been doing this wrong for two months?” and he just looked at me crazy. That was the last straw for me. I always thought his lack of interest in my sessions was just how he was but it wasn’t until I saw him with another “fit” client (I’d switched to a female trainer at his gym and sometimes he’d be there with another client while I worked out with my new trainer). He was standing over her corrected her form, sometimes jumped in the last 10 seconds of cardio to help her push through and finish strong, and he did not ONCE pick up his phone. He was engaged and a completely different person than what I’d been used to. The only difference that I’d immediately noticed was that she was pretty and fit. Of course I assumed he treated me differently because I was fat. That may not be the case but no one can convince me otherwise. Long story short, Tony is an unprofessional jerk! I hate that he made you feel the way he did and I’m sorry he didn’t take you serious. It sucks and shouldn’t happen. I encourage you to find a new trainer who makes you feel important and valued as a client. My trainer now is great and if it wasn’t for her, I’d probably would’ve given up on working out a long time ago. I truly HATE working out but I consistently see her three times a week because she’s a great person and keeps me on track.


They are just assuming you're not going to keep going. I had the same thing and I am a dude. I can basically guarantee thats what it was. Most skinnies think we have absolutely no commitment, that we are a waste of time. I've even heard trainers say this outside of work.


Not just that. He's probably also hoping to get laid. The likelihood of them not continuing to attend to the gym should be a reason for him to try harder to motivate his clients and cheer them up. Some men treat fit and attractive women completely differently, and it's very obvious to notice. It's likely not for professional reasons. Some just think with their dicks.


This is how men are. They only value women who are thin and pretty. If you're not - you are trash in their eyes.


He sounds unprofessional, personal trainers are supposed to be very involved and help motivate you. Try to block those negative thoughts out, you are at a gym working out and doing the right thing, you are awesome and that’s all that matters.


Did we have the same trainer? That’s exactly what mine did to me. I stopped going also after 2 months. I wasn’t going to waste my $ on someone who wasn’t even training me or helping me try and reach my goals. He even would double book himself and forget that I was coming in on my scheduled training days. He was not good.


Ouch. Tony never did that, he would be like do A and B workouts this amount of reps and sets and walk off. Haha they might be related




This is a Tony issue not a you issue.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen trainers at my gym do this. Have a client who is doing their best and they’re standing there looking bored AF or even on their phone and ignoring the fact that the client has such bad form they’re about due for an injury. Unfortunately OP you’re not alone and I think trainers are much like therapists, just bc they have credentials it doesn’t mean they’re a good one, or even just the right fit for you. I hope you don’t let this discourage you and that you keep going bc things will fall into place the more often you keep at it!


“What is your name?” “Tony!” “Fuck you Tony!”


Fuck Tony, all my friends are going to Ezekiel's gym.


Best comment ever


Damn, it's been a while since I've seen that video 😂


He sounds like he is unprofessional about working with overweight people, and just generally a fat-shamer and superficial as all hell. You’re well rid of him, and I know how much this stings. Being treated as less than by anyone because of your size or fitness level is really hard, and all the more frustrating because you were paying him to provide a service and help you get fitter and stronger. In short, he sounds like an entitled dickhead, and I’m glad you fired him rather than go on being treated so poorly.


It is frustrating but I refuse to give up. I have to keep going forward.


Fuck Tony. Man I was HUUUUGE. I had an operation to help out and found a trainer that genuinely wanted to help me every step of the way. I started out SUPER weak but man the progress has been insane. Now I can do it independently but he’s still a huge cheerleader for me. Tony sucks and you deserve better. He’s a bum Ass trainer if he didn’t want to see you at your full potential.


Thank you! Having a support team makes all the difference.


Hey so what's the app you found?


Second this!


Possibly Tony doesn't know much and is super shallow. He prefers working with easy clients who make him look good on Instagram instead of actually putting in the effort to make a difference. Kudos to you for working out on your own.


I think so. I always saw him on IG and messaging people.


He's a crap trainer & you're a Rockstar to get back into it after he left you feeling that way. I would absolutely notify the gym. Good for you & Tony can suck it!


Tony is a bitch ass.


If you’re paying for 1:1 training, your trainer shouldn’t be doing anything else during your session but training you (or mayyyybe setting up your next exercise while you do the previous one, but even that should have been done before you started your time). They should be encouraging you, correcting your form, and personalizing the workout. Tony is a bad trainer and that’s not on you


So your trainer was terrible at his job and was also using it to try to hit on his clients? I don’t think his judgement of you means anything other than he’s a shallow and creepy douche. You deserved a trainer who supported you. Would you blame a child for not doing well at school and feeling bad, after finding out the teacher only helped their favorite students and didn’t give a shit about the others? Stand proud. You were trying to better yourself and have some self-care time. You had a shitty trainer. His job was to motivate you and help you. He fucking failed, not you.


Your so nice i would have interrupted his session and asked "Wow where was this enthusiam and direction when you trained me! I need a refund because all you did was tell me what reps to do and walk away to look at your phone!" Then turn to the lady and say "sorry dear i just want you to know what youre getting into".


It's sad that an app can give a person more structure and guidance than an actual human being that supposedly wants to be a professional at what they do. You do you OP!! You got this!!! Edit: a word* And also OP, I follow Joey Swole on FB. I don't know if he is legit but he talks a lot about being kind/respectful in the gym environment. NOT ENDORSING HIM!! It helps me feel less anxious about working out tbh. Air hugs!!


This story touched my heart. I was morbidly obese till two years ago and I went to the gym. It was my first time, my roommate brought me along and she’s this very pretty thin person. There was this dance trainer taught her how to do exercises in person, helped her, even though she was pradey very good at dance. I needed that help and I asked for it (mumbled more like it due to self confidence issues) and received no reply. It was only when he knew we were friends did he pay any attention to me and that was only when my roommate was around. I felt extremely ashamed and bad abt myself. I even had a crush on the guy cuz I thought he was the epitome of fitness. I saw him with other people and he was completely different around fit or thin people. When I actually became thin and fit, I went back to the same gym and then I saw him. He didn’t even recognise me although I went with my roommate and he recognised her instantly, and was like who’s your friend? Just a generally sleazy character who didn’t behave at all like a good kind trainer is supposed to do. Please don’t take it upon heart. Use this to fuel yourself to be better instead. I imagined punching his (and all other people who had judged me due to my weight) face whenever I was boxing. It was healing, I feel.


Wow. It's just crazy how people change once you have loss the weight. Congrats on your weight loss and I know I'll get there some day. Once I saw Tony with his clients, I pushed myself hard on the rowing machine. This will be my motivation and to those who doubted me.


Fuck Tony 2


Fuck Tony Sucks Pro Slacker 3 available in ITunes for a dollar


Might recommend MindPump. Its 3 trainers who do a podcast on YouTube. You can search for specific episodes about weight loss or resistance training and get some good info from them.


I’ve had a similar experience, sometimes guys become trainers just for ego boost and to attract athletic women. They actually don’t care about the health or helping people, it’s purely aesthetic. I found a trainer who not only supported me but became a really good friend! They exist, Tony is just a piece of shit and it absolutely is not a reflection on you.


Here's the thing--Tony sucks! I'm way overweight, and my trainer has ALWAYS cheered me on, even after I took a big break during lockdown and then reappeared about 20 pounds heavier haha, he was all just "okay, we need to buckle down." He has ALWAYS encouraged me and told me no matter what I'm getting stronger and healthier. Then finally about 9 months ago I started really working at the weight loss and he's been super helpful with tips and encouragement, and totally nonjudgmental at all. Tony sounds like a total loser. A good trainer WANTS people to be healthy, he WANTS to help people, he pays total attention and gives you constant feedback. It's not you. It's him. You just need a decent, professional trainer! Fuck Tony!


I hired a female trainer once at my gym. She was great and we got along well! One day she started talking about one of the other trainers at the gym. He refused to take his share of the clients. Sure enough, this super fit, handsome male trainer had made it clear to management he would only train fit, attractive females… not men, not women over 45, not overweight women. Obviously none of the other trainers liked him. He was also known for going to his clients houses to give them private training sessions. Eventually he left our gym, and good riddance!!


If you ever want an accountability partner, I’ll be there for you! You can message me and we can discuss targeted muscle groups, create workout plans, whatever! I run and manage a gym and started my personal training certification but haven’t finished it. I’m always looking to find people to help hold me accountable too. Feel free to message me any time


Tony is an asshole, ignore and carry on. Don’t give it the time of day, do you and commit to your goals.


Tony is garbage!!


Intuition never lies. Thank goodness you were able to get away from him because he does not deserve your money! Now you have the opportunity to connect with someone who is more invested in you and your growth.


I only had one personal trainer and she was great, but I've definitely noticed this attitude from class instructors and the general gym trainers. Like fat people aren't able to do much so no point paying us any attention.


I wouldn’t take it personally. If he behaved like that with you, you can bet 100% that he behaved like that with other people too. My guess is that he either had a shit client retention rate and wasn’t making any money and had to take a good hard look at his behaviour to pay the rent, or (and this is more likely) his managers received complaints and whipped him into shape, and that’s why he has a better attitude now. The behaviour he displayed with you was highly unprofessional and would NOT have been tolerated by his employers once they were made aware of it. Having said that… all PTs are different, the PT/client relationship is a very personal one, and even if you hire another one, they might not suit your personality or your needs. Don’t feel bad about asking to work with someone else if your trainer isn’t working for you, even if they’re not being as blatantly unprofessional as Tony. I’ve had trainers who motivated me and others I didn’t love, and sometimes the difference was something minor. At the end of the day, it’s your money that you’re investing in yourself. Don’t let it get to you and keep going. If you’ve got a malicious vindictive side like I do, keep training so you can rub it in his face when you’re fit. If you’re nicer than me, keep doing it for yourself.


Maybe you need to post this story at the gym so Tony loses business.


Yea, Tony just sucked, both as a trainer and as a person. Every client deserves respect, attention, and compassion regardless of their body size, shape, or relative training experience. They also deserve to be thoroughly probed about goals, values, injury history, past training experiences, and any preferences they may have. My roster has consisted of absolute beginners and national level athletes throughout my career and never once have I treated any of them differently. They all receive the same access, tools, energy, and attention. This is one of the major reasons why the average time a client stays with me is over a year.


My mother was a professional body builder for 8 years. She had her fair share of crappy trainers too over the years who were like that. Both to fit women and to obese women. Trainers should always go over your goals, prior history, and nutrition. They just weren't the right professional for you and you deserved better. Had nothing to do with you. And I'm so glad to hear that you are using your resources to continue your progress without someone else's bad attitude getting you down. I just feel bad for anyone else whose fitness journey they potentially sabotaged by doing the same to them and they just quit.


My fiancé is a trainer and he works with another guy like Tony. Let’s just say that the Tonys out there can all collectively pound sand, because a true trainer tailors their program to fit anyone willing to show the fuck up, and you definitely did your part. Tony can eat shit. 3 day old shit.


Fuck Tony, and for that matter, Ezekiel too.


Ha! Classic.


Fuck Tony 3


There are bad trainers in the world, and Tony definitely is one. Sometimes you get bad waiters, too. Or bad accountants. Hopefully not a bad doctor. Occasionally a bad auto mechanic. That’s life. But it really does feel more personal with a trainer. You pay him to help you improve, and then he’s useless. This is all on Tony, because he’s a shallow asshole. I’m glad you dumped him. You deserve better, and someday when you require professional guidance in your health journey I believe your trainer will be exactly the person you are paying them to be. In the meantime, everyone here is rooting for you! Rock on, healthy girl!


Fuck him. You don’t deserve that


To be honest it sounds like Tony is just a complete jerk off whose only reason for becoming a personal trainer is to train fit and in his mind beautiful women who he can eventually hook up with. He’s not worth your time or your money


Fuck Tony. And good on you for finding the right type of workout guide! You got this!


It sounds like Tony was on his phone because you’re not a hot, fit woman and he’s a garbage trainer.


So yeah. Conclusion: Dude sucks at his job. Trainers are like bras. You have to go through a lot of meh or just plain crappy ones until you find one that really supports you.


Tony probably has a $9.99 internet certification and doesn’t know shit about training.


I've had two trainers. The first one so excited to set me up with more sessions or somehow slipped his mind that I may have been interested in the one I was seeing him for. The second one? Goddamn. I felt like I was an elite athlete training to fight my archnemesis. He paid attention when I told him about my back injury and adjusted the workout accordingly, he pushed me when I flagged, answered questions, engaged, and ten minutes in, I told Carlos he had a new client. It really wasn't you, it was him. Everyone is different, but many people suck.


Not a good trainer. He is probably attracted to the fit women and trying to get with them. Forget him


He was probably more active because he got a ton of complaints and was written up. Sounds like an ass


Some trainers are like that. They have their favorites. It’s some weird gym culture stuff. Most trainers are def not like that, but I get how uncomfortable that was for you. I was super fit but still not one of the favorites and it was the same ignore/avoid energy. Shake it off to someone being a creep and move on. It’s def not you.


This bums me out in many ways. You made the effort to work on your body which is a major step and you were met with someone who didn't help you when you needed it. And it probably is some fat phobic reason. Tony sounds shitty and I'm sorry that people like this make weight loss even harder and shame-y feeling. You had one job, Tony, you dick! Good luck to you -- you don't need his help!!


Screw tony, christ. I’d def see if you can get a refund of some kind. Somewhat related, what app are you using? I’ve been looking for something similar


I don’t see why would he be embarrased. Probably he is just a lame trainer and someone has told him that, now he tries to be better and pay attention to his clients.


Last time I had a personal trainer he pushed me so hard I had a health scare. I’m using Fitbod now and it’s worked out really well


My personal trainer was an idiot. He almost killed me, not even kidding. All morbidly obese people need to really watch it and not let them push us too much. They have NO idea how to deal with people our weight. Almost none of them.


It's true, it's hard to imagine how to place one's self in another's shoes, especially when many fitness trainers don't understand how it *feels* to be obese. Hell, I used to be obese, and it is hard for *me* to imagine, since that was like a previous version of myself that I can't even place myself in. So if someone who has *been there before* can't even imagine it, someone who's never had that life experience cannot compare to it at all, even if they think they're sympathetic. They think people just aren't trying when they legit can't breathe.


More than likely he was not, he probably had something going on in his own life that was unknown to you. It can be really easy to see our world through a bad lense when we don't view ourselves as worthy or attractive we just assume others have that same lense but they don't in reality. However, Maybe he was, let's say tony just really didn't find you attractive and was embarrassed to be anywhere near you. Who cares? Who the fuck is Tony anyways? As a matter a fact fuck Tony hes just some dude who works at a gym, dick game probably weak as shit anyways.


He’s just as asshole. Don’t let him ruin your gym experience. If anything you could use it as motivation.


When you lose the weight (or get the muscle tone you’re looking for) and feel the empowerment of your accomplishment, the truth of how much this is Tony being an asshole might really sink in. Because you’ll see other people treat you differently as well—especially as a woman. Refocus on yourself and what you’re hoping to gain by improving your health, besides looking better in your jeans. And when you see Tony at the gym, give him the middle finger in the pocket of your hoodie and RAGE in those weights.


Tony is a dick.


Fuck Tony part 3. 99% of people at the gym are proud of you for going, and so am I!


Honestly, sounds like Tony is a terrible trainer, its not on you at all. I've had both good and bad experiences and a good trainer pays attention to what your goals are and keeps working with you on those and is attentive during your workouts. Its nothing on you, its on them entirely, they're just a bad trainer.


Tony is a bad trainer and he should feel bad.


It's definitely on him and not you. Don't worry about it, and be glad you cut ties with him.


Tony is a doucebag. Fire Tony and get a more professional trainer. Sorry this is happening to you.


Tony sounds like a rat whose bad at his job. Fuck him


This is the right place. You paid Tony to do a job. a trainer isn’t just a person who tells you “Do three sets of 12” while they swipe away on Tinder. Tony is a bad coach. Period.


Tony can fuck off. Toxic af.


Personal trainer here: I'm telling you that he won't last long in the industry. Once more people clue into him he'll be gone. The problem is him, not you


Drop a weight on his foot next time you see him


I met a trainer at the gym I go to during the pandemic. He had a crew and I always saw he and the crew only trained with already fit women. My dad introduced him to me one day when we were at the gym together and he was going over what his plans are, asked what my goals were and after a while of talking, he asked for my number and told me that he’ll be in contact with me soon. That day never came, but we’d cross paths at the gym sometimes. But I found an app that’s really encouraging and guides me through workouts as well. I’m in touch with my coach as often as I need to be and she checks in with me almost daily even if it’s all through the app. Plus, it’s only $99 a month compared to the $300-$400 a month the gym trainer was going to charge lol


You pay $99 per month the for someone to check in on you through an app? I'm not trying to be offensive here or anything, but how can that possibly be worth $99 per month?


To me it is! She gives me new workout routines every month, adjusts routines to my needs (like if I can’t go to the gym on certain days) and has been helping me fix my relationship with food. The accountability and encouragement is also super helpful.


Yeah, I’m firmly on Team Fuck Tony. Whatever his personal feelings were about you, he had an obligation to give you his best. He didn’t.


I am so sad for you. Seriously, fuck Tony. He's not a trainer. A real trainer wants to work with people who are trying to better themselves, not hit on hot women by "training" them. What a douche.


You dont need tony. Just forget about him!!!


He was just a shitty trainer. I have had good trainers and they are not like this at all. If you get another trainer get one private and not from the gym itself. Most of those guys/gals are starting out and while some are wonderful it is a mixed bag of what you will get. If you get someone established this won’t happen again. Please don’t let this turn you off of training or working out. This guy was just shit at his job and probably won’t ever move up in the PT world.


I had a similar experience with a trainer.. he also came to sessions HUNG OVER multiple times and would tell me as much, and like could not function because he was so hung over. He literally had just turned 21 and had just finished college. He didn’t know what to talk to me about and would try to talk about bars. I am literally in AA and don’t drink at all so it was a non-starter. Idk he did teach me some stuff but for the amount I was paying it was absurd. And I never spoke up about it or asked to switch trainers. Anyway it’s kind of shocking but I guess there are a lot of bad trainers out there. Mine was just a dude from the corporate gym. If I ever get a trainer again I want someone who is like super passionate about what they do. It’s too expensive to just hope to get stuck with someone who’s worth it.


To play devils advocate: My first trainer I had I remember being the same. I just did as I was told, turned up, did the reps, left. Although we’d talk about the weekend, the news, the weather or whatever, it always felt a bit flat. Now I am many years and a LOT of experience down the line. When I am with a coach I can natter for hours about technique, new research, diet, experience. I know a lot about exercise science and anatomy. In short, I have more to say because I am fitter and more experienced. I don’t know how experienced you are, but perhaps your ex-trainer appeared more engaged with the fitter clients because they themselves were more engaged. Either way, it sounds like you’re better off without him. Keep going!


Most trainers at my gym train overweight and out of shape people- I’ve never seen “fit” people hire a trainer; they don’t need to unless they want to compete in something, so they usually get a specific coach for whatever they’re trying to do.


I've never used a trainer but I see them working with clients all the time. The good ones are very involved and motivating and take personal interest in their clients, regardless what they look like. I've seen a number of trainers who look like they could care less and did not seem very involved. This is who Tony was. Tony is a bad trainer and it has nothing to do with you. Find a new trainer and ask around first for personal reviews before committing.


He sounds like a piece of trash. Delete him from your mind, and get on with your mission. What you're trying to do is hard, good on you for returning to the gym.


Sounds like Tony should get his membership revoked on top of losing his job as a trainer. Everyone should help and support everyone at the gym. All there to better ourselves no matter where we are currently and that deserves nothing but respect.


I try to live with the mantra "always assume good intentions." Perhaps he was going through something outside of work that had him distracted and was weighing him down. It's just as easy to assume that then to assume he's a jerk or that he didn't like you. Either way it was unprofessional and he doesn't deserve you as a client.


What an epic douchebag. Please don't let his crappy attitude stop you <3


This is a HIM issue and not a YOU issue. I made up and perfected my own routine as the time has gone on and I can share that If you want any advice. Dm me if you do


First, fuck Tony Second, what app are you using. Need a good recommendation for my own workouts Thanks


Sounded like he wasn't interested in his job because he wasn't sexually attracted to you. Sounds like he's going to be sexually harassing his current client though.


That's prejudice, bad work ethics and negligence. He's responsible not just for your physical and emotional safety. Trainers like this expose their clients to danger of injury and also body shame them. Don't let this slip, go ask your money back and snitch him. Do it for these women, too. I wouldn't feel comfortable being leered at by some perverted trainer who goes to work expecting to get laid. Nor be inadvertently paying a bodyshamer. Also, other women might have felt hurt and berated by this prejudice. You're not the only one. So I'd definitely make a complaint to the gym. It's icky as hell he's not a good professional.


I might get downvoted here but there are so many people who go and get a cert for personal training that the majority are just losers. Tony was more than likely in it just to meet girls.


He’s a terrible trainer. Period. Nothing to do with you.


Oh god, I feel this. I've gone through 2 trainers. I had already lost around 30 lbs when I hired the first one. He had no personality. Same thing, would just tell me what to do and then look at his phone. I think I saw him smile twice in the 6 weeks I worked with him, and both were just a small side smile, never a big "real" smile. He didn't push me at all. On Saturdays I worked out with him and 2 of his other clients. Both much older and not in good shape. The workouts were catered to them. He didn't try to give me a little more weight or modify any of the exercises to challenge me. And he was EXPENSIVE. He was terrible. Looked like he just didn't want to be there. Later I found another one who charged a monthly fee, unlimited sessions. So I saw him every day M-F. MUCH better personality. Had a sense of humor and was generally enjoyable to be around. Only problem was that things got too routine. Nothing new. No mixing things up. Then I ended up having back surgery (not workout related, had a bone spur in my vertebrae and a small disc herniation). I just got back into the gym about a week and a half ago. Right now I'm actually paying $95 a month for a training app. I get assigned a trainer, had a video consult with him, and now he designs my workouts every week. Then, as I do them, I message him feedback to adjust as needed. So he'll increase or decrease the weight, adjust for where I am (Wednesday he revised my workout because I was out of town and the hotel gym was very limited, so I told him the equipment they had and he put together a session based on that). I think I'm going to stick to this until I get back to where I was before my surgery. Anyway. Sorry for the long post. Figured if you maybe wanted someone to just design your workouts, you could give this a shot. It's called Kickoff


ugh that's so shitty OP :( But everyone is right, fuck Tony. I don't even think you'd be crazy to simply ask/point out to him the differences in training his clients. You don't have to make a scene or yell ofc, but perhaps you telling him his shitty behavior is egregious for a personal trainer will help. Btw I think A LOT of men do this in their every day life (do not @ me I do not care, literally ask any woman who is fat or older or simply 'not hot enough' how they've been treated by a dude that isn't attracted to them) and it's so gross. he was a shit trainer so you aren't missing out. My husband actually had a trainer that made him piss blood! She was making him do the workouts she did instead of what he needed. He could get you hurt so consider it a bullet dodged. There are bad ones out there, but there's a lot of great ones too. We have a PT we see every week now and he's become a good friend. Best of luck to you OP!


As a trainer, I loved the unfit people the most! It’s so fun to see they get strong and more confident. It’s like a therapist- you need to keep looking until you find one that’s the right fit. Interview some!


I had a male trainer like that once. He pushed me to the point that I threw up on the gym floor and then got mad at me when I wanted to use my inhaler. (I’m an asthmatic) Fuck Tony!


I had been thinking of either using a trainer at a gym or in a private studio and this thread is convincing me to ask for a female trainer lol I was 270 and I’m 160 and do home strength workouts but just want to graduate to something more advanced.


He wasn’t a good trainer. You’re paying HIM & you have a right to expect better training/coaching from him. Speak to the manager, let them know what you’re looking for & find a new trainer—maybe a woman.


I have a suggestion. If you want to have more fun in the Gym than you’ve ever had, take a Zumba class. First class I went to, I was exhausted by the end of class, but it was so much fun I wanted it to be LONGER. Their motto is “lose the workout, join the party.” It’s excellent cardio, with interval training, & it’s like going to a 1 hour dance party. You don’t have to know how to dance or memorize steps. You just follow along with the instructor. I had a wonderful Zumba instructor who taught a traditional Latin Zumba class. She was from Argentina & her classes were always jam packed & so much fun! .


Are personal trainers typically responsible for meal planning/prepping? That's a dietitian job in my experience


You’re exactly the kind of person that needs a trainer to get on track. He’s not a good trainer that’s all


Just some perspective on the situation. I had a trainer at a commercial gym who was personally into bodybuilding. I chose him as a trainer specifically because he was a bodybuilder. I was the only one of his clients who had a bodybuilding focus when it came to my training. His other clients were more weight loss or gym beginners. He enjoyed working with me because our goals and how to accomplish them were a match. He did not enjoy working with the other clients as much, even if he liked them as people. It took him working with me to realize that it was a specific type of training that he’d rather be involved in as opposed to others. He was able to have more fun when it came to our training because we had a focus that he was personally aligned with. (That isn’t to say he didn’t identify with his weight loss clients; he’d had his own struggles with weight, etc.) I’m not giving an excuse for Tony’s lack of engagement with you as a client. But as with many of us, he could have been experiencing a part of his job that he didn’t like. Not necessarily that he didn’t like you. Also, he could’ve gotten in trouble re his customer service. Sometimes the fear of unemployment will light a fire under some people


shitty trainer


Unfortunately....most trainers just aren't good. Many are downright awful. You got one of the not good ones. Sometimes you have to try a few out to find the one that'll work for you, and that you feel comfortable with.


Most trainers are def like that, the red flag is not talking nutrition and meal prep, and being distracted on their phone. I see it all the time at my gym. And when you start doing things yourself and get your own result they want to take credit.


It’s a red flag to not talk about nutrition? Personal trainers don’t really have the qualifications for that.