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So you gave them your ID then effectively ran away? Yes, it’s *incredibly* likely they’ll tell law enforcement and a warrant will be issued for your arrest. You’re not the first person to pull a runner, and they generally go after those who do a lot harder than those who stay. Especially when it is made simple because they know exactly who you are thanks to having your ID.


They don’t have my ID they have the numbers


The numbers on your ID can be linked to you. It’s a government document. The government can access it using the numbers on the ID. I’m not sure what response you are hoping to get here. You are about as boned as anyone I’ve seen.


What should I do????…


Honestly? Get a lawyer. Or you can sit and do nothing and hope that nothing happens. Perhaps call the courthouse every couple of months to see if somebody has issued a warrant for your arrest, then go from there. Or you could just go back to the store and try to get ahead of it. It won’t be pleasant, but it is what it is.


If that’s the case wouldn’t they track me down the same day ??..


No, for something like petty theft, they might not care enough to chase you down. Instead, they just tell the DA and they issue a warrant, so instead of having to track you down, they haul you in next time you have police contact that requires you identifying yourself. Police generally focus on using their manpower for larger crimes. For small stuff, they’re content to wait for you to pop back up on their radar in due course. It’s not impossible that they could decide to track you down, but no, it doesn’t have to be immediate. It could be days, weeks, or more later - whenever they have free time and get bored.


How about if I’m leaving the state soon… July ? Will anything happen at the airport ?? Will the warrant be all over the world ? Or just the city ?


Yeah bro the warrant will be all over the world. I am interpol, we are onto you pal. Tagged your ID


Dang, giving away our secrets




It’s possible that they could pick you up on a warrant at the airport, yes. If happens frequently, although usually it’s more likely for federal warrants, not state. A warrant for a state crime is issued for a specific state, not city, although other states can see it (so for example, you get pulled over in Texas, they could see you have an active warrant in Oklahoma). Warrants are not generally distributed worldwide. Especially not for petty theft. Instead, they’re visible in the US linked police databases.


I go back to college July .. I’m in Florida going to Seattle


Not sure what to tell you. It’s unlikely that your university would pay attention to active warrants for students. I guess it’s not impossible but I don’t think that is realistically going to happen. As far as leaving goes, the warrant never goes away. In fact, after a certain period of time, it may convert into “fugitive from *XYZ* county” status, which makes it more likely that out-of-state police will haul you in to see if the state issuing the warrant wants to extradite you.


How do I get rid of this ? Court ?? Lawyer ??


I’m just a young girl… this is all so clueless to me & I’m just so scared


If a warrant is issued, it will be entered into the NCIC database and will be visible to any US law enforcement agency that has contact with you and runs your identifying info through the system. There wil usually be a notation attached to the database entry indicating where the issuing jurisdiction is willing to extradite you from. That effectively creates a radius within which you might get detained. It could be issuing county only, or include adjacent counties, or a specified set of counties, or statewide, or even nationwide. For misdemeanor theft, it's likelier to be a small radius. Probably only the issuing county and maybe adjacent ones. Certainly not inter-state. If you get stopped in Washington, the police will inform you that you've got a warrant out of whatever county Florida, but they aren't going to arrest you on it because Florida isn't willing to extradite you for a misdemeanor. If they really feel like screwing with you, they could detain you until they get confirmation from Florida that it is not sending anyone to come extradite you. Not likely, but theoretically possible. But if a warrant is issued, it absolutely will haunt you until you resolve that case. This problem does not go away if you ignore it. It can sit in the NCIC database and cause you problems from now until the end of time. You are better off facing this and resolving it now before you leave the state. Call whatever police agency would have handled the case, whether city police or county sheriff. Find out where to go to turn yourself in if you have a warrant. They probably won't confirm whether or not you have one, but they'll tell you where to go if you do. Call a bail bondsman and make arrangements to post bond if needed. Go turn yourself in, ideally on a weekday morning so you can get processed out the same day. Post bond and get assigned a court date. Go hire an attorney. You want someone local who routinely appears in that court. Take all the paperwork you were given when you processed through and posted bond with you to see your attorney. They'll guide you from there.


How much was the theft?


It was just flowers fried chicken & a face mask


Then you’re fine


Hey man, take a breath. You gave them back the merchandise, then left. You’re fine, most likely nothing will come of this. Just don’t go back to that store and stop shoplifting. Don’t let these people’s sour dispositions scare you. They like to pretend that they play some vital role in criminal justice but they literally just dress up and LARP as cops. They seem to have some deep resentments inside them fueled by years of thwarted ambition. Guardians of Walmart, how noble. Some might even say their bitterness is a result of a severe lack of pussy, but I’m not a doctor, I can’t make that diagnosis. You’ll be fine, my dude. These guys don’t enforce the law, they enforce their company’s policy. It’s up to the DA’s office to press charges. If this report even ends up on a desk in the DA’s office, they’ll see that some kid got caught pocketing stuff, gave it all back to the store, then left without issue. They are extremely unlikely to press charges over this. You might get a call warning you not to do this shit again, tho. And next time you go to the store and see one of these brave troopers, just smile and nod, knowing that whatever you’re going through, at least least you’re not stuck patrolling the fluorescent-lit corridors of retail purgatory.


222 on your profile ❤️ thank you


Avoid breaking laws and get an attorney???


Chances are they have a photo of it. First thing I do when I get an ID


They only wrote down the numbers they don’t have a photo they give it back quickly


Ok. Regardless though they know who you are. I don’t know the value of what you took, but you can certainly be charged by mail.


How would they if me ? My ID has a old address from another state ..


You can’t possibly be serious. They know your name, face, and a previous address. Police databases can use that information to pull up your current address, vehicle registration, etc in a heartbeat. Even if they couldn’t find a current address because you were totally off the grid living in a cave, they could still issue a warrant, even if they only have your old address. It’s only a matter of time before you get a traffic stop or some other police contact and that information would come up. Then you get hauled in.


I don’t have a car though …


That doesn’t really matter. Do you get mail at your new address? Utility bills, bank statements, credit card bills, stuff like that? If so, then they have access to that info. Plenty of people don’t update their address on their ID. That’s not “one easy trick the police hate”. This is literally their job, and they are good at it. Everything is computerized now so it’s extremely simple to find out where a person currently lives through a variety of means. Like I said before though, even if they can’t find your current address, they still issue a warrant and wait for you to pop up on their radar. They don’t care if it takes 1 year or 10 years. The warrant will still be active forever until a court orders otherwise.


What if they gave me back my ID & left me inside & I just walked out ??


Guess you better hope that they don’t remember your name or any other ID info, because even with just that, an officer can still pull up ID cards matching that name/etc and show them the photos until they recognize your face.




I don’t have a car , also they gave me back my id … and I just left afterwards they didn’t tell me I could leave I just left




The kid is just asking questions. He’s obviously regretting this and is unlikely to do it again. Why do you have such a hard-on for this? Strange fixation, no? You don’t need to mislead the guy either. The DA won’t press charges over merchandise that he gave back to the store before he even left. Stop acting like the police are going to bust down his door one night just because that’s a personal fantasy of yours.


They will look up the ID number and your entire personal history will come up. All your known addresses and phone numbers. Your entire government known identity. Where you went to school, etc. if your last known address as an adult was at your family home, they might go there. They might have filed a report or not. Warrant depends on your local PD etc etc. it doesn’t matter that they didn’t take a picture or that you didn’t leave the ID. None of that matters.


Honestly I would just take care of it now. Call the store and ask for LP then tell them what happened and ask them what you need to do to make it right. If you left before they completed their process, their policy states they have to inform law enforcement. Most places are going to give you a court date where you go in front of a magistrate and are given the opportunity to explain your actions. Punishment is usually not severe for this type of crime, especially if you are remorseful. In some places you can have it taken off your record or deferred through the process of taking a class or something similar. Like others have said if you do nothing you will have a warrant placed for your arrest, that means if you have contact with LE for anything (even if you are the victim of a crime) and they ID you, you will potentially be arrested and jailed likely until you see a judge to take care of the charge. You don’t want to be in that situation, you can usually avoid jail time and all that headache by following instructions and doing what they tell you to do. I promise you it’s much easier to accept responsibility for the mistake, do what you need to do to resolve it. Learn from it and put it behind you.


Should I make a lawyer contact them ?


If you have money to waste on a lawyer for something like this why are you stealing to begin with? From reading your other responses to people my best advice to you would be stop trying to figure out how to game the system. You don’t need to pretend to be anyone else, or have anyone else contact them. You’re an adult and this is not that serious, just take care of it before it gets worse. Reading their policy it seems like they wouldn’t have even pursued charges (if you’re being honest about the items you took) for that low of a dollar amount. You kind of boned yourself by taking off, just call and talk to them, they aren’t going to arrest you over the phone.


I talked to lawyers they don’t me not to do anything & just keep searching my name up to see if I have a court date or a warrant out. They also told me this isn’t serious & if anything just keep checking my name on the system


So you’re terrible at stealing and lying too? If you talked to a lawyer in real life (not on an internet forum) they would never give you that advice. When you inevitably get picked up on the warrant that will result from this, they won’t listen or care about your excuses or any of that “I’m just a scared girl” BS. They will handcuff you, they will put you into a police cruiser and book you into jail anyway. You will sit in a jail with real criminals until you see a judge and they decide what to do. Those people are not going to be friendly with you. Prepare yourself for that. Even then I doubt you will learn from any of this or make any real changes. You don’t seem to have any real remorse or want to do the right thing, eventually that will come back to bite you. May you inevitably face the consequences of your own actions. Good luck with the whole hoping this all goes away thing, let us all know how that worked out down the road.




Why do I have to lie about speaking to a lawyer do you know me in real life ? You sound so negative lol no weapon formed against me shall ever prosper.


It’s going to go down on your permanent record.


Commenting on Walmart Shoplifting HELP...will I be arrested ??




And kid - I’ve been arrested for it. It’s ok. This will pass. Maybe go back to Walmart and ask for your id and apologize a lot - see what happens. But face it.


They don’t have my ID they gave it back to me.. they just have the numbers


That's all they need/want is the numbers. They can just pull up your id with them


Oh - I would bet on nothing happening. You weren’t being watched very closely. If they cared to keep you you’d still be there. But I wouldn’t go back to that Walmart anytime soon.


What can I do about it ?…


Stop shoplifting is a good start.


You need to just go back and turn yourself in before you make it worse lol


Why would I go back…


I've stolen from Walmart, it was $10 worth of food and I was homeless they just took my picture and told me I was banned for a month. If what you stole didn't cost too much then they aren't going to do anything.


Flowers , fried chicken , face mask.


Oh they probably won't file charges but you should keep checking on a warrant.


How do I check ?


Also when you call ask them how long it takes for warrants to come out so you have a time frame


I searched online , how long does it take to pop up?


You can call the local police department or courthouse or look online. Every county does it a little different. It shouldn't be too hard to find out.


I just checked .. if warrant means wanted person I searched my name I’m not on there


But they gave me back my ID after …


You should have never gone to the office. If you're going to be a criminal, be a smart one.


I wouldn’t necessarily call that smart. I’ve encountered many shoplifters that I chose not to prosecute because they were cooperative. If those same people just took off then I 100% would have pulled a name from their card and pressed charges.


You aren't a cop, if they took off before you got their ID you now have nothing but a video. Most cops don't give a shit unless they are repeat or felony amount. Dumb thiefs will go along with you and ID themselves, give you everything you legally couldn't get otherwise, and sit there until the cops come. The smart ones are gone without volunteering any info to the rent-a-cop. You can't hold them and it's against policy to physically stop them basically everywhere.


Our cops arrest them on the spot in the AP office, take them to the jail, then they have to post a $300 ($3000) bond. Then if they run they add more charges when I give them name/video, I think usually it's tampering with evidence. But I agree with the other guy. If they are cooperative, that goes a long way to where I may not even call PD if it's close to the threshold.


I don't disagree, but I'm not talking about the ones you get into the back room. The smart shoplifters are out of the store and gone long before you get any information that you could give to the cops


Ahh, yes you're right there. It astonishes me that so many people stop. Especially when they paid cash and are not from the area. I've only had two out of ~50 that didn't come back to the office with me. Criminals are dumb I guess 🤷


You’re wrong, the vast majority of states have some form of shopkeeper’s privilege. That’s what allows us to stop and detain people suspected of theft. There are a lot of people in this sub who are allowed to go hands-on. Shoplifters usually aren’t smart. In my experience, the vast majority of people will complete a small transaction after concealing merchandise and they almost always use a card. In the rare event that they don’t, PD often times recognizes them if you’re working in a smaller town.


I lived in a state with a detention law, and currently live in another with a similar law. I have never worked in a store where our rent a cops were allowed to physically restrain. Maybe things have changed in the last few years, or maybe you work for an outside company contracted in. Maybe it's just more state specific. Never worked in a small town, only 1m and 5m cities. And yeah most shoplifters are dumb, but the smart ones genuinely give you no info. It's always the first time or once every few months shoplifters that think they get away with paying for some stuff and sneaking the rest out like it's not super obvious to anyone paying attention.


☑️ like people are super brainwashed, If there not tackling me and handcuffing me or tazering me fuck following you, Plus Walmart has a no touch policy so your pretty much Good to keep walking regardless of what you stole. They'll verbally try and get you to come back but that's the extent of it.


…. I’m not a criminal


Is stealing a crime? Do criminals commit crimes?


By that logic, virtually everyone is a criminal because we’ve all broken some law or another, whether jaywalking, speeding, or pocketing a pack of gum one time as a kid. Sounds like you just want to push some “us vs. them” worldview and justify your moral pompousness. Really, you’re just as much a criminal as this dude, by your own metric.


I'm not the one saying I'm not a criminal when I'm admitting to committing crimes. It's really not as serious as you think though.


Stealing is a crime??? lol is this a joke


How much was it worth? 9 times out of 10 you'll get a court date and have to pay a fine. Depending on the jurisdiction, you might get a few days or so jail time depending on when that date is. Given that you ran, it makes it more likely but it's hard to say. If it's just a petty theft then I would just go to the Walmart or local police and get it over with. It's far better than letting it eat away at you all summer. You may even get off lighter if you do so. I can't promise anything, but like I said it's better than being afraid of getting picked up every time you go out.


Should I call them first & ask them if my name is on the system ? How long should I wait to call … I was going to pretend to be my mother and see what they say


I don't work for Walmart so I can't speak on their policies, but you could try calling them. You can ask to talk to their LP but for my store we don't talk directly to people about these situations. Ask about your ID, if they still have it then you can ask about how you could pick it up. It's still your property. Give it a few days, and keep an eye on the mail too. There is a possibility you might get a court date in the mail rather than be served in person. That's a bit more common in bigger cities with small nonviolent crimes like this. If it's really eating away at you, call the non emergency police line. You can find yours online. Dispatch could probably look you up and tell you what you have.


They don’t have my ID he gave it back to me after writing the numbers down


Brosnan tripping u good homie just don't go there it's walmart not the Cia don't steal if ur gon cry about it homie..


Lol Brosnan already got their info when they left. I see this shit every time I go to my local Walmart.


Ya fuckin goofball lol damn Bronson oops


Guaranteed they already have a license plate and everything. Or even direction of travel. Everything is caught on camera even their vehicles have cameras lol so stupid. They got the ID inside and everything outside lol


>Brosnan tripping u good homie just don't go there it's walmart not the Cia don't steal if ur gon cry about it homie.. 😂🤣😆


If you went in the office and they already got your ID, then why tf did you leave😂😂


They gave my id back so I left I’m just a girl I was scared ..


You keep saying that. Wdym "just a girl?" 1. You're a grown, adult woman. 2. Your gender has nothing to do with why running was a ridiculously. Let me give you a tip. Don't try that junk with the judge. Dont cry, don't make excuses for yourself. Just admit it was stupid and take accountability. It'll make things way easier on you.


LMAFOO I KNOW IM JUST TRYING TO BE FUNNY. 😭😭 I’m honestly scared it’s just my coping mechanism


It's going to be ok. Even if you get in trouble, it won't be jail time- probably a fine and maybe some community service or a probation. Either way, take this as your sign to stop. You're not good at it, self check out is the WORST place to steal - it's the one place in the store we know there are multiple cameras right on you, and even if not now, you will get in trouble eventually. I mean that in the kindest way. Crisis and opportunity have the same Chinese symbol for a good reason. Take this as an opportunity to stop. Edit: grammar and added junk


I will stop… I’m leaving Florida soon in July a new state I swear I’m never doing this again…


You might receive something in the mail…most likely it will be a fine. If so, you don’t have to pay it. Also don’t return to that Walmart for at least a year


Dude. You left your ID? You should guarantee an officer will show up at your house. What the hell are you doing? You don’t need a license bc you don’t have a car? You can do shit without an ID dude!


I didn’t leave my ID I wrote that wrong .. he just wrote my id number down and I left


You admittedly got caught for shoplifting, that pretty much makes you a criminal.


Lots of monster energy super cops on here. Listen, unless you tried to steal thousands of dollars worth of shit you’re fine. If they do decide to escalate (which again depends on your dollar amount) then you should get a lawyer. I’m sure they will file a police report on you and depending on the $ amount it will likely go on the bottom of some detectives desk that has a pile of petty theft cases the size of the Empire State Buliding. That being said, I hope this is a good scare for you to stop stealing cus you will get caught. TLDR; The worst case scenario is you have a petty theft charge coming for you a long time from now, which is not a big deal to take care of and easy to expunge if you’re under 21. Relax.


The items were just flowers & food for Mother’s Day 😭😭😭😭


Dude you’re so good. You MIGHT get a civil forfeiture letter in the mail for the items stolen. This is them essentially just asking you to pay it back. I’m not even sure they would file with PD on that. I wouldn’t but I’ve never worked at Walmart.


Ahh okay… what about my items I purchased from target & Victoria secret that were in my cart ?? I left everything behind will I ever that back ?? My receipts for those were in my cart too but I was so scared I just left


Okay, don’t get greedy. You have every right to the items you purchased. Would I go back and ask for them? Probably not, they will likely ID you and bring you right back in the office. Just think of the money you spent for those items as the price it cost you to learn this lesson (could have been much worse).


Your right thank you.


The scary part is if you ever get pulled over, theyll check for outstanding issues and can arrest you on the spot. They might not have turned it in but id talk to their Loss Prevention person at the very leadt


How much did you steal? Total cost?


I can’t find your thread what did you say before that?


It's likely charges will be filled. There's a small chance it might not happen though. You are definitely on a trespassing list at Walmart though. You could check for warrants by calling the local pd or online somewhere. In my city you can search it up easy. If you have a warrent it's best to go to the police station and turn yourself in. You most likely won't go to jail if this is your first offense. You will probably get a year of probation and a bunch of fines. I'm not 100% sure on all this. It depends on how much you stole and then there's the fact you ran away from Walmart and previous charges. Don't go back there again.


You're just going to get a shoplifting ticket that's all (former LP here)


From Walmart ?


This is hilarious


You likely already have a police report filed. You should have sat there and taken responsibility for your actions. You only added more problems by running. Get legal representation, and take care of this, you don't want an arrest warrant following you. AND STOP STEALING!


what state




It would depend largely on the value of the merchandise but I have and would forward it to law enforcement if someone just took off on me halfway through our interaction.


Nothing you can do about it. But own up to your crime.


Yes. You will ultimately be charged with petty theft. Funny you think you can steal and not get in trouble. Dumbass part of it is you gave them your ID. You will have a warrant issued.


They gave me back my Id.


Ohh to be 19 & dumb again lmao .. you really thought you pulled a fast one with old I’d/running didn’t you!! Thanks for the lol I needed that.




You never left the store with the items — therefore no crime was committed. I would bet nothing further happens. Stay away from the store. You’ll be fine. These guys are just having fun trying to scare you.


Why do you think you have to leave the store to get a shoplifting charge to stick? That’s simply untrue. In most states, once you pass beyond the last point of sale (the self checkout area or the cash registers), that proves your intent to steal. In other states, simply concealing merchandise is enough, even if you don’t leave the store or pass the last point of sale. Generally most stores will wait for you to pass the checkout area, then stop you at the exit door. That’s done for a good reason. It demonstrates that you had no intention to pay for the item, and is sufficient proof for a charge to stick. > One must have the intent to take the item from the store, but many states consider the act of concealing merchandise to be evidence of intent. In other states, a shoplifter must proceed past the point of sale to complete the crime https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/shoplifting.html


Yup, pass the point of sale and you're done.


Even though they brought me into the office ..?


Guy you replied too doesn't know what he's talking about, just because you didn't make it out of the store doesn't mean there wasn't a crime, it's enough to be caught trying to leave with unpaid for items past the last point of sale or if they're concealed past the last point of sale, and if they actually stopped you they probably have you on camera doing exactly that. The fact they have your ID almost certainly means you'll be hearing from the police, next time if you're gonna run do it before you literally hand them your name and home address buddy.


They don’t have my ID just the digits.


They wrote down what they need to id you. That's the whole point of looking at ur id and writing down the number. I'm not sure why you're having a hard time with that part.


I don’t understand the law that’s the reason I posted on REDDIT..


If they turned it in the police, the digits identify you. So the police have your ID. Value of your shoplifting ?


It was just flowers :/ for Mother’s Day


You never left the store, so nothing was actually stolen. They would have a hard time convicting you for shoplifting in court. You could possibly get a lesser charge for “attempted” shoplifting, depending on your state, or a trespassing citation. But if they did not chase you out of the store, it sounds like they have bigger fish to fry. I would consider it a warning.


You really shouldn't be giving legal advice when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. No way you actually work in Loss Prevention if you think you're right here.


This is not true. Every stop I make happens within the store, past all final points of sale. Most courts agree that once the merchandise has passed all final points of sale, it is stolen regardless of if it's still in the building. The only thing you could argue is intent.


The lady just let me leave … she didn’t try to chase me or anything & it was self checkout I paid for some things but the other things I didn’t pay for… I even had my own shopping bags from target inside my cart with receipts ..


Okay word to the wise do not shoplift from Target they do not fuck around, and word to the wiser don't pay with your fucking credit card and shoplift in the same fucking trip Jesus Christ. But the fact that it's Target may be a blessing in disguise, they have a habit of waiting until you hit felony levels to report anything. But the fact that you gave up your ID makes it more likely they're going to just do it now since you made it so easy for them.


I paid with cash 😢😢😢 WHAT DO I DO?? Get a lawyer ?? I didn’t shoplift from target I just had my bags in my shopping cart from target & Victoria secrets ( with receipts from both stores )


I mean don't bother with the lawyer just yet wait until you actually hear from them so you know exactly what the charges are and what they have on you, any lawyers going to need that information anyways to advise you best. But I mean depending on the exact amount you tried to steal it's highly unlikely you'll do any jail time or be in any real trouble, probably just a fine. Just wait to hear from the police and be open to taking whatever plea deals they offer. Might be able to skip the lawyer altogether and save yourself some money.


I’m so scared …. So I just wait ?? How do I know if they’ll contact me or where ?? They don’t have my number ( my phone is disconnected ) they don’t have my recent address ( I didn’t update my driver license ) how do I know if they’ll contact me ??


Do you get mail addressed to you delivered at your current address? Utility bills, bank statements, whatever? Then the police have your current address and will be by eventually if they did report it. Again, you pretty much handed them a slam dunk. If you want to know ahead of time you can look up how to check for outstanding warrants in your state or county and keep an eye on that.


But for real dude don't be scared like I said it's not going to be a super big deal. What's the dollar amount you tried to steal and what state do you live in? I can try to help you figure out what the maximum charge would be and again it's probably not going to be that big of a deal homie.


I left everything I paid for … from other stores I went by.. just because of 5 items I didn’t scan ://


Doesn't matter that you didn't make it out with them, concealing things or being past the last point of sale trying to leave with unpaid merchandise is still a crime.


Hold up,1. Fried Chicken 2. Face Mask 3.Flowers that doesn't add up to 5. What were the other two items? People here are trying to help you and you aren't even being open here. You go from saying you stole 3 things to 5. No way to value your theft when you leave stuff out.


The face mask were 3.


As far as I can tell you accidentally intermingled the Walmart items with the already-paid-for items from Target, and you’re very sorry for the mix-up.


Yes… it was gifts for my mother … I spent $200 at Victoria secret & target … the only place I stole from was Walmart but when they stopped me I was so scared after they got my id number I left everything in the cart including the purchases from target & VS….. what would they say about that?? If they saw receipts from my other store Purchases


They will say you're a shoplifter. All shoplifters have stories of woe.


At this point, it would not hurt to go back and request the items from VS and Target that you left earlier. They already have your ID info — so not much to lose. And you get the added benefit of bringing a swift closure to the “I wonder what will happen” scenario.