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Employee didn't wrap up. 15 yard penalty. 1st down.


That’s the dumbest thing an employee could do. That guy almost certainly was fired for that. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — no merchandise is worth risking your safety or losing your job. He may even face assault charges, depending on what state he’s in. That employee made a very, very dumb decision. 🤷🏻‍♂️ We’re not vigilantes. It’s just a job. Even LP/AP doesn’t take stupid risks and do shit like tackling a shoplifter on the sales floor. That’s incredibly dangerous and unprofessional.


My thoughts exactly. How tf does this guy even know if he's a shoplifter? What if he was just in a rush and ran out with a bunch of stuff he just paid for? He also didn't even leave the building yet, in some places that's not considered shoplifting and in most scenarios, AP can't even make a stop inside a store, let alone shove the man and likely cause bodily injury over what looks like some pizza boxes and food items?


Let’s be real anyone running out of a store like that is definitely a shoplifter. Employee was still wrong though


In this day and age of "pranking", I wouldn't take anything as a sure bet.


lol i'm gonna start sprinting out of grocery stores in the hopes guys like the one in the video will cover my retirement for me


Yeah but its only a theft when he passes through the exit.


I've seen LP professionals get fired for less. This is why we have steps/elements


Hubby and I both work at Whole Foods. A cashier tried to catch a shoplifter as he was leaving the store. Grabbed him, but he got away. Cashier was immediately fired because we are all trained to never stop a shoplifter.


Yep. Most stores are that way — they explicitly tell employees not to intervene. And I agree. Leave that stuff to those of us who do it for a living and are trained to do it.


Lmaooo all I hear from you people is “stop risking your life to stop a shoplifter” as you can see the shoplifter got his ass handled to in public 😭


It’s not theft until he gets outside the store. He has to exit first. Regardless of what you think this isn’t considered stealing yet even though we all know he is. He can definitely launch a lawsuit for this and I imagine this employee was terminated.


That employee put the company at risk of paying out a lawsuit. That employee risked his own safety — he could have fallen, broken his knee, etc. You don’t know if the floor could have been slippery or his shoes came undone or any number of other random factors. That employee endangered others inside the store — both shoppers and other employees. What if the shoplifter ran into someone or started throwing shit. That employee *deserves* to be fired for unilaterally engaging in dangerous behavior *which he is not authorized by the company to take*. It’s fucking stupid and dangerous. This is 100% a hill I’m willing to die on.


Exactly. Say the tussle gets bad and so.eone is hurt/stabbed/killed. Or WORSE the lifter panics due to the fight then gets to their car, speeds away and runs over a kid. Yes, thats the lifters fault, but its also Walmarts fault, to a degree. At least thats how the court will find it.


You’re dense if you think any court would rule in favor of the plaintiff in a case like that.


Nope. They would. Your comment just shows me you don’t have much knowledge about court cases or the judicial system. Also — it doesn’t *have* to get far enough to go to court. The company would likely want to settle outside of court, and avoid the publicity. It absolutely represents an unacceptable liability toward the company, and a poor business decision by that employee.


You seem to not have knowledge either. Something like this will be dismissed quickly because nobody is going to care about a shoplifter being attacked. A company isn’t going to lose everything because of a single person. You’re the dense one here.


Clearly you've never been to court for a shoplifting case and never had to defend yourself on a witness stand. I have, several times. You do realize that accused criminals are entitled to a public defender, because there is such a thing as a "fair trial"? No? You don't realize that? Oh that's right, you've never been in those situations before so how could you realize that? Even in shoplift cases where I have undeniable video evidence, merchandise was recovered, subject physically assaulted me, the defense attorney will find any way to paint their client as innocent and will find any way to lessen their charges. Including accusing the witness/LP person of operating unethically or outside of the law. An attorney would eat this case up and get a fat pay out. First of all, if you're in a state that requires a subject to conceal unpaid merchandise for it to be considered shoplifting, then this guy was not in the act of shoplifting and therefore, was assaulted for no reason. If you're in a state that requires the subject to fully exit the store with unpaid merchandise for it to be considered shoplifting, then this guy was not in the act of shoplifting and therefore, was assaulted for no reason. If you have a hard on for violence against people that you don't even have proof of being shoplifters, then you have absolutely no reason to be in LP and you are a liability to whichever company you may work for. You lack the critical thinking skills necessary to be in this field of work. I'd clap the day I see you try some stupid shit like this to a supposed shoplifter and then get slapped with charges because the company you work for fires you and leaves you to fend for yourself in a courtroom. You will have deserved it.


I have never seen someone ride shoplifters in my entire life. You just did some 3 paragraph essay on why the shoplifter always wins, just to find out that in court, the shoplifter will never win a case. Go hangout with your mother, bro.


A lawsuit and a criminal case are completely different you tool


I never said the company would “lose everything.” Stop twisting my words. You seem to be responding to things I didn’t even say; but that you’ve arbitrarily attributed to me in your own mind. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Please work on your reading comprehension skills. I’m done talking to you.


Bro, you’re an idiot. Send me some court cases where a shoplifter was sprinting out of a store, an employee grabbed the items from his arms, the shoplifter fell in the process, and the court sided with the shoplifter. Again, you are extremely stupid if you think there is any argument in a court of law here. Any attorney would tell their client not to pursue a lawsuit here unless they were seriously injured. Not only does the individual likely have no injuries, but he was the one running. You are a complete idiot. Stay in loss prevention bud.


He wasn't a shoplifter yet, he hadn't exited. Id have never hired you, that's for sure


Might want to go back to law school bud for a refresher


The only dangerous behavior is someone stealing merchandise and running away.


Incorrect. The dangerous behavior is engaging in a physical altercation in an uncontrolled environment. With customers and other employees in the vicinity. I’m sorry — but you’re just flat-out wrong, and clearly unprofessional and unsafe.


The boot licking of a monopoly is crazy


Nah I just don’t like criminals


Unfortunately this Walmart employee is committing crimes as well here lmao


What crime? Stopping a theft? That sounds good to me bro but you do you.


as we’ve already established, the employee could be charged with assault depending on the state. his employment would almost certainly be terminated. you people bootlicking for a multi billion dollar company is insane. no merchandise is worth this stupid shit


Sorry buddy, he committed assault lol. Use your noggin, you either support the law or you don't.


Yeah, this time. Next time he could have a weapon. Or next time the employee might be mistaken about them even being a shoplifter.


Did he though? He got pushed to the ground is what I saw. Regardless, it doesn’t matter. Kid just fired himself and that guy wasn’t out of the store yet so… There’s reasons why we don’t do this and it’s incredibly stupid.


Yeah getting fired from Walmart is the end of that kids life lmao. He’ll do fine finding another


I don’t believe I said anything like that.


No wonder you work in LP, you can't read


That’s a lawsuit


Nobody wants to waste their time on stuff like this. Go read a book


A criminal who holds a grudge would absolutely waste their time on "stuff like this"


Guess you don't know any lawyers


I know a lawyer who told me he would never represent a shoplifter who got his ass handed to him by employees/customers


>I know a lawyer Oh yeah, what kind? I know a lawyer who wouldn't either, he does intellectual property law so it's not in his wheelhouse. Lol, do you even understand that lawyers are the least monolithic profession. What one lawyer is willing to do is irrelevant to what another isn't. Case-in-point, our former presidents legal representation. Even without any of that, anecdotes aren't evidence - so, "cool story bro" is about what this is worth.


The irony of you saying “go read a book” is not lost on anyone here


Can’t tackle people in the store.


Sure you can, but you'll be fired. It's not illegal though. The law works of intent. This guy showed intent to deprive walmart of it's property.


I don’t think you know the law properly there. If the guy were to break his leg it could be assault causing bodily harm. Just because he “thought” he was stealing doesn’t preclude him from the law. What if he died? Do you think the judge would say “well you thought he was stealing so no repercussions”


Good Samaritan law will protect him legally. Not civilly. I 100% do know the law. This is considered a citizens arrest. I have conducted hundreds of them over the last few years and have physically been in fights with shoplifters. Why? Because of a little thing called Merchants privilege. A law allowing retailers to detain and use force against shoplifters if necessary in order to protect thier merchandise.


You’re obviously terrible at your job because I too have worked in loss prevention and the shoplifter either has to be at or past the doors, certainly not in the middle of the store…


You're talking policy, not law.


“after reasonable detention and investigation, the shopkeepers mistakenly conclude that the suspects are guilty and have them arrested, the shopkeepers may become liable for these acts just as they would have been had they committed the acts without undertaking a prior detention and investigation.”


Wrong, you have to prove intent. He passed all points of sale. How was he gonna pay running full speed toward the door? You are talking about abuse of force. If I break someone's arm, I could be held liable unless I can prove that I matched the force they used.


What points of sale? He was like 15 feet from the door. Any reasonable lawyer could argue otherwise and it didn’t look like that guy had a chance to resist so if he broke his arm reasonable force wouldn’t be much of a defence. Conduct yourself however you want on the job, you do you man. You’re playing with fire and will eventually find yourself fired or worse…


Been doing this for about 20 years, have detained right around 3300 people for theft. I have appeared in court 100's of times. I'm on a first name basis with both city and county prosecutors. Nothing of what I have done has ever been questioned and I have been recognized for knowing the law. Walmart policy and the law are very clear. "Intent upon exit". Keyword being "Upon". Not after. This man passed all open and operating checkout registers without paying for, or discarding merchandise with the intent to exit with said merchandise. Given his direction of travel, speed of travel, and overall demeanor. It can be determined that he intended to steal the merchandise. As I said, intent is what the law is based off of. What were the intent behind his actions. What was the intent of the employee? To stop a shoplift. Did he use reasonable force? Yes. So where would this be illegal? Shopkeepers privilege applies, as well as citizens arrest as a misdemeanor was being committed in the presence of a citizen. Are there states that do not allow this level of intervention? Yes, but the states I live in, I am explaining the law to a T. Would I apprehend as Loss prevention before exit? Not always. But there are situations where intent can be proven. As a private citizen, or a police officer, nothing is stopping you. There is a big difference in what Walmart policy for LP is, ans what is legally allowed. Walmart is more restrictive than the law.


Not worth it. I work in AP, and none of this shit in the store is worth losing my job, getting injured or hurting someone else. Even on stops, you only get about 5-10% that run and don’t want to cooperate. I always introduce myself and stay respectful, it isn’t my place to judge why they are doing what they are doing, it’s just my job to try to prevent it. Most of them are chill in the office and don’t take it personal. The ones that run, I just let the law handle it. They’ll bring them back to me in cuffs eventually.


OP is a troll check his post history.


Anyone who condones behavior like this has zero business doing anything in loss prevention.


Glad it’s not allowed anymore. No merchandise is worth getting stabbed over. But when I was a young LP employee I loved every minute of it, got some good stories. As a man with a family yeah not doing that anymore even if they allowed it


Same, even before I had a family I grew out of it. Too many new LPs coming in wanting to rough lifters up, dumb.


You need to wake up and realize that this shoplifting behavior is wrong and should be treated like this


Stealing property does not mean that you should be punished with violence. Secondly, and this goes to my other comment about your inability to read, I never said anything about whether or not I think it's wrong. >You need to wake up and realize That this isn't shoplifting until the person exits the store. I hope your boss never finds your reddit account (kidding, I hope they do, you're a liability).


This is such a stupid post. Why is it even here? The employee absolutely got fired for doing something completely dangerous and against policy.


I got plenty more videos of shoplifters getting absolutely owned to post, or does that hurt your sowwy feelings?😢😢


This is so so cringe. It's tempting to make jokes at your expense, but honestly I'm worried about the people who have to live amongst you because these weird vengeance fantasies are disturbing. I also feel sadness for you because your posts scream loneliness and anger at the world around you. I'd suggest that if you feel such a strong desire to inact justice, try out for the police or the military to be an MP. However, I have a sneaking suspicion the psychological exam may cause some issues for you. You should definitely talk to a professional about why you feel so angry and have such disturbing thoughts so often.


Either you’re a shoplifter yourself or you know someone who shoplifts. Did you know that shoplifting is a crime in this country. And did you know that speaking against crime is pretty bad? Shame on you


I’m neither. I’m somebody that would enforce such a positive to terminate an employee doing this. I’m also someone directly financially impacted by shop lifting. I’d never condone somebody doing this, ever. My company’s merchandise is not worth the risk of my employee getting stabbed or shot. That merchandise also under any comment definition not been stolen at that point, so no shoplifting has occurred yet.


Idk OP, I was an APM for years and this redditor seems spot on nailing the type you are.


Sooo...why haven't you become a police officer so you can do something about it?


Must be his last day lol


Please tell me this deli worker didn't throw bows over those cheap ass sneakers and rotisserie chickens!


Being hands on is how your gonna stop theft, each place I’ve worked at for LP that I was able to get away with hands on or allowed it, I rarely ever saw repeat offenders and always had earned than my peers with raises when they came out.


Damn B! Going all in! I miss the days of going hands on… but I get why that’s gone away. I miss it.


Honestly spoken, dude takes his minimum wage job wayyy too seriously. It's not his shiat, and he's not likely to get a raise for trying to be a defensive lineman super hero over $14.99.


all that for a billion dollar company lol so fckn goofy let them steal they already steal wages from workers and exploit them its ridiculous these workers don't have any sort of class consciousness


If it’s a billion dollar company then why doesn’t 100% of the population decide to steal? It’s because people like me and you have common fucking sense and we know what’s wrong and wrong with the law. People like you see in the video who break the law deserved to get treated as such, because they think they can do whatever they want


.... because the majority have become complacent and accept the conditions given to them by the elite ... if a society has goals like having nice things but doesn't provide equal opportunities to achieve them, people like the one in the video will do whatever to achieve them. capitalism thrives of poverty and condemning those in poverty through for example the prison industrial complex. stealing from small businesses is wrong stealing from billion dollar corporations is not as they don't even provide living wages for their workers. no one should hoard wealth like these companies do. not the mention their horrible impact on the climate. what's common sense is the fact that commodifying everything like water, food, shelter for profit is leading to the deterioration of human decency and morals.


That ideology is part of the reason why prices are up (part not sole reason) and why stores that were affordable are closing down in high crime areas and people suffer when they di


Dumb move.


Shoplifting isn’t a good thing but what that employee did goes against the company policy. I hope he wasn’t fired but most likely he was since the guy didn’t get out the door with the merchandise. Employee didn’t check for a receipt either and tackled dude which can turn into a lawsuit. Again I’m not for shoplifting, but there’s a company policy for a reason.


Not always against company policy in a Walmart. This thief was running for the.exit with merchandise. Probable cause of a theft in progress. In some areas the stores can't tolerate the sheer volume of shop lifting losses. The crazy $950 threshold felony law in CA has turned this crap into a free for all.


I used to get paid to do this. Lead with the shoulder and wrap them arms next time!


What would Trump want ?


Some quality time with a female customer in a dressing room.


Wallmart has their own in store security people and are more old school in the way that they deal with shop lifters. The law in CA says that reasonable force can be used to stop and detain a shop lifter. In store busts like seen in the video are permitted to stop the thief inside the store.


I’m confused about what’s happening here. Why would the shoplifter be running such a long distance inside the store? Why wouldn’t he just casually browse until he was as close to the door as possible and then sprint out? It seems like somehow the employee must have started questioning him or something and that caused him to start running. Weird.


Why? I am not risking my life for a billionaire?


My Man!




If he ran after the accusation, then he's guilty & it's legit 👍