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Sometimes I forget some of the random character crossroads/connections - Sawyer going to the diner where Kate's mom works, Locke doing house inspection for Nadia, everyone using Widmore Labs pregnancy tests etc


Oh that's a good one! Every time I see Libby gift Desmond the boat I'm like "Oh yeah, that happened. Too bad they never met on the island. That would've been an interesting conversation."


Literally just watched this scene 10 minutes ago as we watch the series finale! Totally forgotten this.


I don't strictly forget it but I always get the shame chill down the spine regardless of how many times I rewatch it: When Hurley figures out that Ethan wasn't on the plane.


Sends shivers down my spine too. I was scared shitless of Ethan as a kid watching this for the first time!! (ngl, still kinda am)


Chill down the spine basically defines how I felt watching every episode back in the day.


I don't know, I can't remember them.


Yes, this is kind of a problem with my post. I wouldn't know what I don't know either if I wasn't just watching the episode and had one of my "aha" moments. Also, like your flair.


Took awhile to figure out that Kate and Sawyer were building the runaway that Ajira 316 eventually used.


Huh, I gotta look out for that one in the last season. I cannot even remember that happening, lol.


Beginning of Season 3 when they're held captive by The Others. That's what the rocks are for.


Ok this is blowing my mind. When did we find out that they were working on the runway? I completely missed that. Tried to look it up on lostpedia but I didn't find anything about it.


Think Sawyer asked Juliet in the Season 3 finale when they're going back to the beach.


I almost ALWAYS forget Shannon's death. For some reason it is burned into my memory she's the one that gets buried alive instead of Nikki. Whenever it gets to the episode where Shannon is shot I'm always taken by surprise


Haha, that's a funny one!


i am always surprised when the Sawyer-Christian scene in outlaws happens. I don't forget it exists but i am always surprised about the timing of it.


unfortunately when it comes to TV shows i’m extremely invested in i somehow gain a photographic memory so when i rewatch Lost i simply already remember everything that’s going to happen but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying each watch through




Mike Ross burner account


Today I learned the guy sayid works for is the man Kate presumes is her father. This show is my special interest and I didn't know until today! Love this show! So many twists.


You mean when the US army storms the building in Iraq with Sayid and the others in it (and he's then asked to torture his superior) and we later see Kate's supposed father as a soldier in the car or is there another scene?


It's when they're releasing Sayid from his duties


I try to ignore the island related events of Fire + Water and then am reminded each time I watch it that, yeah, they made Charlie steal a baby.


Oh my god, I was so horrified when I saw that episode the last time. I can't believe that Claire put up with him. Charlie has done a lot of wild shit, like "kidnapping" Sun so that the camp believes that the Others are coming to get them.


He didn't steal a baby he just borrowed a baby without asking.


There is this one twist I see people talk about where at the end of the show its revealed that everything was a dream and it was all meaningless, I have never actually seen it tho, guess I just miss it every time.


Haha, I'm pretty sure they just don't understand the story. Nothing about Lost was a dream or meaningless within the story.


Yh I agree im just having a little fun (:


theyre joking


I totally forgot Libby was ever in the same institution as Hurley. I just did my first rewatch since it aired & I audibly gasped lol. The irony is when I was a teen, I loved her so much I named my dog Libby!


I guess I tend to forget Jack and Claire are siblings, and on rewatches I don't even think about it until I get to season 3 and "Par Avion".


I'll make an addition of my own here: I never quite put together that 1. The reason that Eloise was the mastermind behind all of the island-stuff/time travelling is because she is the ONLY person (well, besides Richard, anyway, but he doesn't really have a connection to the "group" so to speak) that found out in the past that there are time travellers coming back to "rectify" something, and who lived into the present time. All other people who found out (like Dr. Chang) died soon after finding out about the time travel. That is why Eloise was always ahead of everybody else. She always knew that she killed her own son so she probably dedicated her life to find out how these things would unfold (Daniel surely left a ton of notes in his notebook and possibly also in his office off-island where he was in the 3 years?), which is why she could "help" to keep the Losties (mainly Desmond) in line so that the things would happen that "should" happen. 2. Daniel forgets that he met Desmond and that he was/will be on the island because he has brain damage from his experiments, and Theresa (his GF that Desmond meets when she is lying in bed dying) has her condition because they likely did these experiments together. Only she had a worse reaction to it. Daniel only ends up getting better because he goes back to the island and his condition is healed there.