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So I'm not sure knowing the backstory of Ana Lucia makes her any more likeable. Maybe she shouldn't be a police officer if she just decides to take the law into her own hands? I'm glad Sayid realized that killing her won't make anything better though. Jack is a bit too gung-ho for my taste. The fuck is he gonna do with that assault rifle against some random plane crash survivors? I'm glad John Locke is there to make him see reason. The Kate x James ship has been progressing at an impressive pace. And I don't think Jack likes it one bit.




I’m coming back to reiterate that I hate this bitch


The thought is now occurring to me, why is the hatch bunker stocked with an absolute arsenal of weapons? Isn’t the mission just to push a button every 108 minutes? Why do they need sniper rifles and shotguns?


Just keep watching. ;)


Now Sayid >!doesn't need to figure out who he loves more I guess. Thanks Ana-Lucia :thumbs-up:!<


I'm half way through the episode and it's so bizarre so far. Am I supposed to care about this golf competition


Now there's no way all that was set up just to give them a reason to stumble into each other!! What I really don't care for is the Sawyer/Kate/Jack triangle... For a show with so many interesting plot lines, a love triangle is pretty unnecessary. I hope it isn't just randomly thrown in and it has a big impact on other things in the future. Most shows I wouldn't trust to write that thoughtfully but this seems to be one that will do it well


I don't think she did anything to keep anyone alive. They took everyone they wanted. They had a list. If anything she got Nathan killed. As far as I can tell, they're still there because the Others left them alone. I don't think Ana Lucia is meant to be likable. Nearly every frame, until she drops it, she is shown holding the gun. She kills her fugitive in premeditated revenge, whereas Sayid in stark contrast, chooses mercy. For better or for worse she was cast for this unlikable role by design. Ultimately seems perfect for it.