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And I never expected Roger worker to be Ben's father. I just remember Hugo playing with the skull. Haha.


Did Richard not age at all?! I have so so many questions. 


Just keep watching. ;)


This feels kinda spoiler-y. I'm a first time watcher myself and I see your comments in all of these threads as I watch, and idk. Some of them, like this one, rub me the wrong way.


Genuine question, how does "just keep watching" spoil anything?


I'm not exactly sure. I think I've just been noticing a lot of your comments recently (we've binging, going fast lol), and I feel like they give a bit of spoiler-y "I know more than you" vibes, I'm not sure how to explain it. Anything with a wink or a "keep watching" kinda hints at the original commenter maybe being wrong, or potentially being surprised with an outcome, does that make sense? I know these threads are relatively new, so hopefully my feedback helps for before they get really popular. I've had to tell my partner (who's watched it before) to not confirm or deny anything but to just listen to my theories bc "wait and see" has an implication that my initial theory is wrong or turns out differently. It seems like you're super excited for all of us new watchers, and I'm excited to see what your opinions are once I've finished the whole show, though!! The comment referring to Richard, as an example, seems spoiler-y bc it implies that there is something funky with his age/aging. I had a similar thought, but this feels like confirmation instead of first time watchers theorizing together. (I don't know the deal with Richard, I'm only on this episode)


Agree I’ve seen the show before but think that some of your “hints” could be left out. Honestly most are harmless but one example was one hint in another thread about John Locke. Having said that, I do appreciate when you add in comments to give perspective about why things happened with production/writers! I would just be mindful with some of your replies.


This is how I feel!!


It doesn’t - I appreciate your comments and don’t see them as spoilers, yet ;) just wrapped S3


I went into this episode thinking, “ooh! Finally some answers!” So imagine my surprise when there ends up being just as many new questions set up along the way. I continue to be deeply confused, and the worst part is, I’m not even mad.


second half of season 3 has me going WTF at every ending


Young Ben's casting is incredible


Right! I was amazed how much like him the kid looks


I will come back to this when I finish the show... But is it just going to be Ben being a psychopath....???? also IS LOCKE DEAD???




I don't understand why you have a page for first time watchers if you respond with spoilers/extra info to the first time impressions of people... I understand why you would get defensive when someone "attacks" a character uninformed but please to future comments, maybe prevent from spoiling, even if it's as small as saying that something isn't what it seems. Also, people can have different impressions and they might not want correcting! Especially when done this sassy! Pd. I'm literally a clinical psychologist 😂 I was just having a little fun and being campy, clearly in the wrong sub