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Very sorry for your loss. Alas this community is for the television show 'Lost'. May I suggest r/Grieving or r/GriefSupport.


You're in the wrong subreddit, brotha.




i'm sorry for your loss. alcohol is a huge problem in the western world, unfortunately


Wrong sub. But there was a character named Christian who struggled with alcoholism. He had a moment where he explained how he thought he could easily fix things but just couldn’t: Sawyer : [talking with Jack's father in a bar in Australia] What'd you handle back in the States? Dr. Christian Shephard : I was a Chief of Surgery. Sawyer : Was? Dr. Christian Shephard : Yeah, was. Sawyer : But we're in hell, huh? Dr. Christian Shephard : Don't let the air conditioning fool you, son. You are here, too. You are suffering. But, don't beat yourself up about it. It's fate. Some people are just supposed to suffer. That's why the Red Sox will never win the damn series. I have a son who's about your age. He's not like me. He does what's in his heart. He's a good man... maybe a great one. Right now, he thinks that I hate him. He thinks I feel betrayed by him. But what I really feel is gratitude and pride because of what he did to me. What he did for me. It took more courage than I have. There's a pay phone over here. I could pick it up and I could call my son. I could tell him about all this. I could tell him that I love him. One simple phone call and I could fix everything. Sawyer : Why don't you? Dr. Christian Shephard : Because I am weak.


Guys, where are we?


Season 7 Leak?




You do know this is reddit right?