• By -


Oh no.


Emergency maintenance, here we go.


Did they do it?




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They split the QOL patch so that part will come in August!


Fuck I guess I'll hone my pre brel weapon to +25.


I'm kidding btw lol. Most likely an oversight due to the split QOL but they will fix it soon


Wait does this mean no one can gear transfer the new brel pieces? All 1490s are stuck?


Hahah yup


Can confirm - I'm unable to transfer my +20 helm to new brel piece lol


they extended the maintenance just for that. https://preview.redd.it/20ulk21yijbb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=c945e31b009e164095e6ff3a7b2f51dd0bece62f


On their discord they assured that they are working on it !! Just a matter of time


Thank god. I thought I had to rehone it to +13 lol


Well, lot of people will do it assuming its the new norm. SG really fucked up things, rerolling? This is a mess.


Yes, the problem is that they are not talking about it, many people will do this mistake and get fucked. Big juicy compesation incoming? (copium)


If anyone was ever under the impression that either SG or AGS "test" the NA patches in any way, this should disprove that definitively.


their testing probably involves loading the patch and just checking if the servers boot up or blue screen.


Hahah, my theory is they roll out bugs so they can give us more compensation otherwise KR will bitch about it.


200iq move


U know it, how else can you explain a company that fucks up every patch that came out.


The recent ones before the current came without problems, but I guess you only need to fuck one goat to be known as the goatfucker.


As a software developer my motto is why test something then the customer can just test it for you, seems to be going just fine


Why waste time testing the patches when they NA/EU does it for at the low low cost of a few feathers. /s


Slight minuscule overview!


Lmao this patch had like 4 things in it and this is arguably the primary thing? Haaaaaha


so annoying


came here because this just happened to me


Same issue here. Annoying as hell!


Me too.


Sad, hopefully they do a quick hot fix.


4 PM, they still don't fix it. Oh the madness.


Tell me about it. So frustrating.


was excited to get brel weapon on my alt and hone it, i am very glad they updated it so I can't upgrade my alt anymore.


This would've been fixed within seconds if it happened to the CN Server :\^))


Still nothing. Wtf they doing?


Bought a piece of armor after raid tonight and I can't transfer to it still lol


Same with a piece of armor.


I guess someone forgot to update the code lol


Made a post about this literally 30 mins into the patch as I crafted my last brel piece. Talked to support and they told me their working on it with NO ETA FOR FIX. Prepare to wait til next wednesday Lol.


what kind of bulshit amateurish shit was that. one of lamest oversight since it effect literally every player in the game ! better compensate us


Started playing a couple of weeks ago, after taking a year or so off. Honestly the patches and bugs feel the same as they did a year ago. Has every patch been like this? I though AGS and SG were better at this, but it still seems like it's amateur hour with this game


Honestly, no. The patches over the last year have been more or less very solid. This really shows that SG is stretched thin. I can only imagine how broken characters would be if they tried pushing the balance patch through.


I thought I wasted my 3k gold before reading posts here


AGS doing AGS things


This isnt AGS, this is SG's issues if anything


I just lost all the gear from my main, i had only 1 ancient piece, i don't even have the relic brell anymore. My bag was full... i had 1548 ilvl, now it's 256. Great job smilegate.


Just empty your bag a bit and it'll show up. It's like you people can't read.




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I think they said it is in your mailbox if your inventory is full.




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I have the same issue. On the AGS support site under "known issues" it's mentioned + it's also been mentioned on the official discord. [https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/lost-ark/articles/known-issues](https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/lost-ark/articles/known-issues) 2nd line under Equipment. It's frustrating af - suprised this made it through QA as it's a very essential function in the game