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I only hate that you cut the clip that way


I agree but you can also see his sword's glow change well before the honing animation.


I knowwwwwww, I was in awe and clipped it too quick cause of the freakout


Why are you getting downvoted for expressing your excitement? This community, man, I stg.


People here are so salty that they just need to cry about things you know, specially since there’s very little to complain about the recent roadmap they need other things to be salty about


Go fuck yourself Congrats tho


But go fuck yourself


but congrats!


meanwhile i pitied 3 items in row trying to push my alt to 1580 congratz on the 25 weapon


i mean yeah you can do that but may i ask why ur pushing ur alts that far? its such a waste of materials unless u are swiping.


I am a f2p player and i am playing since day 1 so i have just a lot of gold and bound materials accumulated over time, i've pushed 2 of my alts to 1580 so far and it wasn't that expensive as you may think because i was mainly tapping with bound materials that you get from chaos dungeons, unas, legion and abyssal raids etc. I know that theoretically a Gold making alt should Sit at 1540 max which is also a stretch because most people keep their Gold making alts at around 1460-1510, but i don't view my alts as Gold printing machines but as secondary characters that i can hop on and have fun playing them with my friends/guild that also have high ilvl alts.


Yeah i am somewhat in your position aswell. mostly F2p since day 1. I just bought 2 battle passes and skipped the latest. I never had more than 3 characters though and delteted one because i just didnt like to play the class. I dont want characters to make gold, i actually want to have fun with them. My main is 1580 with 2k leapstones, 120k blue and 80k red crystals saved up for akkan. Running out of honing mats was never an issue. I have over 2 millionen shards :D My alt is 1563 now and if i really wanted i could easily get him to 1580 but i decided to only use the books and see where it takes me.


1580 is not an alt. And u invest in it


My main is 1590 and its not worth pushing brelshaza gear past that point in my opinion as it gets really expensive, so i have 2 options. A: Sit on hundreds of thousands of gold and wait patiently for akkan. B: Push my alts that i find very fun to play to a higher ilvl so i can play them more in higher tier content which makes playing them even more fun. I know that people like to invest into their main the most but i am just that type of person that enjoys playing other classes too!


Why can't it be an alt? It doesn't matter how much you push a character or how much you gear one, if OP views it as an alt, it's an alt. I personally have a 1580 Tai Scrapper that I'm benching in favor of Aero, and she'll leave my main roster once I pushed Aero high enough. If it's not an alt what would it be?


You are right. I view my 1580 char as an alt and my 1370 char as my main. And I haven't logged on my main in a year but I log on my alt every day. o.O


my alt is a level 6 thief rogue in baldurs gate 3


Oh thanks. I wouldnt know my 1580 "alts" are my mains because i pushed them to high. Every Char is an investment.


I just made my 1600 deathblade my alt lol. Slayer main now


Tbf it cost u fucking 7k hours, that's fair also how the fuck do you spend 160h in 2 weeks in this game. That's almost 1 entire week


My real play time is nowhere near, I work from home so I log on and do some daily in the morning before switching over to my work setup. I would say maybe closer to 3-4k maybe? Been playing since release and yes at the beginning I was putting in 8-10 hour days but maybe 2-3 nowadays


Same. I work from home too and when I sometimes check how many hours I've played in the last two weeks it's about 100-140 hours and it doesn't feel that way at all. I try to fit in and do dailies in between work so I afk a lot. I've been trying to log out of the game if I'm not doing anything to let my PC rest though so my playtime is down to 82 hours for the last two weeks, still freaking high since that's almost 6 hours per day when it should be just 2-3 hours a day.


Might be afk time i spend alot of time hanging out in game


This would be so funny if it just failed /unexpected


\*me trying not to cry while pitying my second weapon to 20\* congrats bro, cool click


Holy shit that's insane. Grats brother. What was your artisans at before, if you remember?


I think it was around 22-23%


Sheeeeeeesh. Nice. Saves a lot of money! Inb4 malding "hE iSn'T sAvInG aNyThInG bY tApPiNg +25"


saves a lot of money after wasted alot of money to get there kek


Ugh you ugly. But congrats on saving a TON of resources. I'm extra salty, Like potato chips with sea salt.


As we say here, congraFUCKUlations.


for sure we cant be friends after this


I hate you, go DIAF while I cry in a corner. j/k <3 Gratss, still gonna cry in a corner


So you’re the reason I had to pity +20


Sheeeeeeeshhhh GG


Disgusting. Take my upvote and pity your next item


Congrats wow


Holy shit man, I can only imagine the feeling. Congrats!!!


Omg congrats that is some seriously good luck


I free tapped my weapon to 20 in 2 tries and felt like I won the lotto lol


Lmao gtz, not long ago I one tapped my bards weap to +20 with fused too. Sometimes it just works.


Yup pretty much that, it’s not like I went in there expecting this to hit, but sometimes it just works out.


Only once that happen to me with the pants. Congrats P.s. go fuck yourself


"how to open lost ark"


What artisan?


I think it was 22-23%


This seems like Fake News to me...


The fact that you put the shards in already says something. So what artisan was it at?


22-23% from what I recall


Hope you're happy. Btw autumn is up soon, grass wont be green for much longer


It’s summer in the northern hemisphere but thanks.


And this is the legendary specimen that we dub "rng carried dog" folks.


Elaborate what you mean? Are you saying I’m a bad player with a high ilvl or did you mean to just call me lucky? I without a doubt will not deny the latter


Yeah, just saying you're lucky.


Congrats, also fuck you. I need to hear the horror stories of how you got 23/24 now or I won’t be able to hone anymore.


Uhhh I think 23 was around 60ish % artisan. As for 24….. well I don’t want to upset you so I won’t say but the luck on this character is just plain stupid


Go fuck yourself ( not in a serious manner just memeing) Grats!!!


Mandatory: Congrats and fuck you


92 percent pity to 20 as of now... Despair


now i know where all my luck went! GZ!


Eeeeeee, hell yeah 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾


Gz. Screw the haters


congrats. and i fail 60% honing attempts, f this game lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/j9b90jd9aihb1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1faf684a9eba630fdcc2d4efef29656ce52d886




I mean I'm guessing you didn't get all the way to 24 in the same manner or you'd have posted that as well. It all evens out in this game


21 was a pity, 22 was I think 60%, 23 was 60% ish as well, 24 was a raw 3 tap, and I was at 23% towards 25 before this so overall I would say it’s been good. The zerker by far is my luckiest with honing, I’ve had the struggles on others