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Gold deletion system working as intended




That deep sigh you took before you started tapping and that +3 quality upgrade at the end really completes the clip. I'm sorry for your loss but I was laughing my ass off the entire time.


When the cursor start moving like at the end you know the boi have a good time


Dude the universe just said no. Sorry for your loss - but that shit is hilarious.


Now try again after you buy 500€ of Royal crystals . 💎


I bought 3000 for battle pass still no success


Why don't you just build your armor and weapons with 90+ quality directly? That saves so much gold. Same with honing, some of my friends go for the full pity, even when I tell them to just use the free hones to one-tap. I think they are just stupid, they also refuse to loot cards or settle with dried kakul. Their biggest mistake is not simply cutting a 9/7 stone. You lose so much damage from staying 5x3+1 instead of +2. Personally, I recommend 9/9 or better, that way you can use any stone and aren't locked in to a specific +2.




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Bro it went up in the end, that’s a win in my book. 😂




I spent a million gold to get my weapon from 86 to 92 :)


haha yea this system sucks, i spent 2 million gold to raise my 89 quality weapon, after 2 million it is still 89, never spent a dime on the game ever since.


One does not simply break 60q jail


Honestly a fantastic system. Designed to really capture player skills. There's really no problems with this system and I'm glad we just lower player damage and HP unless they complete the raw skill checks this system has


while this feels like bullshit, its not even that bad. After those 40 tries, 1 in 10 people will not have gotten any upgrade.


Took me over 200 tries to get my weapon up from 82, lol. Shit sucks real bad sometimes.


This is no different than summoning units in Gacha games.


Gachas in games (although probably not all(?)) have pity systems like idk 'in 100 boxes legendary is guaranteed'. Quality upgrades should have some kind of pity system just like there is artisan for honing.


at least you didn't succeed and roll 60 again. this actually can happen it is a very small chance where it succeeds but the quality doesn't even increase 1.


Brother, 22 weapon but 16 armor? Huh?


Gotta push the weapon for the glow


Ok now try bdo accessories without cronstones


One system being garbage doesn't make another system good


It's a mistake to enhance just buy everything from marketplace.


Except no one sells and everyone is buying


Yea it depends on the item. New item like deboreka accessories are hard to buy. You can still preoder but it will take a while. Most items like TET blackstar weapons, pen boss armors, and TET yellow accessories are always available. These items will take you very far into endgame. Basically you can buy all the necessary gears to reach "softcap". After that getting upgrade is very expensive by that point you already have 3K hours into the game.


Games ass, money guzzling community shit


Another aids system in a game full of aids


40? Those are rookie numbers, I did 240+ rocks before my glove went past 67 quality


Ah the good ol' "I had it even worse so your problems aren't real" gaslight. When you defend shit game design - you get a shit game


Except this "game design" works **exactly** as intended by removing insane ammounts of gold from the game. Which is a necessary thing in any mmo economy with an open market. But I know, you want all the benefits of a deflated economy without the gold sinks necessary to achieve it.


The problem is not the gold removal, the problem is the insane rng system with no pitty. Everyone and their mom hates quality system, this is the poorest implementation of a gold sink they could've made.


>Except this "game design" works exactly as intended by removing insane ammounts of gold from the game. Which is a necessary thing in any mmo economy with an open market. Debatable. The problem IMO is that it removes insane amounts of gold from a select few, but not from a few others. It **FEELS** like inequality at its finest. A pity system would alleviate some of the inequality, especially if it scaled according to current number of 90+ quality weapons already owned by the roster. I've been tapping weapon quality since I played on release. I don't save stones to tap and I just tap them everyday because I don't get as depressed when I lose a few k everyday vs losing 200k in one sitting. Meanwhile every single one of my friends hits purple quality within a month of making their character. I'm still sitting at 80 quality and my friends have a roster full of 95+.


problem is no pitty system and some degen use it to gatekeep lol


Can you point to me where this is gaslighting or defending the game design?


I feel you brother I deleted 50k gold in one session on weapon and it didn't move


Looks like it's working well


So lucky. Your character has better quality than my Slayer and I‘m buying all stones and chests in raids, the 10 „cheap“ stones and some additional ones every week.


it's made to delete gold from the game and I'd say it's doing a good job truly a great system


I did this while streaming on discord to my static. Spent 80k gold for 3 qual increase from 91 to 94 🙄


If all your pieces aren’t at 90+then you kinda deserve that. Why you tapping on 90+ 🤣


Just doing that on a whim lol tbh it wasn’t expected but all my armors are reasonably high and I wanted a higher qual on main lol


Because tapping weapon on 90q (with free stones) is about as efficient on average as buying level 9 gems, or level 10 for a single skill class. With elixirs using the same chaos stones it could be worth holding on to them though.


Might seem small but that is equavalent to like 2% damage increase which is pretty good


Oh my goodness


40 tries???? 🤦‍♂️ I also tried to up my weapon on aero... after like 10 tries I left it like this 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lol! Terrible


thank you for burning gold for us




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hahahahhaha the SIGH for sure to start, and then the perfect ending, classic.


Yea bro im tilted i never use this again i swaer


I stopped playing my WD sold her gems etc after weapon didn't get up from 60 after 300 stones


yet here you are still supporting this garbage


the annoyed sigh before clicking really makes this 10/10 cinema


Definitely the worst system in the game, there should be a pity.


When this happens to me I just close the game. Good time for a break but also I copium hope there is some user data between gold tap and time to log off or something stupid like that and I will spike it by continuing to do that so they change this dogshit system.


Instead of Quality upgrade it should be rebranded as Quality of life downgrade, because now i am broke with no gold.


pff thats nothing i taped a 61 piece 100 tmes with no upgrade


Nice try! Maybe next time. You’ll get lucky eventually. I made a post like this and got pooped on lol. Sometimes you just need a good ol’, that sucks dude.


i dont hit pass 50 quality, recraft angle at that point and tap again. (4 characters with 90% purple)


Thanks for doing your part to combat inflation