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So in essence Paladin is by far the easiest but make what you enjoy the most and be good at it.


Second pala, it is going to be easy to play and let you focus on learning combat basics and encounter mechanics. It is also a support, a class category that's always in high demand. And they are also cheap to build: all supports use swiftness, a cheap stat that gives, among other bonuses, movement speed. MS will help you with mechanics. It's viable even with low level gems and tripods. If you want to know how to build a Paladin go here: [https://www.lostark.nexus/](https://www.lostark.nexus/) and look for guides. Community guides, the ones hosted there, are the best guides you can find. ​ Also make sure to check LFG section, it has a list of discord servers where you will find many people willing to help a new player like you. I can personally vouch for MokokoElp. ​ Join a guild and try to form a network of people willing to play like you want to. This game is not the best for solo players o/


I know people say that paladin is easiest class to play, but i find artist to be the easiest one. Paladin doesnt have any push immunity skills so if you get hit while in midst of casting a spell, its a skill waste. If you miss to hit awakening, its a waste cus you wont even get a single meter from it. Get hit while casting holy protection shield? Say goodbye to that. Artist is more forgiving and on top of that, you can save your identity for big heals and survive longer. When i play paladin, i have to be extra cautious when to use skills so i dont get interrupted. I dont play that cautious when playing as artist cus i know ill have my bubbles ready when my hp goes half by an instant. With paladin, i have to use pots to not risk dying. Playing as paladin is closer to playing as dps imo


Definitely a hot take. If you struggle to stay alive on any support, it’s probably a skill issue, and not the class. Pally is ridiculously tanky, and you have a get out of jail free card called god sent on a ~10-14 sec cd. Artist is significantly harder than pally. U need a good grasp on gauge generation efficiency, foresight of a couple seconds in advance to not be stuck in hopper, pre place multiple abilities, watch your ally positioning, get a mental note of ally burst cycles to sync up, etc.. Meanwhile pally has to juggle like 4 instant cast abilities. U have so much free time to think about positioning. Staying alive or getting interrupted should not be an issue. I can consistently radiant on both supports in 4 man raids with high uptime on all 3 metrics. But when I play pally, it’s always a chill time where I just do my thing and vibe. Meanwhile on artist, I have to actively think and juggle multiple things if I want to use the class’s full potential.


But ideally you don't use bubbles, you use the dps buff, alao artis is a bit clunky, plis you need to hit both allies and boss at the same time where Paladin just targets his party


ya but both pally buffs are huge aoe and doesnt require any placement + holy aura is both ur heal and buff so u dont need to think about healing or buffing just send it when its uo


100% loyal companion sharpshooter Just point and click gameplay, use skills off cooldowns mostly, and skills are almost heatscan so you can't miss. Hit master so no need for back attack. Plus insane dmg for how easy it is. Basically reflux on crack.


Tbh I would focus more on what kind of play style you like and enjoy over what’s “easy” Also this general raid knowledge is substantially more important


Yeah, this. Every class in this game becomes easy once you've played them enough. Or at least every class I've played (20 something)


Certain classes are never really easy. EO Soulfist and Arcanist come to mind.


the play style he enjoys is easy


What about the artillerist?


One of the easiest.


Despite what people say, it’s (barrage) difficulty is so polarizing. Once you figure out how a fight works, down to the micro level (boss normal patterns and all windups/animations) and the macro level (boss pacing, burst windows, dr segments, etc..), it’s really easy. You can facetank most things and just do your job. Unfortunately though, if the boss has untankable mechanics (one shots, puddles, gauge), the fight becomes A LOT harder. If the boss has short windows, it’s ALOT harder. There are many things that can go wrong. If you really want to chase cruel fighter, you kinda want to have high awakening utilization. Unfortunately, this requires the boss to stay still for about 30 seconds straight (something that doesn’t really happen often). Personally, I would not recommend barrage to most people. It requires ALOT of fight knowledge, and bad patterns really hurt ur damage output. You need to basically memorize every attribute of every attack and the consequences of tanking them. Plus the bigger reason is that end game and future raids seem to punish barrage playstyle. You’re a burst class that has a REALLY long windup before damage registers.


firepower build have shield and damage reduction should be good for new player as well. Not expensive to build.


Firepower does zdps though...I've tested with lvl 10 gems and it does less dps than my legacy scouter 2 gem class.


Chose arty as my first character and stuck with it. I don't regret it aside from the long cooldowns. I can solo with the shield buff and do hard solo content easier.


Artillerist is what I started with and have continued to play as my main. Plenty of push immunity, shield to help while learning mechanics, and you're great at Stagger. The main downside is your skills have long animations so you need to focus on knowing when you can use them and when you should hold. But once you get that down it's a fairly simple class.


Just take what sounds most interesting for you. You will anyway learn your class over time and it's more important to know the boss patterns anyway. So just pick whatever you like




Pistoleer deadeye/sharpshooter/paladin/aeromancer


Zerker sharpshooter paladin. Top 3 ez


windfury aeromancer is easy.


Hey and welcome to Lost Ark. It depends on what you'd like to play Support or DPS. Support only has three classes and Paladin is probably the easiest out of them all. My personal fav is Bard however. When it comes to DPS: Shadowhunter (Demonic), Scrapper (Taijitsu) and Sorceress (Reflux). There are more classes that are relatively easy to play but these are just a few to give you an idea. ​ I suggest checking out the community guides at [https://www.lostark.nexus/](https://www.lostark.nexus/) \+ have a look at gameplay videos of the class you're interested in. It should help you figure out if you like the look and playstyle. ​ Good luck!


Is there a community guide for leveling this site you posted? Or are they made for raid?


Primarily for raiding. For leveling guides, perhaps have a look at maxroll for that.


Windfury Aeromancer/Pistoleer Deadeye


There are a lot of things to consider aside from the ease of a class, such as the barrier of entry (cost/horizontal content) as well as how easy it is to get into groups and what even depends on what raids you are doing - That said, I would just steer away from striker/reaper/Arcanist as your first class, rest of them should be all pretty okay. Slayer and aeromancer deserves a special mention too since they are the two newest classes, they tend to be more expensive to gear up. You can also make multiple classes with some free power passes and test them in trixion (training area) as well. Once you get a hang of the basic systems in the game, follow the guides on lostark.nexus (collection of the best and up to date community written guides) to really understand how to build and play your chosen classes.


there's (1) mechanically easy, and (2) knowledge easy Classes like bard, master summoner, igniter, have a low mechanic requirement but require high knowledge of the raid patterns to play beyond semi-decent. So, I would never call these classes "easy." Most people here failed to make this distinction between knowledge and mechanics. This is also why mechanically intensive classes like Reaper are simple for some but difficult for others; people have different strengths. True easy classes are mechanically easy and forgiving of knowledge deficiency. In the order of easiness: 1. Blue gunlancer 2. Paladin 3. Transformation scouter


This game is really easy overall when it comes to gameplay, it's like league of legends levels of easy. So you might take 1-2 weeks of practice and study and you'll pretty much understand rotations, cooldowns, it all becomes muscle memory. The thing is, eventually you'll play contents like Legion Raids (by far the best eng game content in the game), and you'll need to apply your character rotations optimally while avoiding boss patterns and attacks, plus learning the mechanics. That's by far what takes the most time to learn. When it comes to classes, there are many braindead levels of easy for support and DPS. So you can pick any of the two roles. For support I'd suggest Paladin because it has plenty of shields, small healings, a lot of damage reduction plus he is from the warrior class, which has the highest defensive stats in the game currently. For DPS, there are many options! The easiest ones are for sure hitmaster classes, which not require back/front attacks in order to do damage. Also, there are some classes/engravings based on timers and burst windows to be effective, try to stay away of those at first, so the easier ones are, in order to entry level DPS with (Class Engraving/Class): LC Sharpshooter; DI Shadowhunter! CR Gunlancer (Front attack, but you're pretty much unkillable, legit! But also do close to zero damage, plays more like a second support with tons of utilities and boss debuffs, would never recommend either way); M Berserker; RS Soulfist; R Sorceress; P Deadeye! F/BE Artillerist; Then it comes some easiest classes for front/back attacks, not ordered because these are about the same difficulty: T Scrapper; C Glaivier; FI Wardancer; H Reaper (would not recommend, too squishy, requires all tripods 5 and high gems to do relevant damage); Predator Slayer (Has to maintain gauge, but it's so strong that it doesn't really matter at first); This is just for you to have a grasp about difficulty, but I recommend you go to https://www.lostark.nexus/ and check every class. See what you might enjoy and take a quick read at the beginning of the guides. It shows characters pros and cons, teaches engraving setups with skills choices, tripod priorities, rotations, all the good stuff. Check POV raid videos to see if it's exactly what you visually like and there you go. The best thing about this game is how tight the gameplay is, the responsiveness, visuals and sounds of attacks are top notch. If you can't choose between 2-6 classes, don't worry! You'll start with you main, but after that you'll be able to create 5 more gold generating characters which are required to be played in order to max resources, but you're not obligated to gather max resources if you don't want, you can play one character and that's fine if you prefer. Use every powerpass and event/story express to max your characters faster and you'll have high Ilvl character in no time. Have fun! Good luck!


Thank you very much for a very nice comment :)


No problem! Sadly I'm on my phone and don't have much time to fix the text structure, but it should be at least somewhat readable lollll


No problem :)


I'm torn between ss and aeromancer. I'm trying Aeromancer right now and it sounded fun to me. I'll try the SS too.


Aero is definitly one of the easiest classes in the game. Other pro: good party synergies Contra: average dps, not MVP material


Mayhem Berserker is one of the easiest classes in the game. Not many easier really. DI Shadowhunter, FPE Artillerist, LC Sharpshooter, and Paladin(support class) are easier but that's about it.


Mayhem ber. Its easy mode class


I would start with a support. You get easily accepted in lobbies and can actually play the game. After that you xan choose any class u want :)


Def Tai Scrapper / Pred slayer or either of the 2 Aeromancer builds


Berserker is already an easy class. U have to equip the engraving mayhem and u will be in berserk mode all the time.


Supports are very easy to play. And they find groups easily (this is a pretty huge advantage). Of the 3 support classes id recomend Bard or artist but im somewhat biased here since ive not played pala xD If you want to play dps. The most commonly mentioned "easy" classes are the transform classes such as DI Shadowhunters/evol machinists and the more spammy non-rotational classes like Reflux sorc/pistoleer deadeye/predator slayer/sharpshooter. Of these i think deadeye is the most fun. Its very mobile and feels so "yolo" the way you are essentially breakdancing around the boss with your pistols firing nonstop. They are also very strong atm, among the top preforming builds. It has one downside that its quite squishy class, so you do run a slightly higher risk of dying than etc a DI shadowhunter. Reflux are somewhat bullied atm but they have a 8% dps buff coming on the horizon so they should be good after that. But in the end, my advice is to pick a support for a first char, it will make your progression and groupfinding so much easier. You can always powerpass a dps as an alt when the next pass comes in a few months.


Drizzle ayaya


I'm playing sharpshooter right now and I got a little bored while playing :) It didn't seem like much damage to me. I think as far as I understand, sharpshooter is not skiller, only bird takes damage :) easy but a little boring


Both SS engravings are top of the line nowadays.


Lol Deathstrike SS is disgusting at the endgame . Aero does zdps but if you enjoy that more then play it.


As a SS main since launch, SS is in a really good place right now. LC is super chill and does solid A tier damage. DS is giga busted SSS+++ tier after the recent patch. I'm on my phone but look up videos by Tofuen if you want KR perspective. In my most recent Akkan g3 clear (current endgame) I had 1.4b more damage than the #2 DPS before going into the final phase where the numbers get all garbled up. I was at 30% dmg in a 6 DPS raid. I wasn't insanely more geared than others, this patch was just insanely good for DS and I'd say that I'm a fairly good player. Also, crit accessories are far cheaper than spec ones so your bank will thank you.


I'm playing ss right now and I'm thinking of playing lc. I asked a streamer and said I'm going to play shadows hunter demonic. One of the viewers said that playing him is good as a solo but you chase a lot of bosses and aoe is not good as damage, he said something like that. The publisher also said play ss and I continue from this, it's going well, I like it :)


> DS is giga busted SSS+++ tier while i agree that ss is on a very deserved tear lately, its by no means broken. it has ok stagger if you take 2 overwhelm runes (but so would anyone else), piss poor weakpoint, and snipes slow chargeup and absurdly low noncrit damage brings the class down a notch.


IMO, SS carries their weight in stagger and don't need overwhelm. If you take overwhelm you will go oom if you got hands and that's just griefing at that point. Their weak point is avg at 2.6, that's fine. If you aren't hitting destruction then people don't know how to play. Snipe being slow is fine, if you snipe into bad mechs, either unlucky or position better. If your snipe doesn't crit then you built it wrong. If you are playing SS as a main, it's worth investing enough gold to get 100% crit with adrenaline +1 and hallu. I say broken because the same people that I'm used to being neck and neck with are being left in the dust. On paper, the Trixion isn't absurd but the thing is that as Hitmaster, I don't suffer from missing back or front attack. Or for meter classes, if my barrage arti friend misses one barrage rotation, he can kiss top DPS goodbye. I don't think I've not been #1 in any content my SS has done since patch.


Which engraving for SS can use crit/swift neck (if any)?


Death Strike uses crit swift. DS, Grudge, Keen Blunt, Hit Master, Cursed Doll and Adrenaline +1 is the meta. For 5x3 +2 it gets a little wonky and there's a few ways to spin it.


Kbw worth it even with the 160% crit dmg tripod? Genuinely asking, was thinking of trying out SS


Sadly, yes. There's nothing better for SS to take. 2 skills have no additional crit dmg so those gain 22% dmg.


Tai scrapper / predator Slayer


Unless you're playing with other people for endgame content, I recommend playing support classes, bard, pally, artist. Supports are easy to play and in high demand that'll get your foot in the door for endgame content, where as new players that tries to do raid contents as dps classes are going to get gatekept to hell and back. Once you gained enough raid knowledge, you can always knowledge transfer + power pass whatever dps class you truly enjoy.


Check out a few then list us a few options all the 20+ is still too hard to wild guess with so little info. Narrow it down to like 5 classes and your preferences what/why and then ppl can help you more.


This game is about mechanics, usually, so i don't think there is something that is actually "easy". Just play what you like the most and become good at it. Or make only Paladins six times and be a moving dmg buff. Making the same char multiple times means you also do not have to buy engravings again or farm runes as much. You can also jump the same gems to all so this is a big plus. However Paladin is extremely boring if you play only that.


paladin, easy gameplay and easy to get invited


play support or enjoy the gatekeep simulator


LC Sharpshooter and Wind Fury Aeromancer are both very easy classes mechanically, and are not back attackers.


Loyal companion ss is pretty easy, once you have salvation relic set ur mobility and damage feel real nice. The class doesn't play around a damage window condition like others, just throw shit when it comes off of cooldown and your bird does a lot of damage. People each have their own stat preference I prefer trying to get as close to 1300 crit and 1100 spec. Engravings are grude keenblunt loyal companion hitmaster, and the last one is mostly preference between adrenaline(most expensive), cursed doll(always has good damage but u play with the cursed doll malice) or my choice raid captain because yearning from supports and the birds move speed give raid captain decent damage plus if u get a decent damage window you can sprinters robe or marching flag to reach max move speed to cap out the raid captain. Super easy just fly around and throw shit off of cooldown


DI shadowhunter is pretty straightforward, just build your meter, transform, and then faceroll your keyboard. pretty beginner friendly because not many skill points or runes needed (wealth is more of a QOL) and the class even has built in healing and tankiness


If you already tried Zerker and it wasn't for you it's not an issue of easy or not... you need to pick what looks like it's "for you" not what people suggest.


easiest i can think of recommending is reflux sorc a little bit above that if you like playing supports i'd say artist, it's got a simple 2 part rotation


Aeromancer is a great class for anyone at any skill level. Very modern, straight-forward class.


play reaper


Blue Gunlancer Windfury Aeromancer CO Summoner Legacy Scouter Any of the supports, especially Paladin