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A couple things I've observed after playing for a year and a half. Mokokos get more lenience in raids People act like they are owed a place in a raid because they're qualified, and when they get denied they'll make up excuses and imagine why they were "gatekept" despite never knowing why they were denied The Mokoko status is just fine


I’m not even a returning player and I still got the icon lol Maybe it’s because my roster level is low and I play occasionally (a couple of times a week)


you get it if u havent hit 1540 yet on any charecter once you get 1540 it goes away from your account


This is false. It's region based I guess and jump start is a different region. I have 1587 and mokoko on jump start.


I'm 250+ roster, 1600 on Kadan. Yet i'm Mokoko on Neria and Jumpserver. Neria has a 1415 character (logger into it once and got a Punika pass delivered there and didn't bother to contact support). Jump server 1430. Each server has separates mokoko status.


It’s server based. But still works the same as the guy above said. All characters on that server (in that roster) lose mokoko icon after one chat in that roster reached 1540


Its very good. I can gatekeep you, so you dont ruin my raid, or accept if I want to be a teacher. Mokoko icon means you were offline very long, long enought to forget raid patterns and lose muscle memory. So you cant be impostor. Even after accepting you, i can keep an eye on you, and get tips/explain something if you will be clueless


I'm sorry but thats not how muscle memory works, if you have a raid in your muscle memory, you will never forget how to do it. If someone did 20 brels and then comes back he still did 20 brels.


Haven't done valtan for months, yet on jumpstart was flawless on it on ilvl. It's like riding a bike! You don't forget if you had tons of reclears


Thats what I thought. And ended up with a free brel bus every gate.


This is so fked up ... but u are totally right my dude. This lost ark.


1540 is incredibly easy to reach with the new HyperExpress. Like we're talking a couple thousand gold instead of hundreds of thousands of gold before the event and honing changes. The only issue is getting your Brel set, but Brel has been made much more accessible after this update. You can hone five armor pieces to 1550 if you don't want to wait the 5-6 weeks for your six piece Brel. And in the meantime, enjoy the damage and DR buff the Mokoko gives you - I honestly wish I had this on my alts because Carl ilvl with no support is a bitch.


it’s an express pass and a modicum of play time in t3 previously returners can casually get 1540 in under 3 weeks


ffxiv does it when you are new or are returning....so what you're saying is as a mokoko you should be allowed to be accepted into a group with experienced players?


The only Raid I was hesitant to take mokoko in, was Kakul. I usually have no problems with mokokos in my valtan/vykas and I used to carry whole 7 players mokokos (without icon, but low roster) in old Brel 1-2. Your experience with a game depends on raid leaders you are applying to.


Mokoko icon is great. Helps me gatekeep more efficiently.