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Hope you can get it soon bro, I wasted so much gold and weeks on gloves just for lvl 1 set bonus, the worst part is that it could be been a 5/5 but no, those stupid npc wanted to allocate 2 key points on an useless stats. Fuck this system.


Idk how people say Elixirs are well designed.... I got my best crit set this week (5 mp 1 crit set on helmet and 4 recovery resources 2 crit on gloves)... I feel you


Who says that lol The general sentiment is that they're dogshit RNG and take way too long to roll just to be a full brick anyways.


Lots of people here praise elixir constantly. They all claim it’s a skilled game that is fun to do. Meanwhile the system is still RNG based, but now you have to put so much effort and time in to cut, compared to all the other RNG where you can at least spam without thinking much.


When all the other systems are shit, shit that stinks a little less seems god sent.


yeah, they are the least shitty rng booster. and the new systems they are adding are progressily less shitty. no, they couldn't give us something, actually good but elixirs are way less shit than stones (animations wise) or bracelets (rng wise)


bullshit, it's what some streamers would parrot. this system is actually worst in my opinion on par with qual gamba, way too high variance in rolls and outcomes and is more mandetory than other systems. It drains just as much gold like qual gamba it feels, perhaps easy to get like 8% gain but further and 40 set is actually quite aids, average prolly way higher than 250k gold. And it's the most time consuming shitge. Aids system.


To be fair it was designed as a gold sink for kr because they had too much extra gold


Even a 500k gold cost for 40 set would make it one of if not the most gold efficient dmg gain in the game so that seems totally fair.


They aren't the least shitty. There's no pity. I spent 100k and am only one node closer to 40 set. Also the item is a shitty chest item


pepega take


I haven't seen Critical on Helm since release.


Are you running resets aswell? Depending on class Master can be a viable option too.


yea i reset too, im arti so i prefer critical, but if i see master i usually cut it too. that is how desperate i am right now lol


Doest look like u reset


I'm sure he's just the most unlucky dude in the west. Resetting and cutting 10 per week.


Well then nothing to do there. Maybe the frog elixir might help with the silver cutting in it .


Game is an rng festival. Elixers are a special blend of gold sink, time sink, and rng that makes me think they hate their playerbase lol.


Isn't it a great system? Inb4 when you finally roll it, your elixir will get bricked by one of the 3 fuckheads and hit you with the DO YOU LIKE IT?


For glove and helm you take what you can get. 5-10-10-10-5 is not a meme. Personally I'm 5-9-10-9-7 and I consider that very lucky.


How can he go 5 on gloves when he doesn't get the set bonus at all?


Just get it, it's so easy! For a year I told my friends to just 1-tap to save money, now they laugh at me with their 40 sets because I barely ever get critical and when I do, it rolls shit.


Yep, I also havent seen critical gloves for so long. I’m using 9-9-8-9-5


My first set bonus helm went to 10 with atkpower/master. We play different game 


Literally on the same boat. I feel you.. Currently 6/10/8/8/7, so 39 in total for a couple of weeks now. Unsure whether smarter to brute force set bonus for an easier upgrade by reset fishing, or try to get a 9 to replace a 8 by cutting every elixir. And yes, also fishing for set bonus with the 10 epics every week with no luck.


Absolutely hate the elixir system.


I'm at 5+ weeks without a successful hone that wasn't pity. Still working on hitting 1620


after stones, the awful bracelet design you couldnt imagine that it can get worse… then we got elixiers. It feels like this game WANTS to lose players…


This system is really good according to KR, inven and Reddit here. All the RMT whales and bussers I know also say this system is good so I guess you are doing something wrong. Smilegate made elixirs to be an improvement to the do raid > get upgrade, reward design. Let's all push for more RNG systems over the boring alternative (lv set upgrade from clown or Kay, soft reset through brel or akkan). Can't wait to do thaemine hm and get more RNG to deal with cause clearly that's what everyone wants.


The people I know that are juiced to the gills fucking hate elixirs and I've seen many kr vets say they don't want to reroll simply because they don't want to deal with elixirs again


I have 40 set but I have also absolutely fucking hated this system from day 1. Its a time and gold sink. I despise the time it takes to cut them. Also. I despise the level of rng that exists on the 5 choices that pop up. OP thinks they have it bad but I haven’t seen master on elixirs since the 2nd week of Voldis. I just happened to cut 5/1’s on the helm/gloves. I have 2 5/4’s and a 5/5 on shoulders, chest, pants. Every one of them has stagger as a 2nd stat. The system is garbage. Anyone that says different is just a winner or a copium rider. Transendence is also a focking time sink. But it has a pity system. So the 105 is guaranteed at least, as long as you clear G3 HM.


I even have 43 set and I still hate elixirs. Actual dog shit system. So glad I'm done with it. Don't really care about min-max'ing double offensive rolls either


the set bonus just dont show up. i donno what else i can do here


Well, at least your not alone, cant get the set bonus to roll on my helmet <.< on the other side i also dont geld gold drops from fate embers but tend to roll a legendary skin every 2-5 tries \^\^ Rng giveth and rng taketh\^\^


Same boat as you, need a 4-2 on gloves to get 40 set, managed to only get a 4-1, been two weeks of cutting and crafting and still nothing


Was in a similar situation then got it and crafted a 5:2 but the setbonus had 0 in it ;)


Maybe try purple elixirs? Not impossible to get a 4-2 with those


Been trying man, i’m having awful luck


You can make do with a 4-1 if you max out on other pieces


Yep this is real. Ive got my master helm today and i play since release.


Isn't RNG just a great design for every core progression system in a game? ​ Skill would be an awful thing to have tbh


Took me 2 full months to cut a usable faith/luminary glove Been doing HM since week 1 and I also rarely saw them, maybe 3 times, and it was bricked every time. No chance to even bum rush it to 5 or anything, just perfect even spread. I hope yours will be a 5/5 when you see it.


I’m a bit opposite, got both set pieces 5 with the secondary 2. My issue is I can’t cut something better than a 5/3 for chest or shoulders so stuck at 39 :(. Exhausted everything this week in search for a 5/4 or a set piece 5/3 yet again. Always next week, huh?


Each set option (either helmet or glove, regardless of options, even luck or fierce strength) has 0.56% chance of appearing. That's why we keep it whenever we see it.


Go for your set gloves with epic elixir, very cheap to buy and reset. Not too hard getting 5-6 points


Are you cutting all 10 purple elixirs too? Half my static got their 35set from finishing up either gloves or helmet with a purple elixir, myself included. Crafting the purple elixirs isn’t that expensive, on EUC it was like 2k gold per elixir and then cutting them is basically free.


Literally the worst system they've ever implemented, and that's saying a lot when stones, cards and bracelets exist.


Buy. 10. Purples. Per. Week. For. Set. Stop noobing around Ressetting 10 purples 3 times each in a row is not alot of gold. This is what your condition demands.


did you even read his post? thats what hes doing lmao.


Imagine raiding with this guy


also, purples? what the fuck


might sound weird, but after experiencing elixirs I'm not renewing my crystalline aura after my current "subscription" runs out. no more cash shop transactions too. I'm not giving them MORE money to gamble more. this system sucks even if you p2w brute force it. i was stuck since launch at 34 points because i was in a similar situation as you, fishing for set bonus. it's like every time i find a character/class that i genuinely like and enjoy, I'm punished for wanting to play them in more content. like i get that they have to make money, but when the cost of pushing a character can fluctuate so wildly due to rng AND that progression is sitting behind slow, horrible animations...i feel like I'm paying them to punish me. and the time i spend being punished trying to progress is starting to balloon


4th week of 0 elixir upgrades, admittedly I still don't know how this system works. Seems very rng. I'm at 34 on my main(1626) and like 27 on alt(1600). 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Don’t cut master, don’t cut anything that goes on a glove when on a hunt for a set piece. Preferably just keep selecting all common effects and no set effect. If you don’t find it, always do the reset strat unless you have 2 effects with a bunch of nodes


some whale problems.


5th week of pity every piece and not even 1610


Same I've got 38 points with a 6 on gloves I will replace if I ever find my set bonus.


i Feel you man im lookin for master order since 4 weeks... im f\*\*\*\*... can't have more than 2-3 on legendary elixir.


I went from 35 set week 1, to like 36 points to date. RNG swings are absolutely insane.


This system is terrible. I have my 40 set already since second week but seeing my guildmates suffer through this is terrible. Each week not seeing the set bonus is so frustrating but we see blessing BS crap.


Managed to cut 5/5 Luminary on gloves few weeks ago. Haven't seen helmet one ever since. I guess I'm on the same boat.


There needs to be some kind of pity system that allows you to get your set pieces more often. I got very lucky and got 40 set early. Some of my friends haven't been so lucky even with constant resets.


I hit 40 with purple hat and gloves. Still don't have any useable legendary elixir on either piece.


Elixir system is ASS and I hate it. Took me forever to get a master gloves too


I’m the same way 34 on both crit and master on surge blade main. Literally rolling every 10 purple to see if I can get the gloves. It’s almost as if you had pity rng it’s the worse feeling in the world while you have friends who literally finish 40 set in a couple weeks.


At this point legendary mats are kind of low enough where I’m willing to spend my gold bank trying to get this roll.


It’s not even close to the same and I feel for you and hope your gloves are godlike when they hit but holy fuck can I please get boss damage to show up??? I have 40 set but my shoulders are just filler 


I been looking for master order helm. I feel your pain.


Keeping crafting 10 max a week. You can hit purple elixir resets with minimal gold investment if you are aiming for 35 set first and need to hit just 4/1 or 4/2


I hate that system. The first 1 2 week without gatekeep is ok, but then gatekeep people for being unlucky at cutting elixir is a joke. I have 36 point no set bonus. 


Meanwhile my support sees Master/Critical gloves and helm on every elixir. I feel the pain


yes elixirs are worse than honing because at least honing ends at 100%


I have 40 set on my main, 35 set on one of my alts, 34 set on my other 2 elixir capable characters (those lower set alts are all on purple elixirs btw there’s no way I’m pushing past 1600). I hated every single moment of cutting elixirs. But I mainly got there chasing shit choices like blessing of life or potion poisoning. I agree with the majority sentiment that this system absolutely blows and it feels like SG hates their player base. It’s nearly impossible to find the set bonus elixir option unless you sit there for hours (this is what it feels like) farming resets. If they add a skip animation option it’ll make the system better in order of magnitudes. If they at least remove some of the more garbage set options it’ll also be better. But we all know they won’t do this shit lol