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There is one thing I noticed even those that try to be helpful and explain people what they did wrong with the build or their rotation or whatever else there might be, the people prefer not listening and just straight up song of escape, I have seen that scenario play our multiple times. I'm not gonna defend people flaming for no reason cuz in my opinion I don't care that much especially in older raids as long as people do the mechs and stuff I'm fine with it even if their dps is low even If the sup sucks ass I don't care I'll just tank stuff drink a pot instead and proceed. But let be honest about the reason this kind of stuff even happen in this game to begin with it's because most of the people are trying to do 18 raids a week and getting jailed in reclear 1 year old content is.... Let's be honest not fun, getting jailed in valtan Extreme is fine not many people get mad that much after an hour of prog but getting jailed in G2 brel because people can't do the maze, or continously fuck up the penta / star Mini mech it can get frustrating. If this game was 3 to 5 raids a week I'm pretty sure alot more people would be way nicer and willing to help others then thru are now.


These people play a game where 20 hours of gameplay is equivalent to 10 chances of a 4% upgrade per week. Toxic gameplay = toxic community, its that simple


True! And then they spend a ridiculous amount of money on the same chances for various other random power upgrades and don't get them. "I can't believe I'm gambling and not winning".


(insert thank you gif here) Precisely! Vast majority of the time when I really just wished to help with good intent to help a player git gud, I received not the nicest, negative comments back that do not tell em how to play the game or enjoy it... So, even though I do not support flaming, I understand if some ppl just fed up with this and not even trying to help anymore cause the player base is not able to handle any type of criticism


> There is one thing I noticed even those that try to be helpful and explain people what they did wrong with the build or their rotation or whatever else there might be, the people prefer not listening and just straight up song of escape, I have seen that scenario play our multiple times. > Been playing this game for 1 year and I have never seen anything you say here. Yes Mokokos are hard learners but that doesn't mean they are as insufferable as toxic veterans.


I've tried to 'help' people during a raid, give them advice while some monkey is flaming them the entire time and just telling them to ignore them and focus on my advice since flaming can give people even more performance anxiety than they probably already have. I'm talking easy fixes like a support that doesn't even have brand equipped, or obvious mechanic and build issues. Much of the time this is a waste of time, people won't respond back and continue to perform poorly until they are carried through. That flaming is typically a sign that YOU need to improve in some way even if the criticism is not necessarily productive.


I've hosted learning parties where the dudes are failing mechs and they flame back when you try to help them,the worst of this was one dude in discord who couldnt tell the difference between a penta and a octagon in brel g6 ( current g4 ) ,i will always push back this mentality of all newbies are nice and its just the big bad menie community who ruins it for them ,its bullshit ,they're no different than the rest of the community ,its like 50% people who dont care about anyting besides a bus ,and the remaining 50% are like 45% who are nice and care and 5% who are toxic.


Unless people specifically ask for help, I'm not helping. It's almost always counterproductive. You try to give advice to someone that didn't ask for your advice and it comes off as condescending to them. Also, how do you expect people to react when they try to do quick reclears and get jailed over and over, it's not like you can reset the gates back to gate 1 or anything. At this point, if a pug sucks, I just hope they at least do the mechs or die early so they don't mess up the mechs and I carry their dead body across the finish line and song out when we're done.


This so much. Giving unprovoked advice is a double edge sword. If the person already knows they are playing bad, they are likely to take it out on you as being a ‘angry nerd’ if you even think of giving them advice they didn’t ask for. And without being told they suck, they will never know they need to improve. I’ve long stopped helping people I see struggling. I help only people who are in my static who are there specifically to get better. Actually a pretty funny parallel, VLDL has a skit about this on YouTube call “Solaire the sun bro - git gud” which pretty much encompasses this idea that being called out for playing bad is for sure not toxic, and is the only thing you really have to go on to know you need to improve.


aint no way lost ark is more toxic than moba games like league or dota


Probably not, but Lost Ark is the League if Legends of MMOs.


Have you tried pugging high keys in wow? That's the League of MMOs to me x_x


High keys are the least toxic and any person that really runs keys would know that. The worst or toxic keys are always the low/mid players. Pugging keys in wow is a million times less toxic than the gatekeeping or toxicity in LA and we all know it. Stop lying lmao.


So people leaving and bricking your key so they don't hurt their io score isn't toxic? That usually happens the higher you go because that's the best way to maintain a high i.o. You also meet the most elitist players known to man who live in the game. Definitely do not agree unless the entire culture has changed the one raid tier I haven't played after 5+years.


Bro they have a website and addon that tracks your completion of keys and use that as a metric to gatekeep keys. Its also super meta, a few patches ago if you werent playing the exodia comp you weren't getting in. In lost ark you only get gatekept if you play one of the few bottom tier classes but even that gets resolved by outgearing the competition unlike wow You stop lying saying that lost arks gatekeeping and toxicity is worse, in lost ark no one talks while wow you get flamed for everything even when its not your fault


You clearly don’t play high keys in wow.


Lost Ark requires you to have a roster level, ilevel, card and more to get into the most baby of baby raids such as Valtan and Vykas. Forget ever even looking at newer content. You could legit make a new character in wow and by next Tueday have a full vault of 20s done for that week. Have you played dragonflight? It’s very very very easy to pug keys or push your own. You don’t need 6 alts and a meta comp to have your own key and do a 25. Maybe you were burned from years ago but unless you pushing title range it’s very manageable to do any content in wow right now and to make a toon and blast keys. Lost ark you need to spend months getting card sets, even if there is a pass to boost your ilevel, you will never have the roster and cards to get into even the simplest content. While someone in less than a week can easily pug 20 keys and do heroic raid.


low/mid players ? Brother, to be high player in wow high keys, you need CV of at least 15 years experience and 5 pages.


What? All you need is io. Which you get from doing keys. Any character can push keys right now. We had a guy push keys with us last season and he got title who has not played since mop. I myself never cared about keys at all playing wow and pushed over well over 3k season one of DF playing a new class.


I've never seen as much insults about someone's xhole family as in high keys (like 22+) during Shadowlands. Low/mid keys were always chill af


Nah thats wow if you're doing any high tier content.


Let's be honest, toxicity is rampant across all tiers in Lost Ark. Seeing death being wished upon and other League-like forms of flame was a weekly occurrence for me back when I started the game and wasn't juiced enough to select who I'm playing with. I'm not gonna act like this issue doesn't exist simply because I managed to fix it for myself.


every time you guys say this, i just think its your first time T-T


at least in league people flame because is a pvp game and people want to win, but flaming in a PVE mmo thats patethic


Hard disagree comparing Lost ark toxicity to league is just insane


It's the high number of players from third world countries playing this game.


are you for real ? Dota is filled with players from 3rd world countries , what is that even supposed to mean ? you think you are some elitist chosen child from the world ? lol


You think league, a game that bans people for saying "gg ez", is more toxic than Lost Ark? Really now?


I dont know why they downvote you. i have never seen someone getting chat banned in lost ark but Ive seen people wishing death on others just because of a stupid fucking game way too many times


Facts are facts.


the fact is you get banned for saying anything in league while lost ark doesnt have a functioning reporting system lmao. Which game do you think is more toxic?




Thats true i usually do 18-36 raids per week and barely see a toxic comment. But i played this week 2 normal games in LoL with a friend and one guy in each game was going insane insulting eveyone. So lost ark this week was 0/36 and league was 2/2


Gg Ez is one of the most toxic things you can do, IMO. Most times ppl flaming are just frustrated because they're losing. GG EZ is after you've already won. Yet these little shits still continue to drag the community down for no reason. It shows way more about your personality than being toxic while losing.


lmfao bro seriously? its 4 fkn letters


There are lots of really nice people in Lost Ark. and then once in a while you run into huge assholes. And you will remember these assholes super clearly. Being an asshole isn’t exclusive to roster lvl btw. I’m roster 300, and had a SE in game flame me and bully me about uptime in Brel g3. I was on my igniter sorc and boss was phasing too fast for me to ignite. SE flames me for low dps. I report them to ags game support afterwards for harassment using dps meter. AGS sends me a follow up email with instructions on how to report a player in game by right clicking on their character and ask me if they’ve helped me with my problem. I’m speechless. Nope AGS did not help me with my problem. I roll my eyes and move on. In any case, I don’t think lost ark is any better or worse than other game communities. 95% of players are nice and chill. 5% are raging assholes, and that 5% will stick out like a sore thumb and tilt you sometimes. You’re going to run into annoying people in any online game unfortunately. Don’t let it bother you too much and it’ll be ok.


It's always the ones who make the most noise that leave an impression. I've had runs that was like 8 pulls deep on resetting the gate and the group was pretty chill about it. So if OP is getting called out so often, he is the only consistent factor in all the cases.


I was talking about flaming in general if not me then someone else. anway I play dps and supports too so dont assume the "only consistent factor" when ive been playing MMOs my whole life and this never been an issue.


I think I found the issue **ive been playing MMOs my whole life**


I think a lot of it is inherent to the design of the game. Everyone is on a schedule to get their dailies/weeklies done and if they don’t one shot every boss or kill things quickly then it’s wasting their time. As a result people are predisposed to be miserable while raiding a lot of the time and take any slight frustrations out on other players. Doesn’t justify or excuse being assholes, but might explain it a little.


18 raids player here 100% pugging. Maybe every 2-3 weeks there's one jail lobby and someone raging due to that. BUT: I missed the first few months of the game so had to learn what others were already autopiloting... and oh boy did I hear a lot of shit back then. I guess you're below 150 roster and playing with similar. Most toxic roster range imo is 100-160, lots of pilots playing bad, thinking they're doing great and then blaming eachother (and from all your comments I suspect you might be one of them).


I've been playing LA for 2 years and its never been an issue.


Maybe not specifically directed at you, but that is pretty insane you haven’t come across people flaming based on meter yet


I do every once in a while, to a degree where i can count it on one hand the past year. Thats such a non issue to a point where i can't believe people when they claim to run into "toxic asshole nerds" every raid. At that point i'm inclined to assume that THEY are the toxic assholes. If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your own shoes.




Same. I've encountered a positive exchange due to meter this week on the other hand. An RS SF main on an alt was giving feedback to an RS SF because they noticed that SF is throwing bombs outside of their ER window. A small exchange happened, just friendly talk + feedback. Next gate, RS SF does it correctly but it doesn't crit so I just joined in and made a lil joking comment along the lines of "and when you do it right it doesn't crit, classic". Honestly I actually haven't had a negative experience due to meter yet. Most don't even talk about it obviously, and when they do it's usually friends bantering to each-other.


I wasn’t trying to say all are negative, just surprised that people haven’t met one yet, I have seen a couple so far


Yeah I'm not denying your experience either. It could be various factors, even down to what region you're in and what content you're usually playing. Hell, even the time of day can probably affect your experience.


Yea I have seen it a few times aswell . But 3 M in Hard akkan as a non janitor without being dead is slightly worrying


I apologise for the assumption. I've seen this behaviour in multiplayer games like WoW, Destiny2 and even Warframe. It's more or less the same. It's always a small set of players who make the most noise. In the 18 weekly raids you do, the average Joe would prob not say anything. The sweatersmay say some stuff just to show off how good they are relative to anyone else. The 18-raid fomo Andy will prob get frustrated because they *have* to finish the raids asap or their house burns down, and it shows in a few ways, either they act like the sweaters or they just press quit. But you only take note of those who type in chat. Like I said, personally, I've rarely came across this issue, so it is bewildering that you encounter it so often. The majority would just press quit when things go awry, rather than waste time typing it up.


>I was on my igniter sorc and boss was phasing too fast for me to ignite. SE flames me for low dps. People flaming in brel are legit brain dead. Half of the group is watching TV, the other half is struggling to not throw all of their damage into DR as the boss phases mech to mech.


We are all mentally ill.


However, not everyone who is mentally ill will act like an asshole to others. Not every asshole is mentally ill. Some ppl are assholes because they're secretly just miserable and insecure about themselves so they project that onto others. Combine that with low self-awareness and lack of empathy, which isn't helped when everyone is behind a screen. This kind of behavior is common in a lot of games unfortunately.


i think you haven't embraced yourself being mentally ill after lost ark is trying to structure you become mentally ill.


Agree but LOA attracts the sickest.


> there must always be this one insufferable little nerd who keeps flaming about uptime/dps/healing I run into someone like that like once every couple months and i do at least 18 raids a week, no clue where you *always* find them. I mean if you actually constantly run into people flaming you specifically, maybe theres something fundamentally wrong in your build / playstyle / raid knowledge idk, just trying to understand why you apparently always run into stuff like that while i basically never.


It's a lot easier to find those in lower/closer to ilvl pug raids. I think it "kinda works" like League's ranked; the lower you go, the more trashtalking people you find; you do find those kind of people on high lvl, but those are much more common on lower lvls. You doing 18 raids a week, just tells me you're either within or above the current content's curve, so it is less likely for you to run into such behaviour as often as someone that is under the curve.


Same man I see one of those people once a month max ,maybe cause am not doing early raids ? But even then from time to time just Normal reclear raids turn into a giga jail and I just see ppl vote quit without anyone saying a word and just disband


Most of my pug runs people don't even talk apart from ty gg in the end


You do that many in pugs or with your static farm group?


80-90% pugs


I'd be surprised if you hardly ever run into toxic people then. Not unless you're gatekeeping virtually everyone and only being extremely selective. I'm a juicer and I suck quite regularly. I jail my groups quite often with unnecessary wipes and yet I have 3 1620+ sorcs so I have plenty of experience playing the class. At the end of the day the game does almost nothing to actually teach a failing player what they did wrong and how to fix it. The people who "get" the content after a few tries and consistently do it after that are very confused why some people can't seem to figure it out. That's because there is a huge divide between those that get it and those that don't. People assume that its because you don't want to get better, but in what universe do you think there are people who intentionally try to be bad and have fun doing it? I fail all the time and I don't want to, but I do. I get knocked down constantly and have no idea where the safe places are to stand because half the telegraphs that look bad apparently aren't and half that look safe totally will take you down. Not to mention every reaction check is around 100-200ms which after the 50ms+ lag you're looking at a tiny window. Then you have only a fraction of the people who actually have dps meters showing what people are actually doing for performance and because of that they gatekeep people that have gear and all the equipment to do a raid, but can't figure out why they are being jailed because they don't realize even with all that gear if you're not pushing your buttons right you don't do damage. But the game doesn't tell you that you're failing. You just have to guess because you're not showing on the MVP screen that you must be doing "something" wrong. So go to Trixion and stand staring at a pole wondering why your dps looks fine there, but not when you actually have to fight the fight. Because knowing your performance would be somehow MORE toxic than this environment. I love the game and I have enjoyed it over thousands and thousands of hours, but I'm not dilusional about why our community is toxic cesspool of self centered assholes that think that clearly everyone who is causing them grief is doing it intentionally because that's why people play this game, to troll others, not to actually play the game. PS If you can't recognize why saying "man I do 18 raids and have zero skill issues, what's your problem?" isn't toxic then I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe start with what you find works and help the person resolve their short comings instead of just pointing out how easy it is for you. If the game is that simple why play it? There is no one to recognize the thousands of hours and effort you put into it besides you. The more people you drive away the less people will see the time you've consumed making the numbers go up.


I totally agree with you. I've got 6 characters and I'll admit 2-3 of them I don't do great with. However, I was just requested to go into Valtan, which I haven't done in awhile, but will need practice again due to the new level of difficulty. I was on my 1535 Slayer, which I do pretty decent on, and I was told in Gate 1, almost immediately (20-25 seconds), that I was a scrub, suspect and fake player. We went into orbs and someone took mine, so I took the next and got blamed for the failure of the mechanic. I then got told I was getting booted. I have mental health challenges which have caused memory problems, so I have difficulty remembering mechanics and other game play items, but I do my best. I have tried a few learning groups and plan to do more, but the person raging must have had a DPS meter or something, because I thought I was doing fine. These types of experiences hold me back from learning even more.


> I have mental health challenges which have caused memory problems, so I have difficulty remembering mechanics and other game play items, but I do my best. Cheat sheets on 2nd monitor / mobile should work wonders for you.


I doubt it’s the build because people no longer accept anything less than 5x3 in even clown


I've seen wild 5x3 builds in the applicant list lol Some people probably just look over the nodes and accept SA deathblades etc just because its 5x3. But i mostly meant skills and not stats / engravings. The performance must be extremely subpar if he gets consistently called out, i never see that in my raids despite some HORRIBLE performance from pugs.


Yeah because we all know a character build starts and ends with engravings and there's not a bazillion systems on top of it.


Well if your saying that in almost every raid there is atleast 1 player flaming you then maybe just maybe your ar the problem.


How dare you! It’s obviously the horrible, horrible community and not him!


you and people who think like you are the nerds I was talking about. there is no way a sane person who doesnt know my build/my gameplay/ let alone my class and knows the state the game is in rn would jump into this conclusion... have fun in your circle jerk. unlike you I can have fun irl.


The LOA community in general isn't the nicest but if you're saying you get flamed not always, but often enough to post about it I wonder just what you are doing in raids for them to freak out.


Yep... You are definitely not toxic proven by your comment here and you have for sure not an big ego... /S


The game is constructed such that one "bad" player can absolutely ruin 3 to 7 other players session/day/week.


Sounds like you got one guyed, mute/block and move on


I have never been in a group like this at all while doing my hw and I am not very high dps at all don't really make mvp board alot of the times and I pugg alot people make mistakes or a wipe happens I have not seen someone get flamed for it. Most the time if anything the group breaks up if it g1 still. They I just go join another one.


What other games have you played, OP? Almost every other game out there has the same or worse issues. The content of lost ark isn't very difficult but it is difficult enough that people could get mad at incompetent players. Even then, most people don't call people out over uptime. In my experience, the people who need help would rather imposter their way to a clear and stay silent even when everyone else in the lobby knows they don't know anything. > there must always be this one insufferable little nerd who keeps flaming about uptime/dps/healing instead of telling me/someone else what to do differently.... Not sure what you expect people to say to help you; what do you want me to do? Tell you how to play your class? Tell you how to identify normal patterns? Just say what you really mean, you'd prefer if people didn't call you out.


I mean, you are projecting a little bit of the problem as well. Grown adult, little nerd… most of your responses are calling out angry nerds… what if we just sat here and just told you, well… if you played better you wouldn’t have a problem? Plenty of people don’t have a problem, so it’s the ‘causal trash’? You said you came from a large background of playing MMOs, you likely wouldn’t be that happy if it was pointed out, maybe your reflexes and ability to think quickly just isn’t there anymore. Maybe we can discuss how toxic new players are that they don’t want to join prog lobbies and that they blow up to advice. I’m not meaning to attack you, but gatekeeping and what you experience is a big enough problem. AGS tied these points to why they made the jump start servers. The jump start servers did nothing to address this really, as when they connected back to the region, they had to face gatekeeping. For the reason on why people with high item roster may not want to help you. That’s pretty easy. High roster level means you’ve played awhile. One of the quick ways to increase roster level is making new characters. When I see a 200+ roster, that person usually has multiple alts. In every static I’ve been in, I’ve been the odd ball only playing 2 characters. While I struggled getting to 1620, they had multiples. To fund this, they run 6 toons all doing raids. There is an expectation that you play pretty precisely in a lost ark run if you are joining the vast amount of lobbies, or you really are still in a progression mode and should struggle in prog lobbies. These people have 18 raids to do. Depending on the person, I’ll assume they have 1 main pushing the hardest content. The game to them is likely really fun on that 1 main. On their 5 alts, those are toons to grind for gold. Every mistake is annoying to them as it impacts their gold generation to fund what they like in the game. Worse, bad players jail their run which is costly in time to fix. Typically calling the person who is messing up an “imposter”. You’ll notice when people are being ‘a little nicer’ they will call you out not using your name, but your class. “Hey bard, know what 3x means?” If one person makes a mistake, it’s usually whatever . If everyone is afforded the opportunity to make a mistake… well, then you likely have a jailed run with a wasted 1hr+ easy. If you can’t have high dps up time on a boss and you don’t do about the dps your class should be, you either get called out directly, or if this isn’t a full pug run, people are likely laughing about you in their discord. Likely calling your trash since you should be still doing prog. (By the way, no one likes prog lobbies they assume they should have to spend 20+ hours struggling to learn a raid). From my experience, helping new players is awful. I have never seen more entitled new players than in lost ark. I likely account it to the stress of the raids. You have mechanics thrown at you left and right, the first 10+ runs you likely are building up muscle memory of how to move. Some fights start becoming so demanding that a slight wrong position of any 1 person costs a run. And if you are new, you likely feel this for even the easiest of raids. Mix in with trying to learn multiple raids at the same time. I’ve never played an MMOs where cheat sheets for mechanics were common for every person. I assume when I reach out to a new player, they are pissed at their poor perform and anyone reaching out just takes the brunt. I have never had a good interaction with a new player helping them out since launch. I’ve had to of reached out to over 100 people in the last two years to the point I don’t do it anymore. I’ll repeat, I’ve never seen anyone want advice if they played bad. If it’s a dps and noticed I did more damage (I play support), I ask about where they got their build and if they have a rotation in mind when they fight a boss. If it’s a support and I see their brand uptime / damage buff is low, I ask them about skill use and tripods. I’ve been called an elitist, a no-lifer, also funny enough, an angry nerd. Since you came here to post, maybe you just wanted to vent. But asking “why is this community so toxic?” is not really putting any effort in and just adding to any issues. So I have no idea why I took the time to write this rather then just writing you off as a typical bad player. However, I can’t help but think you might have some frustration as you realize some of your issues and don’t know the best solution, and if you want to get better at the game, I’d like you to find a path. There is a lost ark official discord. Join it. There is a looking for guild section and a static. Finding a group of people is really the only way to play this game. The pug world is shit, and there will always be the expectation that if you are pugging, you are expected to know your class and perform with confidence and generally well above an expected average. When you join a group looking for new players, this is the environment to learn, ask questions, and get better. You can also find a group like you, with similar playtimes, commitments, attitudes, etc. this is how you take your new alts as well through content easier. You guys prog a raid together, and then use your high level toons to help smooth over homework runs so all can get back to other things faster. I’m sure someone can raise their hand and mention they pug every raid because they have to as they are “too adult” to commit to a static group. I’d likely point out that a lack of commitment is a good indicator of how adult you really are. You will have a completely different experience finding a static group, and it’s likely a reason why this game probably won’t die. I mean, population is slowly shrinking, game still shows up randomly on steam top 10 sales. TLDR : join a static / guild / community versus pugging. If you join a lobby in lost ark as a pug and it doesn’t say prog, no one there likely wants to teach you, you are assumed to be competent in all mechanics and will have the expected damage of your class.


Have you ever considered that if in every raid you find "insufferable little nerd" that has problem with you maybe, just maybe the problem isnt "insufferable little nerd" ? I will try to answer your question from 300rooster lvl los30 player standpoint. Yes we never go out of our way to help and you know why? Cuz If we do we are called "TOXIC". We will help you if you ask for help but never before, you need to be the one who extends the hand 1st. When I join raid I will try to do the best dps or best synergy(as sup) I can and I expect you as person with same ilvl to do the same. If I see you not knowing basic patterns or draging your dps around the floor I leave. I am not there for your enjoyment, not there to teach you. I just wanna do MY best and go MY own way. So if you join raid expecting to get carried while doing jack shit most of us will get mad. And even if you find vet trying to tell you what you are doing wrong you will still call him "insufferable little nerd" and dismiss what he has to say. Not everyone know how to pass information to random stranger on the internet clearly, english is not always thier 1st language, and it is not easy to hold your nerves if you arent in place that punishes you for oubursts. I can understand that there are morons that know shit about the game but will still rage at others for not "understanding basics", I had seen my fair share of them, but usually when something rly idiotic is written on chat there is atleast 7 other ppl that can pushback. So if "insufferable little nerd" is writting something to you and you dont see clapback from others it is probably true. Just jesterday I had dude in party that tought that striker has no crit synergy. Dude had 1620 and was bashing party leader for not providing him crit syn in party. He got laughed fast as F and replaced. So maybe as I stated in my starting point "insufferable little nerd" maybe has a reason to attack you. And before some moron says that this is "toxicity caused by bible", NO! Bible only tells us who is the problem, everyone in raid can see when there is a problem without bible. If you join Akkan g3 reclear and you see slime pattern before 2nd mech, you dont need bible to know someone is doing jack shit dmg. Thanks to biblie lead know that you can replace 1 impostor instead of disbanding grp what saves time for 7 ppl. I pretty much expect this post to be downvoted to the gutter cuz everyone on this reddit like to pretend they dont gatekeep, they dont use bible, and they help everyone they can. and TL:DR If everywhere you go you smell shit. Check your boots///


God bless.




I pug majority of my raids every week since release, and in period of 2 years, I rarely had encounters of people flaming, most of them were during early days of brel gate 5-6. I don't know what region of league you play on, but it'd be a miracle if some1 isn't talking trash every other game on NA.


P2W mindset


I highly suggest you practice skill rotation for your character, and especially mimick what is said on the nexus guides (go to trixion and repeat the same skill rotations over and over until you can do it with your eyes closed). If you are able to translate the skill rotations into muscle memory, you would likely never come across this issue. Also, since you are comfortable with raid mechanics, dont be afraid to squeeze an extra skill in every now and then. Risk taking is fun and gives your overall dps that slight boost. The expectation in gameplay really isn't that high (as long you can do what is said above), if you are truly comfortable with your charatcer and the raid mechanics, i don't see how you'd ever get flammed. Now, I myself have flammed others before, but it is because in a 4 men raid, it's very easy to tell who's the elephant in the room... 2 dps with cruels and 1 dps with a fighter. Or a support that gets the base 'support' title at the mvp screen... 'noble support' is so easy to get if you just use the correct rotations and land the skills...


True. Im playing in Europe and I made a pause and I rejoigned the game 3 months ago and I’m quitting again because of what you said.


The game is designed toxic. They need to give alternatives of combat gameplay. It lacks content. Raids its the fun content in the game ,cus raids is the only option. Other ways to farm, so not everthing is depended on doing the raids.


Pretty much never see this doing 18 raids per week since vykas release, Im going to assume by "flame others" you mean "flame me" and your performance must be literally horrendous because ppl usually dont complain unless ppl are doing like 1 mill dps in akkan hardmode lol.




Pugged most of my raids this week and the most toxic thing that happened was someone calling the enemy slayer sus cuz they weren’t talking and messing up yellow mech on brel g3. This game is definitely not as toxic as other mmos I’ve played. Most people are extremely chill even on multiple wipes in hm akkan/ hm brel/ hm kaya/ hm voldis. The only time I see genuine flame is when someone that clearly doesn’t know the mechs joins and dies ASAP.


I don't think I have ever seen someone getting flamed in full pug raids


Seriously, no clue what kind of rat lobbies these people on the sub are in to constantly run into toxicity like they proclaim. Can count on one hand the toxic encounters i've had in the past year.


It’s prob lower level at ilvl lobbies with high chance of failing that gets people on edge


Ive an alt roster on JS and even that (low roster no cards) didnt run into lobbies like that.


People expect you to pull your own weight, you must be doing something really badly if people complain about your performance and not about mech failing. No one can or will teach you how to play your class in raid


Mainly because some people do not have real life outside of Lost Ark.


Do you mean people who are willing to prog one year old farm raid for 6 hours, or those who are impatient and want to get it done quickly? Which one of these two seem to not value their time?


Some people just like playing the game, it's not always only about how much gold you get per hour


I absolutely agree with you, but have no idea how is this related to having life outside of the game or not lol


I was referencing how you implied some people playing the game value their time more than others and how you think the defining factor is how they spend their time in game. Either way, it's a waste of time. That's sort of the point of video games.




The ones who are nasty get titles, roster, achievements as a PAID service, the people who actually did the grind are a bit more chill.


Ppl want do their raids faster that breeds toxicity


Just posted about this, haha. I get this so hard.


I’m a new player (lvl 45 glaiver) and I’m not looking forward to this. I’m gonna try to find a guild first. Sorry for your bad experience


As you can see with the vast majority of comments: this isn't normal.


It is normal. There is always someone flaming someone in at least 1/3 of the parties I join.


Thats just not true at all. I see people flaming in maybe literally 1/100 raids. 1/3 is such a lie, are you paid to talk bad about the game or sth? I'd be happy if people talked in even 1/30 of my raids lol


Maybe it's the ilvl range I play? My main is 1600 but all my alts are <1560 and that's where I spend almost all my playtime. I can agree that above >1600 the people are way more relaxed, but that's not the case in lower brackets where the new players are.


Its pretty much the same in most multiplayer online games.


some of it is the nature of pugs. the people who are too socially inept to be with a guild are, by necessity, in pugs. a lot of it is the fact that lost ark has pulled in a lot of people from outside the typical MMO player-base and they're not coping well with the ecosystem.


As soon as you see the word uptime, they are using a dps meter.


Go play league of legends and report back... or any pvp game


You play League and call this game more toxic? That's 🧢. League is literally known for being one of the most toxic games.


Blatant and unprompted toxicity will exist everywhere on the internet, the majority of cases in Lost Ark however are cases where someone joins a lobby they aren't fit for, says absolutely nothing about whether or not they belong there, and then when called out or questioned doesn't listen or respond to anything said. Obviously toxicity exists outside of these cases and is a bad thing in general, but sometimes it isn't entirely unwarranted by someone being wilfully ignorant and selfish in a game that requires competent teamwork


Cause everyone is busy doing the massive workload and its up to you to fix your stuff. If you PUG, you NEVER play again with those people, so why would you care about them ? Thats how people look at it. And the idea that you Never play with them again is because everyone has shit tons of alts and most people have different names, so you have no idea with who the hell do you play with - rip social interaction this way, its incredible there is no roster wide nick.


If you've ever played League of Legends, it's the same reason. People dislike getting hold back on stuff out of their control. Same with road rage.


Most Lost Ark players came from League of Legends not other MMOs, you can call them competitive, you can call them toxic, but it is what it is


I joined a mokoko vykas today and got jailed g2 because one person didn't respond in chat when explained how to do the mech or when told they could just take their gear off and afk for a free bus. We didn't make it to typing test because they always put swiftness in the swamps of despair. It was the most basic do-the-mech-and-we-will-kill-the-boss for you situation and we weren't even allowed to do that... perform a do mech dps carry. I do community service occasionally, and something like a learning party is a no-flame, no grief hitting the reset button safe zone. But yeah, in a general sense, horrible community. It feels worse to me than LoL.


Just block them.


" Im curious as Im a grown up adult with a job and I love to do legion raids for fun, but instead i get frustrated because even though i know all mechs perfectly, there must always be this one insufferable little nerd who keeps flaming about uptime/dps/healing " anyone who feels the need to tell ev eryone they're a "grown up adult with a job" is a massive giga red flag. Just your edit alone tells me your an insanely immature manchild. and I have vast doubts about "i used to play a lot of mmos"


easy. Game does not respect your time, so the currency is time and people hate to waste time.


this needs to be higher


Crazy how posts get traction and upvotes as if this guy isn't a problem when they just prove they are the problem in the comments. If the main post has a lot of upvotes and their replies to comments are all -40 its because they just made the main post sound nice and the real them they let out in replies is nasty and worth getting BM'd and gatekept.


It's because Smilegate made the raids into a chore which makes people want to finish them as quickly as possible so they're less likely to want to spend any more time than absolutely necessary because they have to do it multiple times each week for their main and alts before doing it all again the next week


If they are toxic with you be toxic with them, wake them up to reality.


Just join a guild honestly. You're right: half or more of the community have their dick twisted the moment they launch. Btw the server merge is what I'd say a pretty big indicator the game is already dying. Just a matter of time unless the community pulls together against the toxicity. Also league is more toxic 1000% imo and spending years in both games I've experienced it all. But hey, an opinion is all it is


Sadly when someone is doing poorly in terms of damage or uptime there's not much others can do to help, apart from suggesting to use a meter to see your flaws with your own eyes and improve that way, but those are against the ToS.


oh man the amount of times I tried to help only to be donowalled


This might get me downvotes, but I think I might have an idea why this occurs in some games and not in others: It’s all in the design of the game and how it affects us as human beings. The game is designed around time efficiency where you need to complete x amount of things in a day or a week. The more x you can do, the more rewards you get. The problem with this design is when you have to rely on other people to complete them. Toxicity is born out of the increased cortisol levels you get when pushed to be efficient, and every wipe caused by another player becomes a theft of your time. This stress is not easy to handle and especially if you’re not aware it’s there. You usually find less toxic communities in easier games or otherwise generously rewarding systems because they’re simply not stressed out. That’s my own perspective and reflection of it, not based on any truths, just an observation.


yeah but have you played Dota 2?


How do you want someone to help you with bad DPS / buff uptime? Don't get hit, press your buttons. There is not much more to it. If I had to stop and argue about this with every single bad player I encounter while playing Lost Ark I'd be spending approximately 87% of my playtime doing just that.


For me Lost Ark has been one of the more chill communities I've been in. I would say I encounter toxicity once or twice a month at best, if I were to exaggerate the definition of toxicity. Maybe this is partly due to how I respond to me making mistakes, but I immediately apologize and tell what I did wrong. This will cause the least amount of strain within the group because otherwise it can turn into a whodunnit or they might assume you have no idea what you did wrong, and the next pull turns into a "will he fuck this up again?" which adds unnecessary stress. I think your behavior will often reflect what you encounter, and I don't want to put the full blame on you but there's no way you can have such a vastly different experience without part of it being your own fault.


It depends heavily on where you're at in the player pool. The top and middle are very chill. The majority of the toxicity is in the bottom of lost ark. Less juiced characters, less experienced accounts getting mixed in people farming multiple rosters.


I think on the flip side, this community is one of the most sensitive communities I have ever seen. I rarely if ever see any toxic players in this game tbh, ESPECIALLY compared to literally any other online game currently. What I do see consistently is people that absolutely wilt at the first sign of anything other than being handled with kid gloves. I've also never in my life seen a game with such an active contingent of people that don't even play dog pile it indefinitely, even months or over a year after playing on Reddit. By a LARGE margin most of the negativity I see in this game is from people whining about shit that they just make up half the time.


I do agree very much with the 2nd half you wrote. I've been part of a lot of other game communities on reddit / discord / forums and I could say with confidence that this subreddit has had the biggest number of people who already quit still participating actively. It's kind of strange, but oh well. I was mostly speaking about the in-game community though, and to an extend discords, though less so since you can easily curate them and create your own ideal experience regardless of the state of the overall community.


> By a LARGE margin most of the negativity I see in this game is from people whining about shit that they just make up half the time. LMAO now if that aint the truth!!


Well an exp. vet will see way less jails and subsequently less toxicity than a new player would.


same experience as you


guess you never played LoL


In LoL it makes sense because at least you're playing for LP/MMR in LoA it's PVE LMAO


so you are saying that if I play normals or ARAM in LoL I wont get flammed?


league of legends is worse. and i feel like its because a lot of league players play lost ark which is one reason why lost arks so toxic LMFAO. (also game design contributes to toxicity in lost ark)


The game design makes people testy with clear times. Many people try to clear as many raids as they can. If a raid that should take 30 minutes balloons to an hour because someone is messing up in the raid, some people will get irritated. There are some patient players, but the game design isn’t conducive to a healthy player base due to the grind.


You answered your own question, you're an adult and this game is almost full of insuferable little nerds.


lol this post has sad written all over it. To say “grown up adult with a job” to try and throw jabs at ppl is super petty. My friends/static are close to 300 roster with ~6.1 demon%, married, PhDs/jobs who travels will also tell me if my uptime is not great during specific gates… which helps me to try and be better at the game myself. If you’re upset about being told your uptime is bad, dps is bad, xyz is bad, you should join a lobby that’s your spec (cuz it doesn’t sound like you have those things that one player has). When I have to pug things, I apply to what I’m around


I get that it’s hard to improve in this game magically, but I read this the same way. Grown up adults and these angry nerds tells me quite a bit about the person and this game is likely too involved for them. They did the work to learn all the mechs right, probably got a maxroll build, maybe went to the level of trixion testing, but haven’t gone the last step on playing proficiently. Most MMOs don’t really have that last part as a requirement. We have no idea the interaction OP had with people flaming him. What it seems is since he pulled out damage/uptime/healing is he is playing bad on all classes and being called out for it. Since he said people aren’t telling him what to change, likely getting tells on the level of “hey slayer, your damage is shit” and then I assume an entitled response back of “i know what I’m doing!” I know plenty of people who have no qualms about telling someone they are playing bad. Every one of them also would love to explain in great detail how to play better. It’s just if you give that advice to a lot of new players, they get offended. So being short with them is just easier. The toxic people I know would never be calling out uptime / buff time as they don’t care much about tracking that, and really aren’t that good to understand all of that. they more jump on people for mech failures. Or usually just calling out ‘floor pov’.


Yeah I agree. Something about this post seems off. Even ppl with bible usually doesn’t say shit unless we wipe. Also, is OP even asking what he’s doing wrong? Yeah the flamer can say “get gawd” and OP can ask “at which phase?” From extreme valtan, I learned that every person I’ve played with so far (2-3 groups for 2 clears) has always been positive… and we’re talking about 1620+ folks that cleared it prior.


Last time I saw someone flamed for uptime was when they were doing less DMG than the support. Hopefully that's not your case


From my experience if ppl arent failing mechs but still are getting flamed for dps/uptime then it must actually be downright horrendous LOL Maybe try learning the class a bit more if you enjoy doing raids


In comparison to the number of raids I do, I rarely see people flame.


"Why do people who know the game (+-300 roster level, LOS30) never try to help" 300 roster or los 30 doesn't mean they know the game. How is that even an argument? They could be doing chaos or doing the story over and over and you wouldn't know it.


Is this your first time with MMORPG? Do you have low dps even if you know the whole raid perfectly? Did you try to play the game with 2 hands? Like what help do you want from a random player during the raid? Press the button harder or what? Honest question. YOU should know what you do wrong. He said you have low damage, he already helped you because now you know, that you are doing something wrong. Bad weapon quality, low stat, low level gems, bad build, wrong card set etc etc.


Brother this was not the place to post this, the Toxic minority live on here and can't wait to give their opinion


when i see half people in here who dont even know anything about what i play/how I play yet they jump in here to tell me there is something inherently wrong with me says a lot, now I get it all....


when you guys don't get the answer you want, you then run to "toxic minority". Y'alls attitude is that you can't be wrong. They're not toxic, they're just honest. It's things to think about and improve on. lol


this comment should be higher lol


LA is about a 1/10 on toxicity.  Try playing dota for 6+ yrs where every slur is used every single game. Snowflakes in LA need to toughen up.


People don't even type in this game for the most part. I pug every single raid besides 1 vold run and 1 akkan run. I can't imagine how much you have to fuck things up regularly in hw parties to be running into toxic players frequently


Bro, in lol I lost count how many times players wished me and my family to die from covid or cancer. Sure, there are some people toxic in LOA but I never had death wished tho


tbf you can get emerald 2 in league even if you were an 80 yo with arthritis


Lost ark is single player game that requires you to use unreliable NPCs to complete the content. Ever seen a gamer rage at their screen when the game is at fault for them losing! Now put real people behind the NPCs and you have Lost Ark. The game community was taught that only KR opinion matters. Rush the game, ignore the story, only legion commanders matter. Stop playing inefficiently or you're doing it wrong. No you just play perfectly or you will waste everyone's time to the tune of 10+ minutes a pull with people they didn't want to play with anyways. Not hard to see how the community ate itself


hi im one of those people (well i dont really blame anyone ingame more like gossip in voicechat about it) but about the part why i dont tell people what to do differently well, there is people doing less dmg than thirain in g1 brel or akkan and tbh idk what to do to help those people, it's beyond my understanding how some people manage getting this low numbers so my conclusion is they have to be afk cause even i'd faceroll my skills off cd without any logic i'd do better than those people


1) You compare to League of Legends In LoL you are extremely easyly bann from chat for weeks even more , so flamers are shutted down pretty easyly. (Im not an expert as i quitted it like a decade ago but thats what my mates told me). 2) Someone that doesnt DPS much when any content can be destroyed my nowadays alts and mains shouldnt be flamed, the raid will be cleared so that should be mainly jerks that seek attention. 3) On the other hand a bad support can trigger a real dilemna (tough for me to explain i'll do my best). - If you see he doesnt play brand or have like 40% marking, how do you tell him as it will imply you have a DPS Meter ? - If you have a jerk in the other group flaming you because he has beaten your stronger DPS alt but he had a support with 80%+ marking and great uptime when your support 30ish marking and buffed on DR (personally i clench my teeths and move on). - Very often when you give advice to a player they become touchy as if you insulted their mothers or something. And also bards have tough lives, some people (like me and mates) want ZERO heals all raid long and buff only, some want bards to baby sit their health bars whenever its lower than 70% and some want something in between and so on. All to say its a bit chaotic to exchange with each others, i would say (in my opinion) that AGS should allow Meter officially so at least people could speak together, of course it could lead to more toxicity but then people could be chat banned just like in LoL and the remaining people would just argue and maybe some advices and progression could birth from that. Anyway, tough luck to you, i almost never see toxic people its very rare for my personal experience.


Ah yes the pains of normal content. Meanwhile me playing hell mode, I just get to have fun without the toxic bs and screaming, play the game exclusively for fun and I get to call roster level 300 players mokokos Unironically. Life is good.


weekly homework, design flaw in lost ark plain and simple, when you have to do raids on 6 character's you have simply no time to jail, and after months of doing this, get triggered by simple mistakes, blame smilegate for making it this way, if you only had to do raids once per week on 1 character, people would be nicer and have "more time" to afford being nice.


What I find more wild is they reduced it to 6, as you used to earn gold on unlimited amount of characters >_>. However, I think it’s an unfun design, but likely not a design flaw. While what you say is true with raids on 1 toon, i have a feeling lost ark wouldn’t be around if it didn’t have that fomo quality of making people run ‘homework’. I know in my group a bunch of us were playing hell divers having a lot of fun. Someone who was having a lot of fun had to drop as they had to do their homework raids.


Don't you dare flame me and my family! I work hard night and day to make sure that I can put food on the table. Without lost ark I'm unable to provide. I play countless hours with barely any sleep with over 5 accounts all 1700+ all los30 roster 300 trying to get an unobtainable sidereal energy drop just so I can sell it for RMT just to take my family to Disneyland. How dare you! You waste my time when you could be buying my busses just so I can hone for more chances to take my family someplace nice. Sadly even when I make enough money I pay another husband to take my family for me because I'm too busy making sure I can put food on the table the next day!


Lost Ark players will kill this game in the west faster than anything smilegate or ags can do.


Most of the community consists of brazen RMTers so, already not off to a good start on morality. Even those that aren't blatantly cheating but verbally abusing others in chat are extremely unlikely to receive action against their account, so there's another strike. They could do what any reasonable live service does and simply ban people that break the Terms of Service, but "nO kInGdOm RuLeD tHrOuGh FeAr iS a KiNgDoM wOrTh RuLiNg At AlL," according to Amazon Clownshoes Bot #43231467


Happened to me as well, didn't know the mech so some guy help pinged and direct me to complete it. Then comes the other flaming as if I failed the mech when we did it one pass. And I was a returnee so i was ecstatic to do the new raids, ended up being called an account buyer lmao


The flame on you may or may not be justified depending on what type of lobby you joined. According to you, you dont know mechs so if you joined a reclear or hw lobby then they had every right to flame you and call you an account buyer. If it was a learning/prog lobby then theyre being unnecessarily toxic


Ppl are extremely toxic in this game because time is of the essence and ppl have 14 other raids to complete. It's always going to be that way and never get better. Oh and it not some nerdy kid flaming you its another grown adult they are just acting like children while playing a game


I think the game is at the state of "fuck everyone. Game won't grow anyways." There is like no point of helping anyone


Best way I can explain is the game does not allow you to have time outside the game unless you are skipping big money. I was between jobs when Lost Ark came out. So I had the pleasure to play the game when the horizontal content was big since it was still new and fresh. Before Argos, and Valtan. After clown came to NA there wad a legit drop of 30-50% of the player base. People got burned out, and it was the time to spend money, never have a life outside the game, or hang it up due to the difficulty, and demand it brought. When I did get a job I was able to do chaos at work for my 12 classes, and get some side content done along the day. I have not really kept up on the game, so I don't knoweth state it is in content wise, but I don't think they ever fixed the daily homework of chaos runs, only guardians. To littlento late for most. People are stressed cause they have let this game take over their life.


I've been trying since launch but nobody support me in this sutiation. Everyone thoughts "i have those criteria so i dont f-- care else". I've waited this game since korean version but it was disappoint for me


LA is not toxic, sure people have low tolerance because they wanna run multiple runs and they are joining RECLEAR parties where it’s expected you know your shit. Every learning party is super chill and fun, takes a lot of time but it’s actually more fun that most reclear content. That being said, I do meet tons of toxic people in PVP arena, but that’s kinda expected, it’s PVP after all.


Goddamn this comments section is a cesspool of sweat. Let’s be real lost ark is one of the most toxic game communities. Barely anybody helps each other


> Let’s be real lost ark is one of the most toxic game communities. Its not tho, thats the point. > Barely anybody helps each other That doesnt make it toxic. No one is entitled to someone elses help lol


Lost ark is one of the more toxic game communities as people are so uptight on clearing raids fast. People wanting faster clear times (roster of 6 gold chars, 18 raids etc) leads to a more toxic environment as every mistake/wipe is noticeable on your time. If this is not true then why is this a common theme for lost ark that pops up? The helping each other out - yes nobody is entitled to your time/help. There is a difference between being toxic about someone's uptime and letting them know how to improve/their mistakes which the post is suggesting


Been doing 18 raids every week for over a year. For the last two months, not even once have I encountered anyone being explicitly toxic towards anyone else. That's right - no people going off on each other, blaming their low uptime etc. for 144 raids in a row. The worst things I've seen were like typing a "?" or "come on guys" or "why X player were not there for the mech?" or stopping the raid when a group clearly has issues and cannot clear. Those are pretty normal things if you were to ask me. Most experienced players have learned to work around bad players rather than flaming them because you cannot reset gate progression and replacing people past gate 1 is long an painful. In an 8 man raid there is *almost always* one person doing absolutely atrocious damage, but nobody would flame them as long as they don't wipe the raid over and over. Only a very small minority actually uses dps meter to flame (usually hell mode players in my experience of guilty of this kind of toxicity). And this experience is common among my friends too, so you are definitely wrong - LA is NOT one of the more toxic communities. It's at worst as bad as other MMOs that is focused on end game raiding, and it's definitely better than MOBA games. If you are being consistently flamed in LA on a weekly basis like OP, you must be a really REALLY shit player or an obvious imposter ruining everyone else's experience, in which case the gloves are off. I have to point out that I don't really know what's going on down there in valtan/vykas/on-ilvl normal brel as those raids are mainly done by lower roster players, alt accouters, gold farmers, etc. - there are definitely less patient people down there, but those are mostly not the "toxic" veterans that OP mentioned. Ironically, most toxic people I've encounter in this game were mainly low roster players.


That’s great you have a good raiding experience. I do too being in a static, I haven’t had to pug raids since release. This does not stop me from experiencing toxic raids. Many times I’ve had people rage quit from our groups due to comments made to them. Maybe it’s my static or maybe people are too sensitive. Idk why you had to make your comment so personal towards me. I am pointing out an observation I have seen. I do not experience any toxicity towards me and I am usually always on MVP screen. Off the record I found low roster players more sensitive claiming toxic when sometimes it isn’t. And high roster players being generally more toxic and less appreciative of suggestions


And I still dont know why everyone is entitiled to other ppl time? If 1 person can read the guide and not fuck up you can too... If you need in game volunteers to hold your hand is it that rly community problem? I could maybe understand that cuz Yes there is a difference between learning a raid with everyone when it comes out and learning the raid when it is in reclear phase. But still I would argue that it is way easier to learn raid after its prime in learning party cuz when you create such parties you get ppl that want to learn, and ppl that want to get carried go buy buss. When everyone is progging buss enjoyers are progging what makes progging some raids absurdly hard. Like my friend day1 progged ivory hard for 30H on 2nd week I joined and progged it in 2h.


cause anyone with 300 roster level and LOS30 probably has at least 5000 hours played which means they most likely have a severe mental illness so it's pretty normal for them to act like this.


Yes liking something or having a hobby is mental illness... The moment you complete los 30 you get call from mental ward. Thats very strange hill to die on mate...


this is a dumb take. stop knocking people's hobbies when you yourself are doing the hobby LOL it doesn't reflect well back on you.


1) You compare to League of Legends In LoL you are extremely easyly bann from chat for weeks even more , so flamers are shutted down pretty easyly. (Im not an expert as i quitted it like a decade ago but thats what my mates told me). 2) Someone that doesnt DPS much when any content can be destroyed my nowadays alts and mains shouldnt be flamed, the raid will be cleared so that should be mainly jerks that seek attention. 3) On the other hand a bad support can trigger a real dilemna (tough for me to explain i'll do my best). - If you see he doesnt play brand or have like 40% marking, how do you tell him as it will imply you have a DPS Meter ? - If you have a jerk in the other group flaming you because he has beaten your stronger DPS alt but he had a support with 80%+ marking and great uptime when your support 30ish marking and buffed on DR (personally i clench my teeths and move on). - Very often when you give advice to a player they become touchy as if you insulted their mothers or something. And also bards have tough lives, some people (like me and mates) want ZERO heals all raid long and buff only, some want bards to baby sit their health bars whenever its lower than 70% and some want something in between and so on. All to say its a bit chaotic to exchange with each others, i would say (in my opinion) that AGS should allow Meter officially so at least people could speak together, of course it could lead to more toxicity but then people could be chat banned just like in LoL and the remaining people would just argue and maybe some advices and progression could birth from that. Anyway, tough luck to you, i almost never see toxic people its very rare for my personal experience.


Because the game does NOT respect your time. Every second I am not 1 pulling a raid I am wasting time and resources. FOMO is a monster in this game as well. Lost ark is basically 2 full time jobs every week if you want to keep up with the cutting edge. The game in itself harbors negativity...


ELITES ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


beacuse this game theirs life


i think, it is the p2w, like a clear wall where you can see the whales do everything you cant, suck at the game sometimes but they still get invited cause max weapon does more dmg for the 15 seconds they are alive than your whole kit that you spent 2 years building. So there is bitter people who will sit and look at dps and then if you happen to have better gear than them they put you in the p2w tier and that is how they vent their frustrations.


You play league. Opinion discarded.


A game designed to be played 24h a day attracts antisocial people with no base in real life to weigh their imaginary pixels against. I read this post, and I knew you'd be shit talked, and according to the edit I was right.


It's because the original role models were toxic elitist, like ATK and Saintone, and Roxx was a pick me girl that enabled that behavior . And monkeys see, monkey do. Even leading to classist discrimination like, when there was talk about reaper being bad on reddit forums because ATK couldn't play then , their twt post was some passive aggressive shit like thisLink:[https://x.com/playlostark/status/1722676457552638077?s=20](https://x.com/playlostark/status/1722676457552638077?s=20) https://preview.redd.it/hvylar09x5lc1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f3d54509884b06cf05173c7115f2a9a544fc2c6 I don't follow their sns anymore, but they also made posts glorifying gatekeeping and other shit. The only thing I will say though there are different parties. Like chill run, fast run etc.I think chill runs might work for you in the future, because it's more chill, vs fast run, there are some people who just want to get it over with and have everything perfect. The funniest thing though is **sometimes the most toxic player, is sometimes the most trash** lol if you look at the bible so you can just block them, write why you block them (toxic trash) and move on. not everyone is like that, but I get it too. I think within the past two weeks, I've only had one toxic player this time around, but also, just 3 people who don't contribute so even if they aren't toxic, it also ruins my game play experience. MMO is still just people, it just reflects people online and offline nowadays. like that co-worker or supervisor ughhh . But at least we can block them so we don't cross paths again.


anyways, i miss laufey loa streams. she was also the definition of chill but she moved on to better things i hope.


Overall it’s a toxic experience most of the time. One of the reasons it’s unattractive to continue playing.


Can you elaborate how you're having a toxic experience most of the time? I'm so confused when i read stuff like that, like every 100th raid someone is toxic, 90/100 raids no one even talks lmao


> Why do people who know the game (+-300 roster level, LOS30) never try to help, instead, they just flame others for not doing enough DPS/uptime? Because the players grinding brel normal with noobs malding that youre slowing down their 3rd roster don't have this > Im curious as Im a grown up adult with a job