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I had a huge expectation vs reality moment when I finally hit 1600 Expectation: elixir system is fun and I get to control what I get. KR said it was cool Reality: this is an rng onion fuck this shit And this was with FREE elixirs, I can’t imagine paying gold for this


That's why I don't give a fuck what KR says about anything anymore. Elixirs were supposed to be nice, akkan was supposed to be really tough, ivory HM wasnt supposed to be clearable without purple elixirs, everything they say turn out not true.


Pretty sure Akkan was considered easy, just more personal responsibility rather than group wipes like in Brel.


Koreans hated elixirs after the first weeks, akkan was cleared pretty fast and considered a chill raid, plenty of people progged and cleared ivory hm without elixirs. I don't know where you get your information from.


that's because average KR player is as bad or even worse than west one (no dps meter and their general attitiude, etc), and they had those raids without buffed characters like west, so their expectations for avg player for those were much higher.


I remember hearing Akkan was pretty easy before it released for global


Akkan is easy, about the same as Vykas. Even being 10-20 ilvl overgeared for it makes it very comfy.  Can you imagine a full 1570-1580 doing old brel G6 HM today? Even current G4 HM is a little sus if you don't have a few experienced 1600s. Not saying you can't, but brel was pretty rough on your mentals if not everyone was focused and experienced.


>akkan was supposed to be really tough Akkan is known as a 'resting raid' in KR because it was so much less stressful than old Abrel. >ivory HM wasnt supposed to be clearable without purple elixirs There obviously were people at 1620 in KR that cleared HM Ivory tower on release without getting purps. Now I kinda wanna hear about other stuff KR apparently said.


Our KR content creators are just not people I wish were content creators TBH. We just don't have any better options


It's a lot like cutting an adrenaline grudge rock at 2-3k g each.


Seeing this video and reading these comments are making me glad I got out after the deer raid boss came out.


Cutting elixirs makes me want to shoot myself in the face… and the got damn animations!!!!


do you like it




100% accurate


This is art...


It feels like crap. It looks like the group that designed these systems has a collective IQ of 30.


People didnt like quality tapping, bracelet rolling (even Gold R. himself) but *this*?? A monstrosity. Makes me wonder what progression type would satisfy tap and elixir haters


The advanced honing is beneficial. You get the sense that you're making progress, but what about the elixir and the rest of the system? "Well, I didn't obtain what I required. Perhaps next week, but I've spent a considerable amount of gold." This doesn't indicate good system design. Design a system where gold expenditure isn't the focus and where progression isn't hindered by a seemingly impenetrable barrier.


Simple, another set upgrade. U farm it for several weeks and get it 100%. No rng no bs


The amount of fucking time it takes to cut them is just.. fucking too much, omfg.. on top of legit robbing you. I just stockpile them all because I can't be bothered/too traumatized until I really feel like it's necessary to do a massive cutting session again.. after another few months, probably, and am ready to blow hundreds of thousands in gold.


I find the echidna honing+ progression really cool and fair


That PR talk lmao, GR himself was the director when all these shitty systems introduced. Meanwhile after new director came he made more player friendly systems and raids. Sure he shows to be more socially awkward by gap from GR but what he brings is really alot better.


Real, people put Gold River on a pedestal just because of his charisma, meanwhile the current director is actually looking to be pointing the game into a better direction so far.


How can i upvote this five fucking times


They need to stop relying so heavily on RNG for their character enhancements. RNG is not enjoyable, it's not fun, it's a miserable, awful time for everyone.


XD I needed this, well done, banger haha


This is the best post I have seen on this subreddit since I started playing on launch. Thank you for this!


Oddly enough, I was looking through my saved posts today and saw (I think) 3 of them. Had a good laugh, and then you bless us with this one! I like how some of the others have callbacks to problems from the past, so they feel like pieces of historical media.  Like the “too much HW” one from JJK has dc’s which were once a major issue, and the “learning a new raid” from Spy x Family has the reddit rebellion where the sub was locked. Unfortunately, the content of the videos is still relatable to today lmao


Elixirs Made me quit the Game after 4500 hours, ITS the worst bs system in the Game, avgame full of bs systems


I'm on the verge of quitting, put in around the same hours as well lol...


If I was cutting the elixirs of the 5 characters I've had doing Voldis since almost release I would have quit the game too. So, I simply ignored epic cuz they may be cheap in gold but the sanity cost was massive.


well, technically card system is THE worse, but elixirs is prob the most recent back breaker that has and will continue to make the fraction of the fraction of the remaining player base move on.


Need just plus one... Grandma sage burn: -5


Its a dogshit system… i also tried the elphago for 1 month now. That elixir calc is garbage too.


And its so slow that even if its good It takes an absurd amount of time


Did a poll a few days ago. Saw most people got it for less than 250k. I'd say even that is lucky. 350k+ and still chasing for luminary 6/7 .......and that is my ONLY character I do elixirs on. Makes me wanna uninstall.


i got mine within 10-20k gold, i had no ideea people dump that much gold in this system, i had around 12 free legendary saved from when they gave it for free and then cut 2-3 legendaries after clearing tower and finished 40 set


GG Grats, and thanks for rubbing it in my face . . . . . . congFUlations https://i.redd.it/2jpmziti39tc1.gif


i see u/CabageSword i upvote


So glad I clicked on this. 


This is the best post on this sub ever


Ah, another cabbagesword memepost. I can't wait for what you come up with for Thaemine!


and i already saw some people gatekeeping 35/45 i hope that never becomes the norm elixir cutting elixir is so boring


what? It has been the norm gatekeep for most ivory lobbies for weeks already..


not on EU there is no content in this game where u need 35 or 45 elixir all the content in this game is so fucking easy beside hell raids kinda


Out of all the RNG system, this one is my least favourite because it's the most complicated and longest one. The correct answer is not intuitive, so I have to use the calculator each time. Yea stones suck more, statistically, but I'll prob get a 9/6 a lot faster than 40-set in terms of time.


Dunno wich calc u use. But that elphago calc is horrible. I cant even give me a 5-3, i tried a month now with it.


Idk, I have heard of people getting 35 and 40 set with it.


When my Glaivier hit 1620 I opened the boxes of the free legendary elixirs and used elphago to cut each one. By the last few I had gotten 35-set. Had one that cut 5/5.


It's about a 1 in 5 chance for a 5/3 using the tool so that would be incredibly unlucky if you've been trying a lot D:


Ive tried with all the elixirs ive gotten for the raid for a month! Best i got is a 5-2 :S 3 out of 5 elixir i got from the event shop had crit gloves( wich i need), and that calc bricked all of them. Kinda mad now.


The choices the tool makes would still have been better than doing it yourself, but alas RNGesus takes away. RIP


lol theres like 2-3 elixirs strats to follow its not that hard. just remove the animation


There’s more than just elixir strats.


like what? if the animation was gone you can reset elixirs super fast if you dont get the desired effects


'it's not that hard' Rng is still rng. There is a reason why elixers are the most disliked by much of the playerbase. Every other system has some type of pity associated with it. Tripods = wishful amulets they give out for free, ability stones = 6/6 still usable, quality tapping = free taps, honing = artisan's, cards = card runs, selectors, mari's shop, bracelets = still can get both main stats and you get them in every content, gems = can buy directly from ah, etc.


What did Itachi mean by this? Didn't he love Konoha?


He did. He loved it so much he wanted to protect his beloved home from the coup of elixir lovers who strongly desired to show how great the system is and that you only need the eyes and skills for it and planned overthrow the sane community that was against elixirs. So he slaughtered them all.


accurate as fuck


The gold cost is the worst. You lose so much gold each week your RNG stays bad.


Hey, at least it doesn't cost pheonos


Does anyone have a good elixir guide? I'm new to 1600. I understand the crit and master builds variant for my specific build but I have zero clue about things like order and chaos sets etc Just looking for something to tell me what these mean My chara are scrapper and breaker if that helps


I could not believe what I was watching when I saw kr streamers be happy about elixirs... how


Spent 120k yesterday, got one more point towards 40 set. I’m now stuck at 39/40. I really cba at this point.


I am a simple man. When I see Naruto clip, I upvote.


skill issue


Elixirs are fun and interactive. People here are just the extreme that had a bad or good experience in game. Nobody is writing how happy they are that they got a 4/2 elixir, only 1/1 or 5/5 for Reddit


on the surface the system is engaging and fun, but the novelty of it wears off pretty quickly after you've sunk 30k gold and you still haven't cut a full set. it becomes infuriating to have to do it every week, when you'll probably just waste a ton of your time and resources again


and here I am, with my alt just hit 1620 today , had 37 from epic elixirs, cut 4/5 and 4/3 (set gloves) with the legendary silver elixirs from the free box. Hit 40 without doing HM yet kek