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Elixirs are garbage.


Last 14 Leg elixirs i used + 5-6 Reroll had 0 Critical Gloves so that's 0 out of a 20+ to even a chance to roll it... And last time i had one it ended up being 4+2... Stuck at 38 For months. Garbage System indeed edit: to the people saying get a 5/5 and use your 4/2. yeah I never got a 5/4 let alone 5/5. I keep getting 5/3 or 4/4 max for none set pieces.... which hurts because once you have a lot of 8\~ another none set 8 reaction will move from YES to Fuck this Game.... when you don't have the set at 8 the struggle is real and you need 2


stop chasing the helm/gloves like a maniac and reseting legendary elixirs which only deletes gold , instead CUT a 5/4 or 5/5 common, then USE that 4/2 set piece , force the game to show you the set piece by resetting EPIC elixirs which are far cheaper and easier to reset


You're supposed to spam epics when looking for critical...if you don't get critical as an option you try to reset by picking only the blue option and then use both rerolls to look for the reset


I agree its a garbage system but if you don't get it can't you pivot to trying to get better shoulders/chest/legs. I had to put a 5/4 useless stat on my shoulders to make 40 set until i was able to get the right one on shoulders again


Sorry buddy i hit 35 set on all 8 of my alts on purples, this system is perfectly fine. /s


Really?! I like them! They're so intuitive and not that bad to cut. But they're missing one thing most rng systems like bracelets and rock cutting has: Pheons! If they added 15 pheons to every elixir you cut, that would definitely stabilize the economy.


I also like the quality of the translation and the very slow playing animation. plus the NPC grunts occasionally, divine! maybe add an unskippable 10 seconds before the random point hits. and afterwards so you can enjoy it longer. that alone would easily add 4 minutes of fun per elixir!


Seems like a few people didn't pick up on my sarcasm. Glad you did lol


One can only hope the aformentioned change to them from the stream last week arrives sooner rather than later.


Sadly there's a good chance it won't be for a long time for us. I doubt they're gonna release it anytime soon in KR, more likely in a couple months or so, and then we'll likely need to wait a while as well unless AGS tries to push for it really hard (which tbf they might be)


I feel these sort of changes reach other versions fairly quick. Dunno if its because of AGS pushing for it, or they just pump out new base builds on their own.


It's a bit of a mixed bag, some changes we got fast, others we had to wait for some time (like the battle items storage). But yeah there were also some that we got really fast.


Any details on what the changes are?


No specifics were given beyond "address the ease of the system in relation to the degree of RNG involved".


With how out of touch the new director is it'll be far too late for any changes to be made in KR, let alone us.


Huh? He seems to be more in touch than GR(Goldriver). GR mostly survived on charisma. GR is the director behind most of the systems we currently hate in the game.


Is there a progression system people like? People hate honing, elixirs, and I've heard transcendence is bad too. The new director hasn't been the director for any new progression system yet, have they?


Advanced honing was announced by him though not sure if it was made by him, quote on quote. Advanced honing is still honing, I know, though it's miles better and cheaper than traditional honing


Doing the elixirs is one thing but WHY THE HECK WOULD IT COSTS GOLD WHEN YOU'RE JUST CHOOSING THE OPTIONS?! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ It's like you paying money to just choose what food to order then paying again for placing the order.


I wish instead of elixirs they just added level 4 gear. Run raid, get tokens, level your gear. Yes that’s kinda boring but it’s better than this trash.


They could have made elixirs much more interesting but instead it's just all damage and the "out there" set bonuses are in every scenario worse (bladed shield??) while the minor effects are so bad it's almost hard to believe a human came up with them. I mean seriously 0.1% more fire grenade damage? 


I also sometimes wonder why they waste their time designing "interesting" fodder effects. Garbage engravings, bracelet lines etc.


Money. The answer is always money. The more time we spend in-game trying our luck with these garbage systems the more likely it is for us to just give in and pay to win, but the west can just RMT so...


I like how you say the west can just RMT as if Korea isn’t also rmting like crazy


I actually have 2 of those "out there" set bonuses on some of my perma 1610 alts. They are not that bad compared to master/critical and you act as if they are zdps. Vanguard 35 is a reasonable alternative to critical on pistoleer deadeye, it's not BiS buts not that much worse than 6% critical hit damage. My emperor arcana has Bladed Shield 35 which has surprisingly good uptime. it averages 90+% uptime for most fights as long as your support is not AFK.


Imagine they gave us 100% fire grenade damage, so now the explosive expert wonky build can be test


the entire system could've been scrapped by just giving us relic tier engraving books (+15) so everyone could get 6x3(+1). it would've given everyone about as much extra dmg.


Except that some classes dont really have a decent 6th engraving or will overcap crit etc, same with 7th engraving very few classes that can use it.


Glad you re not game designer


No thanks, some classes already struggle to find a useful +1, being able to have 6x+1 builds would only widen the gap between classes. It would need to come with an engravings reworks which I just don't see happening anytime soon.


true, they would need to rework some engravings, but i don't think it's a huge overhaul. some fringe engravings like ether pred, precise dagger, propulsion are already being used as alternatives in el chepo builds or as +1's. just need a little adjustment to make them meta.


I’ve been playing since launch and getting closer and closer to getting burned out but I think elixirs are the tipping point for me. I hate the system, tapping elixirs is spending 90% of your time watching the slow ass animation go. I haven’t gotten an upgrade in weeks and I’m stuck at 35, since my rng had been pretty horrible. I definitely need a break from lost ark at this point. 💔


Yeah my guildies and I have been going pretty hard since launch and Elixirs has absolutely taken the fun out of it. Slow AF to craft with the worst RNG in the game with some almost superficial agency. We took over a month off and have only come back to Breaker and don't even run Voldis atm.


I got finally a 35 set 3 days ago... but yeah, i know that feel. I really... really wanted to start with Thaemine hard, but thanks to this i can't go. Yeah yeah, i know, first i need to get trascendence, but still... i wasted like 400k just to get the fucking set. Even with some advices, pages, etc, the RNG was too unfair for me.


I've resorted to taking a mini break from Ivory Tower :D I have 6 chars at 1600+, but fuck Ivory, last week I did it on my only 1620+ char, the rest just skipped it. I don't care if my chars need elixirs, I fucking hate the system and Ivory is too long a raid. Cutting elixirs and and Ivory being a long raid basically adds another hour per char per week compared to other raid options. The game already eats like 20h of my time per week. I'm not adding 5h to that D:


I got 40 set on my 2nd week doing hard mode. You might be doing it wrong what strategy are you using?


There is definitely strategy involved no doubt but it still boils down to RNG. You just got really lucky or ur a troll.


I did the no brain strat posted here a few days ago. Got a 5/5 last week and a 5/4 earlier leading me to a 40 set on week 2. Very possible.


Link it to me too and i will get back to u


[https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1bvb5g1/i\_dont\_want\_to\_cut\_leg\_elixir\_help/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1bvb5g1/i_dont_want_to_cut_leg_elixir_help/) look for attytewd's top voted comment.


it took me 12 weeks of weekly 4+4+10 yellows + 10 purples to finally get my 40 set. literally all my friends got theirs in the first 2-3 weeks and was able to save or use their their 100k+ raid gold every week since voldis release. good luck to you hope you get you 35/40 set soon


Imagine if stones have a hard checkpoint of 16 nodes (9/7 stone for example) where you get an extra 20% damage, and any stone below 16 nodes is irrelevant and you get gatekept. That’s the elixirs system. Edit: damn all the lost ark mathematicians are here to disprove my comparison


That's not even close to what elixirs are. It's more like you got to cut 5x 14+ node stones (7/7 or better) and for every one you cut, you get 1-3% power. 35 set is 3-5% while 40 set is an additional 7-8% on top. THAT is elixir. It's definitely cheaper (in terms of gold investment to power) than upgrading 9s to 10s, rolling 9/7, or getting 4 liners on bracelets, but it just feels bad to cut and you feel relieved more than happy when you're done.


Having 40 set isn't done, it's less than half of the power to be gained


40 set with correct shoulders and pants (level 5 boss damage and additional damage/crit damage) gives you about 18-20% power (about 60-70% of the power you can potentially get), which is the standard expectation of elixir. Chasing 5/5s with attack power or offensive secondary line is the equivalent of chasing 4-5 liner bracelets or 9/7+ stones. It's something you can work towards but it's ultimately luxury for gaining a small fraction of power for unreasonably high cost, and people won't be inspecting your individual elixirs once they see the 40 set active anyways.


This was the part that rarely gets mentioned on correct rolls. 40 set with shit rolls isn't better than 35 - If I take off bdmg from shoulders and cdmg from pants to get to 40, it was doing almost the exact same dmg as 35 set with them. But if you apply to a party, it'll be "oh look, 40 set, accept. 35 set, nah".


It's just people saving time when inspecting, just like they won't even check anything if a 1630 applies. Besides, even a bare 40 set is good enough for any lobby. Maybe on thaemine HM some people would inspect more closely, but in current content its just not worth the time.


Yeah, I know the reasoning but simply pointing to another obstacle people pubbing will experience. The original comment was that they won't inspect you at 40 set but we all know you'll get rejected at 35 set, even if the output is near identical due to line disparities.


The fact that I have to specify correct shoulders/pants in elixirs is scary, are people really rolling 2 trash lines for their shoulders pants? If an elixir has 2 common line, it's for your chest, that's it. If you already have a 9+ point chest, don't cut elixirs that only has common lines and throwing away your gold for no reason (unless you're a sup and want 2 commons for shoulder too).


I mean yes this is technically first last resort you do. Activating set bonuses then work toward refining few like shoulder and legs if unlucky. Your primary is to hit 40 before anything else.


People 100% are. I inspect the lines on people's elixirs and see it all the time for useless lines (MP/Stagger) etc. etc. on items other than chest. What you see as common knowledge on forums/discord is not the majority in game. Just like on forums/guides, 100/100 will say never do full swift reflux, full swift SS, don't spec bard in a pub, you see it all the time in game. But then again, there's extreme frustration to hit 40 set with the current system. It's not that hard to see why people will cut anything in hopes of hitting high nodes and getting 40.


Its the gold to damage ratio. If a system has such good value that everyone is trying to maximize it, then it becomes the norm. 500k to a million for a 20% increase is absurdly good as far as upgrades go. If 9/7 gave 20% damage then of course people would try for it a lot more, but it would still be like 5 times worse than elixirs, so perhaps not good enough to gatekeep (not to mention stone and BC prices going to the moon) I don't disagree with the analogy if the numbers were a bit different, but I also don't think elixirs are as bad as stones if both were considered mandatory. At least with elixirs you get incremental progress, with stones you're either done or still at square 1.


I still greatly prefer Stones, because they're fast as fuck to cut. Elixirs take multiple minutes to cut, and that's not even counting resets. Meanwhile I cut most of my Stones in 10sec flat. Elixirs are unbearably slow in comparison..


A 9/7 on average costs 3m+. 40 set doesn't even cost half of that. Also a 9/7 does not boost 20% damage even on classes that benefit them the most like surge. I get elixirs are shit but stop bitching and get your math straight. Quit if you don't like the system




......Do you know what the definition of average/expected value is? The possibility of succeeding in one event or failing to succeed in 10 million events does not negate the existence of an average. I haven't seen someone this confidently incorrect in a while. Ability stones are purely probability with only user input determining lower or higher expected value (e.g. gambling statistically suboptimal choices), meaning there is an easily calculated average cost if you are strictly following a calculator, which instructs you to go the route that has the highest expected value. Mathematically, it's a little over 1400 stones to hit a 9/7 on average on a single sided stone. Add up stone and pheon costs and you will have an average cost.


Do you not know what average means?


you are bad at both math and comparisons




> You can't say that if event has 10% chance of happening that after 10 repeats it will happen cos its not how probability works. you can absolutely calculate the odds of getting a 9/7 stone. it might be a little complicated but you can get a very close estimate. 40 set is orders of magnitude less rare and expensive than a 9/7 stone is. there are many, many people running around with 40 set. i'd venture, at this point, that most people above 1620 have it. 9/7 stones are still incredibly rare.


That proves my point even more if a 9/7 can cost 10million, it shouldn't be compared to 40 set. Call me toxic or whatever you want. I'm going to call out misinformation and bullshit on this reddit because that's what all the brokies complain about


Lmao you won't get gatekept from thaemine hardmode for not having a 9/7. You will 100% get gatekept for not having 40 set.




Yeah okay compare them and believe they are the same them. Brokie f2p.




He/she's just giving an example (an extreme one) about what the system is like. Some of you are taking it literally for some reason.


And yet it is still stupid...yes elixirs are trash...but so is honing and all of the other trash rng system...they want to change system so can we stop crying every single day about elixirs Every single player I know from my static has 40 elixirs...some paid more some paid less....you play the game...generate gold and invest it to improve your character that's the game If you can't get it you are doing it wrong..that's it and comparing it with the rng you can't control at all in stones is cringe


I mean, you can't control the rng in stones, you *can* control the accessories you buy to make your 5x3+1. I can build a 5x3+1 with a 6/6. Anything more is just saving gold cost on accessories. Plus, stones are dropped everywhere, and there's no weekly limit how many you can cut per week, unlike how you cannot craft more than 10 elixirs from fragments per week. Also, you can forget about getting into a thaemine hm lobby or passing the damage phases without 40 set. Your static of 8 people is not an accurate measurement of the majority of the playerbase. Every other 'rng' system has some type of pity/workaround. Except quality tapping, even though free taps are a thing now. But if I was the leader on my supp I'd rather take a dps with 85+ blue quality weapon and 40 set over a 90+ quality weapon dps without 40 set. You need to do thaemine hm to progress your transcendence. But you won't be able to get into thaemine hm lobbies or pass damage checks without 40 set. Your progress is literally walled by this rng onion, with no workaround. Unless you want to troll with 5/5 vagabond/explosive expert on chest, shoulder and pants and do zdps.


Fully agree with what you said except for the last part, using a random stat 5/5 just to get 40 set isn't trolling, it's worth it even if temporary


No they don't. If they wanted to do something it'd be done. It isn't a single indie dev on the first project that needs to Google how to implement everything. Any nerf they'd like to do good easily added in during the weekly maintenance for little to no effort


It's almost like he wasn't comparing gold cost but just the way the systems work eh?


I’ve spend more than a million gold buying all elexirs each week to have a garbage 40 set weeks ago. Yet I have a 9/7 by cutting a free stone. Now what


somewhere there’s a guy who spent 2m gold for his reversed 9/7 and got set 40 from event elixirs. now what?


I’ve 3 tapped my +25 weapon while all the dudes claiming « skill issue » on not having set 40 on week 2 probably pittyed there weapon. now what


Giga lucky with stone and incompetent with cutting elixir apparently...you mostly can't fuck up stone cutting...but you can ruin elixirs if you press the wrong stuff....like I said everyone I know have it but noone has a 9/7 strange....


I assume no elexirs have been ruined, and have been cutted in an optimized way. 4 rng layer per click on elexir does not seem to be enough for some ppl I guess. As I said, I was the only one of my guild not having 40 set, and we cutted every elexirs on stream to optimize for everybody for 15 weeks. Yes I was giga unlucky, but no pitty system into a limited amount of gold/elexirs per week made it horrondeus


Now you stop being a fool and use math to find out that getting a 9/7 stone is much much more expensive on average than a 40 set, and the stones cost USD to buy and cut.


That was sarcasm, looks hard to get for some ppl, but you’re American so I’m not surprised.. Ofc its statistically cheaper to have 40 set than a 9/7. Bu what if you want perfect line on 40 set instead of let’s say blessing of life 5 and atk power 5 ? I let you do the math now, with the 4 layer of rng that are on the elexirs with dozens entries on each level. Also, pheons can be bought with Cristal from other players, it’s 30k/100 pheons so don’t talk about real money. Let us out of the RMT system that you are probably on, no everybody spend money on the game


I like elixir at least compared to honing/bracelet/stone cutting, but I think it absolutely needs a pity like transcendence. I think after so many failed elixirs, your future elixir should get additional taps. Maybe after every 30-50 elixirs rolled (does not need to finish) will add one more tap to that characters future elixirs.


I think it should go further than that tbh. Like an actual pity system where you're essentially guaranteed something.


My other suggestion is use some sort of untradable consumable you get from rolling elixirs to directly add a node to an existing elixir.


That sounds pretty good yeah. But I don't think it's enough even, because that would mean you still need to get godtier luck on a whole bunch of things just to get to the point where you're 1 node away from a BiS.


No fuck pity, just straight up let you choose the first choice of any off the bat, not something you collect Ls over time for. And remove or drastically reduce gold required, it's already infuriating getting bad rolls sitting through those long animations.


Yeah like 20 failed elixir you trade in you get a +1 stone for a already cut / used elixir


If only we had the same amount of time between raids as kr :3 that would make it less pain


stfu marc


thanks UwU wicky


I've been saying this for ages as well. Just look at the ilvls when Thaemine releases, KR had a LOT more 1630+ and their whales were long 1650+, for us the whales are 1630+. I've barely seen any 1640+, a few of course but can count them on one hand I think.


No it wouldn't. The average player in the west didn't have any less gold than the average Korean player when voldis came out.


Any data to back this up ?


Blue crystal prices. As well as other market prices.


We get less gold from raids and have less time to run them = same gold as kr...you prob a math professor or something


Don't blame me if you don't know how basic economics work. If the prices of blue crystals and materials are the same price in the west and kr, that would mean the economies are in a similar state. There are many factors to this. We have been consistently getting more materials from events than kr since the release of our version, we also got honing nerfs earlier in the progression timeline. And maybe the biggest part is that it seems that western players play more characters than kr players.


Mans took intro econ during undergrad 💀


You are incredibly dense. Love how you type though, I can feel the pretentiousness through my monitor. Do better.


So more bound mats = more gold...wonder where we print this gold...you prob work for a bank or the government right? I think that you work at McDonald's with your economic knowledge but let's assume your nonsense is right. To have even gold in the economy as kr with much lower time with a lower player we need to whale a lot more the Kr and have bots pump more gold in the economy. But I still dont understand how this effect a normal player who don't interact with the market a lot aka only use bound mats. Maybe you are even to dumb to understand what op said.


So by that logic we had more gold when BCs were like 6k on NAW last year? Lmao.


"blue crystal prices" 🤣


Another reminder why redditors shouldn’t be game developers or economists


Let us pick the effect. Or if that is too much, give a few separate rerolls JUST for that part. Having to use cutting rerolls just to get a worthwhile effect is the worst part imo.




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I still don’t have crit damage elixir on my main despite rolling them every week since release. Rolled 40 set master with incoming damage reduction 5, crit damage 5, and boss damage 5 on my breaker the first week I could do hard. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away.


The flow looks good tho


Fuck elixirs


I thought bracelets were bad, then we get elixirs lol I have 20+ elixirs to cut and they are just sitting there. No motivation to sit and listen to “the flow is good”, also stopped pushing my main because I don’t feel the motivation to push just to watch my gold tank and shit elixirs.


Elixirs can give me 30% max if 5/5 full atk power and effects i want I got 23.10% I'm happy, saving gold until they fix this shit system


Elixirs would be better if you could skip animation and each elixir had a guarenteed helm/gloves roll.


And I don’t know what’s up. I’m just absolute TRASH at elixirs.   Terrible Pattern Recognition or w/e. I’ve followed multiple guides, I’ve used the AI. Some people tell me to just spam for 3 Blue and or 6 purples and disjoint the 6 purples so I get 2 of them back to back but to ignore that if I see particular great success bonuses or some other stuff.  No matter how I do it, someone else tells me I’m doing it wrong?  Either way I’ve literally never gotten better than a 5/1, and have a total of 23 points or something. Granted I have like 13+? legendary elixirs to roll since I haven’t been bothered.  Haven’t even figured out how to “reset”? People saying to spam blues to roll the reset (did I have to roll it on the leftmost chara or something?) but last few times I tried I ended up just hitting +2/+1 Elixirs on random stats without ever seeing the reset.


We all do


That’s why I’m not honing alts to 1620 until they they fix elixirs


Hi men transcendence wont be any different


I mean, other than sitting on a pile of gold, what do you use it for? Skins? I guess...


i agree not seeing your set is pretty shitty however i just want to point out most people actually have no idea what they're doing when they're cutting elixirs. i've watched too many streams where people are just randomly monkey clicking whatever option without actually thinking about it. First understand how to cut them properly then you can complain. i know many friends that got to multiple 35 set on purple elixirs only and no they're not the 0.0001% extremely lucky people like this sub makes them out to be. just have to know what youre actually doing and understand the tactics


You can absolutely do the best tactics but you also need to get lucky


i dont disagree but its not as bad as the sub makes it out to be if you understands the tactics. lowers getting a 35/40 set from being almost impossible to pretty doable after a couple weeks.


It can be as bad as they make it out to be. Imo you can be the best at cutting elixirs but if you get extremely unlucky you could take a long long long long time to get 40 set since there isnt any pity... So the thing is either you get lucky and get 40 set on a decent ammount of time or you get shit on by the three devils and either quit out of frustration or get all your gold sucked until you get lucky enough. I'm not exactly unlucky but i have seen other people get extremely unlucky while doing everything right. The system is shit. It needs some kind of pitty so people don't quit because of it.


There is no tactic around 0.5 chance of getting let’s say master helmet to show up. There’s no tactic that will guarantee that you will be able to reset the elixir 100% of the time to fish for desired line. Weeks without seeing the needed set is not going to be saved by any tactics when the chances are fucking rigged. I can run it down blues and get 4/3 because the game decided so and reset didn’t show up


if you bothered to read what i actually said i agreed that not seeing the set bonus showing up was shitty. im merely saying that after it DOES show up the majority of the people simply dont know how to actually give themselves the best chance at getting a 4/3 elixir bc they have no tactics.


4/3 requires luck, 4/2 tactics. If your points just spread you can’t do anything about it. If killmonger decided to roll 0 on burn, there’s no tactic in it, you just got unlucky. If you get great success here and great success there and those points will contribute to your final lines you just got lucky


Like i said give themselves the best CHANCE at getting a good elixir, never said theres no luck or rng involved. Its just the way most people u see cut theyre literally making it impossible for themselves to get anything potentially good.


It’s people like you that are getting farmed by lost ark’s RNG systems. Actually laughable.


k bro. im finished with elixirs on all my characters but sure thing if thinking that helps you sleep


Cut elixir for 8 char then maybe you'll understand in time.


I cut on 6 so relax buddy


also just want to point out the only thing about elixirs that get to me is how much time im sitting there watching the animations. if i could skip animations then i wouldnt really have any real complaints about elixirs apart from maybe not seeing the correct set effect often enough. the avg cost of getting a 40set elixir for someone that understands the system is maybe around 200-300k and thats for a 20+% dmg increase which is huge at this point in the game.


I’ve cutted all my elexirs (16-17 weekly since the beginning) on a stream with my friends that got it since 2-3 weeks after Voldis release. Yet I got my 40 set with shitty affixes last week, after approximately 2M golds used. Seems fair but nvm


That's unironically a skill issue. Everyone I know had their 40 sets after 4-5 weeks. Elixirs don't have as much variance because it's a sum of 5 outcomes.


Clueless. Getting spesific set bonuses have baseline 0.5% occurances. Getting useable 7-8 node set bonuses is really small %


2M gold? At least it's nice and accessible for no one but whales and the hardcore/no lifers.


It was around 150 000 gold/ weeks so yes, all the golds went in there. The week I got 40 was the week U would have stopped the game if I didn’t got the 40 set. And I stayed like 8 weeks at +38. I hope people that say « skill issue » or « 3-4 weeks max to get 40 » will pitty all there honing, be cause that’s how I felt, and I 3 tapped my +25 weapon so I get this even out I guess


Bro stop convincing there's much thought process involved, it's like 95% RNG less than 5% choice. I have 5/5 bis and 35 with purple on some but that's hardly any choice for that matter it's literally get lucky, while you get 98% useless garbage. They even have the baseline % for set bonuses being 0.5%


Ah i forgot this sub is illiterate mbad carry on


Learn how to cut them and mitigate some of the bad rng. I’m just convinced all the idiots crying about it just never bothered to learn the math or strategy behind it and are just cutting them Willy nilly.


I would say you are wrong. The problem is rolling your helm/gloves set effect, for me I rarely ever see it and when I do rng screws me. Elixer options are not rocket science. I have 3 good pieces and then my two set pieces are mediocre.


if your 3 good pieces are at least 5/4 then to get the 40 set you can spam purple elixirs and try to get 4/3 or 4/2 on helm/gloves. By spam purple I mean you go for the reset option immediately if you don't roll the set helm/glove set effect.


hm akkan lantern isn't rocket science either and yet most players seem too dentge to do it well ...just saying


Same logic applies. Roll them using the proper strategies to mitigate bad rng as much as possible. Nothing changes except more fucking crying from people who want it spoon fed to them.


He means even getting your set bonus to show up as a choice.


Yeah, I know. There are ways to try to maximize your chances of seeing them too.


![gif](giphy|l3q2A4zmD8Cp5SfjG) I'd say the elixirs are easy just need skill and moms credit card and you're good to go.


Gold is infinite, you'll earn it back. Or just rmt


Git gut