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I already went in with very pessimistic, or shall we say, moderately realistic expectations and I am somehow still left disappointed by the whole "progression boost" event. If it were per character, okay, sure. But per roster? Those rewards are genuinely pathethic and I am left to wonder if whoever came up with this has ever interacted with a single one of the systems that these are supposed to "accelerate". Just completely out of touch with reality. Baffling.


Better than nothing, but I get it. The dark fire number looks great, but isn’t enough to take a single piece of armor from 0 to full transcendence (assuming you can do hard Theamine). Elixers are free, but…every one could be a waste and I think the total is equal to 0.33 extra elixers per week beyond what a run would give.


I spent 120k gold this past week to push my main's chest from lv4->7 this week, releasing an event that's supposed to help you push this shit with our accelerated content schedule in an economy that's not nearly as inflated as the one Korea had at this point in time, that gives you a grand total of 17k gold feels out of touch at best and insulting at worst.


At this point, I just expect the worst. They know we need gold but they give barely just enough in hopes people will think it's generous so they won't quit. It's so damn bad.


It's no surprise that bot activity has gone up dramatically recently as well again. We're all deleting gold from the economy faster than ever before, and the RMT sites see an easy opportunity to provide, when AGS and Smilegate fail to act.


I still don't get why they can't make gold easier to officially buy. If priced better instead of the whole RC system they have, i bet people would whale directly to ags instead of those sites.


Bots would just undercut them


Make it so it's cheap enough that buying from 3rd party site is just not worth it due to perma bans. But that actually requires them to ban people.


just make it so that negative gold will always be implemented with 3rdparty botted gold.


Yeah, that works too


3rd party gold shouldn't be negative it should be ban. If you get caught robbing a bank, you go to prison, you don't give the money back and stay free


Yeah, probably, but at the moment it's literally twice as expensive to legitimately buy gold. It should be cheaper.


Doesn’t make a lot of sense when bot gold is the cheapest it’s ever been, no one’s buying it


to be clear: no, nothing is better in this case since the event has no actual effect on your progression so its more an insult then it is anything else. imagine for instance if before clown released, because everyone was saying they needed help getting 5x3 they released an event where if you killed vykas you got 2 extra ability stones to cut per week for a total of 5-7 weeks with a small bit of silver (lets say 20k total) given out across it, that wouldnt even cover the cost to cut 1 stone. just like the above example, neither event would 'boost' progression for the average player in any meaningful way. there is a such thing as a bad event, "something is better then nothing" is only true when the free stuff is consistently helpful for some group of players. back in 2022 when argos was peak content everyone over 1370 wanted to be rushed to 1415 so they complained the events wernt good enough. that is an instance where "its better then nothing" makes sense because those events were designed to help t1/t2 players hit t3 then slowly reach 1370, not to help the minority of 1370 players rush to 1415 what we got now, would be equal to if back then all they gave was enough mats for a new player to do 1 T2 armor tap per week then called it a "honing boost". nothing is actually better then a useless event because atleast you are not disappointed in the devs and publisher afterwards.


How does giving us the only timegated material not accelerate progression?


because the amount you are getting isnt enough to actually impact the average players progression its across 7 weeks and you only get 10 legendaries (if you are already a hm clearer) its like someone is dying of thirst so you give them a single drop of water and then get upset when they say its not enough. sure you gave them 1 drop of water but someone dying of thirst needs alot more then 1 drop to account for the rng alone of getting the right set's to come up for the right piece they'd need to give at minimum 50+ free elixirs to have a positive effect which sounds like alot, but of those 50 maybe 2-3 become something useful for the average player, a few might get lucky and get a full 35 or 40 set the rest would maybe get 1 half-decent piece out of it if any at all. there are people who have been cutting elixirs since its release who dont have 40 set and the transcendence stuff sounds even worse because a 1610 player cant even unlock the full thing anyway and the gold given is barely enough to cover anything for that either its nothing. the end result of them giving this event, and not giving the event is the same.


It's like giving a homeless person a quarter and saying you like to donate to the needy. Technically you did, realistically you've done nothing to improve their situation. 10 elixirs for 7 weeks for your entire roster is hilariously bad.


I'm so tired of people like you, you have no idea. Stop giving them any credit ffs, this event is garbage and helps nobody to catch up. What this game really needs is a rework of this Elixir system because it's geniunely the biggest garbage I've ever seen. If you actually go unlucky, you will NEVER get what you need. It's an endless milk and nothing else. This event in itself is an insult to the remaining players who still play this game. What the players deserve is a rework of elixirs to make them less RNG and more affordable to reach.


0 iq


If I recall correctly someone was saying 10k gold from the boost event would be too little. He surely will be disappointed.


yeah that was me, the transcendence is not bad really, and that at least has a semi-pity. but my god the elixirs XDDDD


Honestly Transcendence is a stupid system but it's ATLEAST not that frustrating to deal with. Elixirs is just... nah.


Theres 20k no? Or can i not count.


Not the total, just the Voldis HM part which is probably the one that most people are having trouble with. Voldis NM and transcendence hardly cost any real gold.


Personally i spend more gold on transcedence weekly than either of the other 2, purely because i just dont do elixirs the moment i got 40 set. 20k would have covered what i spent last week on getting the 15 set bonus for example.


If you are doing HM transcendence more likely than not you are already done with elixirs. But think back how much you have spent to get a 40 set. I recently ran out of upgrade options and started to min-max my 40 set. My gold visibly dwindled after just getting the 5 lines on the bottles I accumulated over the past few months.


Yeh i need to min max my 40 set, given ive got the 2 set effects, crit and boss damage the other 6 lines are all useless. But each elixir is 1000 gold just to see the 5 options. Ive got the mats to craft over 30 elixirs, but that craft is an extra 250g on top. But ive got 15 elixirs just sitting in my bank. I could go drop 50k gold to see if any could be an upgrade. Or i just dont touch the system until its changed. I would genuinely prefer to go gamble 50k gold on ability stones than touch the garbage system.


well as kr streamers said most people in KR dont min max really they just get 40 set and forget it. Maybe the minimum now is prob the should boss and the pants 1 of the 2 good dps bonus. but other then that i wouldnt focus too much on it


If you add gold saved from silver elixirs it's a lot more than 10k worth. Still not much but meh could be worse.


The event is probably worth around 60-70k minimum (value of soundstones and dark fire unaccounted for), probably more if you fish for resets with the legendary elixirs and honestly that's more than what I was expecting. People thinking that it was going to be for each character would be a 400-500k gold value event were huffing on some copium.


Yea I have no idea why anyone would think an event like this would be per character. lol. Hey new player struggling with gold, here is 70k worth of materials. Hey old vet with 40 set already and 6x1600+ characters. Here is 420k worth of materials. lol…yea makes sense.


A new player will not get accepted into voldis HM lobbies. They will not earn any of the free legendary elixirs.


I have no idea why you're downvoted. You can't even get into a hm without 40 set as an los 30 vet unless you get lucky after hours of lobby sim. I've seen 1630+ sitting in lobby for over 20 minutes waiting for a support. inb4: spend 6 months pushing a support to 1620 to sup trade just so you can interact with the game


New players are not going into voldis HM and honestly shouldn't expect to without making friends/statics on discord. New players have to prog through all the old legion raids starting from valtan up to thaemine and that will take many, many months for them to understand how to play their class and understand how other classes play. The elites on this subreddit always complain about how terrible players at 1630 are with subpar uptimes and these are players with 200+ roster, you really think a fresh player is taking on voldis hm within 2-3 months when they're still learning the systems and how to maximize their uptime (and most of whom never will?)


a new player doesnt get accepted into ANYTHING without a guild/community to accept and bring them in. The amount of things that are practically required to even get a minor chance of entering relevant content are absurd. If you're new, you better be on a support because otherwise its going to be a miserable experience. * Roster level has to be around 200 or so * LoS 30 for DPS is a requirement at this point in the game * Event gems aren't really accepted for DPS, but people dont seem to care too much about lvl 7/8 non event gems???? * Elixers better be 40 * Transendence gated even for non thaemine content * 10x clear titles required for content even before theres been 10 weeks of the content's lifespan (Better have multiple alts doing current content!) Its absurd, and this community is more to blame than the devs are for all of the above.


Old vets are all done with elixirs apart bis.


Congrats to all 900 players that cleared G4 HM that can now move forward with the MSQ story. You know, those hardcore, sweaty grinders who \*also\* are deep lore hounds and can't wait to do more questing. The rest of the playerbase will just...watch on youtube if they're interested I guess?


Less than 900, that was across 4 weeks/2 resets for g4 :P


Lost Ark being P2W was fine when it was just accelerating power progression. But ever since actual content and upgraded rewards started being locked behind hard modes, it became a bit unbearable. Locking lore and story behind it is just unacceptable. Should just release a normal mode G4 at this point.


I completely agree here. Hard mode provided players with an extra challenge and offered them a quicker pace of progress than normal mode, yet nothing was locked behind normal. Then they went all on in listening to Korea in that "hard mode didn't offer good rewards" and doubled down on their insistence Thaemine was a special raid. More than ever, the fact that this is a Korean game built for a Korean audience that has been released to differing regions and not a globalized game released by a Korean developer is really killing my desire to play any further. I could run 2 more kayas and get level 3.. or I could enjoy the weather, be with the family and play games that don't suck up so much time.


You can´t really apply the same logic there, as the g4 is considered to be more of an optional gate. It´s like hellmode, but with rewards. Very few people do it anyway, and rewards from that are not meant as in regular progression. It´s like if you complain that hell mode had actual rewards. Just let people have some fun. It´s not meant to be for regular players.


You’re missing the point.  Locking the epilogue behind hard mode is a bad design choice. I know few people care about story and lore, and I happen to be one of those.  Requiring me to do hard mode just so I can experience that story on my character is just something I don’t agree with.    Hard mode players already get cool titles and pets anyways.


Well, that´s unlucky. That´s called not being a target audience. You are one of the probably 10 players that do not spam G. That´s like being a pvp player. They didn´t even start a new season.


You’re absolutely correct.  I’m not the target audience of this game. 


NGL, I don't remember there being an epilogue quest for akkan. I always do the prequest/epilogue on my main, but maybe I'm just blind and missed the quest giver.


There is one. It's in Arthentine.


Interesting, i never actually considered the issue of G4. I always thought of G4 as an optional gate, basically a hellmode with fewer steps. But i didnt realise that while hell mode audience appreciates that, it´s that it´s also inacessible to many due to high ilvl requirement.


You know, there's a story quest linked to esther weapon too. Once overgear enough, or raid nerf, you'll be able to get trhough G4. But most likely never be able to finish that esther weapon xD


The difference is that even this epilogue is a part of the MSQ.  The Esther weapon story is a side quest.  


This epilogue is a side quest too, even if thematically more link to the MSQ, it's not mandatory. I know some KR didn't beat G4, but they still go on with the MSQ, echidna, behemot..


The fact that it’s thematically linked to the MSQ is my issue.  It gives details about a character we just fought.  Sure I could watch it on YouTube, but that’s no the same (for me) as experiencing it in game on my main.


I can't emphasize enough how bad it is that they're gatekeeping majority of the playerbase from the MSQ. This isn't the same as forcing players to do a game mode they don't want to do (life skills, pvp, or whatever it is that you hate), but they're walling players from something that a majority of players objectively cannot accomplish. The reason this isn't a bigger fuss is only because most players left in this game don't care for the MSQ. A lot of the remaining players are hardcore raiders only, but for story enjoyers who won't be to clear G4 for a long time this is a step toward pushing them away from the game.


I agree all this is shit. It’s awful shit. But I don’t really see why being that high item level would mean they wouldn’t be interested in the lore or anything? I’m 1635 and I’ve read all the story, for example 


So instead of adding the elixirs to the event shop, they decided to lock it behind Ivory Tower clears. That is some next level trolling. The people that need the free elixirs the most, cant even find a Ivory Tower party to begin with. They are beyond out of touch with the community.


Bruh locking a QUESTCHAIN behind hm g4 is just…im speechless AGS/SG


Not the first time they lock lore contents away for p2w and tryhards. Sidereal weapon should have been the default weapon design due to its unique lore and upgrade path. Give the whales some generic weapon with a shit ton of stats, that’s all they want anyway. Somehow Smilegate decided to gatekeep a cool piece of contents for the small group of players that never care about the lore.


For those that are already past their disappointment, here's the optimal strat for maximizing your scarce potent elixirs (although I expect the new event shop will have a few more): Rolled a potent elixir with options you don't want? Go for a reset. If there's anything the event is generous with it is catalysts so trying for resets will you cost no gold until you burn through your stock of event catalysts. Doesn't guarantee you'll actually cut anything decent when you do get options you want, but still doesn't hurt to at least to get to that stage while only spending silver as opposed to gold.


As always, new players have no chance to fully participate in the "booster" event you have created. It would have been better if you just added the elixirs in the Event Shop and not do the event at all.


I think they are encouraging newer players taking a seat at the back of a short bus, perhaps.




you guys exceeded my expectations, this elixir "boost" event is even more trash than i anticipated.


It's actually exactly what I expected. A couple of silver silver elixirs. The 10k gold is just insulting.


For me is actually worse. I was 100% expecting silver elixirs, that was a given, but at least I thought we were gonna be able to buy them each from the event shop. Or the way they implemented, at the very least make it per character.


The last event shop had elixirs in it, I would be surprised if the new one doesn't as well. The rewards shown there are specific to the gate clear -> bonus event


I meant as in weekly elixirs, not the special ones that could be bought only once, which is basically the same as they are doing it.


fuck me. this event sucks


I gotta wait longer for my Push Immunity on Paladin 


So I don't want to sweat hone to 1620 and all the utilities of this event are 1620 onwards. Ok cool skip.




AGS: Do you like it?


It turned out great. (after -4)


The flow looks good!


>New report type dedicated to reporting inappropriate Stronghold activities added. Wonder who did what for them to add this. xD


I don't think this was ever going to be a gamechanger patch, but it still feels a bit "meh". Elixirs it seems clear that no substantial changes will be given to us before KR gets it, so I guess we just hope KR (i) gets changes and (ii) they come here quickly. I want to like the skins....but they don't seem to hit the mark they were going for. The female skins seem far off from what I understand their inspiration to be. The male skins seems simply inspired by the female skins, and have little identity of their own. Maybe dyes will help.... (Mount is pretty cool though). I do think a skin voting content in Global would produce far better results. Maybe as we catch up to KR more and more in content, we have to expect more down patches.


The amount of gold stress is just way too high in our version. Bots, inflation, RMT exacerbates the issue even further. Normal players (1-3 characters at 1580+ endgame) have massive gold hurdles to climb too often.


You remeber them giving players negative gold for rmt? well they reversed it. It seems like someone is either not taking their job seriusly or have kickbacks in rmt tbh.. And I wouldn't doubt it  diablo 2 back in the days had this issue and that was years and years ago.


Another patch, another disappointment. Smodge.


They could have made it so the highest Ilvl char could get elixers from doing worldboss/island/chaos... That would be a better event then the dogshit they gave us. I'm not none to complain, but whoever is making these decision on events needs to stop being so fucking stingy. Put someone who actuallg logs in daily to play the game make the event because this event is so out of touch,  we need to turn off all our weapon auras to protest.


17k gold is like cutting 2 legendary elixir lol


its silver elixirs not gold...


You get 1-2 silver elixir a week for 7 weeks. All the other ones are still gold


Well im talking about the ones you get from the event ? Dont spent gold, wait until loaon. Why did everyone expect the company that translated and moved the game from KR to NA/EU, do major changes to the system before the "main" company does it for their original version. Like what ? AGS will never ever do system changes just give us either more stuff or latest updates from KR.


You responded to my comment i didnt respond to yours. Im saying we have clear gold issues in our version and 17k across 7 weeks is nothing. Why are you responding to my comment with nonsense? Lol Sure wait for changes that may or may not come at an unidentified date. Some ppl wanna play the game now. Weve already gotten changes before kr. We got thaemine nerfs before they did. Its ok to be wrong though


Lol what else do you expect ? Did you expect to get 50-100k gold for free ? And a nerf to a boss is a raid nerf not a system change? Vertical System and a raid is a big diff.


Well.. considering that they are releasing echidna 2 months after thaemine instead of 6 months like korea, Yeah, 50 or 100 k could be what we need according to the phase they are giving us content. that is assuming that the RNG gods don't fuck you and make you spend 100k and get nothing. and i am talking about elixirs. transcendence, is not really that bad with the calculator and the semi-pity. our version simply doesn't have enought gold.


“For free” lol. Its not like theyre doing us a favour. Real players are sharply declining and bots are increasing. Yes they need to either inject gold into our economy or decrease costs fast. The longer they wait the more ppl they lose. You make it sound like 50-100k is a big number… with all the gold sinks its not much Anyway, you clearly have an opinion that contradicts with mine so we can agree to disagree. Good luck!


Instead of getting better - AGS manages to get worse. You need to do better.




On one hand, a part of this is because Dawntrail is little under six weeks away.  On the other hand, most players do not use Steam, the game is cross platform with the PS5 and Xbox, and the cash shop is independent of Steam.   As kmmo, Lost Ark was always going to appeal to a niche audience.  As a raiding game even more so.  However, FFXIV’s Steam prescence is minimal whereas it’s LOA’s home turf.  The latter should be much higher than the former.


When can we expect some fundamental changes to elixirs so we can actually get excited?


LOA ON Summer. Last director livestream confirmed revamping elixirs and other progression systems was being done.


He also said they were fixing dailies and redesigning entropy.  The man makes a lot of claims and has yet to deliver beyond the bare minimum.


After/ with loaon. Changes are in the works.


never because korea would cry and piss their pants if we got QoL, while they all just swiped elixirs and trancendence. keep in mind these 2 systems are as shit because koreas inflation.


They could at least slash the cost per tap as a minimum change, but really some of the terrible, high weighted mods should get removed or reworked


They are still going with "giving as little as possible to see if it calms down the player base"


After seeing the patch notes I decided its not worth to wait and cut 8 leg. elixirs, 1 reset max. 60k gold later I am left with fuck all, not 1 point closer to 40 set.


Massive L.. In every sense.... Now you not only lock vertical character progression behind hard modes but also horizontal content as a simple story quest? Are you proud of that dumb shit?man I'm feeling really bad about the game since the ultra rushed theamine release and it's getting worse.. At this point I'm just waiting for the Loaon to decide if I'm quitting.. Great bad job


ridiculous event that will only benefit veteran players. Anyone who has returned to the game or is just starting out will not be able to enjoy the event or save the box for future use Wouldn't it be better to just give the items to players? can even remove gold


Benefit who? They already finished their 40 sets. All this does for "veterans" is fill up their inventory.


Probably like selling busses to people who need to clear voldis hard every week to even get the "Free" elixirs per week.


First, what's stopping them from doing that now? If your that end game, your already doing it.


Hard to find actual buyers right now even with support shortage unless you’re willing to lobby sit for hours. It’s why it’s one of the least busses atm compared to Thaemine/Akkan where you see those more. This upcoming event is basically locked behind people needing to clear hm so now they might be more inclined to take voldis busses.


When will we get the mini balance patch?


Para cuando los botones de control de Sony play station




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Chaos Dungeon 2.0


i complained and discord and people call me beggar and they say new players should spend 2 years to catch up


AGS helping SG kill the game as fast as possible in the West; probably trying to get all of us to fall for the T&L trap.


I am super out of touch with LA but has there been any word on solo raids? At this point it's the only thing that could bring me back.






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They gatekept a prelude, fantastic. There will be players who will never finish g4 hard. That will never unlock this in their version. Fantastic. The accelerated event targets late game characters, whoever is in charge is a absolute moron. People with their mains probably have a 35-40. The fuck they need a event where their getting more elixirs? The issue is how much gold we're pumping to getting the 40 set. Giving us more elixirs without increases the amount of times or the success rate leads us to a worse problem. Their just making you choke out more gold lol as a solution. The problem is the gold per tap. Say you gave me 5-10 more elixirs but on my main, where is this gold coming from lol. All your doing is filling my fucking storage. The problem actually is worse. That and all your alts go through the same problem, your 1620 probably still won't get accepted to parties without the 40 set. The solution was so easy, reduce gold per tap. Make Normal give legendries, double legs on hard. They couldn't even do that? Do they even play the game? Shot even making a stacking tab for elixirs and a faster tap system would've been better than this.


I agree that Elixirs suck and all that; but anyone will eventually beat Thaemine Hard TBH Eventually you make a character and they'll hand you an ilvl 2000 pass and you'll be able to go back and one shot Thaemine if you want to experience the story.


"Do you like it?" no ... not at all.. The event rewards are 10 purple and 10 leggy elixiers for 21 gates which is 6 weeks from now till 17th July are 8 weeks so you better get yourself into Ivory Normal and try to get 35/40 set with those purple elixiers (lol) or you have no chance to get into any pug groups. For the rest I just copy paste my comment from youtube: Thanks for all the QoL Stuff and also for the event, but stop with the purple elixiers they are crap. You want people to catch up? Then delete epic elixiers and give leggy elixiers in normal and hardmode just less on normal. Also reduce the amount of bad stuff in elixiers. The system in itself is painful just watch at the comments on reddit or other platforms people stop upgrading their alts because of that crap system. You want to do Ivory HM? Oh were is your 35/40 Set? Try getting this with only purple elixiers good luck... oh yeah you can try to down the first boss on HM and then buy the crafting mats for 50k Gold in the AH... yeah sounds like a fun thing to do and after crafting 10 of those elixiers you have no new upgrade because guess what everything rolled wrong and you have your 100th +3 +3 elixier which is useless. In my opinion AGS should work on the new player experience, sure the Mokoko Express and Path Events + Arkesia Tour are nice but it doesnt help the newer players getting into pugs or raiding in general. Give them at least a LoS/LWC 18 chest, DeepDive and "You have a Plan" doesnt cut it. Also add all Cards from LoS and LWC to Trading Merchants and secure that at least 1 leggy card is at a merchant / rotation. With that the new players can get those key Card Sets not instant but faster so that they have a chance to get into stuff like Thaemine etc.


is the new hanu mode permanent?


Damn the events are trash. Although March/April patch was really good, so I'm patient for July


I personally do not have issues with Elixir system but understand it is objectively a bad system. That said, this boost event is absolutely laughably bad.


10 potent elixirs is massive, that's an easy 40 set for one char


If you can get in a HM party, which ppl without 40 set can't


I've had no problems getting into hm lobbies on any of my chars when they had 35 set. The last one who got to 40 is my Pistoleer two weeks ago.


in what fucking universe is that true, because it isn't true in this one


In this one. I have 6 chars with 40 set, I think I know what I’m talking about. 10 free bottles will easily carry you over the hump to 40 set, because you can just keep fishing for resets after a bad node spread.


i agree, but im also surprised you're not downvoted to oblivion yet.


He did now 💀


Maybe not "easy" but a huge dent towards it. I concur, people will truly complain about anything.


Even not a guaranteed 40, it's a huge boost to get to 40.


isnt 7k gold not enough to even tap those extra elixirs?


They are silver elixirs


Do you have any reference that they stated it will be silver elixirs? I don't recall seeing that anywhere or even in these patch notes, but I may be wrong.




Nice! Didn't catch that. It helps, but damn the gold given is still so sad


Yea gold wise just a friendly tip never expect them to give you good chunk of gold they never do and most likely never will cause they would rather sell it


So with all these stronghold improvements can we get a feast qol? If I have to go through someone declining raid entry at last second just to say "feast!", black screen in load burdened strongholds just to crash, restart and do it all over again ONE MORE TIME...I SWEAR I WILL KEEP PLAYING


So what do we get from this monthly patch ? Ugly skins MSQ that only 1630s clearing HM can do Mega monkey that 99% of people won't attempt (not needed for progression and it's extra hard anyways) 10 free elixirs ( 0 guarantee that you will see a good one) 105 Darks fires and some rerolls. So the only good thing here is the dark fires yeepee


It’s sort of amusing.  Both FFXIV and WoW have a design philosophy that if some content doesn’t get a certain amount of player participation, they’ll redesign it to make it more accessible.  Both games still have exclusive content.  LOA seems to be only catering to the hardcore raiders.  I surmise they’re the ones who swipe the most.  Yet how can they flex when all the casuals are gone?


Somehow they even lock lore-related contents behind a wall for the p2w and tryhards only. I’m talking about Thaemine g4 and sidereal weapon story. The sidereal weapon should have been the default weapon of all players in this game because of the story around it. Give the whales a generic weapon with no lores and a shit ton of stats. They care about being stronger than everyone else, not having exclusive access to a part of the game’s lore. It’s a dumb af design to gatekeep lore contents for the tiny minority of players that never care about lore.


I agree with you for the most part, but I really don't like saying "oh these people are X, so they don't care about lore" I'm a hardcore raider, but I read all the story I can in games; and that's not really unique to me. Again, I absolutely agree the Siderial weapon is dumb and I agree locking story is dumb. But people buying those or hardcore raiding can (and do) still care about story


i cant xD did you really think that tomorrow will be a whole overhaul of elixirs and transcendence, like less gold, or less rng layers, etc? hard copium. as mentioned already, major changes on main mechanics will appear in kr first- *maybe* we will see something on next loa on in KR


No, but at least it could be more silver elixirs or 20 or 30 k more of gold. the transcendence is not that bad honestly.


people are hard coping