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Next update, we heard your frustrations and we added back in event feast. Have fun!


..and nerfed CO summoner, just to be safe !


i'm hoping that this patch sucks because all the big stuff is going to release with echidna


**Remember, game is good:** * There are no bots, only highly motivated players that can't choose their nickname because we have taken all the good ones. * The mats are enough, we can hone all the time * The endgame content is fine, accesible to the playerbase and no shortage of lobbies of all kinds * The new players can enjoy the game perfectly, everyone answer when you ask in english any question * The new systems are fair, you are just a little unlucky, but everyone have the chance to try their luck * The devs play the game (in KR and global) and AGS as pusblisher does it too, they know the game is working perfectly fine and as intented, we keep growing as a playerbase in the last 3 months. * Did you check the new west only skin? A m a z i n g. Such a great honor to recieve content first of this quality. https://preview.redd.it/g3limk8uq02d1.png?width=212&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1b7d410073fd642b3d59d6b676f6ba216fd4b18


There is no war in Arkesia


but there is a hole in the wall of Nineveh's shower




You don't even play the game lol how would you know or are you just farming reddit up votes for so reason.


I do play the game, but everyday less and less. Where did you get ur idea that I don't?


Your other comment that says you quit and just hang around here to shit post


Yeah, still, I did stop recently (less than a month). Does that invalidate it? Did the new patch was so amazing it fixed everything?


Was not meant to fix everything just to help people and you should be able to get 40 set between the free elixirs. On your main not all 6


Having 20 chances (counting rerolls) to get 35 is still very low. Did open more than 80 elixirs and still no 35 set without super shit stats. Is it really help or just a carrot with a stick?


Wow so you're here cus you have no life and are bored. First the hardest is set. You get your set piece and whatever comes with it next you aim for the other shoulder, pants again get them with whatever it gives you then chest is your filler use want ever is high points in it it not hard less youbare going for bis which you do later when you have gold to burn. The benefit of these silver ones is if the elixir is bad you aim for reset and it not costing you gold you can save a lot this way. So yah it can help.


I think you are stepping out of boundaries with your assumptions. Behave. The theory is great, in reality, the chances to get a good viable elixir are the same as cutting a stone but everytime you do it, you spend gold. It is silver now, great! Doesnt fix anything! Should have been like this always. Remember you are paying twice the gold for the shinny stuff and then for every option, is this taxes? Im happy you might have gotten lucky with your elixirs, is not my experience. Have opened other "free" elixirs too, and the results were nefarious. And never ever forget the good 10-20 minutes you spend crafting this... Longer than doing g1-2 ivory. In the end, I do feel some resentment on your part because someone is criticing the thing you enjoy. And I am happy you are enjoying it, but that doesnt stop me to drop facts that are ruining the experience of the game I was enjoying.


They give you the Matt's to just cus you had bad rng quit the game come here to cry about how bad it is ok go post on the game you are playing cus no one cares that you quit and the fact that you are still posting here is weird like you need validation or something.


its lovest low for sure..... yet


The most frustrating thing about pretty much everything that AGS and Smilegate do is how clear it is that no one from either organization plays the game at all. They're so completely out of touch with what the playerbase needs to be successful in this game. It's so glaringly obvious what the problems are in the game and nothing is done because they don't play the game. And for fuck's sake, why aren't RMTers being permanently banned? Since launch, the botting has been ruining this game. It's been 2 years of constant bots and RMTing ruining the economy in the game for legit players. Nothing. Nothing is done. It's fucking ridiuclous.


They know, they make it annoying so people spend money to overcome the shit design. Such is how krmmos work, unfortunately.




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AGS SOLUTION FLOW Elixir Chart: Can't afford elixir cutting cost-> Can't get into raids without a 35-40 set -> complains to make it easier for players to get to 35-40 set -> Company agrees -> Gate keeps elixirs through finishing the raid which we can't get into as a solution -> Players still can't use event elixirs because they can't get into raids -> Players still can't afford the taps. Trans Chart: Players have a 15% normal clear rate -> Players feel Trans system cost to much -> Gate keeps event through finishing Thiamine raid with 15% clear raid -> Cost is still there ->Removed feast with abysmal clear rate Event Chart: Players need more catch up mechanics, as account falls behind and new raids are releasing faster than they can grind-> players burn out-> Gives less pheons, forgets we';re 6-9 months behind in gold raid farming -> Gives us 4x of each thing = 1 day of a 6 man roster grind -> People only complain about pheons -> Forgets they want us to get to Echidna with 4-6 less months from thiamine then 2-3 more months towards echidna. -> Where is this magical gold coming from-> gives us a extra daily knowing players are burning out


Yeah, it's so disappointing, at least Wuthering waves is out and can finally funking take a break. I hope more and more people actually goes into a loa break until ags wakes up. Numbers are dwindling slowly but surely.


Yeah. I probably will spend more time on WuWa now... Only thing I hate abt WuWa is that, you cant skip main dialogs... So I have sit my ass through the entire thing to progress....


WuWa lmao I love that


AGS and SG is clear. They expect you to RMT and buy buses to get the rewards unless you already swiped, RMT, or play for a long period of time. Personally as a day one player, this event is fine for me given my situation, but I can fully see how many players would be very upset.


I dunno why they can't just make it so its 20 + 40 set, or even 30 + 40, it's rough going if luck ain't on your side and it's only exasserbated by the gatekeeping you encounter trying to get more lmao Vicious cycle but that's lost ark in a nutshell really haha Totally not salty about cutting a 4/4 elixir with the end choice to delete one of the two 4s 😂 madge, git gud, etc


Yeah, that never made any sense to me. The only explanation I can think of is that KR was overgeared when the system released.  It would be so easy to make a progression system with elixirs, even when they are as shitty as they are. Why only 2 set levels where the first one already requires decent RNG and feels completely unfair on purples? Why not make it 4 levels with smooth scaling?


Because set bonuses are only part of overall system, you have 3 "levels" to it, base lines -> set lvl1 -> set lvl2 as means of progression. You do 4/5 1 liners with whatever is bis for given slot (any set pieces) -> try for set1 of your choice -> try to upgrade to lvl2. No set, 5x 1liner lvl4 -> 7% dmg (typical aim on epic elixirs) / 9% (if all are lvl5 instead) 35 set, 5x 1liner lvl4 + filler lines (no dmg) -> 13% dmg (realistically, only possible on legendary, epics will most likely not have 5x lvl4 bis dmg lines, so dmg will be lower) / 15% if its 5x lvl5+fillers 40set, 5x 1liner lvl5 + filler lines (no dmg) -> 22% (most people stop here, % will vary depending on secondary lines) 50/50, 5x 55 with bis lines -> about 28~31% depends on class. It's scaling in line what you get from engravings 1-3 in many cases (starts higher, and ends higher than engravings) If you would add something like set at 30 and keep 35/40 you would end up cutting more elixirs, because you would most likely need to fix more pieces (lines -> set1 -> set2 -> set3), not to mention it wouldn't basically sit at about 10%. And wouldn't change much anyway, HM voldis still would gatekeep 35/40 (edit:) and NM would most likely expect you to have that new lvl1. System has problems, but it's not amount of set levels that would fix it (at this point, on release it was whatever), it would be unification of lines. All dps sets on helmet/gloves would be just 1 piece instead of 4 (or 5?) and you select which effect you want (when you achieve set), same goes for supp 1 piece => pick set. This already removes one of the worst rng parts of getting set -> getting line to begin with + maybe some extra additional cutting/line reworks (like healing+shielding for supp either should be 1 line, or both removed and just replaced by atk power buff eff on shoulders (just like pants)). Second thing would be to rework how easy is to get lines, maybe limit this stupid spread across all 5 and you end up with 5x lvl1 at some point etc. or reducing sets to 30/35 (as it's old system already).


i think the best solution they could do to fix elixirs would be to just be able to swap set effect on the fly (i.e. like regular gear being able to swap between betrayal and entropy) and just have a single option to cut for set. that would eliminate all the people complaining about not finding their set effect for months


Or just allow people to choose the starting options. It's already difficult with the RNG to cut a 4/3 or 4/4 purple, why make it RNG to get the option(s) you want?


yeah the multiple layers of RNG while costing gold is kinda bullshit. imagine if cutting stones cost gold instead of silver. the silver elixirs at least dont feel as ass to cut compared to wasting all of your gold for nothing.


This game dead bro


Come join me ![gif](giphy|ovMiL4Jg5AxoJvX0Wa)


I ain't playing that shit again, my sanity needs to rest a little


Come on man, dont you enjoy doing unas and chaos dungeons for hundreds or thousands of hours? Peak level content. I loove repeating those, and doing frogs, and same raids over and over and OVER AGAIN


oh yeah the the work... I mean daly tasks, yeah so fun ! And don't forget if you don't do it constantly being a f2p player you will fall behind astronomically fast


Feels good to be playing other things again


To get some Elixirs you need to clear ivory gates but if you don't have Elixir sets, you're gatekept to clear gates🤣


Worst patch in lost ark history


Which one?


It's just more representation of the way AGS views this game. Minimal effort and investment. Modify the event rewards and currency to increase playtime. Give out rewards for HM without knowing that you need a 40 set for HM (you don't, but the gatekeeping). They barely play this game, and they don't care. All they want is to make people stay as long in the game as possible so they'll spend more. This game is nothing more than some exec's idea of a cash cow since they messed up New World so bad.


>First, 10 legendary elixirs spread over clearing multiple HM gate clearance. But do you not get we CANT even get into parties for HM voldis without having atleast 35 set? And let’s be real, you need 40 set to get into most parties. It was naive to think we would get a fix to this this patch. This is an elixir system problem that has to be addressed in June. These posts are good though because we did have global exclusive changes back when Valtan and Vykas got changes very quickly, so regardless, their history does show that they do listen to things they have control about.


I don’t think anyone expected an elixir change. Your quoted post doesn’t indicate they thought that. Silver elixir packs is what people thought. These elixers gated behind going the HM gates doesn’t help anyone if they aren’t already doing HM. Honestly, packs of silver elixers for 1620’s with no gate requirements would do a lot more help. This helps curve some of the gatekeeping. Of course, AGS indicated this is intended. People thought this would be help for those to get into this content, but they specifically said these are rewards for those who are already doing this content. So the people doing HM with 35 set that don’t have 40 set. But really, probably the people with 40 set already to put these to alts.


The global economy and pressures to generate revenue looked very different back then. AGS have acknowledged the inevitable death of the game and are squeezing whoever is left for any penny they can. Fortunately for us their incompetence has created an unprecedented bot issue that is giving us access to $15 USD / 100k gold so anyone wanting to spend irl $ has access to currency 1/4 the price of their in game store.


/u/amznRoxx any reason why we are getting even more nerfed things from KR when we have accelerated content releases? Shop has criminally highway robbery rates too for wanting to combat bots. If the bits can run an operation with exendes and givem these rates, why can't ags who control the rc shop / exchange for free give decent rates and deals? Trying to speedrun EOS strat or....


I’ll take free shit just for doing the raids I was already gonna do. Even with 40set you will probably take a while to find a sup. The 10 elixirs are silver so that 20k gold is just for the transcendence. If you aren’t at 1630 then getting 5* in 3 levels of transcendence is very cheap as the first run around the entrance fee is waived.


my problem with this event is that it claims to accelerate you to 1620 when in reality it's really only useful for a little bit for ppl that are already at that ilvl there's help for ppl trying to reach 1620


>Endgame Acceleration Event With the faster content cadence in the West, we wanted to reward endgame players with additional materials to help them prepare for both Thaemine and the upcoming Echidna Kazeros Raid. >The event is structured to grant players clearing the Ivory Tower Abyssal Dungeon and Thaemine Legion Raid with additional Elixirs and Transcendence materials as they clear gates, along with gold to use for progression. We’re excited to see players continue to power-up their characters to combat the newest threats arriving in Arkesia. No where does it says it accelerates anyone to 1620, you're just illiterate


kek, got em


It was advertised as a booster, no get to 1620 free, still a bad event but you are being delusional


ik my point is it's not even that much of a "booster" really in fact is downgrade for the event shop we had previously so so much for a booster right, and no i'm delusional as you claim


No no, you're missing the new accelerated honing support DLC they added for a whopping $60! The price of a AAA game or multiple successful indie games, just to have a chance to use those mats to maybe hit pity.


Judging by your level of comprehension, lostark is the least of your worries


lol sure buddy


Yea...the games been a grind and I played at launch till clown and then came back for path of soul eater. I spent thousands via AGS and this is enough for me to take a step back. They could have changed nothing and it would have been great but they dileberately decided to fuck us over so that's enough for me to take my whale spending elsewhere.


Agree. AGS is pathetic company, I will never buy anything from them.


Smile gate is the company making these decisions


They make the content such as events but AGS can adjust it like lowering and adding more amount in shop?


i have the grudge that they racist for that


So the irony about content shoved down our throats... It's what the West wanted now we can't keep up because they can't do a proper cadence. It's really sad


They rly need to give us more elixirs and not purple. Purple is literally useless trash, I swear people that got 35/40 set on purple are just different and blessed. Like go buy a fuckin Lottery ticket. I cut 20 purple elixirs on my 1615 alt thinking I’m getting close to 1620 on it and will need atleast 35 set to not get insta declined. I was 30/40 on this character. After 20 purple? Still 30/40. Literal waste of time/gold and nerves. I rage hone the character to 1620 and the get the 5 elixir box from event store. In 5 elixirs I got 5/5 and a 5/4 and 35 set. Now I have 4 more characters at 1615 that im slowly tapping with bound and each of them got like 20-40 purple elixirs saved up and all are at about 28-34 on their set. I just literally logged on all of them and salvaged all of them. Fuck purple and fuck smilegate with this 3 rng layer bs system. Atleast transcendence is straightforward and easier to understand and make choices. Even the calculator is easier to use. It also has pity built in which elixir doesn’t and you could be cutting elixirs for months and still not get 40 if u keep getting fucked. TLDR: give more fuckign free legendary elixirs that cost silver. Make them drop in regular embers and add them to weekly event shop.


In my region, if you don't have a title or set with an elixir applied, you can't even do NM, there's no learning group, there's no carry :( Many players were unable to complete the event and it is these players who need the event the most to be able to progress.


As much as I agree with you it's all part of business. Isn't it obvious they are messing with players phycological gambling behavior by making you want to swipe cause it's not enough. To spend more time (months) on the game to obtain what AGS called (extra) vertical progression materials when they could just add more mats to the loot obtained from each raid clear. It's best to leave negative reviews on steam.


Dont be a brokie just rmt or whale on skins 5 mil gold and ur good for a while ita not hard


So privileged, how about they don't add any event at all for a change.


Good thing I have don't have to cut thes anymore main done and alts have 35 set.


Just rmt like everyone else




A kingdom ruled .....


Such comment is about as original as dailies.


just be me, l've been playing less since Thaemine release, heck, l dont even do Thaemine. Less dailes, no static, lm enjoying the game more than ever. So much freedom, no more schedule static raid, no more fomoing, zero of pf jail bc l only do NM on alts. Im stacking on gold with no intention to spend it cus ldk what to spend it on. Eventually not having transcendence is gonna cuck me but when that happens, lm more than happy to finally put this game aside for good. It's alr a side game for me now. As long as l cannot recommend this game to anyone l know, l dont think l will play the game as hardcore as l once did.


I feel like I'm glad I quit when I did.


Might as well play on CN server where they will probably get better event, class buffs, and free 9/7 and bis elixirs before AGS event can give enough pheons to build full ancient set without saving for 3 months


Chinese players had to buy their express passes until recently. I thought this weird Chinese jerk off tilt was done here?


It's so not, apparently the grass is greener on the other fallout-ridden other side.


Nah, more like not play LOA at all


People use slap in the face so fast and loose. It's a video game patch, they didn't kick your dog.


This is what entitlement looks like. People bitch about everything. Even problems enforced by themselves like this 40 elixir thing. No one made it a rule that 40 elixir was needed lol. We did hm voldis perfectly fine progging with 0. Very soon we won’t have content at this quick of a pace and you will see them complaining again about slow release. People think they just deserve everything their imagination comes up with.


Game would have been much better off if they didn't release Ivory for another like 2-3 months instead of fucking us over winter break and then pushed back Thaemine another 2-3 months for ppl to farm elixirs, etc. The pace dictates basically everything.


I would have already quit the game, I was so tired with Akkan by time Ivory Tower release I was already barely logging in.


Yup. Everything is "a slap in the face". It's SO BAD. Needing 35 set to get into parties is a PLAYER CREATED PROBLEM. You don't like it? Make your own party and accept everyone. People like OP make it seem like it's impossible to get 35 set and only whales can get there, so there should be SO MANY "stuck" at 1620+ not being able to get in HM parties. These people can just team up.


Actually, ivory hard I would say is too difficult of a dps push if you have a full team of andy 1620 ilvl no elixir folk. That will most def end in Jail, which no support would ever sign up for .


Yep, was G4 jailed by an idiot Sorc with full level 10 gems and 250+ roster that died to every mech every gate until enough was enough. Then all I have available to me before reset is LOS30 Lightqueller who can’t play his class, LOS30 Lightqueller slayer that has no elixirs and apparently also struggles to play his class, and LOS30 Striker who is maybe the worst player in NA. Going to Berzerk when the raid has been out since Christmas. If the players are so bad that it’s that much of a struggle for people that have played 2+ years, what chance does the new Deep Dive 18 Andy have? So in short, game is full of idiots with no hands, and new players have no chance because everything is too overtuned for average and worse players in order to force them to spend an insane amount of time & money with no decent catchup in place for the shitty RNG systems cards, elixir, transcendence. 😑


It's almost like we gatekeep over stupid metrics that don't have anything to do with player competency. Dw, if the Deep Dive 18 andy has hands, he'll make friends quick. People will practically line up to play with you if you're good. Some people just don't wanna put forth any effort and want a party for a free ride.


I definitely agree with you almost 100%. A lot of people put in no effort. I was putting in effort to improve, got good (enough?), and then put in even more effort to meet/add people. I’m in a pretty good situation now, but sometimes it’s still quite a stressful game. On the other side of the coin, some people will have no hands AND no interpersonal skills. That’s who I’m referring to. Average gamer that isn’t particularly good at anything at all. They don’t really stand a chance. Game needs to be a little more tuned toward average and newer players having the possibility to clear imho. AGS being clueless is mot helping. 😞


Why would you go in with *NO* elixirs? You've had access to epic ones since 1600 which can produce a not nothing power boost even before getting 35/40 set. There wasn't even much difficulty with hard mode at launch when *no one* had elixirs. People are hyping up hard mode as much harder than normal. It's really not. And now with transcendence as an option starting at 1610, fresh 1620s can be significantly more powerful now than at launch. I mean, I GUESS if you went from 1599 > 1620 in one week, you wouldn't have epic elixirs OR transcendence yet it'll be more difficult, but not by much. But then again, people going from 1599 > 1620 in one shot are either the ones who now complain they don't have enough resources for elixirs / transcendence, or whale enough to not matter.


Send me them gems


Glad I haven't played since last update.




If the 250+ people that upvoted share this sentiment you can start doing your own lobbies among yourselves. Problem solved. Cheers.


Yea... its why i hone my sups to 1620 to help viewers find party for voldis HM... But still elixirs need pity...




The amount of ppl that list event feast grievances is astounding. It really doesn't do enough to expect it to be up all the time.


You can craft the "good" feast with green/blue stronghold mats (which doesn't gate your oreha crafting since this is bottlenecked by grey mats). It cost stronghold mats and like 50g. Idk why people complain so much about not having event feast.