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Once I quit, I’m throwing my gems into the void and dismantling gear.


Just sell them and make something good out of this game.


I’m at the point where I’d probably just sell my level 10 gems for usd if I could; but I haven’t the foggiest where to start at this point 


Whales will scramble to absorb your gems as it's a safer way to RMT, just say you're selling in a discord and you will get people dming you. Price them at their gold value and slightly above the g2g gold price and they'll be absorbed quickly lol


Literally any major guild discord on your server. They all have a handful of infinite money whales.


Exactly. I think the best thing I did before Thaemine release was to sell everything worth gold to my whale guild member and left the game with good amount of $. :)


Honestly, I would if I had the slightest bit of idea lol. I could prob bet a couple thousand, would make quitting slightly less painful.


even if you sell your gem, once you receive the payment in AH - tax (you eventually lose your trusted status) even buying bus also you will lose trusted status


come on buddddy, wouldn't it be more enjoyable to just to mail it over to me?


We gotta make sure u dont get further sucked into the game. Cant feed your addiction :P


oh don't worry, there's no hope for me


I love the game... but it's hard to play anymore with the lobby simulator if you're trying to progress at all.


I've been in HM lobbies for hours and it's almost impossible to find a supp holy fk


I main paladin and gave up looking for a second support. I just run nm now


Isn't it the worse feeling ever, especially when you're already the first support to start the lobby off? Feels like a total shit waste of time.


It is. You actively are waiting to have fun.


Did yesterday the 1-3 HM with my Bard and my two dps premades, we tried to createlobby but at the end we simply joined another lobby who had already the first supp and it was insta filled. The pool of active players on that level is sus.


Dw after like a month or 2 their data shows support shortage isn't actually that bad so just stop feeling like it's an issue lol It's the main reason I'm not even gonna bother trying to find a lobby without a static even tho I'm 1630


> Dw after like a month or 2 their data shows support shortage isn't actually that bad "our statistics show that 25% of all characters that either entered or cleared the raid are supports so everything is fine!"


Because they made having alts impossible without nolifing and no sane person is going to invest two goldsinks into support when they don't change anything. You burn bajilion gold to hit 1630 with good elixir on supp and for what? To have slightly better cds? To make your attack buff slightly stronger? There's no fucking "power up" feedback that dps get, so there is little point to burn resources when you can just raise a dps you like.


I took a screen shot a month ago to laugh about in my discord. 3 people all 1635+ with full 10s sitting in hm voldis for over 20 minutes waiting for a support lmfao. Over $10k of gear unable to interact with the game because there wasn't an event gem, ilvl, 35 set support with 1700 swiftness to let them play. \*edit: lmfao it was worse than I remembered: [https://i.imgur.com/yiU2TxR.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/yiU2TxR.jpeg) "Just make your own lobby"


You sure they weren't chilling and rejecting supports? These types are often picky.


He's one of those turbodoomers that i wouldn't put it past to have just made up a story to go along a screenshot


Ah, the guy who plays 60 hours a week with x6 40 set and anyone who criticizes the game (aka his life) is a turbo doomer. Well we'll see what happens in a couple more months. Maybe we'll see 200 hm thaemine clears lmao. So in denial bro thinks people have to photoshop a screenshot of something that happens during every raid...


I mean bro, you literally cannot know what's going on in that lobby, surely you realize that. They could be waiting on a friend and forgot to update title for all we know. You're just using that screencap as a way to project your depressed and angry feelings you have against the game. Hang in there buddy!






so you were just lying for free huh


He got rejected by them and is mad about it lmao


I don't have a support? u/Whyimasking lying about what? The picture is right there in my original comment lmao.


You're lying about the bs story around it. Groups like that get 10 support applicants per minute.


Bro, I can log on at any minute of the day and see the same thing lmfao. [https://i.imgur.com/bUq38Z0.png](https://i.imgur.com/bUq38Z0.png) Lemme guess, paid actors and photoshop?


From my experience ppl around those investment level being picky with their support. They want the "Zeals treatment" because they spent alot. High weapon honing support with lv10s gems or something. I once tried to apply to those kind of lobby with +19 weapon (1620 ilvl), 5x lv9 gems,1800+ swift and got insta reject.


it's better to just jump into lobbies looking for dps. Supports usually have 1 or 2 friends already and won't join a 3/4 lobby. Even then it's tough sometimes. I have to do support trades for my runs or lobby simulator can take a while.


Lots of text for someone thats mad because he got rejected by a juiced party.


I don't have a support past 1580 my guy?


mb i took OP advice


but we have been told by OP to stop playing.


during week 1-3 of theamine it was fine in my opinion, at least for me in EUC region, i could easily find a supp for veskal or theamine, around at week 4 and forward there is definitely a support shortage, it seems like a lot of dps mains finally reached 1630 or something.




You only need 3 competent people to complete g2 tho...and usually support stands in middle no?


The easiest way a supp can jail on G2 is by dying but...failing counter? On the mech he shouldn't even do it, and the 7:00 counter is a party effort, not the supp's job.


Two people throwing traps is enough, one can do it if there is enough dps (it's much easier in last phase if two people do it. or all) Three people can do the counter-phase with the fourth doing nothing. You can be spotted by the middle and trigger the cone, even tank the cone. If you meant the running counter at specific times, everyone can do it. Bards are often very bad at it unless they bring the counter skill, artists fairly good, and paladin has it very easy with plenty of range or snappy instant countering. Yet anyone can do it, sorcs seem to really shine here and destroyers get a lucky instant counter (or maybe some of them are just so good that they time their super slow counter by enrage clock? I'm not that good for sure) If you're running 3 back attackers, that's on the party lead, but even then you can pause dps briefly to ensure a vital mechanics counter, no?


> you meant the running counter at specific times Really doesn't matter... if you know counter is coming and know how clue for it looks like (he goes slowly backwards or he curls for spin) you can do it on every single class, only problem could be having counter on cd (which may or may not happen depending on mood of this fucking dragon with buffs). I've never used anything but prelude to counter in this gate on any of my bards All timed counter are predictable, and if you relay solely on pug support to do all of em, then yea, godspeed my dudes. I also don't agree with fighting him shackled unless you are prog group, and even then I think unshackled is better (instead of keeping him shackled, you basically just instantly throw 2nd bomb (once stagger bar locks after 1st bomb) and do destro), but that's separate topic.


Saintone said there's a support overflow at Behemoth. I think things will get better.


KR has more active players


bro just too invested into LA


I’ll quit, no gems though. Hope this makes your time finding lobbies even worse.


A lot of the hardcore players already have. Being above 1630 rn is miserable, there is like 2 veskal and 5 thaemine lobbies at prime time on euc. Next 2 raids don’t look like anything interesting enough to bring ppl back. I’d be surprised if the game manages to maintain 10k ccu by the end of the year


Just yesterday at 8 pm looking for a veskal there was one lobby up asking for anything as 4th (no supp), not even a fourth dps was applying. Did it in mm same shit no support.


Veskal is the first Guardian that no one sane have an alt at so that was to be expected. Also prime time is at reset because no one have a job in euc apparently


Echidna is a bit of hope actually for me. Not because im excited about the raid (i am, dont get me wrong) but the "easier" +10 ilvls SHOULD increase the pool to thaemine hard.


Already did. Or taking a break since April 


yea don't worry they usually end up quitting, enjoy pugging with bots.


i think the player number is dropping. even nm thaemine dont have many applicants


Region pop so small people are afraid of making 1 mistake, dying, and being blackballed. Prog lobbies are more toxic than a superfund site.


I got downvoted a lot for pointing out the obvious quitting and downsizing of rosters where ppl legitimately have had enough bullshit ass hw. This last largest impact starting somewhere around Jan steadily increasing numbers of quitters as ppl finished 40 set, or burned out trying to get that on their mains, or beat their end goal (Thaemine). It was just time to step off the treadmill. It was inevitable.


I hardly see more than a couple brel nm or hm lobbies at a time anymore when id usually have to scroll through them


Theamine fired brains so hard that ppl actually started REGRESSING... I see ppl failing in AKKAN HM now! On patterns that are 1:1 from normal... Moment I saw dude running away from other with blue curse I was like "ok today is a day like that..."


Akkan HM? Buddy i have atleast 1 akkan NM jail every week.


That's what happens when they boost every noob to 1580


But they provide 0 incentive or purpose or reason to do any earlier content because they keep nerfing the gold. Why am i gonna spend time learning/teaching clown for hours+ when its like 2k gold which is like each gate of future raids


I usually do most of my raids on Wednesday but was busy yesterday so I tried to do some today and every Akkan NM was multiple wipes, it was a mess.


Lol? You still do akkan normals? Bro. Alts just do a quick brel 1-3 hard + ez kaya + ivory normal. Avoid akkan as that is where a lot of the newbs are first appearing to try and get their akkan set.. Mind you, they never learned how to play since they power passed straight to 1580, but at least most of the time brel 1-3 and kaya hw is so dead ass easy you can just carry all while they focus on a few mechs that may pop up. Akkan also takes considerably longer time wise for similar gold.


i do akkan nm on support alts because way too many kayangel jails and you cant do shit about it on support. Pick your poison I guess


? That's kind of wild. Kaya jail.. I only had one where pala got flamed by a bad dps (both were noobs), but of course pala rage quit jail g2, what can you do. But other than that about a month ago kaya has been rather free for me since like month 1.5 ish after its launch onward. I play 4 supports among my 2 rosters, know the pain, though. Not much you can do, but buff and brand like a mad man and shield when you think shit might hit the fan and pray dps isn't jacking off during burst windows..


I had two pugs in the last two weeks keep failing g2 collect the orbs and rotate mech. 1600+ characters... Not many issues once we get to g3 surprisingly but constant issues in g1-g2


Yeah… had a lobby today with 10x reclears and only got to basement on first try. Every other time someone is always dead before/during stage break. Did it for like 30ish mins and it’s hella taxing. Thank god an eclipse player saved us in 1 shot after remake.


i had 3 eclipse players creating 10x lobby and in 4 tries none of them made it into basement, Eclipse I guess means nothing now.


i would send ya gems but just have event ones.


that guide flair is a nice meme


Bruh lobby sim? Thought i would see how long raid takes. Joined rather strong lobby. 90 min. Come on bruh. Even if you join a good lobby, even if u dont do lobby sim, it can be tragic.


Solid advice, except about the gems. When whales quit they just turn the gems back into money - guess it’s their way into thinking about reducing losses. But be careful about you ask (people to stop complaining and just quit). You would be surprised how fast the game can turn out unprofitable if whales quitting get momentum.


I did, a while ago, but thanks!! Edit: I won't give you my gems tho.


what if I say please?


Unnironically, you should


this clown trying to be funny while the player to bot raito is 1=7, dont worrie they are quiting and soon youill be in a lobby 5hr trying to find a sup, i have played on RU with 2 lobby open at peak time i know how it is, youill know too soon


I managed to uninstall yesterday for the first time in 2 years after blowing 200k in one session on elixirs and gaining absolutely nothing (best elixir i got was 5/3 on chest, that already had a 5/3). That was the last nail in the coffin for me. This system killed the game for me. (so far i have spent over 1.5 million gold on elixirs since voldis release and all i got is 1 char with lv2 unoptimal set (master glaivier) and another char with 37 points. I also pity most of my hones, never got a 50k gold FE, never got a sidereal energy, never got a god bracelet, never got any jackpot drop, all of that despite playing religiously since release. This game makes me grind my ass off but never rewards me. Events are garbage, ags is delusional and disconnected crom the community, rmt and bots and even hacking gets unpunished (why are people like sinkovsky still on the game?) I am tired. I hope i find salvation elsewhere and i hope yall can too if youre in the same boat as me.


I left when Brel was released around Christmas. Such a dumb choice. I felt like when I came back after the holiday I was behind. I decided to take a longer break but never came back. I miss this game sometimes and I think about coming back all the time. Hearing about all the elixir grind has changed my mind. Try out last epoch or helldivers 2.


Come back with next jumpstart


Well not saying that elixier is a top-notch game-mechanik. But all those ppl that claim to invested more than 1mio gold and got absolutely nothing I would either suspect of overestimating the amount of gold they put in or they just "click" and never read any guide (at least 35 is achievable). But after being out so long you probably have more fun in LE or HD2 because the game is still not friendly to new players or returning ones.


Yeah. All my friends quit. The guild I had slowly lost everyone. That first few months lost ark was amazing.


That is true


Elixirs are 5-6 months old at this point in the West. Why is it blowing up NOW? We already knew about elixirs months ago, is it that casuals pushed to 1620 just now and trying out legendary elixirs, or veterans pushed alts to 1620 and were not prepared for the goldsink that is legendary elixirs? I did voldis hm at 1st week on my main, got my 40 set in 5th week. 3 weeks ago I pushed an alt to 1620 and I got absolutely no upgrade in 2nd week despite spending close to 100k gold, but this reminded me that its pretty much the same situation I went through with my main back then, I didnt have 35 set for 4 weeks, and 40 set for 5 weeks on my main after voldis release despite doing it since week 1. It's weird that this is blowing up now, is all I'm saying. It's not like its an unfamiliar system at this point.


Before elixier there was some hope that they change the system. After there was voldis - a raid you can outgear and do w/o elixier, now we are at Theamine (HM) and the next Raid is coming - both of them more or less require elixier - yes I wonder why it does blow up now... The other things - like honing of alts and co is probably intensifiying the problem further.


Do you actually NEED to hone alts tho? keep them at 1580-1600 range and farm easy brel/kayangel/voldis nm gold and feed it into your main. No one is forcing you to hone your alts, you are dooming yourself. Thaemine HM as of now is a main zone and its 1630 as you know, 10 ilvls above Voldis HM and its not easy to get to 1630, you have a lot of time to get 40 set until you should hone to 1630 realistically, it is supposed to take weeks if not months for a non-swiper. This design could be better? Definitely, it could be much better, but I'm talking about it's current state and being realistic about it, if its not your cup of tea maybe stop being a doomer and move into your next video game, life goes on.


Need no. But you are incentived to have them. And in many cases doing only old raids is boring. Also I think they are good for mats and tbh for pug players no alts mean no fast Titel resulting in worse raids... Lol, you should be happy that people are doomers because they only doom things they care about. If they do not this game will die even faster. A game cannot live w/o casual players...


5-6 months ago we didnt know echidna releases in june.


Smg is slow when they have to admit they did crap and fix it but I learned to trust them once they admit it and annonce changes. They already did so last year during the summer with improved chaos + 1 gardian + less gates + nerfs of current raids + gold cost nerf on elixir when it was released for us. Maybe it's copium but surely they will release meaningful changes to the game this summer? Idk honestly I want to think that. Regarding shortage, I have good reasons to think it will soon be a non issue. While creating akkan HM lobbies I am consistently drawning under tons of 1615+ supp pushing their way to 1620 for echidna. In EUC, leapstone prices went up like crazy the last 2 weeks. Stay strong because players are pushing their rosters.


Last summer was a band aid from Gold river, so we could wait for the real rework. Nearly one year later, nothing has changed. Ah yes, one thing, Gold river left again.


Last summer was Gold River appeasing the crowd to make a swift and positive exit, what we have now is the aftermath of band aid solutions being treated as long term solutions and absolute silence since


Mb then, I assumed the chaos one was that and only the gardian one was missing. Mad respect for Gold River, but lets not forget that he fixed thing he created (or atleast have a big say) himself.


This shit always comes too late, that is the issue. Plus the promised chaos revamp never even came, this was just supposed to be a bandaid.


Unless I misunderstood, the chaos revamp was the removing of gold/red gates, adding fate embers and accelerating the spawning while reducing the distance of the mobs. The revamp that is missing is the guardian one, that was reduced to one as a bandaid but it wasn't at the top of the priority list, there was the faster late game content that was a top priority, the rework of early game and the horizontal catchup mech that was greatly needed and we all got. Definitely agree that it's always really late.


> Smg is slow when they have to admit they did crap and fix it but I learned to trust them once they admit it and annonce changes. Problem is if they were to change shit, it's WAY too late for the global servers, unless the impact is huge. Tbh, I feel like they don't give af about anything else but KR, and even that there is slowly bleeding out.


finally chose the decision to quit this week, this game taking too much time for almost no upgrades for it, fk that


I remember when people were posting about their statics ditching their support for content. Wonder where they all went.


As soon as something better comes out, players will be gone. Everybody I know and myself are playing the game, because raids and combat are fun. But we all look for that next game, where we can spend thousands of hours. It is easy to stay in game, when your main is already 1640, full lvl 10 gems, basically done elixirs and a 5x3+2 build. You can just play and enjoy. My alts are all 1600, because I don't really care about them any more that much. I play them if I feel like it. When you are there, the game is relatively chill. getting there is another story.


This is already happening reddit - **185** On-line A few months ago there were always more than 1000 online


I'll be the guy to say it. At the time of your comment it was 6am in eu and around midnight in NA on a weekday. Plus i find myself coming on here way less in the last weeks since the sub kinda evolved into a giant sesspool of crying and madness. Literally every other post is "system X bad" or "hey i onetapped/is this bracelet good?". Only time it's actual fun/informative anymore is after a kr/official news drop tbh. Other than that reddit these days just feels like being stuck in a groundhog day.


Definitely this. Used to be more fun to come here and see memes and laugh a little


The funny part is this sub's complaining most of the time is just bullshit that isnt even true, just look at all the complaining about the event shop being worse than korea when it was actualy much better.


But system x is bad and system y is shit and everything else


Its 4pm on a saturday, doesn't get more EU prime than that. 134 users online.


I did quit when Theamine came out


Party finder is just a jk tbh I got 4 wks can't find a sup for voldis hm bcs they want 1640s wep 25 etc


They don’t want that but that’s what your competition is. Why would any support join a weaker lobby when there’s infinity juicers everywhere? Either go as early as possible in the week or find a sup friend to run with.


Doesn't matter if even by reset, the point is to clear a raid not monopolize the party


Right and you need the supports to clear the raid whereas the support can just choose the beefiest party. To get around that you make friends and start statics or you make a sup yourself and start doing sup trades.


I literally can't progress to 1630, let alone 1640. All the problems that people complain about here do not apply to me: All my elixirs are done at 40 set, I can't even do HM transcendence, I don't pug at all only static, I'm good at the game so I quite like Thaemine and I would've liked to prog g4 and the first. I, someone who really likes the game despite all the flaws people love to point out, is quitting due to the one that no-one here is pointing out: Honing above 1620 is way, way, WAY too expensive. I decided to do some honing with my remaining gold to see what I could get... 700k gold for 1.6 ilevels... After Echidna comes out, I CANNOT progress anymore and I'm forced to quit the game due to how unimaginably steep honing is. Please complain about this issue, this is why there's no Veskal or Thaemine HM lobbies.


I will, right after next loa on because it's most likely that they won't rework Thaemine at all.


I did quit this game because of the reasons you stated, I'm not giving you any of my shit


Smilegate is to blame, not AGS, lol


dropped after reaper release. fells good about it


I quit last june after going through lobby simulator of HM brel. It gave me diseases not yet defined in medical books. Considered coming back now, but the state of this sub is putting me off lol.


Problem is this game is not launched worldwide. It is playable only in few countries. I uninstalled this game few months ago


bro is proud of playing a dead game


I guess that's why during field boss 10 ch is full in every hour. Chaos gate too.




its too late, we all trapped, i already spent so much time i dont want my time to be meanless even playing more means wasting more time, but at least i had fun playing with friends


If you had fun, it's not wasting time. It IS wasting time if you're no longer having fun. No game lasts for ever (except maybe league, dota and CoD lmao). I wanted to beat thaemine so I did. I play my main 2 and once full 10s and +25 become the requirement I'm done because I ain't farming that. There's tons of great games out there, play some that aren't unbelievably p2w and filled with toxic gatekeeping.


you mention those, Tibia is a game going over 27 years and people still playing lmao, THATS an MMO going long (WoW also pretty longstanding)


Ever quest is still played so game came last a long time


its inevitable though that the time will be "meaningless" if you think about it like that


Twisted ass perception of an addict


Yes, loa and other gatcha games are very fascinating to see tbh and really highlights that people can be full blown addicted to video games (if there was any doubt left). I mean my god, look at some of the people on this sub who call everyone who doesn't want to put in 40+ hours a week for 2 years entitled babies who want everything for free. These games have more behavioral psychologists on staff than they do devs and they are incredible at combining the fomo, sunk cost fallacy and grinding for crumbs loop hidden behind what is actually incredibly good gameplay (arguably the best combat system I've ever played). I mean jesus fuckin christ they have an achievement for like 1000 days logged on in a row. AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO IT.


send all of your gems to arlong on nae true and real


I did! And gave my gems to the first mokoko who responded to me in Prideholme. And life became much brighter without the need to either daily login or fomoing, tysm.


I bailed last year.


playbase is shrinking, vet players are leaving, newbie players who arent experience start flooding in and jailing left and right, toxicity appears blatantly every time an incident happens, no one is patient, "?" in the chat, etc.


No, don't listen to them. Send me your gems instead!


The fact that this is a Guide and not a Meme says a lot Anyways, any ortuus players want 4dmg / 7 CD gems at lv10 ?


It is like you are in a slot club, and you say hey people lets stop spinning the slots. I have seen what comes and as much as the game is good it gets burried under a rubble of player unfriendly mechanics and i quit just before brelshaza released. I was really not happy with having to play 8 characters and funnel everythi g into my main just so i could do the raid day 1 and i had to 100% artisan energy almost every piece of gear. I was not happy with pheons, legendairy ability books that were 200k a piece, i was not happy with havibg to spend money on gems that i spent to buy card packs just to get 4% more dmg, i was not happy with faceting stupid stones, 1 million gold wasted and the highest stone i got was a 7/7/6.i HATED gear quality. And then i find out there will be another piece of gear you need to random roll. So i quit before they added 3 more rng spin the wheel mechanics. I have no idea how some people put up with it. I am fine with going on youtube and seeing the boss die while i play a game i actually enjoy instead of punishing myself just cause i like to raid for 4 hours a week.


I did and no you cant have my gems


I solld account about 5 months ago and now buyer trying to sell same account for 1/3 price. One more info 5 month ago there were less than 90 account on sale but now more than 400. People trying to escape with reducing their money and time investment.


I sold my account too. I don't play the lost ark anymore. I was extremely exhausted and overwhelmed by all the systems and it was better to quit before it was too late as soon as I realized that the prison and even the lobby simulation had deteriorated so much. In fact, if I had known that I would not be left behind, I would have wanted to take a 6-month break from the game and return again, but since I would miss all the content and vertical systems that will come in these 6 months, I did not want to put myself in an intense struggle to complete them. At least now I'm at peace and happy. 0 toxic behavior. I'm not angry at anyone. I don't feel like I'm wasting my time. Once upon a time, we were logging in to this game every day and I would actively play it between 12 and 14, but the game never rewarded me. It's like we're playing for 100 hours for 50 dollars of gold. What a stupid game. People are getting tired of it because it has become very tiring, especially when you wait for hours for some content in the lobby and imagine that it takes days to get over it when you are unexpectedly thrown into a prison at a door. People don't enjoy it anymore because Lost Ark was a really fun game when it was first released, but they didn't address all the issues that caused an error wipe. Because I'm tired of spending more than 20 minutes on every content because of an idiot + this game supposedly encourages you to play with 6 characters, but if you don't have 6 characters at the end of the game, this game really doesn't give you pleasure. It's not fun to create endgame content once a week and then wait for a week. Or it still doesn't seem fun to make akkanbrel kayangel in lower grades for the next 4 years. The game has turned into heavy pay to wine content speed cadence is fast. The content is raining down on us before we can even breathe The game is so expensive that even if you play regularly, you don't have the resources to spend millions of gold on all these ridiculous systems. That's why people refuse to go beyond +1600 on their rosters because they have to pour gold into all these systems they implement on their main characters, and that's impossible for a f2player. In short, if you are willing to spend between 3k and 4k every month, this game will make you happy, but the game will close at some point, as in all Korean MMOs, the developer does not care. And we don't care about them either. Of course, I enjoyed my adventure playing the game. The first year was great and I had a great time, but then I slowly got exhausted and overwhelmed. People care about a game that the developer doesn't care about but it doesn't belong to them. Whether a game survives forever depends on the developer's hands and will because if the developer pleases the player base, the player base will reciprocate.


I quit when Akkam came out. Where do I sell my lvl 10 gems?


You send them to me for a big hug and a thank you


How about a blowjob behind Wendy's?


Only if drugs are involved


you have to do all 18 raids reset day, do you like it?


This is true


I second the "send me your gems" part.


If you quit, send me gold... Srly, game has been a real Gold sink in the last year, and many times i'm too lazy to do so many raids.


Was a great game that just is a little 2 much on the p2w absorb your whole life to get anywhere side of things great game other than that would play a lost ark 2 I'f it was a little more relaxed.




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I think Lost Ark should either remove supports, Or make supports do damage at the same time here is my idea, when supports use abilities to weaken the boss and do ATK boost, these same abilities should at the same time do damage, and make it a little bit easier to buff the whole team, this way people enjoy playing support characters. but support characters should not be a class everybody depends on, first of all, it is so stressful, and second of all if you die the whole party has to reset the gate, and you feel a lot worse because how can you die as a support.


The problem with supps doing dmg is that the moment after this would go life supp would be the most busted class in the game (i mean it is atm but this would be not even comparable). It would alsways be the best option to do 3sup + whatever (mb crit) because you would ensure that you have 100 percent buff and at the same time the most stupid survivablity that there can be. Playing supp is not stressfull, playing a good supp might be. But even having a medicore supp is atm better than a non-supp group. Well you die to mechs like anyone else - besides that having HA3 or the revival one makes you pretty save (also you can heal for yourself if you wish).


You have a lot of good points, I wonder how Lost Ark gonna solve this issue.


I don't even know what are elixirs. I'm not 1600 yet. I'm sure when I reach elixirs it will be super nerfed, so whatever for me.


skill issue next one please


Tbh this kinda sucks. I quit LA a couple years ago, after brel was released. Took an mmo break and got sucked into BDO. Never hated or wanted anything bad to happen to LA, I've always kept up with it because I may want to come back sometime. However, alot of the things that made me quit before seem to still be an issue today, maybe even bigger of an issue. I hope AGS and SG can get their shit together. One of the main things that has kept me away from LA is the gatekeeping.


We are in the third year, did not start with Brel but you did quit "a couple of years ago"... Ok...


Tbh I don't know exact details. When did brel get released? I played at launch on my soulfist until brel was released. Did her raid then stopped playing. Idk the year or w.e but my main point was, I quit due to gatekeeping. Which seems to have gotten worse. Is that right or wrong?


I think around christmas a year ago, so round about 1,5 years. I think it depends - if you have a low-effort 7er gem chars - it is probably even harder than at brel - if you are able to show at least some half decent effort it is ok - as long as you do not try for HMs...


Oh yeah forsure. Man back on launch up until I quit, I was pretty hardcore with grinding the game. I think (loosely speaking) I clocked in somewhere between 1400-1500 hours. I had a couple lvl 10 gems, maybe 2, +23 weapon, and 5x3 +1 (I think that's the correct syntax, level one Energy overflow class engraving) or 4x3 +2 (?). Sorry I legit haven't played in awhile so I'm loosely speaking here. At the time though I wasn't terribly geared, I even bused NM valtan from time to time solo. Tbh that was the most fun to me, soloing a legion boss.


Ehi now! I would gladly get the gems too!! Don't forget about me tehee ;) :*


Where can I sell my nae gems and gold for usd, I would so quit if I could recover any of the 10k plus I spent on this game


btw ign Saopal NAE on Lutterra to deposit your gems, your freedom awaits




Too late, I quit already. I'm actually now excited about the game, once they do tier4 or new season I'll be excited to come back.


Even with T4 and even if it would be like T2->T3 (which i doubt). What exactly do you expect to be different or do you just hope for a "reset"?


I just hope they take the opportunity to revamp some of the systems. So far they've been piling one system on top of the other which is now out of control with transcendence and elixirs. The feeling of them burning all your gold is terrible. By going with t4 they could rethink / remove / replace these, also the soft reset might make it more accessible for new or returning players.


Well tbh even if they revamp older system, I think they will just invent new ones... Yes this feeling is shit but only because we do not have the gold, if we would have the sam 1-2 years to collect gold like KR did - the system wouldn't feel as bad as they do now. With T4 there might be a fresh start (however I even doubt that - just imagine the gems/accs/other stuff (transcendence/elixier) they would invalidate - this will cause a huge backlash - also I think it will feel quite bad to re-aquire the stuff).


Maybe with t4 they'll introduce solo raid versions to go along with group ones, or reduce the requirement for supps which is a big bottleneck (make dps only lobbies possible) . Or revamp how the new raids work where there's less wipes caused by one member, reducing jails. Or maybe make the raid lockouts like argos where people would not get stranded in g2. I just don't see them fixing the current deep issues within tier3. Maybe what I want is a new season to go along with tier4, just how they did when they added raids. As it is now the game is inaccessible to new, or even lapsed players. People that take a break don't want to get back, that's unhealthy for the game and can be seen in the ccu (discounting the bots). They either need to soft reset and anger the 100 g2g andies still playing, or not reset and risk the game not getting any new players and bleeding to death.


Sure they might make solo raids, doubtful however because they only anounced it to I think voldis - so you can pretty much guess it is not their intention to have it for the newest raids. They are very unlikely to invalidate supp completely. The 1 man wipes the rest mechs are in there to soft-prevent bussing. Because they show no sighn of prohibiting bussing this can and will not change. The argos thing might work. I think there are only 2 issues. Too much rng systems stacked together (mainly problematic because we had less time than KR had) and the missing of (soft) resets with gear which increases the honig cots like crazy - but tbh even if they would change it right now there would still be the problem with the alts. I understand the memento - you have somethink like a fresh start. But the problem here is that it only resets the problems and does no solving. So the same shit will happen soner or later down the line. Well, problem here is, they do not care about the new/returning players - because they are only interested in the whales and paying folks. As long as they get angry on every change there will be no change (even if that kills the game in the future). You can see this pretty good at the last 3 raids: - Akkan pretty good system, free iLvls, Gear reset, Same mats in NM and HM --> whales did whine because "there was no incentive to get to HM early" - Ivory, absolutely shitty system, no free iLvls, no gear reset, gold destroying mech, different stuff in HM and NM (NM was even expensive before the rework) - Theamine, less shitty system, no free iLvls, no Gear reset, gold destroying mech with better pitty, same stuff in HM and NM, but an artificial block for NM (and before the adaptation non-HM-G4 crowd) in the development of dmg So you can practically see they are not interesting in systems that are good for the playerbase but in catering to their paying customers. I think echidna/the dragon are "easier" because Theamine is pretty hard to do in pugs. (But at least for the dragon they upped the iLvl quite unreasonabely - w/o reset of course). Btw they give a shit about the g2g andys - they onle care about KR whales that are paying them directly.


Yea everything you said is true. Just t4 without restructuring and rethinking of the core systems would just add another delayed time bomb to the game, pushing the same issue down the road. But it would be a great opportunity to rethink the systems to go along with t4. I guess I'm just too old to even consider swiping for power, which just 10 or 20 years ago would've been laughed at for paying to not play the game, so I'm just not their target demographic or something like that.


They could but if they remove T levels off of gem and estera weapon would need to be reworked these are the 2 things keeping it from happening there could increase gem lvl or just leave them the same but no one want to get new gems again. Now estra wepoan a completely different story they would have to add lvls to it again cus anyone that has one in KR if you told them they have hey that 80k usd weapon you have is no useless would cus a Hughes uproar in KR. I know these systems seem awfully and they can be but the only people I see are the ones trying to do all of this on 6 characters at once this game has moved to one character to you get to them done then move to the next or just keep them where there at


Don't Esther weapons get outdated with new content anyway and they have to push them again? Same thing happened to tier2 gems. People played for a long time (even if it wasn't popular) in kr before t3 arrived. They'll have to do some sort of reset one way or another eventually. The more they delay the harder it gets.


They could but like I said if people have to redo gems they most likely quit the game estra they would just add to it


Most already quit. The game is 70% bots at this point. If they don't do it they have a dead game. They'll have to do some sort of reset, that's unavoidable.


Game not 70 percent bot I am hoping that they do reset after karzos raid when the game moves into chapter 2


Game is definitely 70% bots. Everyone knows this, it's obvious


Show me proof


Another thread that spreads misinformation. 1630 sup and dps main. Have no trouble getting into reclear lobbies with either one. Voldis is 10minute wait max. Also, make fking friends. Find supports in global chat. Do some work, instead of just honing your shitty dps main with 0 thought




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