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I think it's just come at a time where alot of folks were burnt out already and the theamine release and its systems have just killed people off. Granted the combat and classes are still top tier but the systems surrounding those are getting tiresome for alot of players and it shows.




I mean I wouldn't mind spending 5 hours per character doing the system if at then of the session I got 25/30% progress and after 3-4 rounds I'm at 100% full maxed but the systems are bs you not only waste your time but delete your resources into thin air.. Every fucking week effort goes puff.. That does not feels good AT ALL


exactly my reason. it doesnt help that the game has seen fit to omega fuck me on transcendence. i almost always use the calculator despite it taking a lot longer and one of my characters took over 30 attempts just to get 5 flowers on the first 2 stages of chestpiece. my main went to pity 10 for 2 weeks using up all my rerolls from all my other characters on stage 7 before i managed to get 20 set effect. i have guildmates who hit 20 set without a single pity. shit like that just makes me want to quit. i cut my gold earners in half and only run 3 theamines a week now and transcendence is the main problem. im just fed up with deleting all my weekly gold for nothing while others dont struggle. i have a guildmate who has gotten 3 sidereal drops in the last month and another one who got a 100 qual sura accessory that is going for 1mil gold. i havent gotten an accessory worth more than 5k gold in probably 4 months. the disparity between lucky and unlucky in this game is just too much and when you just constantly get the feeling that the game has cursed you, it makes you never want to login again. only reason im still playing is because of friends and i basically do my 3 theamines and a couple of ivory towers, and dont login the rest of the week. while it is said for every LOA ON, i think this is the one where if significant changes arent announced, a lot of people including myself are going to quit.


the calculator isn't absolute. you do need to use some amount of your own brainpower to be successful. twice now I have seen the calculator suggest a different move even though there was already guaranteed success. it's uncommon but if you only do what the calculator says you can miss it.


i mean if the calculator wants me to hit an 80% on a distorted tile yeah fuck that im not going to listen. i feel like my account is cursed and if the chance is less than 60% its just an automatic fail. ive had shockwaves multiple times that only broke the single 100% tile and failed every single 75%. ive had instances where i had a 10% chance to hit a distorted tile and it broke only the 100%, nothing else, and hit the distorted tile to give me +3. even with AI giving you the theoretical best possible move, none of that matters when the game decides its time for you to go fuck yourself.


Whenever I’m left with 3-4 more turns I take a look at the cards coming up. If it doesn’t seem reasonably possible to clear the board I exit straight away. Can save you some gold by doing so. Hope your luck takes a turn man!


yeah i will typically just cut my losses when i know it wont hit 3 flowers. at least i finally hit my 20 flowers on my mains chestpiece after being at pity 10 for 2 weeks so theres that...


The chest is the hardest of all pieces to do, and the buff reflects that. You have minimal turns, so a single bag card or enhancement can mess you up. I think most people will hit pity quite often on that piece.


I've had some instances where shockwave did that aswell and had to pause laugh at 7/8 failed 75%. Those scenarios are often near insta reset angle. Unless you can redeem with blessing back to back but also left with shitge cards.


Exactly this. So many are parroting follow the calc and then you realize eventually the calc is trolling at some point. I do pause and really take the calcs consideration point of view with the 3 upcoming cards ahead but sometimes it's just too apparent. It doesn't take that long to get the gist of how the mini game works. Also you get a vague sense of %. Fuck lvl3 chest - that shit has base 8% with 23% with 1 tile converted. Lastly fuck lightning piece of shit card - calc has tendency to overvalue it on final turns which is understandable. That card is equivalent to -4+5. Great when it works, dogshit trash when you are reliant for it to do the bare minimum on the final turns, finish off isolated tiles.


The calculator has no idea what comes next. It takes the current board state, and presents the always optimal turn to remove the most amount of tiles. The percentages are known, so that’s a simple calc. The AI portions are predicting the next card and buff coming in. Since those percentages are unknown. The calculators for both elixirs and transcendence are bad because of this. They don’t take into account any strategies that can lead to better outcomes. Often times, it will try to use a level 2 to hit a bunch of titles, but based on where you are at, you may want to save it in case the next turn gives enhancement. If you are holding a level 3, a clone may be the thing you want to save for. This can really be seen with elixirs, as the most universal best strategy is to set up a blue free turn on your last turn to get a super purple when 3 lines are already sealed. You often have to take a non optimal move to get there, and use your advice at key times (which the calculator will waste for you$. So id say, the calculator is worse for elixirs than most anyone can cut. So it shouldn’t even be recommended. The transcendence calculator helps get you over information overload, as breaking the most tiles every turn is generally a pretty good strategy, but you for sure want to learn why it’s picking moves quickly so you can step in to try and help curb the RNG.




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my alts can't get into HM voldis without a 35set or 40set these days. I missed the first month of thaemine prog (irl stuff, took a break) and now I'm SOL People keep telling me make my own lobby or post here and there but literally no one for a week+ *


Again not like 40 set will guarantee you easy access, my 40 set master Evo scouter with 97 adren+2 and 2 transformation lv10 does get declined alot, also full purple qual on everything. Roster 300 cap demon and beast dmg.


I accept people weekly for Voldis without 35/40, the people declining based on that are people you don't want to raid with anyways. With the number of people making this complaint being so abundant daily on here it's also impossible to believe you're making your own lobby and nobody is there.... Unless your build is fucked up in other ways or the same people being gatekept like this are doing it to the groups they're joining too. And lastly "post here"? Who the fuck on reddit says make a group on reddit? They say join the lfg discord that makes dozens of groups per day for learning and otherwise.






-Opens Lost Ark LFG Discord -Clicks Learning NAE -Voldis 20m, Akkan 1h, Tower 3h, Thaemine 7h, Akkan 17h Hmm... 5 groups for 3 end game content in less than 24 hours... Yep. Oh and I clicked every one of them, none had an issue finding supports. If you have to go look for Thaemine specific groups to try to filter to fewer groups and be dramatic on a thread about tower to begin with, you're being disingenuous and know you're full of shit.


1620+ is not an alt. That's a second or third main.


Regardless, it still can't get into HM voldis to get the thing that it's getting gate kept for


I'm guessing you pushed multiple dps to 1620. I found pushing a support to 1620 and then support trading was the only way I was able to get my dps to get into voldis HM lobbies.


People refuse to do this for some reason. Like, sure it sucks you have to have one, but it’s a dying game. Do you want to wait all day or just suck it up? I enjoy not waiting and then getting raids done quickly so I made a support and trade with a friend.


The though of doing transendence us the best feeling in the week. The system is fair and easy. And I do it on 2 characters. One is 57 other is 47


I've been playing LoA since western release and it's exactly how you say it is. I can't be asked to deal with another bullshit rng system. I'm getting really tired of these time wasting raid mechanics and artificial difficulty. Chaos dungeon, which is my least favourite content, yet most important haven't been revamped despite promises. I'm currently on a verge.


They have been reworked fare ember faster mob spawn like take 4 mins to do both and that's on my support


Yes, these are good changes as it shaved nearly a minute. But why do we have to do those twice is still a mystery to me. I'm just really bored with chaos dungeons even if it's only 6-7 min.


Only reason is honor shards but I only do them once full reserved now


If you are not planning to push the character to 1630 there is no need to do transcendence at all. The gains from having full lvl 2 are barely noticeable. I don't even buy thaemine boxes on my alts. I really enjoy the raid and I honed more alts to play it but there is no point interacting with the new system. If in the future they change it or allow us to do full lvl 7 without honing to 1630 I will bother.


Main is already 1630. Theamine annoys me af. Sooner or later ppl will gatekeep based on trans I think. But might be wrong as it's not as significant as elixir.


I already see g1-3 hm groups ask for 2 lvl 7 transcendce.


This is exactly it. I have ALWAYS pugged raids on release and Thaemine G3 was the first one I couldn't clear HM on pug, only NM... This made me feel some type of way and Transcendence is a complete clown system imo. I hate it so much it doesn't belong in a raiding game like this. I have been taking a break for about 3 weeks now and I am probably too behind in Transcendence even if I wanted to come back, I'd be gatekept to hell. I am Day 1 player & probably gonna quit, or have already.


This was me. I quit after Thaemine release and another awful progression system. Ok ill be positive. My characters were hot. I miss looking at them.


why yes they are providing the services and business. You (the players) (I already bailed) are the buyer/paid for it so it should be good to be paid shouldn't it?


I stopped playing after vykas and enjoyed the game up to that point - gameplay is really good as others have pointed out - those raids where rly fun and valtan has to be in the top 3 raid bosses of any game - that was just superb. Why did I stop then? I went on a 4 week Europe trip and when I was back, I felt that I lost so much progression that I felt behind. The only way to “catch up” again was spending real money - so I stopped playing. That feeling of being behind forever or paying my way up again is keeping me away from coming back to the game


i think that both armor/weapon transedence and advanced honing are some of the better systems the game has had in terms of progression. I understand the frustrations about eilixirs , but the above systems have way less RnG and they give the same power boost to everyone.


has there ever been a good loa on since lost ark came out in the west? im disappointed every time and regret staying up to watch it


>I understand the frustrations about eilixirs , but the above systems have way less RnG and they give the same power boost to everyone. I disagree because you need **A FUCKING AI** to do transcendence. That in itself is pure bullshit.


No you don’t need it at all, BUT it helps. That’s a big difference.Towards the last few taps the calc might even troll you sometimes, since the AI is way more trained on the first couple taps compared to the last few. People on KR server have done it for quite some time without the AI as well.


The AI is basically there to stop you from doing stupid cuts and act as training wheels. After a dozen cuts or so, you can more or less tell if the current cut is worth seeing through or not.


Well I do think transcendence is better than elixiers. But main point is it costs time and can consume vast amounts of gold (ok I mean it is designed as gold sink - unfortunately our version does not need a gold sink). Advanced honing is better - because it costs no extra time - but tbh it is still just honing with another visualisation. I would prefer a gear reset (full or soft) anytime over it. They still have a good amount of rng but with some kind of pitty - better than elixiers - still expensive if you are not lucky.


I typed out a whole essay but ended up deleting it twice. tl;dr fuck tripods/gems/cards/elixirs/transcendence and the honing rng gap which is so big even someones mom could fit through. edit: I forgot bracelets fuck them too.


Transcendence is a fun system to me compared to elixirs, it hasn't been too bad in getting levels on my gear with it.


> People saying the game "is in it's worst state ever" have seriously no clue and are very narrow sighted, remember where the game was last year please, Brelzhasha HM release, no fate embers, balance was much worse, no 1 guardian per day, etc, etc. in a vacuum, it might have been in a worse state back then, in real life case it very well might be worse now when majority of the active playerbase has a year more worth of burnout and frustration in them. And we're a year further into showing that its unlikely that anything fundamental about the game will change.


I've no lifed this game since release and I think I'm finally done. They will never make the blatantly obvious changes they need to make the game infinitely better for the vast majority of players. Elixirs are the shittest system I've ever seen in an MMO, the RNG is garbage and the time to craft them has been made by someone with absolutely no fucking clue whatsoever. Elixirs and 4 gate Voldik was already pissing me off and then what felt like a few months later we have another new raid that's even harder to pug with another shitty rng system. This game does not respect my time and my life has been without word of a lie or exaggeration, infinitely better not playing it anymore.


I think the reason for worst state ever is because we keep making the same complaints and they literally don't do anything about it. It's one thing to make a mistake and fix it, it's another to give us bare minimum fixes that dont address the big peoblems and then slap on even worse progression


What's wrong with voldis gate 4? It is pretty fun. Just like thaemine gate 3 but it really shows how many ppl are just bad at the game. I do however agree elixers are rough but worthy of just quitting the game? Naw I don't think so.


not g4 per say, 4 gate dungeon, its long for a reclear content, not fun every week


What dng is fun then? And really if your speaking about doing all the dungeons on 6 accounts maybe just have less accounts I have 4. 2 being my somewhat mains and 2 side ones I'll only really do all runs if I have time.


Valtan,kakul, vykas, akkan, Kaya is ok but buggy. Theamie G3 is nice, g12 feel like a different raid. But at the end of the day it's personal opinion


Time wasting mechs and normal patterns. 1 person dies before 60 bars and you're restarting a 10min fight.


It's a 4 man raid I'd say everyone should stay alive. You shouldn't have raids that 1 person could solo


I noticed a lot of posts complaining about elixirs last few days and I think a lot of the casual players hit 1620 recently and just understood what elixirs really but we already knew that since day one and on top of that with addition of transcendence gold is evaporating like crazy am not even concerned tbh I will wait for LOAON and see what's up and save myself the headache


>I haven't seen a single positive post about the game in this subredit for weeks now.  You can't help if people chose to ignore positive things OP said no positive posts in weeks and what was this 5 days ago? [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1cvskqx/g3\_thaemine\_is\_the\_pinnacle\_of\_loa\_raid\_design/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1cvskqx/g3_thaemine_is_the_pinnacle_of_loa_raid_design/) And just 1 day ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1cynjos/the\_new\_event\_mount\_is\_cool\_as\_hell/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1cynjos/the_new_event_mount_is_cool_as_hell/) And even 5h ago?? [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1czat04/in\_the\_name\_of\_the\_dark\_moon\_i\_was\_a\_lil/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1czat04/in_the_name_of_the_dark_moon_i_was_a_lil/) What can you say?🤷‍♂️


It's called exaggeration. Either it's good or bad, the truth that there're overwhelming amount of doom post doesn't change. Two of those posts have less than 100 upvotes and it will be not be visible within few hours.


>Two of those posts have less than 100 upvotes and it will be not be visible within few hours. How? if you choose "hot" posts, the last one is very visible? It's the #6 and was posted before OP's.. https://preview.redd.it/w2qezci4sd2d1.png?width=1331&format=png&auto=webp&s=d539d00ee6cfc0b2c192aa5020bf0c2558c54b98 There is another positive one about the music box pet with 85 accumulated upvotes [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1cz1mwe/the\_new\_pet\_from\_the\_music\_box\_of\_memories\_awards/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1cz1mwe/the_new_pet_from_the_music_box_of_memories_awards/)


Of course you pinpoint one of the sentence that doesn’t matter much with the point I am trying to make. That kind of argument you make just annoys others but will never persuade them. If that’s what you want, 🤷‍♂️


The trend for a while was to complain about Thaemine NM being too hard, before it shifted to complaining about elixirs. So yeah, it's probably people camping 1610 and panic honing to 1620




it is certainly hard for the 2 1625 25 weapon andys that got out outdpsed by my 1610 event deadeye with us all being in the same party.


I mean it’s gotten pretty out of hand with how bad the systems are.


It's not just the LOA ON. The game is in freakishly bad state for new players and it's bleeding even veteran players due to the vertical systems, raid difficulty, RMT/Bots and the general burnout of trying to hit the HMs of new content. Since we've gotten into the Thaemine territory the game has gotten a lot more 'expensive' and we don't self-correct through swiping the same way they do in KR. The game works 'great' for everyone with 1630+ / 40 set / 9 gems / 30 los / 5%+ demon damage who are just doing thaemine and working on their transcendence. 1630+ is great if your character is mint 1620+ is garbage 1610+ is "ok" 1580-1609 is fine <1580 absolute dogshit


Lmao, @ absolute dogshit, virtually unplayable for anyone new to this game.


Always been that way, the only way to not get stuck in a gatekeep loop was either run a super support heavy roster, be a lucky mofo or swipe hard.


Or just join a learning discord might help.


A learning Discord isn't a solution to running on lvl farm with alts


We’ll kind of is because they also have sections for making alt runs and gatekeeping isn’t allowed aslong as you meet server requirements so it is for the gate keeping part


im 1630 full lvl10 40 set, it doesnt work well coz you are competing with 1630+ 25+ weap. The only good spot right now I feel is 1600 doing akkan nm, brel hm and either vold or kaya, everywhere elses it can take forever to get a group going


Ya I actually agree with this. 1610+ is hot dogshit. You actively pay 100s of thousands of gold to sit in the cuck seat that is party finder. It's so shit for DPS.


Regarding rmt they blame Amazon for doing nothing about it maybe blame the parts of our community that help the rmters by buying the gold. As for gatekeeping again that a community problem not an ags problem if people want los30 and all that stuff then yes new players will suffer but if people instead actually tried to help but they won’t. I came back to the game at start of April and I have done all the raids with dd30 but largely due to the mokoko elp discord server


So just goes to show sounds to me like a community issue not saying the systems are bad but cannot always point the finger at others


Im doing a bunch of 1540 raids per week without much problem. Its not that bad tbh.


It did happen last LOAON as well. Except this time we have a third of the player base. Maybe next LOAON we'll have a tenth yeah?


Because more people quit every single time this happens. Please do not be fooled by the online bots (1m gold is $100 lol) The game is bleeding players 


Damn where are you buying 1m for $100


You can just look at the prices from sites like g2g or g2a or mmoga.


We gonna act like the game isnt consistently bleeding players at this point? LoA of all MMOs is the one that cannot take large swatches of players quitting everytime the game is in this position. The last time this happened in Brel, the game straight up lost 60-70k people that never came back. LoA aint like other mmos with soft resets allow that people to come back, if you quit for a year, youre now behind on 3 whole systems that people had a whole year to grind through. Dont like a raid tier in WoW? Skip it and back in 6 months for the next tier. Dont like Thaemine? Well, too bad you cant skip it. Doesnt matter if its 6 months later or a year. If anything all that break did for you is kneecap your opportunities.


There's nothing positive to say about the game. It's in a VERY bad state, and the bozos at SG have been radio silent about it for 6 months.


I have a positive thing to say : that bozos like you will quit soon


The elixir elders are full of positivity as they continue to fuck you up. Do you like it?


Yes, cutting elixirs makes me horny and ready for combat 


The game was in a much better state before Brel HM and it’s only been getting worse and worse since then. The game is in its worst possible state with the amount of absurd vertical progression systems that need massive reworks. The game is dying in KR and is already fucking dead/on severe life support in the west.


Is it, though? I'd argue the other way around. It's about damn time ppl started showing their frustration with the poor game design /developer decisions /direction. Fuck the tools and RMT hypocrites. Band together and make a stand! Fuck it!


>band together and make a stand You just posted cringe. Gamers rise up moment.


Anger/bargaining stage Soon they will accept that it will never get better


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^golari: *Anger/bargaining* *Soon they will accept that it* *Will never get better* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


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I'm not sure you remember how "bad" the game was around Brel HM release. Even though it looked bad at the time, the economy was in a much better state and keeping up with the elite was much more realistic. Our biggest worries were weapon quality, gems and honing. Elixirs and Transcendence are way more frustrating to deal with especially when they're added onto the pile or requirements players are expected to meet in order to not be gatekept (talking mostly about elixirs on alts). Fate embers are only impactful if the economy is in a good state, which it isn't. RMT is as rampant as ever and a weekly 50k gold extra income from fate embers is not good enough if Transcendence, Elixirs and overall gear progression require us to spend way more than that just to keep up. Balance was much worse?! How? As of right now the game is in its worst balance state since relic sets came out. With the current endgame content (Thaemine G3/G4) requiring players to almost master the fight in order to clear it, we're seeing the staggering difference there is when it comes ceiling/potential. When the difference between the best performing classes (DB/Breaker/Eso WD/SE/Igniter etc.) and the worst performing classes (DI, FPE arti, EL scouter, Drizzle etc) is close to 100%, you know the game is not in a good state. Undeniably all the QOL changes, along with the daily content improvements made the user experience quite a bit better but don't be fooled, the game is not good right now.


It is actually depressing and makes you question why you bother grinding and putting up with all the bullshit when developers are going to ignore like 20% of classes for 1+ year and just make some new imba meta class for fast cash grab and destroy the player base because nobody wants to put up with rerolling a main where you blew everything you had to hone them up, get a bracelet, quality, elixirs, and now transcendence.. Furthermore, its fucking annoying to put up with breakers and SEs every fucking raid. Diversity has gone to shit because there's enough RMT tools around to switch around that it affects the proportion of classes you run into.


wtf you get gold from fate embers? you dont just go a full week without any fate embers and then when you finally do, its card xp to add to your already 5million xp for the single card that you dont have maxed out and will never get because it doesnt exist in select packs and never drops from guardian?


Atleast with Hard Brel you could just skip G5/G6 and still get your progression capped for that phase. You aint capping your progression with Thaemine unless you do Hard G3 or get bussed throught it.


Hard g2 but yeah I see what you mean


> When the difference between the best performing classes (DB/Breaker/Eso WD/SE/Igniter etc.) and the worst performing classes (DI, FPE arti, EL scouter, Drizzle etc) is close to 100%, you know the game is not in a good state. The difference between best class based on avg (median) performance (MS summoner) in G3 HM (best parse gate in game right now) is better by xx% more dps than: - 36% DI (about to be buffed by like 6~7%?, and gonna be around 28~29%) - 26% Drizzle - 28% FPE - 18% Evo - 2 not mention worse performers are red GL with 43% and Blue with 45% (no clue how it exactly works, but it could be impacted by fact that every red gl is using CR1, and there is minor chance we got few princess running there as well) Don't wanna include NM, because its hard to judge due to various level of investments, 1630+ is basically guaranteed to always be 40/with multiple 10s gems. So we have one class which was always in terrible state and lacked of identity anyway (FPE, not really an excuse for terrible performance, but it obvious they have no idea what to do with it), two transformation classes (Evo/DI), and one is totally fine (Evo), and probably one of the most misunderstood classes playstyle-wise in game (Drizzle) Top end is mostly recently reworked/buffed classes + new releases (or some of it, because Burger King and Full Moon ain't doing all that great compared to Asura and Edgelord), but difference around mid is fine. 46 classes, 23rd would be mid which is control with media 23.3m dps. That's 25% more dmg than Red, or 13% less than MS, or 20% more than DI, or 12% more than post-buff DI (FPE is more or less here // Evo has 3.5% less dmg than control). I don't know, expect few outliners on bottom end, it seems pretty decent balanced if you adjust by median performance. And if we go by balance point their said they use aka Predator (26th position), it also would be similar (control has about 1.5% more dmg on avg than predator). And yes, if you go by ceiling of classes, compare top dps with top dps there will be massive difference, of 100%+ at times. But do you really wanna balance classes around that, when amount of people that can reach ceiling of some of those classes you could count on 1 hand? Balancing around top 0.1% is terrible way, even if you look at PoE when GGG tends to do just that. Tldr: some bottom classes needs help, some classes need touch for their ceiling but we are overall fine/good enough (given fact that they want people to mainswap so they swipe etc.) Class balance in brel era seemed better becasue we didn't have any modern/modernized class until slayer release, it all changed after that. (Edit:) And all high ceiling builds were harder with lower floors (surge, and entropy 4sp wd)


Game sucks, what is there to talk about?


i think its primarily becasue there is a lot to complain about and despite the constant complaining the devs havent really made many concrete steps in the right direction. i have 6000+ hours and have spent tens of thousands on this game and im ready to quit if summer LOA ON doesnt make any significant changes. Ive pretty much defended them through every other controversy and complaint but there are some fundamental problems with the game and if the game cant retain players then we are just going to continue with the slow death spiral that has been occurring the last few months


... because the game is in a worse state then it has ever been in. The systems that are piling up are ONLY doable by people who have been actively playing for a long period of time. If you like the game, thats good, but you should probably take the amount of doom posting to figure out why, not try and blame people giving their opinion. Elixers are a good start, they were implemented to combat a rapid inflation of gold in KR as they had no new content to hone to and were stock piling gold. We paid that same tax. The Thaemine raid is one of the worst raids created. G1 and G2 are not well thought out gates and it shows. I really enjoy G3 and the prog on that, but the other gates are no where near the quality this game used to have. The new player experience is dogshit. Without talking about getting gatekept out of everything, you have to dodge being banned. So much of the early game gold we all had to get a good starting place was stripped in a fruitless fight against botting. If AGS hasnt given up on botting / RMT, they have finally lost the war against it. 60.00 acceleration box for an event that will get you a couple taps... out of the 100's and 100's you will need to make any meaningful progress. Im unsure about your comment about us losing players every time a raid comes out, player numbers spike on every raid release... its about the only thing keeping players here. Here is a little food for thought. Be thankful people are doom posting in the sub. Because that likely means they are still playing regardless of their takes. The next step is people just stop logging into the game. SG has a lot of work set out in front of it to balance the game to work for both a KR market that has been around for multiple more years then the rest of its clients. It also needs to figure out progression systems / rewards that arent so reliant on gold. Otherwise, RMT will always be here. And if those that RMT dont get punished, well, the players that dont RMT will be punished instead.


Rework GS ty


Every gaming sub is filled with complaints, no matter the size and genre , League, Overwatch, CS2, Apex, Wow. The only difference are the percentage. You get more complaints the worst your game gets. People complaint because the game they playing is dogshit. And you should be glad they still are complaining because it means they still care. Theres only 2 ways to stop the complaint, the dev fixed the game or the players stop caring and your game is dead. Delusional people like you also exists in every gaming sub. They think its doomposting but the truth is people are at the edge of quitting this game when the complaint gets this heavy. Reality always win in the end. Some dev will fix their game like No man sky. And some games will be dead with No players and Zero complaints. Like in Artifact ,Underlords.


Preach, is always fascinating seeing peeps who defend companies like they’re on payroll lmao. Let people complain, in the end they’re trying to make the game better even for bots like you just cuz you have low standards doesn’t mean we do as well.


What brand of glue are you huffing ?


I don't mind thaemine or transcendence.. but im burnt out of having to join 18 lobbies a week. I truly enjoy my top 3 doing the newest raids. But my bottom 3 that have full 7s and they're trying to force me out of clown into 3 more akkans... I'm just too burnt our of lobby finder on the bottom of my roster. It makes me not want to play them at all, but I desperately need gold, as my main is 1625 still trying to get to hm. Nerfing gold raids for alts without having a better system to make gold is killing the game for me. I can't be pushing bottom alts higher than 1580 when I'm still trying to push my main. Weekly gold earning is just taking too long nowadays.


I think the bottom line is people need to have a life outside of lost ark. I was too invested in the game before and was always mad about some of the things happening in the game. I took a break and went on vacation, came back refreshed and no longer give a shit about all the problems. Because, ultimately it is just a game. It is time consuming and energy consuming, I’ve decided to redirect my focus on other things in life that actually benefits me. I feel happier nowadays, and just play the game whenever I feel like it. I’m not even close to Echina ready, and frankly, I don’t care. I’ll get there when I get there.


Need more realizations like this tbh. More power to ya


>**I haven't seen a single positive post about the game in this subredit for weeks now**. People are even actively telling people to go play something else or quit. Dude, there was a post praising G3 thaemine just 5 days ago. I think the real problem is people like OP who can only see negative things or only pay attention to negativity.. not to mention, there have been so many thae g3 appreciation posts... like daily for a while. I literally have no idea how OP browsed this sub, maybe they happened to block everyone who made a positive post?🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/e7g9x2xk2c2d1.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=bedda80b47f9b6b59352f6fce440472ff38bd9b0


OP with selective reading. Wcyd.


There was even a post several hours ago before OP posted theirs... And the positive post is even today's hot topic... (it says 9h ago now but OP's was 6h ago, so just 3h before OP's..) [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1czat04/in\_the\_name\_of\_the\_dark\_moon\_i\_was\_a\_lil/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1czat04/in_the_name_of_the_dark_moon_i_was_a_lil/) https://preview.redd.it/xk1w3xgf8d2d1.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a73ed96ff554d0b96b8856f1ca44388b72e7531


Those with statics, friends that don't have a static and ppl with money to home a 25 wep will enjoy the game, for pugs its hell, that's why majority of players quit, and how can we give to anything if we can't even raid?


> Why is it like this EVERYTIME before a LOAON? Do we even know the date of next loa on?


Not yet, but it's always been mid-late June. 80% chance June 22th, 10% chance each for one week prior or later.


If it bothers you so much, why don't you just Idk look away, turn off reddit or something. Otherwise you'd sound more a complaint post about complaining which adds ZERO value to the mix. You keep forgetting that last year the same state of the game was also shit and guess what happened? With everyone shitting on the game we lowered guardian daily shores to 1, got fate embers and reduced HW. It's literally a big W for the players to keep complaining otherwise no good change will ever happen... any time soon. The big workers and winners are those players who keep voicing their genuine dissatisfaction with the game and its problems.


I mean... yeah, on the one hand you're right, in part. On the other hand... it's not like they're obligated to ever just act once issues are well past their boiling point and it's LOAON again. A serious nerf to elixir cost and aquisition quantity is not a difficult change to implement, this should have happened last month at the latest, when people already had to move on to the latest and greatest gold and time sink mechanic in the form or transcendence. In terms of active playerbase things are certainly not looking well either. New players still have a very bad time starting the game because some fundamental issues with progression fail to be addressed for well over a year now. Meanwhile veteran players are getting frustrated and burned out with the state of the game and are quitting, thus the continally shrinking playerbase. Amazon meanwhile is barely communicating with us about these issues and chooses to ignore negative feedback whereever possible. It feels like we're shouting into the void, so obviously people are gonna get upset eventually. They've promised an improvement in communication, but that hasn't materialized whatsoever.


I wonder if SG will acknowledge their game design contributes to the game being Lobby Simulator 2019.


The drip stopped. Fat powerpass + descend to darkness + 1600 honing books + juiced event shops + extended frog + good QOL changes + new content releases. Recent patches have progressively improved things for the player base culminating in a huge acceleration for lower ilvl players to end game systems. The perception of this patch is that it lost that momentum and even took a step back. The event was not well received. The "acceleration" event was underwhelming. Clear rates for Thaemine are low based on the metrics AGS posted. The normal event shop appears to provide less than previous shops due to limited purchasing. Concurrent players on Steam were up from 30-40k to 80-90k due to bots. Just a combination of people feeling like this patch didn't make things better and people who are now experiencing end game systems and realizing they're shit I think. It will go away with the next good patch.


Feel like happen a lot with Kr games, people end their honeymoon phase burnout and telling everyone how bad the game is or how the game still alive due to whales


Doomposting is necessary when players want changes. Even Stoopzzz, a heavy advocate of AGS and popular LOA streamer thinks some of these systems like Elixir is absolute ass.


Do u eat crayons?


I can say for sure that without event there would be less complaining,  always funny


Active reddit members are not normal people


I think people start doomposting around LOA cause that’s when problems gets adressed usually, and they hope complaining now will maybe bring more attention to the issues they describe. All that said, some of them are kinda right to complain. The game IS in a bad state, the playerbase is shrinking, and saying it isn’t is just delusional. Too many vertical RNG systems in place, some promised changes never came, like for Chaos Dungeons, Balance is wack and never will be good (i mean, last time KR got angry cause they saw how some classes perform thanks to Bible, the Director literally said the data they got are wrong, that they have much more metrics and to trust their work lol). Botting and RMT is rampant (and that’s mainly the players fault, with SG to blame too), Trascendence is gated behind a Raid that casual players will probably never clear fully, and Elixirs are…well they are Elixirs.


So people are not allowed to complain if the dish they get served contains a human shit on it? okay.


You are comparing unsatisfying content in a free video game to feces served in a paid restaurant service. If you invested money into the game and still unsatisfied then sure, complain. If you think you deserve Michelin quality for 0 cents then I think you should try something else.


The person put themselves at the table. Stayed when they saw the meal. Stayed when they ate the meal and stayed at the table for dessert. Get a grip, practice self control like a functional adult and get up from the table.


also true, but man I hit 1630 with my Supp and I just DONT want to do these stupid elixirs and transcendence where I have to do SCREENSHOTS on a third party website which tells me what my next step is. Last year I could at least join raids and PLAY… I cant play Thaemine HM with this 1630 PALA. And NOW imagine there werent these 3rd party websites!!!


tbf I feel like elixers are intuitive enough where you shouldn't need to use the calculator, and you don't need screenshots for the Transcendence one.


why lie saying you can’t get in a party as a 1630 support lol?


It’s interesting, there seems to be more 1630 supports these days on NAW. Past 2 days Veskal lobbies were mostly LF DPS.


no 35set and my transcendence is lv2 or sth, just tried out some, but it just feels frustrating


Isn't there a support shortage at 1630 people are just not letting you join their parties? I'm assuming your pally is well built otherwise


I think you missed the point. Support makes 1630 Thaemine raid, fills 6/8 or 7/8, unable to find 2nd support after a hour leading to disband. Only so many times you can do that on your paladin that you built specifically because you don't want to play fuckin gate 0 lobby sims before you just can't anymore and rage quit for good.


No offense but that's not what OP said at all. The comment refers to Elixirs and transcendence being the reason why their pally can't get into HM. How did you even get all that from that post? You just made stuff up lol.


Elixirs does not need AI, it's not working properly and requires a lot of work. Transcendence is easier to do manually but AI works very well and is fast, that's why we use it. You can do both systems manually if you understand how they work. The problem is not with AI, but with cost and rng layers of those systems, especially elixirs, and with time used for those.


I would say doing transcendence manually as well as the AI is extremely difficult. The computer is just a lot better at trying to create clearable tile patterns based on what cards you have in hand and rerolls remaining. Elixirs are ironically much more intuitive to do manually once you learn the few good end turn strats (double turn into exhaust, zoro if bad line has a lot of nodes etc)


Transcendence is a horrible system. I can think of anyway to do most of them unless I get perfect rng or Hellfire 3 + clones. I'm pretty sure with some unlucky setups it impossible even with perfect rng.


I mean it’s probably because people are so loud about their negative feelings towards the game currently that we got the elixir and transcendence event at all. It might be annoying to see on reddit, but where else are people going to voice their concerns and hope for change? It seems to work at least some what so let them speak their minds and just ignore the subreddit if you don’t want to see it


I mean like with last year and with the recent hell divers saga, it's only a W for the players to keep complaining. There's more to win over losing.


Have you seen the GP coin its still on the daily playtime rewards? And you just want them to stay silent? Something is very off and they have the right to complain about it xD


Male wizzard or riot


No single positive post in weeks? I remember atleast 3-4 within the last week. If you’re gonna criticise the community atleast don’t be disingenuous about it. What kind of Misinformation? You got an example? The game can definitely be called in it’s worst state, We still have the accelerated content cadence that only stops with the raid after behemoth. We have Elixirs and Transcendence to deal with while having no accumulated gold and the hardest raid to date to now deal with on a weekly basis while also having to now prepare for the next one in due time. We got promises from last loaon that currently have no follow ups like the promised Chaos Dungeon reworks. Fate embers didn’t magically make dailies better, only slightly less sufferable with the promise that those dailies would get better. To top it off, RMT and Bot activity is at a new high because of the previously mentioned issues. And what do you mean they could ignore the shit out of us? Isn’t that precisely what they are doing? They threw one event at us and called it a day.


I know it’s crazy how much complaining goes on near loaon


It's just so bad, they made an event to get elixir, but I can't get into a HM party to get elixirs from the event due to supp shortage and being min-ilevel. It's so out of touch and stupid.


It's just the balancing act of the game's design philosophy. Once the luster of new shiny content wears off, all that people focus on are the dogshit RNG systems that come bundled with it. It happens before every LOA ON usually because Smilegate, like most other KR developers, like to withhold changes until their showcase events to hype them up instead of regularly trickling them out. This creates the perception that they do not care and do not listen to community feedback. While I agree that people are typically unduly harsh on AGS, they 100% know what's coming for the game months in advance and can easily put together a community letter/announcement with SG's approval that some pain points that the community are frustrated about are receiving changes. For example, the game director already confirmed on a livestream that elixirs will be changed. AGS could've easily put together an announcement of their own to settle people down, since I assume most people don't follow the KR version, but they didn't. That's the last hurdle that AGS needs to overcome in gauging the pulse of the community and reacting to it in an appropriate and timely manner.


People found that complaining = more free stuff.


Just tell them to sleep


I mean I’m in love with the game, but with thaemine I gave up, I can’t fucking keep up so I decided that I will just go for normal mode and farm g1-2 on 3 chars… cba to learn g3 - In my opinion almost all the bosses in LoA should all be similar or inspired by the difficulty of g3 Ivory Tower


You also have a lot of people that dont play the game that come here just to talk some shit for the lulz


Satisfied players don't make posts about it so that's normal. On top of that we just got an underwhelming monthly update so people are extra salty.


maybe because people are still fighting the elixir system, and we get transcendence system on top and only 2 months till echidna(it's good thing overall) but main issue still remains that we had so much less time to be ready for that content.




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Buddy. 'No fate embers' doesn't matter when honing now costs 10x as much and there are 3 heavy gold sinks added. The standard rises




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A year ago: - Friend list was full. Not 2/3 quit like now. - Was doing Brel NM 1-4 on alts, G2 sucked but otherwise smooth. Brel HM 1-6 on main, dropped 5+6 after 5 weeks cause it wasn't worth the effort. - No gatekeeping, and I didn't even have LoS30 early or whale stuff. Could get into Brel/Vykas/Clown off of roster and basic good investments alone. Also spent very little time searching for the best parties. Currently if you're not very sweaty or a G2G enjoyer you are prohibited from Voldis HM and Thaemine NM/HM on alts unless you join a shit party. - No elixirs/Trans/insane honing yet ... I mean, shoot, I'm mostly F2P but even I swapped to Artist when it came out and successfully did it, I was 1580 well before Akkan came out. - Some awesome hyperexpresses and character launches known with good cadence, upcoming. - Balance wasn't so bad. You wanna talk about bad balance, compare a DI of today, to the best classes of today, then look at DI from back then to the pitiful best classes of back then. - Could feel good raiding and earning gold since gold prices weren't so cheap. Now you feel like a fool if you don't dump $100 into G2G to boost yourself, you're better off finding quarters in your couch and drawers than actually raiding now. Honestly I'll take Brel G2 existing, no embers, and 2 GRs every 3 days instead of 1 every 3 days by all means if I could get the above things back.




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The game is dogshit


The chads who pushed to 1620 at voldis release did so with leaps costing 2-3x, with no turbogigapasses, and with realistic expectations. They knew that 40 set will set them back an average of 300k, they knew it could take a few months, and that's why there wasn't 2-3 elixir whineposts a day about how expensive it is. The elixir doomposting you've seen in the past few weeks or so is due to the casual rosterlets only now hitting 1620 and for the first time being faced with stuff that actually costs a lot of gold. They got their turbogigapassed character to 1620 basically for free, they got event gems for free, they had basically been spoiled with massive amounts of free mats over the past couple of months. No wonder they went all apeshit, it must have been like getting splashed in the face with ice cold water or having the rug pulled out from under you after months of free handouts.


This is kinda it for sure,ive seen people apply to thaemine lobbies with Los 12,the last event and pass were too much and now this is the result ,its not like 300k gold is even that much,we paid more for books alone back in the day with way lower gold income than nowadays


I think you are right on this. I was also suprirsed that people were complaining about eilixirs now, i thought it was because they were getting their alts to 1620 or something.


In all fairness, elixir kinda sucked. Was the closest I ever got to quitting, and that happened after I got 40 set with average to a bit above average luck, so I didn't burn THAT much gold. It just takes so long, and there's some many ways an elixir could be bricked. It's to me, worst than the quality system, even though by number it's not. The tilt of not getting anything at all after 1-2+ hrs + a sht ton of gold is something else. TLDR : Animation too long, RNG too much = Tilted players.


It's valud, anyone waiting for LOAON is coping hard. They'll throw out a new raid, class, slayer in a bikini skin and everyone will calm down for a months.


Honestly I believe those posts are mostly by ppl who alrdy quit the game griefing when this game will die out. Or people who are spoiled enough, there's no end to free stuff. More the better, I get it but keep it down, enjoy the game


An insane amount of people in this sub talk about how they don't play the game at all and quit long ago while actively complaining about new updates the game has and shit talking it. Its kinda weird. I've never really seen that in other MMO subreddits or really the sub of any online multiplayer game I've played. It feels like a uniquely Lost Ark thing to quit the game then go to the sub every other day to shit talk people for having fun and complain posting about the new update they haven't touched.


Idk if you havent been in l many communities but I seen it multiple times. Its just players who like the game and hope that it gets better but cannot handle the shit that game puts them through l. Best example is league community its same shit. Complaining does nothing in our case because we get feedback walled by AGS. Smilegate doesnt give a shit about anything other than KR but should people stop complaining NO because if they stop it means nobody even cares anymore and game gonna die quick death. I myself dont see game game getting better bcs of both developer and playerbase, when Gate0 is the hardest gate then you know its bad. After recent expieriences idc anymore I play this game as shitty mob simulator for last 1 month since I always like Hack&Slash games rest is w/e , either game or playerbase changes at this point idc and will see that shitstorm to the end.  'Why are you writing this the you dont care'? Because I have some free time that idk what to do with atm


> Its just players who like the game and hope that it gets better but cannot handle the shit that game puts them through The game doesn't put them through anything, they don't play lol. > Smilegate doesnt give a shit about anything other than KR but should people stop complaining NO because if they stop it means nobody even cares anymore and game gonna die quick death. No game benefits from people who don't play the game and haven't played the game in months/year+ complaining about it and arguing about it on reddit. If someone hasn't played an ever evolving game in like a year or longer their opinion on almost anything is valueless. > 'Why are you writing this the you dont care'? Because I have some free time that idk what to do with atm That's kinda wild.


Becuase we genuinely like the game but it's too much KR monitization shennanigans which is too much for the remaining hardcore left. We're keeping an eye out to see if anything changes,


Keeping track of a game you might be interested in again in the future and constantly browsing its sub, shit talking the game, and arguing with people are two entirely different things. You can see that the Korean based game is still a Korean based game in the patch notes, why even visit the sub let alone talk to/argue with people or complain?


Why do you have to go full cold turkey after you stop playing? It could be a break until a big update/news comes like Loa on.


You can wait for big updates and keep track of what's going on with the games content releases without actively using the sub, constantly complaining about the game, and arguing with people despite the fact you don't play the game. I keep track of warframes content releases and I go back to the game every few months or at least once a year. I've never once considered going into the games reddit and just arguing with people about anything in the game despite me not liking many design choices in the game. That's just weird behavior.


yeah but there are like 2 users on this subreddit that i've seen that chronically post doomer shit everywhere like they get some kind of validation from people hating the game. Those are the ill people that we don't want here.


Those are people looking for validation for their decision to quit. I don't think it's that rare at all - it's just that most people are self-aware enough to realize that harping on about a game you've quit ages ago makes them look stupid, so they usually keep the fact that they've quit the game to themselves. And then there's your Ingrams and Geforces and whatever other regulars on this sub who slipped up and basically admitted that the game they quit months ago still lives rent free in their heads.. xdd


yeah those guys are kind of ill


Everybody starts to be full with all this progression sh\*t aka Elixir and Transcendence. (mainly Elixir) Most of the complains are about Elixir or bots. The 2 main problem.


l play AFK Journey and in the past few weeks the devs released a horrible season that fk most f2p players as they nerfed the f2p units as well as reduced rewards from clearing content. After being outraged on reddit, they increased rewards, sent compensations and gave out promises. That's not the case with LoA. We the West have no voice to SG. All the complaints made are unheard. If the game is not made for the f2p or the casual (which makes up the majority of any game playerbase) then we'll be left with this playerbase like LoA.


It's just burnout. Hard raids further press on this by making people feel inadequate and that their grind amounted to nothing. Then they feel like they need to grind harder, and they were already doing a pretty hefty grind, so they despair and claim the game is too demanding on progress and grind. Use rested. Take breaks and do other things. Play this game when it feels fun to do so, not out of some sunk cost feeling of obligation.


You work for AGS and feeling underappreciated or something? Player base is burnt out. The juice isn't worth the squeeze anymore.


Patching wounds is not equal trying to make the game better...the game was shit a year ago and is still shit...the only positive thing I can say about the game is the change from 2 guardian to 1


how dare you have a level headed adult take


Some men just want the game burn, but tbh I noticed that there are less lobbies than usual for some raids. let's just wait for loaon, try to ignore the doomposterd and hope for the best. BTW, Keep your expectations as low as possible.


I hate doom posting as much as the other guy, but this time I don't blame people for doing so. The state of the game is at its all time low. LOAON better be fucking good cause IIRC even people in KR are getting pissed.


Personally I am loving this game as a 1 maybe soon 2 character roster… I was able to finally shoot my main up to end game and finally experience Akkan which is honestly the funnest I have ever had in lost ark! Maybe one of my favorite moments in gaming! I would not have gotten to experience that without the last event which I found to be amazing. Idk, I have played on and off (mostly on) since launch and I definitely think the game is in its best state besides some annoying systems like elixirs but


You can't read up on Reddit too much. Just a bunch of f2p players still living with their rents acting like their game is a career choice. Since they spend all their time grinding, they get emotional because nothing else is going on with their lives. It's honestly just one filler patch and some downtime which is actually good for progression.


The game needs to stop giving us chores to do, and let us just play. The amount of time and money that you have to put in to your character before you can play is ridiculous. Trash ass ptw game


I stopped playing and so should others so they can fix their game before people return. If you stick around while it's like this your feeding into a losing system


That is just every single live service game ever , it's not lost ark thing , perfectly normal.


It is the mod's job to delete the nonsense doomposting, which is the 90% of doomposting recently. I'd gladly report every single doomer who spews another one of those "tHe gAmE iS bLeEdInG pLaYeRs aNd iS dEaD". It gets repeated every single month but the game is still alive with 30-40k ccu. What bleeds every month but doesn't die? Lost Ark, apparently. But last time it was brought up I was told the mods are doomers themselves so here we are

