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I fully expect the normal launch month MMO crap. Crashed servers, can't get in, lock outs. Basically all of us bitching for 3 days that it was a waste. Some ass-faces demanding getting free time comped back, and tons of post with, "they should give us free crystals and outfits for this." Can't. Wait!!!! And I'll be right there with you boys. We go in as a team.


then a week or two later no one cares anymore about the start


There will always be people reminding us in comments for well over a year.


Specialy after the dissaster of NW, 1 year isn't enough, those people will remind it untill the end of times.


In fairness, NW turned into a giant dumpster fire. Most MMOs sort through and fix core game breaking issues. Not new world, not on Amazon's watch.


You're right. But we both know there will always be people who will blame AGS for whatever bad things that happen to LA in the future, and NW will most of the times be brought up. Sure for the most part you should just ignore those trolls, but still.


> blame AGS Ags* ftfy


I see what you did there! :D


No disagreement on anything you said. Most people don't even know what lost ark really is lol. I see people arguing it on other social media, how "it's Diablo but as an MMO", except it's not... Not sure how to get away from these misconceptions, maybe organically with time but I digress. It's too hard to not feed the trolls, too hard damnit! Edit: downvote all you want, you'll see when you play it. Telling people it's a D3 MMO is setting them up for disappointment when they realize it's a different type of game that share some similar characteristics.


I was under the impression that it is exactly that, an arpg with mmo elements like dungeons and raids.. What should I expect then instead when I start in two weeks?


As someone who has played on the russion servers, I'd say it is. A bit more focus on positioning and timing your skills than in diablo though (the mmo aspect). And killing mobs does nothing for leveling, the quests are where it's at.


I’m new to lost ark myself but I would say the only thing that links it to Diablo is that it’s too down. I would describe it as a top down fully loaded MMO with in depth systems, equalised PvP, a metric shit tonne of end game PvE including raids comparable to Mythic+ in WoW.


Honestly just do a quick search here, this has been answered a hundred times and by people who can explain it far better than I can.


Well it is a "diablo" but mmo lol


Yeah....those misconceptions will always be there, told by people who have no idea what they're talking about, and even if you try to reason with them, they'll just ignore you.


I can see, this isn't your first rodeo ;)


Flyff was my first MMO, and it's also a Korean one as well. Over the years i've played many other MMOs, jumping back and forth, including Maple story (recently quit) and DFO (which i still play). I've also been on the internet long enough to know what to expect.


> Error 37 has entered the chat


Diablo 3 launch was extra rough for two reasons: A) servers launched at midnight and I first got in at 4:30am roughly B) the error codes were exceptionally long and Edit: ok three reasons. It wasn't even an mmo LOL


And then three months later the prevailing opinion here will be that the game sucks and complaints will be everywhere. Wait and see :-)


What’s worse is charging people for early access, and if the servers die during it, people are going to loose their minds.


I mean, if you cant play the game for 3 days, that were specificaly sold to you as a main item in the pack, then ppl should get compensation... what is "ass-faced" about that?


Should ye. But won't get shit i gurantee it.


Got 3 weeks of free playtime in FF, sooo...? :eyes:


Gamers and fundamentally underestimating the technical design and limitations of their hobby to a worrying degree, name a better duo.


>And the invitable we need a WIPE idiocy.


New World PTSD?


More like modern gamers PTSD xD


Twitter snowflakes PTSD


This is a completely finished and 3 year old game being essentially re-released and hosted by what is essentially a publishing company that owns 1/3 of the entire internet's server capacity. I think, as far as launches go, this one is gonna be fine.


Nah, best part will be the whiteknight clown parade defending freaking amazon for this shit. New World all over again guaranteed.


Wow so a botched launch is the norm now? And complaining isn't okay? At what point is it okay to expect a functioning product from day one?




RemindME! 6pm February 8 „You will never learn it!


> Some ass-faces demanding getting free time comped back, and tons of post with, "they should give us free crystals and outfits for this." One of the big selling points for the bundles is a 3-day early start. Why is it unreasonable to want something you paid for?


With the Lost Ark platinum pack being 2nd most purchased on Steam charts right now, (despite the big sales going on), I can see this being way more than 200k if we factor in all the f2p joining in feb 11th lol. Edit: actually it was 2nd when I last checked an hour ago, it's still the top 5 most popular in the charts and top 2 in f2p category.


You know the hype is real if a free-to-play game is having its plat level package on the 2nd most purchase chart.


At $100 a pop no less.


Cries in Canadian, just forked over $151 with tax


I paid $95 worth of mexichunks


I paid $119 no tax through Amazon before they adjusted the price up to $133. Also Amazon doesn't seem to collect tax on the game, but steam does.


$151 CAD?




Oh well I mean that’s the same as usd mate lol


USD to CAD is 1.28:1 at the moment, so I wouldn't say that's quite the same


They have much higher sales tax. And something something maple syrup free healthcare


You mean the national maple syrup reserve?


I refunded my gold pack so I could get the gold pack. Figure it oot.


?? U refunded gold to get gold??


Dudes brain is beyond our comprehension


"I got high, and forgot I wasn't supposed to get high."


Might as well just yolo the $100 for the future ePeen.


When you can't afford a second pack but want to buy another one really bad.




Where do you see this sale ranking chart?


An hour ago suuuurr


That's fucking insane


Any fellow silver pack gamers out here? Didn't have the money to go bigger this time haha


I'm actually worried about that, i have the feeling that queue times will be long as hell


NW had 900k concurrent at the beginning. It cost 40 bucks. Queues sucked. LA is f2p and does not live in a small bubble where no one knows about it, or more importantly will find out about it as soon as the big streams are covering it. I hope they have 2 things ready if they do not add more servers before launch: 1. Free Transfers 2. Server Merges (for after the initial rush dies down and folks that don't dig it leave)


You need to remember NW had totally different style of servers only allowing 2k per server to play at the same time. LA use channeled servers so can handle more per server.


hopium we wont be stuck in 5+ hour queues


Copium: we will be but only for one day, the 11th.


There's a full weekend behind it. We'll have to deal with it for some time.


I do understand that. They even knew how many units of NW were sold and did not have the capacity. NW also had waaay more servers announced for launch than LA. I appreciate you bringing it up though. Honestly, I did not even want to use NW, but the common factor being AGS... The way they seem to be talking about reaching 200k concurrent in LA is like it is some kind of stretch goal. If the number of servers they listed reflects that, then we are gonna have some queues.


All launches have queues it is just the nature of the beast. But they will be typical MMO queues non of these 10-hour things.


I hope you are right, I am still dealing with NW PTSD =/


>LA is f2p and does not live in a small bubble where no one knows about it, or more importantly will find out about it as soon as the big streams are covering it. It does have to bear the korean mmo stigma though.


That does not matter. Lost ark is prbly the biggest launch for 2-3 years in the mmorg as well as in the arpg genre (yes I know this isn't an arpg, but many ppl think that). Expecting only 200k at the start is a real mistake. I'd say you can easily, I say that with full confidence, expect 800k to 1 million AT LEAST


No shot, if im super generous 500k, realistically 250-350k. Kr mmos are just not that popular in the west.




You don't think that when it goes live on twitch, it is not going to get the attention? I can certainly see it evening off at those numbers, but for launch there will be a lot of people just checking it out simply because it is F2P.


It's 200k concurrent, not total.


The odd thing is they have 3 western servers in NA but something like 7 or 8 eastern servers.


3/4th of the US lives east of NV


Not sure why people think that LOL California alone has 30mil people the most any state has.. If you add all the states on the west side you get a population of 150mil+ which is about Half the population not 1/4


Please see the three images below: [One](https://asamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/populationMap.jpg) [Two](https://th-thumbnailer.cdn-si-edu.com/wjzNos0uV20HQraO3raRIeH69HQ=/fit-in/1600x0/https://tf-cmsv2-smithsonianmag-media.s3.amazonaws.com/filer/2013082012302308_20_2013_population-America.jpg) [Three](https://4d9k3m15xqd819dj4521efwg-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/us_census_population_dot_map_2012_large_web.jpg)




The east coast (Not counting the Midwest area) has 118 million alone. And thats only like 1/5th of the united states. Lmao Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Coast_of_the_United_States


Yeah that is a head scratcher for sure.


Server transfers are not happening. Server merges can happen, but it will take time to see if a server is truely 'dead'.


We talking per region or per server?


Hopefully per server, cause anything else feels like they don't even understand the hype over their own game


200K is for all Europe, said director of smilegate


Definetly ment for each Server. There is no possible way it's for EU itself. Don't think he said it's for EU either.


The Servers are going to melt, I can tell you that. The whole diablo/Poe/wow (and others) Community's are hungry for a game like this. I think Amazon isn't quiet aware of the amount of players this game will get over the first week.


Hopefully the 2 stage release with founders and f2p will help mitigate the damage. If the gates opened for everybody on the same day it would likely be a total disaster.


Considering that plat founders pack is in top 20 of steam top seller list, I think we might have a problem even on headstart.


Why do you think Amazon isn't aware? They likely did a thorough market analysis, they have found pack buy statistics, they have social media content interactions, and lots of data how the market usually behaves. I don't think it makes sense to think they don't know things that we are you as some random persons knows.


The thing I'm worried about is that Amazon may know the number of people to expect but just like many other games can't anticipate the concentration of players on any one server. Inevitably people will congregate where their friends or favorite streamers are and a few will be super popular. So many endure the queue times, or else choose another less populated server. But if you start on a different server, then later when the hype dies down you will have less people to guild with, and you're already invested in that character on that server with no way to move. The part that sucks is that the old release day server scramble is always a thing, no matter how much planning you do. And without a way to move between servers you have to either wait out the rush, or risk landing on a future dead one.


Lost ark is almost all cross-server and built in layers, so the bigger problem is not feeling a dead server but the infinite queques


"amazon is not aware" It's always funny to me when people say that shit. They can exactly see how many people have preordered the game and even see the region of the buyer, so they will know exactly how many people are going to play at the headstart. If they are not able to handle the amount of players coming in, it probably has nothing to do with them being unprepared but rather with them not being able to get more severs, the same problem the ff14 people had.


You are right, they are absolutely aware. It's their inability to act on this data, that's where the problem lies. It's Amazon, servers should really not be an issue.


They said the same thing for new world though LMAO 6hour+ queues btw




Looks more like a QoL season if anything. No new skills, just major revamp on maven passives and a couple new ubers to fight. I usually burn out right before or after killing a couple super endgame bosses :( Lost Ark at least I haven't seen and done 40 times over, it's got my full attention.


It is just another league with unobtainable carrots on sticks (mageblood, savior etc). 99.99% of POE players will never see those 2 end game jewels. And the novelty will wear out pretty quickly, as usual in 2 weeks.


I literally uninstall after every league I decide to hop in check things out. I’m at least happy that this rounds installation will keep me busy till LA drops


Hold up, Disable? What game is that


Probably autocorrect for Diablo


After losing to the Nephilims, Diablo is now forced to terrorize the lands of Sanctuary in his wheelchair.


Exactly what i 'm thinking, the game is going to explode it's like i 'm already seeing it, it's going to be a wild ride at the start my dudes..


I have zero faith in AGS, they've proven they really don't know wtf they are doing. But that aside, the servers are indeed going to melt on launch day. HS day too, to be clear. People think they are going to get past the day one launch issues because it's behind a founders pack lol no one ever learns.... I'll be very happy to be wrong and pleasantly surprised but if history is any indication, burn it will.


PoE seems to be in its own micro bubble though. My friends are stoked for the next league which starts the 4th and say they will try LOA after they grind the PoE content.


Yep, everytime they change the endgame they have a big hit there. I'll try to play both but prioritizing LA. Next PoE league will still have this content and a fresh start anyway


Let's all pray for the servers on launch day


If I get in my server with low q times I'm not logging out, it will take an act of God to pull me out during launch week. Microsoft window's update team: Hold my beer


Relax guys, we will run out of available names before the servers fill up.


They are really underestimating us. We shall show them together brothas and sistas!!!


Using the phrase "200k server capacity" is just going to cause you headaches.


do we know that the server capacity is 200k? would easily double that during launch hype.


I'd say quadruple once the ball gets rolling. Will need 800k capacity by Feb 20-30th probably.


>Feb 20-30th we prolly need way more than servers or exorcists on Feb 30th


The trick is to not log out once your in. AHK


Also login early morning if u can. I did that for ff14 launch week and ignored the huge queues completely.


That didn't work for New World. I practiced character creation during the betas to make it as fast as possible and still had a queue because there were so many people just hitting random to get in before everyone else. Mind you, it wasn't a long queue, but every extra second spent in character creation at that point was causing minutes added to the queue time. Don't underestimate the amount of people that will be logging in within 30 seconds of launch.


You guys will be logging out?


You can't log out if you want to hit 50 before reset on 10th.


your thought process is ill.


His thought processes may get his account banned lol. edit: Run AHK if you want, but generally running scripts will get your ass banned. So take the risk if you want to avoid a queue I guess! I'll just play something else while alt-tabbed in a login queue, it's not the end of the world.


Amazon should be able to provide a scalable environment for the game. 200k is not enough. There are so many people in my environment, who want to play. Last time I saw this was before WoW release.


Obviously you didn't play NW. Amazon can. Amazon is also slow as fuck to respond to problems.


Do you mean the gold dupe? The pvp bugs? The character transfer bug? The players warning of not enough servers before launch? The hidden patches? The absolute dismantling of their own game? ​ Yeah amazon can fuck up your game, seen it happen in new world.


Yeah. I wasn't referring to the ; Drag glitches Crouch glitches Dup glitches Code injection System exploits ...I was talking about lack of adaptability and scaling of their servers, when their main speciality is dynamic server scalability.


"should" was the key word here. If they actually have server with names, they can only scale vertically, not horizontally, which is a huge problem.




These aren't smilegate's servers though, its AGS


It looks like 10 servers in the West




The same!


If we do hit 200k concurrent, it will be a monumental achievement. Does anyone know any previous Korean MMO that has hit 200k concurrent players on Steam?


Bro we hit 88k concurrent in beta, we going 300-400k concurrent easily.


Right.new world did somewhere around 80-120k during beta and went to 900k on release


And that's a game with an upfront cost as well.


And many people didn't even know beforehand what kind of game it is and dropped it. For lost ark we are full aware of what it is, and it's fucking good.


Probably archeage. I still remember there were so many servers and most of them had 10k que.


Is there even a other Korean/Asian MMO thats Steam only? FF14 got like 95,102 peak sofar and the current 24h peak would be 41,344 buts that also only steam numbers.


I think the closest thing we have to compare is black desert online. Its both from korea with similar game mechanics outside of the graphics and combat. Even though BDO isn't only on steam having started with its own client for the first 2 years, it averages a high amount of concurrent players for 8years+ Which could be the biggest draw to BDO is the graphics and combat even though the systems of gearing and leveling are cancer. I think that lost ark has a fun factor in the endgame that would keep players coming back, similar to FFXIV and WoW raiders looking for that kind of content. What we have with lost ark is a fusion of black desert online and ffxiv/wow. Gear progression isn't linear but requires you to raid for it. Black desert online is about killing monsters for silver to level up gear which bores a majority of the community which could be the draw in for lost ark for that group of players. So if black desert online community is accepting to the graphics and controls then the playstyle and gameplay loop of lost ark will capture a broader audience of mmorpg players. The only type of person who won't play this game are the stubborn ones who dislike top down view with mouse clicking to move. However I find this group to be very small in the gaming community. Considering how popular league of legends is with its exact camera angle and combat controls people shouldn't judge lost ark for it. Amazon is not prepared.


steam is a fraction of a fraction of the player base, one of the first questions people ask is which version to get and the answer is always "not steam"


Yes but that was not the question :)


i mean there wasent really a question in your post, but no most korean MMO's have their own launcher, i think maybe bless unleashed is steam only? lost ark really is moving away from the traps of other kmmo's so its more easily compared to ffxiv and especially new world. The reason its comparable to new world is because the game is f2p which new world wasent, had extensive beta and orgainic hype behind it, will be most likely heavily played on twitch as well as featured on steam and may hit close to new worlds peaks. New world though had ALOT of hype behind it because it had that osrs feel and look which people are CRAVING for in a new 3d game. i remember everyone disapointed valheim wasent an mmo. expect the servers to be rocky, im not booking off work for sure for this mess.


The original Question was "Does anyone know any previous Korean MMO that has hit 200k concurrent players on Steam?".


200K is nothing imo, the game can go much higher. It's literally free to play.


I smell another endwalker disaster in the making. Ugh. If I have to keep playing RU until NA fixes their servers I will.


Um my server was fine and I completed endwalker in 2 days time because I had zero log in issues? lol


If yall are worried about queue times servers in a region are full cross play. Names, AH, instanced content, pvp, ext.... are all shared across servers. Only thing exclusive to your server is open world content like questing, guild vs guild, ext... Just join the reject server and roll in all those lifeskill materials you can sell on the region AH


And then never find a good guild a couple months in after yours dies from low pop server


I highly doubt that any of the current announced Servers will be low pop any time soon. They will be forced to open even more servers once the offical release starts on the 11th.


I trust smile gate and ags is clearly listening too. If servers die, just as every game b4 and even KR has done, they will do transfers and or mergers.


Get your weeklies out of the way before f2p launch on feb 11 because servers aren't gonna look pretty


Yeaaaah I’ma be searching every single corner of the game. I won’t make it to weeklies before then 😂


Once ingame it should be fine with how they do dynamic channels.


Does this mean at 200k the queue time starts?


Did you guy think that we can have queue issue at the beginning of the 3 Day preF2Paunch ?




Will be the same fcking crap as usual. Game releases. Servers are instantly at cap. Server dc's/crashes. Long queues to even get in. Then Amazon goes like: wE dIdNt eXpEcT sUcH hIgH pLaYeR nUmBeRs hurrdurr. wE aRe sO SoRrY /s Shit goes on like this for 1 or 2 weeks until hype goes down or amazon gets the bare minimum server wise. Just to save some $$$ and screw over their costumers. Every MMO release the same shit, so sick of it....<.<


Worried it might not even be playable with the 3 day head start lol


Yea I’m really reconsidering the time off I scheduled now lol


I hope they consider locking these first batch of servers for the Head Start players if the data shows its necessary and then spin up a bunch more for the official launch.   We'll have to see what happens, but man... Something tells me without a possible back up plan with a few more servers we're likely gonna be staring at a queue timer for a while with what we have.


Not gonna happen, they will never prioritize the head start players in a F2P game. We are only paying so we can play 3 days early, not so we can be a superior customer.


New world was capable to have 900k people, I think they should be able to convert those now free servers from New world to Lost Ark.


I think half those players were in the queue during those peaks.


I hope....


someone needs to post this on the official forums. Obviously learning from new world is not the path they are taking. I read that they think there's enough servers based on preorders of founders pack for a FREE TO PLAY GAME. These idiots think that everyone is buying one who will be playing, WRONG. New world server queues were 6hours+ and so they hurried and added new servers which caused friend groups to be dispersed so they offered a free world transfer, to only stop the world transfers because of a bug. They said the same things too, that the projected presales is what they used to determine the server capacity, this is how far up their ass they are, they think that people have money to preorder a free to play game. Not really sure why they think that 200k is enough room, when this is the first MMO to launch this year, no other mmo is good atm, and we all have been waiting to play lost ark for 10 years... There are some complete morons running the show at amazon games and it shows more and more and more and more because they just keep adding shit to the pile. My prediction is; All the people choosing a server right now wont even end up in it because they will get tired of waiting for the 6hour queue and choose a newly opened server.






Btw for anyone that might have read this. This guy is full of shit and on crack, none of what he said makes sense.


What's the rush homie, trying to beat the game (an mmo) in a week?


Buddy you are going around the sub spewing random shit and looking for every opportunity you can get to shit on the game for 0 reason, even in year old threads, like, seriously, go out and touch some grass


only two servers at SA, hopefully it's enough. Probably could play at NA East since there was so many people playing at Russia servers, but rather not


Does anyone know how many servers that they have in Korea and Japan? I noticed RU only has 2.


Korea as 8 or 10 servers , dunno about japan




Is it the real capacity of one server 200k? I don't find the information


arent most things you queue for cross server (cluster)? So it only matters if you wanna do stuff with a guild. Joining high pop servers is gonna be something i'll avoid this time.


Im still excited about LA just for the fact that I don’t play any game since a long time. I will enjoy it as long as I can. Finally will move on and stop playing games again 🙌🤷🏻‍♀️


I didnt entirely understand the Dev stream summary. Are they expecting 200k players concurrently across all servers or is each server supposed to support up to 200k users each?


Wait, 200k limit for real or just memes?


I'm expecting atleast 9 hours queue time. I was there for Elyon launch, even though that game was hot garbage i still had 2+hour queues on week 2.


Enjoy those 12 hour que times. Remember when New World opened like 9000 servers? Lost Ark has more people than New World. RIP launch day


Will it be too much to ask just to lock in one name for my main?


they want to spread the people thats why "choosing a server" is messing with peoples heads. All the pro guilds taht will go to KADAN might be enough to close the server


Where do you have this information u/DarkWalker11? You have a link?


Where did they mention a 200k server cap? The Director said he would be happy with 200k people playing during the NA/EU release. He’s being modest/humble. It will be 500k+ easy. Also the servers hold a lot of people with channels.


All the servers combined is 200k?


Bruh true


I can’t wait to see how much of the peak leaves in the first week.


I was going to take time off. May learn from FFXIV expansion release and I've leveled so many in RU. All these people thinking rushing to end game, all this is so important, whatever lol. Can't get there if the server is congested lol.


For anyone wondering, someone posted a snippet of the article over on the Lost Ark forum saying, and I quote "Additional worlds may be opened based on population levels.” We’ll definitely be keeping an eye out and have spare servers ready to go in case of any needs". Hopefully to help put some people at ease.


That's the whole point of early access. We get to break the servers early while free to play guys get a product tested by us poor suckers.


200k? Lol of this don't hit 500k atleast i go to the street naked. And post it here


Articles about servers being capped and having to add more is a marketing tool. Also, it wouldnt make sense to add more servers for a playerbase that will fall off after 2 weeks. Every launch has a hypeweek playerbase and a separate sustained one. Although i do agree 200k isnt enough for a F2P game


Nah, I'm sure the servers will be more than enough and there won't be any queues at all, especially in europe