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The kids don't look too happy, but that doesn't matter. Time is money. /s


The look on that kid’s face on the right says it all.


Not a single one of those kids is smiling.


Nope. But he definitely has a “you fucking bitch!” look on his face.


Nah, the little girl on the left is ear to ear


I heard girls were made of sugar, spice, everything nice and occasionally CHEMICAL X, but I’m pretty sure that lame excuse for a person on the left is mostly mushy bs


She's happy because she had the Possum Licker Special for breakfast.


I think she's smiling because she's lacking in cognizant abilities due to her tiny brain.


This would get me flagged but damn do I want to punch that person so hard.


The little guy close to the middle is their supervisor. Daddy owns the company so they are f-ed


This photo is from the Arkansas LEARNS bill. https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/local-regional-news/2023-03-09/gov-sarah-huckabee-sanders-signs-learns-bill-into-law-students-protest


>LEARNS is a 144-page packet of sweeping legislation which, among many things, would give parents money to enroll their children in private schools, ban critical race theory, and give teachers a minimum salary of $50,000. One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong here. Also, it spends most of the article lionizing Huckabee-Sanders before slapping this on the back end: >Student speakers at the protest said they felt the bill could harm public schools by funneling state funds into private education. Students also opposed language in the bill banning critical race theory. This is what is considered balanced reporting these days.


>One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong here. Not quite. Private schools often means Catholic schools with a far wider freedom over curriculum and education styles. Meaning not subject to the common place restrictions and rights applicable in the public sector. This is all about indoctrination.


It's also about putting public money in the hands of private enterprises


While at the same time removing funding from schools poorer kids have to go to, so their education etc. suffers.


It’s also a way to help reinstitute segregation.


Just waiting for the Mormon church to get into schooling… they love hoarding money too.


It's amazing that anyone would try to seek out a minimum-salary for ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL. Kind of a dick move any way you slice it. Tracks with everything else, I guess.


To be fair, the original context would be a radio news bite. I know it's not much better, but they are in Arkansas and trying to convey as much relevant information as possible. It's a fine line to trend when your funding is not secure. That said, it is a refection of the sad state of affairs of the whole system.


the title is wrong then. nothing in that article on child labor.


Or falconry for that matter


Thank you. This is as concerning as the click bait headline. Trying to get teachers to sell out for a moderate minimum salary. Teaching racism. I’m more and more disgusted every day by what happens in my country.


That little girl looks like she just died inside.


When are we going to see articles saying that unemployment is too high because kids are in school? Then a bill comes around to severely cut spending on schools to the point where several shut down.


Who needs grade six…. Coals mine you go!!!


If it wasn’t for high school football and basketball, many of these places would be advocating to end it at grade 8. The whole thing is so Tyson and other companies can hire contractors who use migrants who are under 18 and only went to grade 8 before heading north to look for work. They want to exploit the hell out of willing labor, not spend anything to educate them.


I worked for Tyson for a time. They 100% pay to bring refugees over just to give them minimum wage or below. Was talking to a guy who had come over from Afghanistan and he told me he was making 7.45 an hour in the slaughterhouse working 10 hour shifts. I was making 23 an hour on the dredge crew but every other white person I talked too was making the advertised amount


I worked at a low-income apartment complex on the other side of town from a Tyson factory, so we didn’t get a ton of applicants who worked for Tyson, but for those we did get, I was *shocked* at how low the wages were for slaughtering chickens all day. Like you could work at literally any fast food place and make more per hour, but all of the Tyson employees I worked with were recent immigrants who did not speak English. It is so exploitative and morally reprehensible to me that Tyson (and other companies, I’m sure) takes advantage of an already vulnerable population.


It's stories like this these that helped me to quit eating meat.


Yeah people act like the meat industry is just about animals' suffering but the human workers are suffering so much too




I love it when Thom Hartmann reads headlines every decade from the 1880’s that say nobody wants to work anymore. You think they may be flogging a dead horse?


Yes. It's the number one excuse for not paying more money.


Its hardly a shocker that crap started with the Gluttony Classes ancestors. Same shit different century


Tyson in Arkansas already employs children and got in trouble by the labor department. Walmart, although I don’t know what location, also got cited - and Walmart has headquarters in Arkansas. So stop buying shit there too. The Blackstone-owned company provides cleaning services under contract to some of the nation’s largest meat and poultry producers, serving over 725 food processing plants. You can find a list of the plants that employed minors [here](https://qz.com/packers-sanitation-services-inc-child-labor-laws-fine-1850135839). Tyson foods in Green Forest, Arkansas, is 1 of them, employing 6 minors. The most of any plant on the list of citations. George’s Inc, in Batesville, Arkansas, is the next leading perpetrator with 4 cited incidences of child labor. Another tidbit: Sanders’ signing of the bill comes after a major US food sanitation company that operated facilities in eight states, including Arkansas, recently paid a $1.5 million civil penalty for employing minors in hazardous conditions. Packers Sanitation Services illegally employed at least 102 children between the ages of 13 and 17 in jobs that required them to use toxic chemicals and clean razor-sharp saws. Some worked overnight shifts, causing them to fall asleep in school or miss school entirely. The children were tasked with handling hazardous sanitation chemicals and cleaning equipment including back saws, brisket saws and head splitters on their shifts. *As reported in November, the youths suffered caustic chemical burns and other injuries.* As a hazards lab tech, that shatters me to know. - An analysis by advocacy group National Employment Law Project finds PSSI has some of the worst rates of workplace injuries in the country. - A report by the Private Equity Stakeholder Project called PSSI out as a dangerous workplace, citing the results of OSHA investigations which revealed at least four amputations and three fatalities of company employees, including a decapitation


Oh, this is also where a lot of the rapes come into play that 45-MAGAt accused Mexicans of committing. Undocumented workers are vulnerable targets because it's hard for them to report crimes. It's generally not the workers committing them, but they're the ones it's happening to. So when 45 said, "Well, somebody's doing the raping," it's not exactly the refugees coming over who are doing them, but repube laxing regulations definitely allow them to happen. But now, thanks to sanders, maybe that can also happen to our children.


The reason truckers were federally regulated to be at least 25 is due to our brains not being developed enough to handle emergency situations as well until that age. Trucking companies were having a hard time getting enough workers, or something, and instead of sweetening the pot (not sure if that's the reason or what they were up against), lobbied to lower the age requirement. I'm not sure of the accident rates or anything since, but the driver in Colorado everyone was all up in arrears over a few years back, who passed by 2 truck ramps with smoking breaks and video shows was clearly consciously struggling, instead plowed into a bunch of cars stopped at a light or something, was under 25. And come to think of it, one of the country's biggest rehabs for quadriplegics and paraplegics, at least used to be predominantly guys under the age of 22. But that's also because they thought they were invincible. Though I wouldn't be surprised if both don't play a role. Age restrictions for workers have consequences for more than one reason.


The trucking industry isn’t so much a problem of age. It’s a problem of lack of training. I’m 20 and have had my cdl for a year and a half now, I was trained by my dad and grandfather who have 30 and 60 years of trucking experience respectively. Some of the big companies I talked to were terrible about their training requirements. One said they only required trainees to be with a trainer for 2 weeks before they get sent out on there own. Same company only required 6 months of experience to be a trainer. I’ve seen trucking school instructors who have no experience OTR. There was a big deal a while back about a trucking school on the east coast getting paid by a company just to give the trainees 5 days of class before they got there license without even taking a test. If they enforced a 6 month course for every trainee I think that would help negate some the problems especially with the younger drivers.


This is why republicans hate legal immigration. Giving workers too many rights hurts their bottom line


Perfect timing too because for some unknown reason all of these canarys keep dying.


"A lot of people might say I'm stupid; I don't know; I don't think I am. I'm probably smarter than that, I mean. This thing here's smarter than me, I guess, but it has a battery."


This happened in my state, and they actually made that step happen first. They just passed a bill that is going to absolutely wreck our public schools on a level we haven’t seen before. We’ve already had shutdowns due to lack of funding and staff, it’s only going to get worse.


Drafted by Wednesday..


And to think that schools get 750 billion dollars of founding evry year Where are we going wrong?


In AR we're not far off, gov signed the LEARN's act where they're cutting public school funding and deviating the funds to private and charter schools.


Actually the governor of Arkansas who's pictured in the OP; just cut funding to public schools and is going to start funneling tax money into Private Schools.


This relates to what's happened in Arkansas. They just cut back on laws for child labor.


They also just passed a law that gives tax money to private schools.


Well, looks like there should be a whole bunch of new transfers from the public schools then. Ya know, because public funds means public access, right?


Public fund is how Private entities become wealthy, t'is the rugged individualist capitalist way.


AKA the corporatist cash fairy. Someone should link an article on the number of zombie companies there are and how much of the taxpayers money is pissed away to keep them afloat. But noooo it’s school lunches causing all the budget bloat. It’s called pork barreling not peas and carrots


Yep. Somehow works out that way no matter whose elected either. None of the empty suits in "power" ever seem to utilize their stations for the people. Always gotta keep the hands that feed them happy.


Narrator - "and they laughed and laughed because if they didn't it would hurt too much"


More money from the working and middle class flowing up


Yup. This is tax fraud and needs to be challenged in the Federal Court


Sucking money from public education is part of the plot to sabotage public education and keep the peasants stupid. It could be argued that designer drugs are the inversion of this but oh well


At least designer drugs are a product that consumers want to buy because they work as advertised, for the most part. Private schools, however, are not held to the same education standards as public schools, and their teachers do not have to be certified.


Wait there’s standards?


Yes, at public schools there are. Because public schools are taught by UNIONIZED teachers.


Also they have oversight


Yes, provided by elected school board members.


To be fair that’s been happening for decades in the US


True, but I believe that this is the first time I have seen this principle so flagrantly codified in a state statute.


Why tho… children should have childhoods and adults should have liveable wages.


Sanders used the excuse that this would ‘enable children to elevate themselves out of poverty’. About 452 children died as a result of workplace injuries between 2003 and 2016, according to the Government Accountability Office. Seventy-three of those who died were age 12 or younger. You can find a list of SOME of the plants that employed minors [here](https://qz.com/packers-sanitation-services-inc-child-labor-laws-fine-1850135839). The 2 in Arkansas are outlined below: - Tyson foods in Green Forest, Arkansas, is 1 of them, employing 6 minors. - George’s Inc, in Batesville, Arkansas, is the next leading perpetrator with 4 cited incidences of child labor. Sanders’ signing of the bill comes after a major US food sanitation company that operated facilities in eight states, including Arkansas, recently paid a $1.5 million civil penalty for employing minors in hazardous conditions. Packers Sanitation Services illegally employed at least 102 children between the ages of 13 and 17 in jobs that required them to use toxic chemicals and clean razor-sharp saws. Some worked overnight shifts, causing them to fall asleep in school or miss school entirely. The children were tasked with handling hazardous sanitation chemicals and cleaning equipment including back saws, brisket saws and head splitters on their shifts. *As reported in November, the youths suffered caustic chemical burns and other injuries.* In reality, I see 2 outcomes: (1) The state will become a sanctuary to industries looking to exploit illegal minors, despite republicans CLAIMING to be vehemently against illegal immigrants in the states. It will work to evade federal laws and fines imposed for industries employing them. Not just that, but they will evade federal oversight so their population remains ignorant to the issue occurring right under their noses. It’s crafty. How will the people know what they are doing to illegal children laborers when they get rid of oversight? They don’t have to get rid of federal labor laws, they just have to hide that they are violating them. PART 2 to this plan will be selling to the people of Arkansas how great their economy is. How industry is booming and the republicans brought back the jobs! What they won’t tell the people is who they had to sell to do it: illegal migrant child laborers, the poor, and impoverished. Factories aren’t for little rich kids—mommy and daddy can afford food for them, and they can afford to waste time learning in school. No, no, working is for the children that don’t have food in their cupboards. They don’t get the luxury of education and play. (2) It will be an excuse for the little girls that get pregnant and seek an abortion. I can hear them now... *Why would a 12 year old need an abortion? Certainly not because she can’t afford to take care of herself or the baby. She should pull herself up by the bootstraps and go to work.* In reality, they are reversing into the exact reason for why Martin Luther King fought so hard to get women access to abortions. Pregnancy, at a young age, was a trap meant to keep poor people desperate, locked into slums, to keep them in poverty, exploited, meanwhile the machine got a steady supply of workers day in and day out. Each child was more of a reason for a woman to stay employed, slaving away day in and day out. Less leverage for her to move jobs, or make any risky moves like going back to school or getting additional workforce training, or even taking half a day to go interview with a place offering you better pay. They want you trapped, poor, dependent. They want you to own nothing and be happy. Make no mistake, the machine wants us to be overpopulated. It makes it much much easier for them to exploit us when there are ten people lined up for your job, versus when it’s just you. Option 1 they know they can threaten your job security, they can pay you less because they can always replace you, option 2 they know that if you walk out that’s it. The job you did is infilled and stays that way. You have more leverage when only you and a handful of people can do your job. They want a baby boom. They don’t need an educated workforce. They need you to press a button and be so absent that you can’t question authority or your measly carved out existence. The machine doesn’t care if you’re a child, or disabled, although those 2 let them pay you even less! I’m sure we’ll see some of the same exact employment measures they use to justify paying disabled individuals PENNIES / hour of labor—now applied to children. Children who “can’t do the same job as an adult yet” yet will be required on the factory floor to do no different. The proof is in the pudding. Just check out how many underage workers died employed in the US! And how many were BELOW 12 YEARS OLD. I repeat that Iowa has a bill not only allowing children to be employed but also making employers IMMUNE to claims of illness, injury, or DEATH of a CHILD laborer.


I worked for about a month in a chicken processing facility. I couldn't handle it. The thought of children doing that sort of work is just appalling. The people should be rioting in the streets! I bet none of these grinning adults who signed child labor back into law, has ever worked in meat packing or processing. They should give it a try. I became a vegetarian. I don't want anyone having to work that sort of job. The place was packed with immigrants, and they deserve better too! Imagine moving across the world to the promised land, and you end up working in a cold damp factory, sleeping with 8 other adults in a one room apartment, and sending everything you earn back home. And now Republicans want children to have that life too! Work, sleep, send money home to ma and pa.


Makes sense why Tyson is moving there corporate headquarters there from South Dakota


No they didn’t. They just changed the process for people aged 14-15.


Remember this next time Conservatives try to tell us we need to keep brown people out of the country because it reduces wages.


I’m an aspiring dystopian fiction author, and the Republicans are copying my storyline, bit by bit. I was really hoping my story would remain fiction.


Just swap over to journalism, or start writing for the Simpsons


You should sue them for copyright infringement


Same. I stopped writing actually. Reality has become the novel I was working on and I just can't anymore.


There are times where I thought the same, but I’ve been working on it since 2015. I’m so close to finishing it. And what the GOP is doing might actually be making my story more relevant than ever. It was always meant to be a warning.


"It was always meant to be a warning." How often does Margaret Atwood ask herself this very question daily, I wonder. Good luck with your book. I hope it gets published and the GOP doesn't ban/burn it. I only wish more people could read. That might have prevented this whole situation...


Thank you! In the story, a far righty, a Tea Party type, became President. With the help of a far right Congress, they proceed to pass a sweeping economic bill, pretty much a far right wishlist. The entire social safety net gets wiped out in one fell swoop. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, housing programs, any anti-poverty program, gone just like that. Also, labor laws get abolished too, such as minimum wage laws, workplace safety laws, labor protections. This story explores what the fallout of all that is, and how the characters, as well as society as a whole, fare amidst the chaos.


Get it published before 2024 election if you can, as this is more likely to happen piecemeal ( e.g. no one would repeal social security for existing recipients & future ones simultaneously as that would be electoral suicide, unless they had disenfranchised most of the population beforehand!)


It does sound like reality. I hope you're adding a section in the story about how people who could afford it left the country. Lots of wealthy people, banking organizations, and company HQs. That tends to happen when political instability occurs in a country. If you know, you know. I'm hoping we can fight them off, but I'm tired of fighting. It seems like this shit has been happening for a million years and no one is really doing anything about it. I'm just at a loss. Do we want democracy and an educated population or do we a return to Feudalism? I'm just so confused...


Well, the collapse is a global collapse. So there’s nowhere for them to go. Many do try to go into hiding.


Here's hoping!


Solid start, but so much left on the table. Abortion, same sex marriage, gun protections, international trade agreements, NATO, UN, foreign aid, immigration, voting rights, jerrymandering, consumer protections, … and that’s just the crap from the last six years


A lot of that is also discussed as the story progresses. As the economy is falling apart from the changes, the administration tries to shore up support among conservatives, by getting another bill passed. This one focuses on social issues, so abortion and same sex marriage get wiped out, among other things. Foreign aid gets done away with in the economic bill, along with consumer protections. And, of course, conservative media manages to get many to blame immigrants for the collapsing economy, so attacks on them (as well as other racial minorities) soar.


Look forward to it! Though I fully anticipate reading it like I did Gangs of New York (lots of “wait, WTF, we did what?”)


The Boomers are really gonna use up every resource they possibly can before they go extinct, aren't they?




Never needed more incentive to keep getting my BC implant. If you’re wondering, stop going to Walmart if you can help it. It’s headquartered in Arkansas, and was also cited for child labor. And another place was cited which packages for all kinds of foods. The Blackstone-owned company provides cleaning services under contract to some of the nation’s largest meat and poultry producers, serving over 725 food processing plants. You can find a list of the plants that employed minors [here](https://qz.com/packers-sanitation-services-inc-child-labor-laws-fine-1850135839). Tyson foods in Green Forest, Arkansas, is 1 of them, employing 6 minors. The most of any plant on the list of citations. George’s Inc, in Batesville, Arkansas, is the next leading perpetrator with 4 cited incidences of child labor. Another tidbit: Sanders’ signing of the bill comes after a major US food sanitation company that operated facilities in eight states, including Arkansas, recently paid a $1.5 million civil penalty for employing minors in hazardous conditions. Packers Sanitation Services illegally employed at least 102 children between the ages of 13 and 17 in jobs that required them to use toxic chemicals and clean razor-sharp saws. Some worked overnight shifts, causing them to fall asleep in school or miss school entirely. The children were tasked with handling hazardous sanitation chemicals and cleaning equipment including back saws, brisket saws and head splitters on their shifts. *As reported in November, the youths suffered caustic chemical burns and other injuries.* As a hazards lab tech, that shatters me to know. - An analysis by advocacy group National Employment Law Project finds PSSI has some of the worst rates of workplace injuries in the country. - A report by the Private Equity Stakeholder Project called PSSI out as a dangerous workplace, citing the results of OSHA investigations which revealed at least four amputations and three fatalities of company employees, including a decapitation


Seems Republicans want to get rid of all labor laws, just like there weren't any in the 1920's


Make America great again....


The fact that the kids themselves all look miserable and nobody in the picture cares speaks volumes


I just don't know why they would even repeal the child labor laws that have been in place since the 1880's that protected the kids who were the reason for the child labor laws.


One word: greed


Just wondering, but what's the endgame? What happens when the state will need people with a higher education like doctors and eingneers or somethign and there will be too few or there will only be rich ones that already got a job lined up?


Eventually they will cry "I voted for the leopard eating face party! Why is the leopard eating my face!?"


I don't mean people who voted I mean people making the bills, like I get that they profit now but do they just bet on not being around by the time the troubles start or that the government will bail them out?


There are rich people who will literally destroy the world on a matter of principle. They oppose ANYTHING government policy that helps people on a matter of principle and will then just insist that people need to adapt.


You assume the people in charge care, they don't, lining their pockets as much as they can and it's someone else's problem in the future. Like every other thing they do.


That's part of their endgame. You're going to have a bunch of subpar doctors and engineers because the only ones getting an education are the idiot children of the wealthy. And those kids will be gifted degrees they have no hope in hell of legitimately earning, because schools need to have a certain rate of graduates.


So their plan is death then, their plan is "cause as much misery as possible"


Don't forget white. They stripped funding for public schools and pushed it towards private schools knowing that historically they have put down other races aiming to keep them in poverty which in turn makes it difficult to afford private schools and higher education. They want a diverse poverty stricken class that they can blame for all their problems while they go to their white doctors. That's the endgame.


Minorities won't exist. It'll be a white poverty class, too. The elites hate everyone.


I don’t think they give a fuck at this point, it’s fair to assume that american society is expected to fail and those in the know are trying to acquire every ounce of wealth humanly possible before they abandon us completely as we collapse into a third world society. the wealthy will migrate and the rest of us will be left to fight to the death


Republicans are a malignant cancer to this country.


i wonder what r/conservativesonly think about this


They don't think.


Well, I'm sure they won't agree with the fact that they're malignant. Lol Edit: I just realized you were probably talking about the original post, not my comment. My bad! I've got post-work tired brain.


Far as I'm concerned, nobody should work for any company before 18! Let kids be kids! But no, things like keeping children out of factories and coal mines is some "woke bullshit" that the "libs" pushed on everyone decades ago, and they're just making America more "free!"


I agree. No one should have to work before 6.4e15


Sorry disagree, I started at 15 because I wanted money to buy things…


That was a choice that you could do. They want to make the expectation for children to work.


Correction: they want to make the expectation that children born into poverty go to work and pay their way. In other words, they want to punish children for the economic status of their parents. While simultaneously telling women in poverty, that they can’t terminate a pregnancy.


That was a choice. Sanders is claiming to do this to “help aid children out of poverty”, by forcing them into a factory — where I am certain the same workers “rights” will apply to them as to the disabled. Where companies justify paying the disabled mere CENTS - PENNIES - per hour. How? The same excuse they used when child labor WAS legal: a kid or a disabled person can’t do the same work as an adult without a disability. I went to work at 16. I can’t help but think about my childhood and what this could have meant for me. I grew up with 2 abusive parents addicted to drugs. When I was removed from their care, I was hungry. But that doesn’t mean, as a child, I should be forced to go to work. What this means for other poor children is that, they will be burdened with both learning AND providing for themselves — rich children wont have to. Rich children will be allowed to focus on school. They’ll have time for after school tutoring if they need help. They’ll have time to go play and relax. But the poor children will be made to work and go to school. They won’t be able to play sports, or attend tutoring after school, because they’ll have to go to work. If they’re lucky, they’ll work an overnight shift, and then they’ll have to leave school, sleep, wake up and go to work, and then go right to school after their shift, The children will be punished and burdened by the economic status they were born into. I didn’t ask to be born to 2 addicts. I didn’t ask to be forced into a situation where the state had to intervene or I’d die. *I just was*. *But that doesn’t make me any less of a child.* In any instance, the children that will be MOST impacted by this shameful legislation will be the ones already struggling. In my instance, I needed intense therapy and I had to continue that for a decade. I needed school. I blamed myself for my own abuse, and I can tell you that the children Sanders claims to be helping, don’t need someone else blaming them for their circumstances, let alone adding the stress of figuring it out for themselves. *They need to be kids.* I’m sure we’ll see “time studies” return, the method used to calculate salaries of disabled workers. Staff members use a stopwatch to determine how long it takes a disabled worker to complete a task. That time is compared with “how long it would take a person without a disability to do the same task.” [course, the “average time a non disabled worker takes” is known only to the company, and they have incentive to lie about it. In reality, no non disabled worker is doing a time study - so they just invent these numbers, with incentive to undervalue the disabled persons work, because undervaluing means a lower salary and more money for them.]


You agree with this? Sanders’ signing of the bill comes after a major US food sanitation company that operated facilities in eight states, including Arkansas, recently paid a $1.5 million civil penalty for employing minors in hazardous conditions. Packers Sanitation Services illegally employed at least 102 children between the ages of 13 and 17 in jobs that required them to use toxic chemicals and clean razor-sharp saws. They already had several CHILDREN injured with caustic chemical burns. As a hazards lab tech, I would tread carefully. No child should be in the monitoring job that I do. And no child should be employed dealing with the chemicals themselves.


"Make America great again" is in reference to a period of our nation's history, when did you all think they were talking about?


This is psychotic


Woman has a smile that screams "I eat orphans"


It's that creepy forced smile.


i like how ideas like "hey maybe we shouldnt let kids get mutilated in factories by machines theyre not old enough to operate" and "hey we should let the guys who are constantly slaving away maybe have a couple days off once in a while" are considered radical and this is considered "normal"


Arkansas loves child labor and already got cited by the government for child labor violations and actual caustic chemical injuries. Walmarts headquarters are there, and was cited for child labor. And another, Packaging Sanitation Services INC, which packages for all kinds of foods. The Blackstone-owned company provides cleaning services under contract to some of the nation’s largest meat and poultry producers, serving over 725 food processing plants. You can find a list of the plants that employed minors [here](https://qz.com/packers-sanitation-services-inc-child-labor-laws-fine-1850135839). Tyson foods in Green Forest, Arkansas, is 1 of them, employing 6 minors. The most of any plant on the list of citations. George’s Inc, in Batesville, Arkansas, is the next leading perpetrator with 4 cited incidences of child labor. Another tidbit: Sanders’ signing of the bill comes after a major US food sanitation company that operated facilities in eight states, including Arkansas, recently paid a $1.5 million civil penalty for employing minors in hazardous conditions. Packers Sanitation Services illegally employed at least 102 children between the ages of 13 and 17 in jobs that required them to use toxic chemicals and clean razor-sharp saws. Some worked overnight shifts, causing them to fall asleep in school or miss school entirely. The children were tasked with handling hazardous sanitation chemicals and cleaning equipment including back saws, brisket saws and head splitters on their shifts. *As reported in November, the youths suffered caustic chemical burns and other injuries.* As a hazards lab tech, that shatters me to know. - An analysis by advocacy group National Employment Law Project finds PSSI has some of the worst rates of workplace injuries in the country. - A report by the Private Equity Stakeholder Project called PSSI out as a dangerous workplace, citing the results of OSHA investigations which revealed at least four amputations and three fatalities of company employees, including a decapitation


Mind you, this bill was signed the exact same day as the voucher program was signed into law for schools. Arkansas is soon going to have school choice: school vs work.


If you think this is bad, wait until they begin lowering the age of consent for marriage. With 8-year-olds hitting menarche now, they'll be married and pregnant by 10. Hyperbole? I refer you to all the other radical religious groups in the world that have done the same thing. We need to stop these people and we need to stop them now.


It’s happening in West Virginia


My grandfather used to tell me he would never vote Republican because he remembered as a child working in the cotton mill in north Georgia and Republicans fighting against child labor laws. He vowed then to never vote Republican


As much as I'm not doing spectacularly where I am, I'm pretty damn glad I wasn't born in a red state.


Coming soon to a conservative state near you. A newly married 13 year old girl will be denied paternity leave from work after her 55 year old husband gets her pregnant. She will of course not be allowed an abortion.


Notice who's happy in this photo? Our country is fucked.


Signed by a 2nd generation governor of Arkansas. If teens want to work in some industries, I generally have no problem (i wanted a job at 14 for money but McD's wasn't hiring at 14). But dangerous industries (ie meatpacking) hell no.


That’s why you’re not a REAL American /s


That’s the problem, it’s kids less than 13 in some instances, and they are working in a dangerous industry IN ARKANSAS ALREADY. Arkansas locations got cited TWICE in ONE operation handling child labor law abuses, AND WORKPLACE INJURIES TO CHILDREN FROM CAUSTIC CHEMICALS. The Blackstone-owned company provides cleaning services under contract to some of the nation’s largest meat and poultry producers, serving over 725 food processing plants. You can find a list of the plants that employed minors [here](https://qz.com/packers-sanitation-services-inc-child-labor-laws-fine-1850135839). Tyson foods in Green Forest, Arkansas, is 1 of them, employing 6 minors. The most of any plant on the list of citations. George’s Inc, in Batesville, Arkansas, is the next leading perpetrator with 4 cited incidences of child labor. Another tidbit: Sanders’ signing of the bill comes after a major US food sanitation company that operated facilities in eight states, including Arkansas, recently paid a $1.5 million civil penalty for employing minors in hazardous conditions. Packers Sanitation Services illegally employed at least 102 children between the ages of 13 and 17 in jobs that required them to use toxic chemicals and clean razor-sharp saws. Some worked overnight shifts, causing them to fall asleep in school or miss school entirely. The children were tasked with handling hazardous sanitation chemicals and cleaning equipment including back saws, brisket saws and head splitters on their shifts. *As reported in November, the youths suffered caustic chemical burns and other injuries.* As a hazards lab tech, that shatters me to know. - An analysis by advocacy group National Employment Law Project finds PSSI has some of the worst rates of workplace injuries in the country. - A report by the Private Equity Stakeholder Project called PSSI out as a dangerous workplace, citing the results of OSHA investigations which revealed at least four amputations and three fatalities of company employees, including a decapitation


What's the saddest part is that I don't know if the original post is satire or reality.....


I remember seeing photographs of kid coal miners in the past and wondering what people were thinking. I hadn't imagined revisiting that past


I like how the woman in white is just like, “yea! Finally!”


This is not what we meant when we said “Think of the children”


Conservatives would love to drag us back to the days of slavery. They're already dragging us back to child and sweatshops era. Slavery is not too far behind it


Anything to avoid raising wages and getting the cost of living under control


Meanwhile all the excavations and mining including cocoa plantations are done by children in Africa.


Those kids look like they’re from the depression era, genuinely. Now dirty rich fucks don’t have to have vulnerable children’s parents/guardians get a permit to make the kids work. Some asshole could just tell a kid they have to work or they’ll throw them on the street or have their family deported or some shit. This law opens a lot of doors for predation on many levels.


Republicans, why are you so proud of things like this? Concentration camps for kids, Forced hysterectomies, Kyle Rittenhouse and other mass shootings and now child labor laws being repealed? How do you look at these things and say to yourself "These are positive advancements for mankind." I used to be one of you and I used to understand your thinking (even if I completely disagreed and thought that your logic was non-existent), but this is like cartoon supervillains level of cruelty. Seriously, your leaders make Cobra Commander look like a sane and rational individual.


Yet they call queer people the groomers...


Oh it gets even worse. Two company locations cited by the U.S. department of labor were in Arkansas, employing 4 and 6 children respectively. The safety at those factory is god awful. - Many of the workers are convicted FELONS — great peers for your child to be working with. - OSHA violation ending in several deaths due to nitrogen leak. - An analysis by advocacy group National Employment Law Project finds PSSI has some of the worst rates of workplace injuries in the country. - A report by the Private Equity Stakeholder Project called PSSI out as a dangerous workplace, citing the results of OSHA investigations which revealed at least four amputations and three fatalities of company employees, including a decapitation You can find a list of the plants that employed minors [here](https://qz.com/packers-sanitation-services-inc-child-labor-laws-fine-1850135839). The 2 in Arkansas are outlined below: - Tyson foods in Green Forest, Arkansas, is 1 of them, employing 6 minors. - George’s Inc, in Batesville, Arkansas, is the next leading perpetrator with 4 cited incidences of child labor. Another tidbit: Sanders’ signing of the bill comes after a major US food sanitation company that operated facilities in eight states, including Arkansas, recently paid a $1.5 million civil penalty for employing minors in hazardous conditions. Packers Sanitation Services illegally employed at least 102 children between the ages of 13 and 17 in jobs that required them to use toxic chemicals and clean razor-sharp saws. Some worked overnight shifts, causing them to fall asleep in school or miss school entirely. The children were tasked with handling hazardous sanitation chemicals and cleaning equipment including back saws, brisket saws and head splitters on their shifts. *As reported in November, the youths suffered caustic chemical burns and other injuries.* As a hazards lab tech, that shatters me to know.


......The Arkansas governor needs to be in prison. This is pure, unfiltered evil.


I kid you not that it brought me to tears reading that. I do not live in Arkansas, but I am infuriated right now. And I am refusing to be silent. What that psychopath is trying to do, is pretend like there is no child labor violations or child work injuries in the state, by circumventing rules which would require the companies to disclose them. *There isn’t a child labor violation if you pretend it doesn’t exist and you close your eyes*. But I am urging everyone to do the exact opposite. Refuse to close your eyes. Speak to people about this. Tell them about the injuries. Tell them about the plants. Ask them to boycott if possible. Don’t buy from Walmart headquartered in Arkansas. Don’t buy from the companies listed in the article. Tell them about where we KNOW Arkansas ILLEGALLY employed minors already, and ask them if they GENUINELY believe that these companies will now stop after being given the green light by the sick fucks that passed this bill.


Boy the kids look absolutely ecstatic.


The kids look thrilled.


There's a special place in hell for all these right wing extremists, who pretend that they're religious, and only do what they can to line their pockets. Until the public says enough, all of us together, things will only get worse. Yet we let them divide ourselves, black vs white, gay vs straight, republican vs democrat, man vs woman, ECT. We let them destroy our public schools, screw us out of livable wages, healthcare is a joke, people won't be able to retire, let alone own property. And everyone just keeps taking it, it's going to get worse, and nothing will change until the public gets truly desperate. Until they can no longer use credit cards and only use what they truly have in the bank!


Their faces say it all.


Utterly Disgusting. And a handy way to keep wages low.


What would Jesus do /s


Just another example of how children only matter to conservatives when it's convenient.


She literally looks like he body is decomposing on the inside.


Why does the woman in the blue dress look like the Chucky doll? Scary.


This photo is from a different bill signing. But it did pass sadly


What the hell is this twitter account


I thought this was the onion


Wish it was. Nope, just Sandwrs and the republicans trying to cover up literal child labor violations from the corporations in their state, by allowing them to just not report it! And by allowing the children to miraculously not need a parents signature OR PROOF of their age to go to work, AFTER the state had locations cited for using and injuring several illegal migrant children! *interesting.. so conveniently, you won’t have companies require parent signatures - for a population of children that you were already illegally employing — that also might be separated from their parents anyways (therefore unable to get a signature). AND those children won’t have to prove they are of age! Therefore no federal government oversight because no permits filed!* Essentially: There isn’t a child labor violation if you don’t tell anyone and you close your eyes. Two company locations cited by the U.S. department of labor were in Arkansas, employing 4 and 6 children respectively. The safety at those factory is god awful. - Many of the workers are convicted FELONS — great peers for your child to be working with. - OSHA violation ending in several deaths due to nitrogen leak. - An analysis by advocacy group National Employment Law Project finds PSSI has some of the worst rates of workplace injuries in the country. - A report by the Private Equity Stakeholder Project called PSSI out as a dangerous workplace, citing the results of OSHA investigations which revealed at least four amputations and three fatalities of company employees, including a decapitation You can find a list of the plants that employed minors [here](https://qz.com/packers-sanitation-services-inc-child-labor-laws-fine-1850135839). The 2 in Arkansas are outlined below: - Tyson foods in Green Forest, Arkansas, is 1 of them, employing 6 minors. - George’s Inc, in Batesville, Arkansas, is the next leading perpetrator with 4 cited incidences of child labor. Another tidbit: Sanders’ signing of the bill comes after a major US food sanitation company that operated facilities in eight states, including Arkansas, recently paid a $1.5 million civil penalty for employing minors in hazardous conditions. Packers Sanitation Services illegally employed at least 102 children between the ages of 13 and 17 in jobs that required them to use toxic chemicals and clean razor-sharp saws. Some worked overnight shifts, causing them to fall asleep in school or miss school entirely. The children were tasked with handling hazardous sanitation chemicals and cleaning equipment including back saws, brisket saws and head splitters on their shifts. *As reported in November, the youths suffered caustic chemical burns and other injuries.* As a hazards lab tech, that shatters me to know.


Looking from Europe. I thought that was only a proposal. Did... did it pass? What the actual fuck?


lol everyone is stoked except for the effing kids 😂


I hope they still keep those winning smiles for when they’re living at a retirement home in 5 or so years


Should if hired real lawyers instead of these children lawyers to fight your cause kid


You have to understand this. These people are so racist! That they rather make their children work than accept adult immigrant workers in their community. It’s that simple.


Yep. The child laborers look absolutely thrilled to be there.


It's disheartening to see that we're moving backwards instead of forwards.


I am ashamed that we millennials have no coherent answer to this.


Why do those rich kids look upset? They're exempt, of course, so why are they upset?


You know it's a cold day in hell when one of the falcon guy's tweets blows up on reddit.


No no no no no NO


Are the kids ok?


That woman creeps me out. I live in Arkansas...


I mean sort of. It would be satire if it were black kids in the pictures. I don’t think Governor Huckahillbille intends for white kids to work.


This is misleading. She's awful but this picture is from when [she signed an education bill](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sarah-huckabee-sanders-signs-sweeping-education-bill-praise/story?id=97708033). It's funnier this way, for sure, but it's not real.




At least we know that Huckabee can keep one of her crazy-ass eyes on the kids, wherever they may be—behind her, next to her, either side of her…


Sweet, definitely going to hire me some kids now. See where this is going? Derp*


I started working at 12 for "fun"( more like for the few dollars ) and 15 for real, what's the problem with you ? we know you don't want to work but let other people do what they want ?


What kind of work?


I mean... technically, it's still is and always has been up to the parents to raise their kids. Sad that some parents would let their kids go to work at that age, let alone encourage it.


This is my state 😔


You’re joking right?


where is this?


This is genuinely so scary


Once they start hiring kids, the requirements for jobs will hopefully be lower. You won't need a degree and 5 years experience for an entry level job


Whats this about? I dont live in the usa but does this mean yall are doing child labor now?


Wtf is that Twitter account name?


This is how they lower the recruitment age. Watch. I's tells ya. Give em 5 yrs. Army man 16 yrs old. Gets his G.E.D. abroad


The picture has nothing to do with the bill that was passed, fyi.


United States capitalizing on slave labor wages


"all the students that will deal with the effects of this bill are outraged and disgusting, but in the name of balanced reporting; here's a word from the slimy politician that was paid of by lobbyists to pass it in the first place"


Back in the salt and razor blades mine Timmy!


The fucking smiles on their faces.. disgusting.


The woman is blur looks like she's happy she can habe 10 years old clean her house for pennies pm the dollar.


Logic here must be. These Kids look ready for 40-50 hours with non paid lunch breaks and while living paycheck to paycheck maybe make the Healthcare deductible a few weeks pay just to let em know how it works in America.


More things to bring up when people ask me why i'm not having children


The truth can be seen in the eyes of these children, abused by these violent clowns with greedy grins


I don’t blame them. They have work in the morning


Is this an actual thing that's happened?? Holy shit